Trump supporters: What do you think of this information?

So it's a witch hunt. Thanks for playing.
If you actually believe that all the Republican officeholders and all the Trump regime insiders who have testified before the congressional committee are complicit in some sort of "witch hunt," what is your evidence to support it?
You mean Trump haters?
If you need to pretend that all the Republican officeholders and all the Trump regime insiders who gave sworn testimony before the congressional committee are driven by an animus for the Cry Baby Loser, why had so many of them supported, voted for, and worked for him by their own admission?
If you actually believe that all the Republican officeholders and all the Trump regime insiders who have testified before the congressional committee are complicit in some sort of "witch hunt," what is your evidence to support it?
why do you keep mentioning republicans if there isn't any evidence of anything? You keep repeating it, what is it these folks did?
If you actually believe that all the Republican officeholders and all the Trump regime insiders who have testified before the congressional committee are complicit in some sort of "witch hunt," what is your evidence to support it?
Testifying in response to a subpoena has nothing to do with it.
Look up the term "witch hunt" or have an adult explain it to you.
If you need to pretend that all the Republican officeholders and all the Trump regime insiders who gave sworn testimony before the congressional committee are driven by an animus for the Cry Baby Loser, why had so many of them supported, voted for, and worked for him by their own admission?
sworn testimony of what?
sworn testimony of what?
He lunged for the wheel.
download (1).png
Look up the term "witch hunt" or have an adult explain it to you.
[ˈwiCH ˌhənt]

  1. a search for and subsequent persecution of a supposed witch.
    • informal
      a campaign directed against a person or group holding unorthodox or unpopular views.
What did the Cry Baby Loser do for three hours while his goons attacked greatly-outnumbered police at the Capitol?
"Mac, I don't care".


"FCT". I have no answers to your questions or push-back on your assertions"

Got it.

This inquisition drama is playing to emotions. And destroying the confidence in the Congress and the Dem party. It's 3rd party hearsay with no representation of sanity or common sense and staffed by certified ALREADY DISCREDITED assholes. THINK they are the law, judge, and jury. NO access to transcripts of private testimony. NO DEFENSE for lives ruined and people slimed. It's the LOWEST POINT of morals and ethics for the US Congress in my lifetime.

People STILL sitting in a jail that everyone AGREES should have been condemned years ago with NO TRIAL and charges being adding or modified monthly. THREE SUICIDES amongst the inmates and the indicted and COUNTING.

But you're OK -- you're gonna follow another NEW cult with that has no REAL stated positions and WALK from those disasters. FORWARD march.
Pretty much every Trump hater in this discussion.
Then you should have no problem pointing out a few examples.

Who exactly has criticized Trump for his failure to stop the riots as opposed to his refusal to do anything to stop the riots?

As for Kamala Harris, I believe what you’re referring to is the posting of bail while waiting for the trial. Frankly, I’m not crazy about that entire process. I think it gives an unfair advantage to the wealthy who commit crimes. But they still have to go to trial.
One of YOUR defenses was that the system is overwhelmed by the large number of cases.

If that is the case, that implies that it is the WHOLE SYSTEM that is overwhelmed.

And you are utterly unconcerned.

It is clear that you don't care about human rights. It raises the question if you, and you libs, ever cared about human rights.
That would be your opinion. Not a fact.

I‘m just saying what was said in your own source. The system was overwhelmed and a mistake happened.

Every rare mistake isn’t a nefarious plot. The restaurant that over-charged me that one time probably just made a mistake.
That would be your opinion. Not a fact.

No, that's my conclusion. As I explained, based on your behavior. Which you do not challenge at all. Thus it stands.

I‘m just saying what was said in your own source. The system was overwhelmed and a mistake happened.

Except that was not a fact. That was a justification offered by the people that admitted that they had committed a crime.

I like that with me, everything is an "opinion" that you challenge, but with the prosecutors, who ADMITTED that they committed a crime, you accept their claims as facts, without question.

Very self serving of you, when the only people paying a price, is your enemies.

Every rare mistake isn’t a nefarious plot. The restaurant that over-charged me that one time probably just made a mistake.

Even if it was an honest mistake, which is not established, if the system is overwhelmed, as they claimed, that raises the possibility of other "mistakes" that could be made.

After all, it was not claimed that cause of the "mistake" was something limited to this case, but a problem that all the cases would have.

Yet, you dismiss and ridicule the idea that closer scrutiny should be paid....

HOw odd.

Clearly, you don't give a damn about the human rights of these people. You only care about human rights, when it gives you an excuse to attack or smear your enemies.

When it is your ENEMIES, that are having or potentially having their rights violated, you are completely unconcerned.

I don't know what you were doing then. Probably posting ignorant garbage here in hopes that someone will pay attention to you.
I understand your not being able to honestly deal with the Cry Baby Loser pleasuring himself for hours as he ignored the desperate pleas by advisers, family, media cheerleaders, and others to call his goons off.
Then you should have no problem pointing out a few examples.

Um, no.

Who exactly has criticized Trump for his failure to stop the riots as opposed to his refusal to do anything to stop the riots?

The fuck are you talking about? That's kind of like saying "Who exactly has criticized the Nazis for trying to kill all the Jews as opposed to trying to commit genocide against them?"
As for Kamala Harris, I believe what you’re referring to is the posting of bail while waiting for the trial.

Yes, that's what bail is for.

Don't fool yourself into thinking she wanted the "poor" amongst the rioters to have a fair shake. This was nothing short of a statement saying she supported the rioters and their free speech rights.

I'll never forget what Obama said when asked by a foreign reporter at a world summit in Europe back in 2006 during the Ferguson riots what he would tell the protesters. Keep in mind that BLM was rampaging through the streets looting, burning, destroying property and assaulting white people. His answer?, "Keep doing what you're doing."

Democrats never had a problem with violence in riots as long as the core protests were a cause they agreed with. Some even think it's justified, calling it "reparations".
I understand your not being able to honestly deal with the Cry Baby Loser pleasuring himself for hours as he ignored the desperate pleas by advisers, family, media cheerleaders, and others to call his goons off.
Change your tampon, bitch.
I asked if you saw anything immoral about Trump’s behavior. You said you suppose so. Now you’re saying you’re not using that word.

Which is it?

Let me make something clear here: you're never going to get what you need from me. I've said I did not support the riot and I think Trump should have done something to stop it. That's as far as I'm willing to go. I will not throw the word "immoral" around like Democrats do with the word "racism" or "racist". That just ain't happening.

Got it?

You know, in spite of the fact that I am unhappy with the events of Jan 6, this event did not just happen ex nihilo. This was a result of four years of witch hunts against a sitting, duly elected president. Because Democrats dogged his every step and every word during that time and tried twice to impeach him on bogus allegations, he and many of his supporters suspected that Democrats would try to steal the election long before the election happened.

None of this is to say the election was in fact stolen, but to convey to you the pent up anger and frustration many conservatives felt. The Democrats in Congress at that time were shameless and relentless. It was clear even to me, a moderate, that they would stop at nothing to get Trump out of office, including trumped up allegations based on hearsay.

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