Trump supporters: What do you think of this information?

If you need to pretend that all the Republican officeholders and all the Trump regime insiders who gave sworn testimony before the congressional committee are driven by an animus for the Cry Baby Loser, why had so many of them supported, voted for, and worked for him by their own admission?
You need to realize most of them work in government as a career and jump from admin to admin.....ala the swamp.
Um, no.

The fuck are you talking about? That's kind of like saying "Who exactly has criticized the Nazis for trying to kill all the Jews as opposed to trying to commit genocide against them?"
Me: Who exactly is criticizing him specifically for his failure to stop the riot as opposed to the other stuff I just mentioned?

You: Pretty much every Trump hater in this discussion.

Yet you can’t provide a single example of this? Weird.
Let me make something clear here: you're never going to get what you need from me. I've said I did not support the riot and I think Trump should have done something to stop it. That's as far as I'm willing to go. I will not throw the word "immoral" around like Democrats do with the word "racism" or "racist". That just ain't happening.

Got it?
So you were just kidding when you said you suppose so in response to me asking you if Trump‘s behavior was immoral.

Do you think you’re being clear when you flip-flop like this? Very confusing.
I'll never forget what Obama said when asked by a foreign reporter at a world summit in Europe back in 2006 during the Ferguson riots what he would tell the protesters. Keep in mind that BLM was rampaging through the streets looting, burning, destroying property and assaulting white people. His answer?, "Keep doing what you're doing."
Was that in response to peaceful protest or violent rioters? I’m going to need a link of yours to back this one up.
You know, in spite of the fact that I am unhappy with the events of Jan 6, this event did not just happen ex nihilo. This was a result of four years of witch hunts against a sitting, duly elected president. Because Democrats dogged his every step and every word during that time and tried twice to impeach him on bogus allegations, he and many of his supporters suspected that Democrats would try to steal the election long before the election happened.

None of this is to say the election was in fact stolen, but to convey to you the pent up anger and frustration many conservatives felt. The Democrats in Congress at that time were shameless and relentless. It was clear even to me, a moderate, that they would stop at nothing to get Trump out of office, including trumped up allegations based on hearsay.
You could make a similar argument for the George Floyd rioters. Anger that had built up for decades of people feeling like they’re not being treated equally. Not sure what your point is. Neither side is justified in rioting. And it’s still immoral for a political leader to support those violent rioters.
You need to realize most of them work in government as a career and jump from admin to admin.....ala the swamp.
You need to realize that Trump bum kissers need to lash out at anyone and everyone who spills the beans on the Cry Baby Loser.
So you were just kidding when you said you suppose so in response to me asking you if Trump‘s behavior was immoral.

Do you think you’re being clear when you flip-flop like this? Very confusing.
After having already told you numerous times what I thought about the riot and Trump's actions, do you think I care?

This whole thing has been an exercise in "It's your fault the boogeyman was elected and I'm holier than thou" on your part, nothing more.
You could make a similar argument for the George Floyd rioters. Anger that had built up for decades of people feeling like they’re not being treated equally. Not sure what your point is. Neither side is justified in rioting. And it’s still immoral for a political leader to support those violent rioters.

So then Obama was being immoral too, even before Trump was. Is that what you're saying?
A single example of what? It's gibberish.
Are you not following the conversation?

A single example of someone who is criticizing him specifically for his failure to stop the riot as opposed to the other stuff I just mentioned.

You claimed that pretty much every Trump hater in this discussion has done this and NOW you’re arguing that it’s gibberish. Make up your mind.
After having already told you numerous times what I thought about the riot and Trump's actions, do you think I care?

This whole thing has been an exercise in "It's your fault the boogeyman was elected and I'm holier than thou" on your part, nothing more.
I don’t expect you to care that you’re being inconsistent regarding whether Trump was acting immoral.
I just told you it was the Ferguson riots which any idiot knows got violent.

Jesus Christ, do I have to draw pictures for you?
A link would suffice. You know, like I said the first time. You’re getting awfully defensive when I’m asking you to support your claim. Why is that?

The Ferguson riots included peaceful protesters and violent rioters. I sincerely doubt that Obama was expressing approval of the latter, hence why I’m asking you to support your claim.

I’d appreciate it if you supported your claim this time. Or you can refuse to do so and stomp your feet, and I’ll just conclude that you can’t justify your claim. That‘s cool too.

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