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Trump supporters- What do you think of your boy now?

You really are a moron....the clinton's siezed control of the democrat party apparatus and everyone in that party knew she was running for President......and as we saw with the sand bagging of Bernie Sanders, their control was complete....so foreign governments were signing up early to get in with the next President of the U.S....if anyone was a manchurian candidate it was hilary.......who was bought and paid for long before entering office......

You are a moron....you are delusional...

You morons never quit being morons, do ya?

She first announced forming a presidential exploratory committee in 2007 -- years after the money from Frank Giustra started pouring into the Clinton Foundation ... and again, the president alone does not approve such deals. The nine members of CFIUS first analyze them and have to approve them. And again, Frank Giustra divested himself of Uranium one in 2007. He had nothing to do with the Rosatom deal in 2010.

You morons are actually stupid enough to claim a guy who was not a Russian and who had no part of Uranium One in 2010, paid Hillary $145 million while she was a Senator with no influence over the Uranium One deal which the Canadian investor had no interest in, do sign off on approval on a deal which she didn't personally approve.

Do ya see now why normal folks laugh at conservatives like the clown y'all are?

Really, lil faun
You really are a moron....the clinton's siezed control of the democrat party apparatus and everyone in that party knew she was running for President......and as we saw with the sand bagging of Bernie Sanders, their control was complete....so foreign governments were signing up early to get in with the next President of the U.S....if anyone was a manchurian candidate it was hilary.......who was bought and paid for long before entering office......

You are a moron....you are delusional...

You morons never quit being morons, do ya?

She first announced forming a presidential exploratory committee in 2007 -- years after the money from Frank Giustra started pouring into the Clinton Foundation ... and again, the president alone does not approve such deals. The nine members of CFIUS first analyze them and have to approve them. And again, Frank Giustra divested himself of Uranium one in 2007. He had nothing to do with the Rosatom deal in 2010.

You morons are actually stupid enough to claim a guy who was not a Russian and who had no part of Uranium One in 2010, paid Hillary $145 million while she was a Senator with no influence over the Uranium One deal which the Canadian investor had no interest in, do sign off on approval on a deal which she didn't personally approve.

Do ya see now why normal folks laugh at conservatives like the clown y'all are?

Really, lil faun? Leftards are "normal"? As normally disgusting? Normally stupid? Normally corrupt? Normally perverted? Normally liars like yourself?? You think that if you sling enough bullshit and circle the wagons around the leftard commie filth those of your ilk swoon over? Low I.Q, needy losers need "gubermint" to provide for them and all the commie filth like that queer Barrypuppet, bull-dyke Hildebeast, et al is blind obedience and loyalty. Yeah, your kind is a fucking cancer that is going to be eradicated or at least put in remission.

Why is William Campbell's story of how the barrypuppet regime and the Hildebeast had more than ample proof going back to 2009 to nix the deal....you know, the one that you claimed was in the works long before the Hildebeast could have any say? The money rolled in, Bill "drop trou" gets a cool 500K to speak in Russia...you know, that dastardly enemy and foe of leftards and their DEEEE-MOOOOCK-racy!"??? 37 pages that the gatekeepers aka the "F.B.I" will not release? I mean seriously, given the sterling reputation of this deep state tool, Americans should just trust their judgement, right, idiot??

Dennis Cain, whistleblower provided documented proof to the House and Senate intelligence committee concerning
corruption, criminal activity and cover-up to protect Hildebeast and the Barrypuppet admin concerning the sale of Uranium One. Surprise, surprise! Sixteen armed FBI thugs raided and tossed Cain's house. Gotta make sure that Cain gave them every piece of evidence before the materials that Cain gave a way to some powerless "dog and pony" show committees before they will safe about burying this as well. Campbell and Cain better be careful as they are now liabilities.You, of course, would defend those traitorous sacks of shit with your last dying breath.

FBI’s 37 secret pages of memos about Russia, Clintons and Uranium One
Sadly, you’re beyond any help. Not even meds can help you at this point. Like you trying to make it sound like Bill Clinton was bribed with a $500K speaking engagement, when in reality, he often made that much for s single speech. Sometimes more...
  1. 2003 -- Japan, $500,000 Sakura Asset Management (Japanese finance corporation) (A note: This speech was canceled, but the fee went to Clinton’s presidential library foundation);

  2. 2008 -- California, $500,000, Power Within (life coach Anthony Robbins’ brand);

  3. 2010 -- Russia, $500,000, Renaissance Capital(Russian finance corporation);

  4. 2010 -- United Arab Emirates, $500,000, Novo Nordisk (Danish pharmaceutical company);

  5. 2011 -- Nigeria, $700,000, THISDAY (newspaper);

  6. 2011 -- Austria, $500,000, Center for Global Dialogue and Cooperation(Austrian nongovernmental organization);

  7. 2011 -- Netherlands, $600,000, Achmea(Dutch finance corporation);

  8. 2011 -- China, $550,000, Huatuo CEO Forum(business conference);

  9. 2011 -- United Arab Emirates, $500,000, Abu Dhabi Global Environmental Data Initiative(international environmental information organization);

  10. 2011 -- Hong Kong, $750,000, Ericsson(Swedish multinational communications technology company);

  11. 2012 -- Nigeria, $700,000, THISDAY (newspaper);

  12. 2012 -- Austria, $500,000, Center for Global Dialogue and Cooperation(Austrian nongovernmental organization);

  13. 2012 -- Italy, $500,000, Technogym(fitness equipment manufacturer).
Fact-checking 'Clinton Cash' author on claim about Bill Clinton's speaking fees

But haven't leftards declared the ROOSKIES as dangerous enemies of your "DEEE-MOCK-racy?"
Funny how Russia wasn't in the crosshairs of USA.INC and the globalists until they refused to turn over Crimea to them after the E.U/Soros faction backed coup in the Ukraine. Why was Bill "drop trou" being so chummy with him? Greasing another wheel to hasten the sale of Uranium One, perhaps??

OR? It must have been because Russia and Syria aligned together to stave off the CIA/Mossad/MI5/MI6 backed mercenaries known as ISIS or as Barrypuppet, Hildebeast and McCrumb referred to them as "freedom fighters".......LMAO!

Putin to Barrypuppet: Let us help you with your ISIS problem....

Barrypuppet: Oh, that's ok.....really.

Putin: I insist....


Dumbfuck, I posted actual journalism dismantling the nonsense your posting, piece by piece.

You counter that with an opinion piece which hysterically claims the FBI has 37 secret pages that the writer hasn’t seen, doesn’t know what they contain, and claims ”might” expose the Clinton’s deal with Uranium One.

You are so fucked in the head, you actually dismiss actual journalism without even watching it so you can more easily swallow that opinion piece which has nothing factual to corroborate any of it since it’s based on supposed secret documents.

You’re as crazy as they come, delusional dale. :cuckoo:

And still waiting for you to prove Hillary signed off on the deal.

Just like I’m still waiting for you to prove Warren “checked a box” at work that she’s a minority.

You made these ridiculous claims but then cower in fear like a scared little girl when called on them. Time to man up and start proving the bullshit you post.


"Campbell and Cain don't even exist, says lil faun!!!!!! Ignore them!!!!! Listen to meeeee!!!!!
Listen to Sheephard, "the cocksucking propaganda whore" Smith from Fox!!!! He is a journalist that investigated and researched this for minutes before he read from the teleprompter!!!!"

HOLY shit, lil faun, you keep lowering that bar of stupidity. You look away from the crookedness of the Hildebeast and the DNC and all their slimy swamp rats that cover for each other. Seriously, you couldn't be more of a sheep even if you were covered in wool and left little shit pellets behind ya. SMH......

Hildebeast approved of uranium deal: FACT

Multiple investors funneled at least 145 million dollars to the Hildebeast's slush fund cleverly disguised as a charitable foundation....that is ALSO a fact.

Eight agencies signed off on Uranium One but the State Department headed by the Hildebeast was the only agency to benefit monetarily with donations from multiple sources connected to the deal and that is ALSO a fact.

Funny how the FBI and other the letter alphabet agencies are doing such a thorough investigation of those associated with Trump going back a decade but didn't feel that any investigation into the major players of the deal and which country stood to gain control of it never crossed their minds???

I stand by the preponderance of the evidence that you are a blithering idiot.

Uranium One??
Of course Faun shows up to defend the deep state again.....she is what is wrong with America....and she proves it once again.....
To the ^^^ brain dead, ^^^ pointing out reality is defending deep state.


Lil faun SEZ? "I know reality when I see it! Poor Liz "Pocahontas" Warren sent me a "thank you" note for defending her against you brain dead deniers of her blood line!!!!"

That was a fucking CLASSIC, lil faun......you couldn't just let it go..... LOL!

The post that sent little faun running for cover on October 18th....

So, Pocahontas Warren alleges that her great, great, great grandmother was a full blooded Cherokee? and the blood tests to check for DNA weren't even that of the Cherokee tribe but an alleged facsimile thereof by testing (snicker) "DNA" samples from Mexico, Peru and Columbia because the Stanford "Professor" wasn't able to use native Cherokee DNA...so he ( BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)"IMPROVISED" and she is .09 to 1.5 (HOLY SHIT! You can't make this up!!!) "NATIVE AMERICAN!!!!!" and so much so that she could "check off" that box from 1986 to 1994 declaring herself a :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap: MINORITY!!!!!!!!!! Best case
scenario is that SIX generations ago to TEN generations ago, Pocahontas was the descendant many generations removed from a tryst in a tepee after the smoking of a peace pipe and the great hunt with a squaw??? Or was it a buck and a white woman from back in the mid to late 1700's????

OH WAIT! Pocahontas told the story that her parents had to elope because her father's family didn't want him to marry a woman that had Cherokee blood!!!!!!! Let's do the math, shall we? Pocahontas Warren is 69 years old so she was born roughly around 1949...and her "mother", she of the Cherokee bloodline 5 generations removed was born roughly around 1929? So, please, do tell, how in THE fuck did Pocahontas Warren's father's "blue blood" parents know that his bride to be was of Cherokee blood five FUCKING generations removed??????? There was no ancestry.com back in those days, no internet, not much of a wide reaching scope of intelligence agents (not even Pinkertons did that kind of shit of tracing "Indian" bloodlines...but HOLY shit!!! You swallowed Warren's bullshit story that constantly changed and at the end of the day doesn't even correspond with her wildest tales.....you are such my bitch now and you better mind your Ps & Qs around me going forward, dipshit.

You see? My great grandfather on my dad's side of the family WAS a full blooded Choctaw from the southern region of Mississippi and Alabama. My Paw-Paw was born in 1892 and his dad was born...oh who the fuck knows? They didn't have birth certificates and their way of keeping a calendar wasn't that of the white man. But the bottom line is that I am now part of the protected class, you white, racist piece of shit whose ancestors killed OUR bison and shoved US on reservations and I fucking want reparations and by reparations I don't mean a casino either, ya bastard. AND furthermore, if you don't bow down and humble yourself before me due to my lineage? Then you are a hypocritical sack of shit...I suspect that the P.C lib police will take away your leftard membership card....watch your step, dipshit.


Faun sez the white man killed all their women and raped all their buffalo.
I was slow out of the gate. I liked trump but mostly because I hated Hillary (though I have to say she hated me first). Trump was a hand grenade we could throw into that nest of vipers. Probably to little effect I assumed but worth a try.
But then he was elected and as he went to work..and the ruling elites went berserk...and I realized I was seeing the greatest President since Reagan. As we close in on his third year in office I am thinking he is going to be greater than Reagan. He is going to be one of the greatest Presidents in history...not just my lifetime.
Can he do what we asked him to do? I think so. its not like anyone should have thought they would give up power easily or quietly. These elites will go down kicking and screaming. To them a lifetime of anti-american work is in danger of going down the drain. Years of hiding in plain sight and worming their way into positions of power with no accountability and along comes Trump cleaning them out. They have appealed to foreign nations for help but thats nothing new. Ted Kennedy appealed to the Soviet Union for help against Reagan.
Reagan was great but he didn't realize what he faced and was satisfied playing by the old playbook. Synchronicity with today was the Reagan Thatcher coalition. Today's uprising is paired again with Britain as they voted to leave the EU and rejoin the ranks of nationhood just as we voted to regain our nationhood. And they face the same thing we do almost exactly on the same timeline. Almost two years after their vote they are still being hounded by leftists who refuse to bow to their vote as well.
America and Britain are the last best hope. All over the world people are trying to throw off globalists. Hungary and Austria and Poland..Croatia and Slovakia come to mind. If Britain and America fail they dont stand a chance.
Today I think Trump more vital than ever.

Though I don't care for Jackson's Native American policies, everyone back then thought the only good Indian was a dead Indian. The great part about Jackson was he was pretty much like Trump, offensive, new money, anti-establishment.

He did a lot of the same things.

And, he shook the system up when it needed it.

Andrew Jackson was the 19th century Donald Trump. You can see it in his fights against the Bank of the United States...and the bankers fighting back.
Trump supporters- What do you think of your boy now?
Have you checked your 401K?
How is the tax cut working for you? The debt is exploding.
How many true jobs have been created?
What happened to Mexico paying for the wall. Now we (you) are paying for the wall
What do you think of the continual turn over of cabinet and staff.
What do you think of all that has been exposed by the Russian investigation
Do you respect General Mattis? What do think of points in the resignation letter.
What do you think of Trump's treatment of Putin and Russia, the crown prince and Saudi Arabia.
How has the denuclearization of North Korea progressed.

And if Hillary were president everything would be perfect, right? The media would fall all over themselves praising her whilst ignoring/burying evidence of corruption and y’all who do nothing but bitch and whine would STILL live in a fantasyland, just a more tolerable one... do you know why that is? Because you’re brainwashed and selective about what and what not to believe based on preconceived biases LOL which is sheer insanity!

I’m thinking I will keep on laughing at TDS sufferers—wonderful source of entertainment.
I was slow out of the gate. I liked trump but mostly because I hated Hillary (though I have to say she hated me first). Trump was a hand grenade we could throw into that nest of vipers. Probably to little effect I assumed but worth a try.
But then he was elected and as he went to work..and the ruling elites went berserk...and I realized I was seeing the greatest President since Reagan. As we close in on his third year in office I am thinking he is going to be greater than Reagan. He is going to be one of the greatest Presidents in history...not just my lifetime.
Can he do what we asked him to do? I think so. its not like anyone should have thought they would give up power easily or quietly. These elites will go down kicking and screaming. To them a lifetime of anti-american work is in danger of going down the drain. Years of hiding in plain sight and worming their way into positions of power with no accountability and along comes Trump cleaning them out. They have appealed to foreign nations for help but thats nothing new. Ted Kennedy appealed to the Soviet Union for help against Reagan.
Reagan was great but he didn't realize what he faced and was satisfied playing by the old playbook. Synchronicity with today was the Reagan Thatcher coalition. Today's uprising is paired again with Britain as they voted to leave the EU and rejoin the ranks of nationhood just as we voted to regain our nationhood. And they face the same thing we do almost exactly on the same timeline. Almost two years after their vote they are still being hounded by leftists who refuse to bow to their vote as well.
America and Britain are the last best hope. All over the world people are trying to throw off globalists. Hungary and Austria and Poland..Croatia and Slovakia come to mind. If Britain and America fail they dont stand a chance.
Today I think Trump more vital than ever.

Though I don't care for Jackson's Native American policies, everyone back then thought the only good Indian was a dead Indian. The great part about Jackson was he was pretty much like Trump, offensive, new money, anti-establishment.

He did a lot of the same things.

And, he shook the system up when it needed it.

Andrew Jackson was the 19th century Donald Trump. You can see it in his fights against the Bank of the United States...and the bankers fighting back.
Not just that, but maybe also DIVINE PROVIDENCE?

How Divine Providence—and a Heavy Stick—Saved a President’s Life
How Divine Providence—and a Heavy Stick—Saved a President’s Life

". . . While Lawrence’s mind was found to be defective, his pistols were not. When the Smithsonian Institution conducted tests nearly a century later, both fired on the first try. Historians could only surmise that the dampness of the day had contributed to their misfiring, although the odds that both would misfire was estimated to be about 1 in 125,000. Jackson later credited divine providence with intervening on his behalf, although in the moment he seemed to have more faith in the intervention of a heavy stick.

It wasn’t the first time that Jackson had cheated death, of course. Nicknamed “Old Hickory” for his toughness in the War of 1812, he had vanquished innumerable attempts on his life, both internal and external.

As TIME reported in 1949, Old Hickory suffered from nearly every physical ailment imaginable: smallpox, osteomyelitis, malaria, dysentery, rheumatism, dropsy, “cholera morbus” (widespread intestinal inflammation), amyloidosis (a waxy degeneration of body tissues) and bronchiectasis (inflamed and dilated bronchial tubes). These ailments, in addition to the lingering effects of injuries sustained in duels, one of which left a bullet permanently lodged in his lungs, meant that Jackson began his presidential term “racked with pain, fainting from weakness,” per TIME.

The story quotes a historian on Jackson’s astonishing indestructibility: “No structure ever endured under greater handicaps than the frame that supported the brain of the astonishing, the determined, the invincible gentleman from Tennessee.”

And. . .

Trump Time Travel or Prophecy?
Trump supporters- What do you think of your boy now?
Have you checked your 401K?
How is the tax cut working for you? The debt is exploding.
How many true jobs have been created?
What happened to Mexico paying for the wall. Now we (you) are paying for the wall
What do you think of the continual turn over of cabinet and staff.
What do you think of all that has been exposed by the Russian investigation
Do you respect General Mattis? What do think of points in the resignation letter.
What do you think of Trump's treatment of Putin and Russia, the crown prince and Saudi Arabia.
How has the denuclearization of North Korea progressed.

And if Hillary were president everything would be perfect, right? The media would fall all over themselves praising her whilst ignoring/burying evidence of corruption and y’all who do nothing but bitch and whine would STILL live in a fantasyland, just a more tolerable one... do you know why that is? Because you’re brainwashed and selective about what and what not to believe based on preconceived biases LOL which is sheer insanity!

I’m thinking I will keep on laughing at TDS sufferers—wonderful source of entertainment.

Still can't get over the election can you? Hillary is irrelevant. This is Trump's mess now. The real derangement is in the sycophants desperately trying to find new scapegoats to blame.
Trump supporters- What do you think of your boy now?
Have you checked your 401K?
How is the tax cut working for you? The debt is exploding.
How many true jobs have been created?
What happened to Mexico paying for the wall. Now we (you) are paying for the wall
What do you think of the continual turn over of cabinet and staff.
What do you think of all that has been exposed by the Russian investigation
Do you respect General Mattis? What do think of points in the resignation letter.
What do you think of Trump's treatment of Putin and Russia, the crown prince and Saudi Arabia.
How has the denuclearization of North Korea progressed.

And if Hillary were president everything would be perfect, right? The media would fall all over themselves praising her whilst ignoring/burying evidence of corruption and y’all who do nothing but bitch and whine would STILL live in a fantasyland, just a more tolerable one... do you know why that is? Because you’re brainwashed and selective about what and what not to believe based on preconceived biases LOL which is sheer insanity!

I’m thinking I will keep on laughing at TDS sufferers—wonderful source of entertainment.

Still can't get over the election can you? Hillary is irrelevant. This is Trump's mess now. The real derangement is in the sycophants desperately trying to find new scapegoats to blame.

Well. .. .

She would be irrelevant if the justice system was fair.

See, it is really hard for normal Americans that watch TEE VEE and tolerate what is going on. I don't, so it is not affecting me. But I actually have some friends that are getting depressed over the news. Can you believe that? They cannot believe what is happening to the president, and how Hillary got away with what she did. The unfairness of the system is making them utterly and literally sick. They are getting depressed and angry.

I never watch any TEE VEE. My only real source of what is going on is NPR radio in the morning and this place. Seriously. When I get sick, or am in too much pain I'll take a nap, go read a book, watch a movie, play a video game, etc.

None of it is worth giving a damn about really. . . . .

But I empathize.

We were always taught that the system is fair.

But really, what a laugh. If bankers can commit all sorts of crimes and not do a day in jail, and folks with small amounts of drugs are locked away for years? Of course the system is rigged for the folks that make the rules. Why should anyone get upset that it spills over into politics when some folks want to make it just?

In the sixties the shoe was on the other foot. The conservatives owned the system and mercilessly prosecuted folks looking for justice. The system has always been and will always be corrupt.
Last edited:

Uranium One??


Lil faun sez? "Now you listen to me! That Hitlery did not get no money from those ROOSKIES that interfered in our de-MOCK-RACY! I just know that those dastardly ROOSKIES conspired with that Trump
to reveal the cheating and corruption of my beloved leftard clown posse party...and that's CHEATING!!"


Dumbfuck, the vast majority of money was donated by a Canadian not connected to the Rosatom deal and while Hillary was a Senator with zero influence on the Rosatom deal.

You’re just fucking crazy, delusional dale.


Actually, you are going to have to concede.

You are right, it was Canadians, but they were intricately connected to the Russians.

Cash flowed to Clinton Foundation amid Russian uranium deal
Uranium One deal examined.
Cash flowed to Clinton Foundation amid Russian uranium deal
". . . . The ultimate authority to approve or reject the Russian acquisition rested with the Cabinet officials on the foreign investment committee, including Hillary Clinton — whose husband was collecting millions in donations from people associated with Uranium One. . . . . "


". . . To judge from those disclosures, the only Uranium One official to give to the Clinton Foundation was Telfer, the chairman, and the amount was relatively small: no more than $250,000, and that was in 2007, before talk of a Rosatom deal began percolating.

But a review of tax records in Canada, where Telfer has a family charity called the Fernwood Foundation, shows that he donated millions of dollars more, during and after the critical time when the foreign investment committee was reviewing his deal with the Russians.

His donations through the Fernwood Foundation included $1 million reported in 2009, the year his company appealed to the U.S. Embassy to help it keep its mines in Kazakhstan; $250,000 in 2010, the year the Russians sought majority control; as well as $600,000 in 2011; and $500,000 in 2012. Telfer said that his donations had nothing to do with his business dealings and that he had never discussed Uranium One with Bill or Hillary Clinton. He said he had given the money because he wanted to support Giustra’s charitable endeavors with Bill Clinton.

Telfer’s undisclosed donations came in addition to between $1.3 million and $5.6 million in contributions, which were reported, from a constellation of people with ties to Uranium One or UrAsia, the company that originally acquired Uranium One’s most valuable asset: the Kazakh mines.

Amid this influx of Uranium One-connected money, Bill Clinton was invited to speak in Moscow in June 2010, the same month Rosatom struck its deal for a majority stake in Uranium One.

The $500,000 fee was paid by Renaissance Capital, a Russian investment bank with ties to the Kremlin. . . . "

You're not paying attention. The going craze is that Russians bribed Hillary with $145 million plus an additional half million dollars to Bill to give a speech.

You at least concede the money was donated by Canadians and not Russians; but you ignore the vast majority of the $145 million which was donated between 2005-2008, while Hillary was a Senator with no influence over the Rosatom in 2010. Even worse for you, Frank Giustra, who donated most of that $145 million, sold his share of Uranium One in 2007. He was long removed from the Rosatom deal 3 years later.

So all you have is a couple of million dollars donated to the Clinton Foundation, again, not by Russians ... but by the chairman of Uranium One. And according to the conspiracy, that was to buy Hillary's (by then, she was Secretary of State) approval of the deal. But then we come to the next part you left out. Hillary's approval alone was not enough for the deal to go through. It actually required a unanimous vote by a committee of nine individuals plus the president's approval; of whom, you have zero evidence any of them were bribed; and indeed, they would all have needed to be bribed to insure such an investment. Secondly, you can't even prove Hillary signed off on the deal. Her assistant claims he actually did and that she wasn't involved. He said he was the signatory on CFIUS deals, not Hillary.

And lastly is Bill's $500K speech. In reality, that was often the going rate to hire Bill Clinton to speak. I believe it was that year when Bill Received as much as $700K for a single speech. All you're actually doing is dreaming up a conspiracy because Clinton happened to give a speech in Russia at a time when he was traveling the globe giving speeches.

Here, if you possess the gumption to watch all 6½ minutes, you might just learn something. Delusional dale proved he lacked the testicular fortitude to last more than 3 seconds....

I understand your POV. I understand what Fox News is saying, and I don't deny that truth. It is perfectly legitimate.
Understand this, Murdoch's organization is part of the CFR, it is their job to spin this and cover the corruption. The date on this piece was before the election, it was essential that this was spun to make sure folks did not think there was anything untoward going down with that deal.

The fact is, the Clintons, with others, got paid to make sure Russia got access to the global supply of Uranium. Here, look up this word and try to figure it out. Definition of FUNGIBLE

You are refusing to understand ours.

You are a globalist, so this equivocating and hiding the truth of the matter seems acceptable to you, I get that.

We know that Fox News sits on the CFR and covers for all of those that sat on this committee, and that these folks are working hand in glove with the Russians if compensated with power and promises. They all have a world vision that is similar. Good for you. I hope it works out for you.


I don't really care. Just like these folks don't care about us.

The Democrats are insane with the lies about Trump. He's doing fine. The real story is the damage the Democrats and the Democrat socialists are doing to themselves. It's like they can't recognize how despised they are making themselves. The party itself is ripping apart between Democrats and the two different parties of Democrat socialists led by Bernie and Beto.

Democrats better start printing those phony ballots today. They will need them all in 2020 and still lose.

Trump isn't doing fine? he's been a complete disaster.The guy that you love is a Felon,A Child,Traitor,Narcissist,No Empathy,Racist,Lier,Throwing kids in cages, stupid human being ect.......
Trump supporters- What do you think of your boy now?
Have you checked your 401K?
How is the tax cut working for you? The debt is exploding.
How many true jobs have been created?
What happened to Mexico paying for the wall. Now we (you) are paying for the wall
What do you think of the continual turn over of cabinet and staff.
What do you think of all that has been exposed by the Russian investigation
Do you respect General Mattis? What do think of points in the resignation letter.
What do you think of Trump's treatment of Putin and Russia, the crown prince and Saudi Arabia.
How has the denuclearization of North Korea progressed.

Trump supporters are part of a cult, they'll defend him in their dying breaths after drinking the kool-aid.
After who you loons tried to do to Kavanaugh. I will never vote democrat again.
How'd Kavanaugh work out for you on that PP funding case?

Mexico will pay at least some of the wall.
And EXACTLY how is Mexico going to pay for the wall?

The recent trade agreement will in NO WAY have Mexico pay for the wall. 1) any benefits it gives will only be to the private sector. 2) saving money on a trade deal has nothing WHATSOEVER to do with paying for a wall.
You cannot have someone pay back money they lent to you and then you claim 'hey, you paid for part of that escort I had sex with last night'.
Unless the Mexican government gives money SPECIFICALLY to America to help pay for the wall...they are NOT paying for the wall.

So how EXACTLY will Mexico pay for 'at least some of' the wall?

BTW, Trump said Mexico would pay for ALL of it - if memory serves. Not 'some' of it.

I'm not on Trump's staff so I don't know. I just know he's going to do it.

Fair enough.

All Trump does is create chaos

Trump supporters- What do you think of your boy now?
Have you checked your 401K?
How is the tax cut working for you? The debt is exploding.
How many true jobs have been created?
What happened to Mexico paying for the wall. Now we (you) are paying for the wall
What do you think of the continual turn over of cabinet and staff.
What do you think of all that has been exposed by the Russian investigation
Do you respect General Mattis? What do think of points in the resignation letter.
What do you think of Trump's treatment of Putin and Russia, the crown prince and Saudi Arabia.
How has the denuclearization of North Korea progressed.

Who is your boy ?:21::21::21::21:
I think he's referring to the vile POS republicans put in our WH The one who doesn't have a clue on how to be leader of what was once the greatest power on earth

Lil faun sez? "Now you listen to me! That Hitlery did not get no money from those ROOSKIES that interfered in our de-MOCK-RACY! I just know that those dastardly ROOSKIES conspired with that Trump
to reveal the cheating and corruption of my beloved leftard clown posse party...and that's CHEATING!!"

Dumbfuck, the vast majority of money was donated by a Canadian not connected to the Rosatom deal and while Hillary was a Senator with zero influence on the Rosatom deal.

You’re just fucking crazy, delusional dale.


Actually, you are going to have to concede.

You are right, it was Canadians, but they were intricately connected to the Russians.

Cash flowed to Clinton Foundation amid Russian uranium deal
Uranium One deal examined.
Cash flowed to Clinton Foundation amid Russian uranium deal
". . . . The ultimate authority to approve or reject the Russian acquisition rested with the Cabinet officials on the foreign investment committee, including Hillary Clinton — whose husband was collecting millions in donations from people associated with Uranium One. . . . . "


". . . To judge from those disclosures, the only Uranium One official to give to the Clinton Foundation was Telfer, the chairman, and the amount was relatively small: no more than $250,000, and that was in 2007, before talk of a Rosatom deal began percolating.

But a review of tax records in Canada, where Telfer has a family charity called the Fernwood Foundation, shows that he donated millions of dollars more, during and after the critical time when the foreign investment committee was reviewing his deal with the Russians.

His donations through the Fernwood Foundation included $1 million reported in 2009, the year his company appealed to the U.S. Embassy to help it keep its mines in Kazakhstan; $250,000 in 2010, the year the Russians sought majority control; as well as $600,000 in 2011; and $500,000 in 2012. Telfer said that his donations had nothing to do with his business dealings and that he had never discussed Uranium One with Bill or Hillary Clinton. He said he had given the money because he wanted to support Giustra’s charitable endeavors with Bill Clinton.

Telfer’s undisclosed donations came in addition to between $1.3 million and $5.6 million in contributions, which were reported, from a constellation of people with ties to Uranium One or UrAsia, the company that originally acquired Uranium One’s most valuable asset: the Kazakh mines.

Amid this influx of Uranium One-connected money, Bill Clinton was invited to speak in Moscow in June 2010, the same month Rosatom struck its deal for a majority stake in Uranium One.

The $500,000 fee was paid by Renaissance Capital, a Russian investment bank with ties to the Kremlin. . . . "
You're not paying attention. The going craze is that Russians bribed Hillary with $145 million plus an additional half million dollars to Bill to give a speech.

You at least concede the money was donated by Canadians and not Russians; but you ignore the vast majority of the $145 million which was donated between 2005-2008, while Hillary was a Senator with no influence over the Rosatom in 2010. Even worse for you, Frank Giustra, who donated most of that $145 million, sold his share of Uranium One in 2007. He was long removed from the Rosatom deal 3 years later.

So all you have is a couple of million dollars donated to the Clinton Foundation, again, not by Russians ... but by the chairman of Uranium One. And according to the conspiracy, that was to buy Hillary's (by then, she was Secretary of State) approval of the deal. But then we come to the next part you left out. Hillary's approval alone was not enough for the deal to go through. It actually required a unanimous vote by a committee of nine individuals plus the president's approval; of whom, you have zero evidence any of them were bribed; and indeed, they would all have needed to be bribed to insure such an investment. Secondly, you can't even prove Hillary signed off on the deal. Her assistant claims he actually did and that she wasn't involved. He said he was the signatory on CFIUS deals, not Hillary.

And lastly is Bill's $500K speech. In reality, that was often the going rate to hire Bill Clinton to speak. I believe it was that year when Bill Received as much as $700K for a single speech. All you're actually doing is dreaming up a conspiracy because Clinton happened to give a speech in Russia at a time when he was traveling the globe giving speeches.

Here, if you possess the gumption to watch all 6½ minutes, you might just learn something. Delusional dale proved he lacked the testicular fortitude to last more than 3 seconds....

I understand your POV. I understand what Fox News is saying, and I don't deny that truth. It is perfectly legitimate.
Understand this, Murdoch's organization is part of the CFR, it is their job to spin this and cover the corruption. The date on this piece was before the election, it was essential that this was spun to make sure folks did not think there was anything untoward going down with that deal.

The fact is, the Clintons, with others, got paid to make sure Russia got access to the global supply of Uranium. Here, look up this word and try to figure it out. Definition of FUNGIBLE

You are refusing to understand ours.

You are a globalist, so this equivocating and hiding the truth of the matter seems acceptable to you, I get that.

We know that Fox News sits on the CFR and covers for all of those that sat on this committee, and that these folks are working hand in glove with the Russians if compensated with power and promises. They all have a world vision that is similar. Good for you. I hope it works out for you.


I don't really care. Just like these folks don't care about us.

The Democrats are insane with the lies about Trump. He's doing fine. The real story is the damage the Democrats and the Democrat socialists are doing to themselves. It's like they can't recognize how despised they are making themselves. The party itself is ripping apart between Democrats and the two different parties of Democrat socialists led by Bernie and Beto.

Democrats better start printing those phony ballots today. They will need them all in 2020 and still lose.

Trump isn't doing fine? he's been a complete disaster.The guy that you love is a Felon,A Child,Traitor,Narcissist,No Empathy,Racist,Lier,Throwing kids in cages, stupid human being ect.......


I fancy myself pretty informed.

I must have missed something. Please link me to the felony he was convicted of.
Dumbfuck, the vast majority of money was donated by a Canadian not connected to the Rosatom deal and while Hillary was a Senator with zero influence on the Rosatom deal.

You’re just fucking crazy, delusional dale.


Actually, you are going to have to concede.

You are right, it was Canadians, but they were intricately connected to the Russians.

Cash flowed to Clinton Foundation amid Russian uranium deal
Uranium One deal examined.
Cash flowed to Clinton Foundation amid Russian uranium deal
". . . . The ultimate authority to approve or reject the Russian acquisition rested with the Cabinet officials on the foreign investment committee, including Hillary Clinton — whose husband was collecting millions in donations from people associated with Uranium One. . . . . "


". . . To judge from those disclosures, the only Uranium One official to give to the Clinton Foundation was Telfer, the chairman, and the amount was relatively small: no more than $250,000, and that was in 2007, before talk of a Rosatom deal began percolating.

But a review of tax records in Canada, where Telfer has a family charity called the Fernwood Foundation, shows that he donated millions of dollars more, during and after the critical time when the foreign investment committee was reviewing his deal with the Russians.

His donations through the Fernwood Foundation included $1 million reported in 2009, the year his company appealed to the U.S. Embassy to help it keep its mines in Kazakhstan; $250,000 in 2010, the year the Russians sought majority control; as well as $600,000 in 2011; and $500,000 in 2012. Telfer said that his donations had nothing to do with his business dealings and that he had never discussed Uranium One with Bill or Hillary Clinton. He said he had given the money because he wanted to support Giustra’s charitable endeavors with Bill Clinton.

Telfer’s undisclosed donations came in addition to between $1.3 million and $5.6 million in contributions, which were reported, from a constellation of people with ties to Uranium One or UrAsia, the company that originally acquired Uranium One’s most valuable asset: the Kazakh mines.

Amid this influx of Uranium One-connected money, Bill Clinton was invited to speak in Moscow in June 2010, the same month Rosatom struck its deal for a majority stake in Uranium One.

The $500,000 fee was paid by Renaissance Capital, a Russian investment bank with ties to the Kremlin. . . . "
You're not paying attention. The going craze is that Russians bribed Hillary with $145 million plus an additional half million dollars to Bill to give a speech.

You at least concede the money was donated by Canadians and not Russians; but you ignore the vast majority of the $145 million which was donated between 2005-2008, while Hillary was a Senator with no influence over the Rosatom in 2010. Even worse for you, Frank Giustra, who donated most of that $145 million, sold his share of Uranium One in 2007. He was long removed from the Rosatom deal 3 years later.

So all you have is a couple of million dollars donated to the Clinton Foundation, again, not by Russians ... but by the chairman of Uranium One. And according to the conspiracy, that was to buy Hillary's (by then, she was Secretary of State) approval of the deal. But then we come to the next part you left out. Hillary's approval alone was not enough for the deal to go through. It actually required a unanimous vote by a committee of nine individuals plus the president's approval; of whom, you have zero evidence any of them were bribed; and indeed, they would all have needed to be bribed to insure such an investment. Secondly, you can't even prove Hillary signed off on the deal. Her assistant claims he actually did and that she wasn't involved. He said he was the signatory on CFIUS deals, not Hillary.

And lastly is Bill's $500K speech. In reality, that was often the going rate to hire Bill Clinton to speak. I believe it was that year when Bill Received as much as $700K for a single speech. All you're actually doing is dreaming up a conspiracy because Clinton happened to give a speech in Russia at a time when he was traveling the globe giving speeches.

Here, if you possess the gumption to watch all 6½ minutes, you might just learn something. Delusional dale proved he lacked the testicular fortitude to last more than 3 seconds....

I understand your POV. I understand what Fox News is saying, and I don't deny that truth. It is perfectly legitimate.
Understand this, Murdoch's organization is part of the CFR, it is their job to spin this and cover the corruption. The date on this piece was before the election, it was essential that this was spun to make sure folks did not think there was anything untoward going down with that deal.

The fact is, the Clintons, with others, got paid to make sure Russia got access to the global supply of Uranium. Here, look up this word and try to figure it out. Definition of FUNGIBLE

You are refusing to understand ours.

You are a globalist, so this equivocating and hiding the truth of the matter seems acceptable to you, I get that.

We know that Fox News sits on the CFR and covers for all of those that sat on this committee, and that these folks are working hand in glove with the Russians if compensated with power and promises. They all have a world vision that is similar. Good for you. I hope it works out for you.


I don't really care. Just like these folks don't care about us.

The Democrats are insane with the lies about Trump. He's doing fine. The real story is the damage the Democrats and the Democrat socialists are doing to themselves. It's like they can't recognize how despised they are making themselves. The party itself is ripping apart between Democrats and the two different parties of Democrat socialists led by Bernie and Beto.

Democrats better start printing those phony ballots today. They will need them all in 2020 and still lose.

Trump isn't doing fine? he's been a complete disaster.The guy that you love is a Felon,A Child,Traitor,Narcissist,No Empathy,Racist,Lier,Throwing kids in cages, stupid human being ect.......


I fancy myself pretty informed.

I must have missed something. Please link me to the felony he was convicted of.

Why don't you look it up are you lazy but don't worry Muller will drop the bomb on his head his time is coming to an end.
I was slow out of the gate. I liked trump but mostly because I hated Hillary (though I have to say she hated me first). Trump was a hand grenade we could throw into that nest of vipers. Probably to little effect I assumed but worth a try.
But then he was elected and as he went to work..and the ruling elites went berserk...and I realized I was seeing the greatest President since Reagan. As we close in on his third year in office I am thinking he is going to be greater than Reagan. He is going to be one of the greatest Presidents in history...not just my lifetime.
Can he do what we asked him to do? I think so. its not like anyone should have thought they would give up power easily or quietly. These elites will go down kicking and screaming. To them a lifetime of anti-american work is in danger of going down the drain. Years of hiding in plain sight and worming their way into positions of power with no accountability and along comes Trump cleaning them out. They have appealed to foreign nations for help but thats nothing new. Ted Kennedy appealed to the Soviet Union for help against Reagan.
Reagan was great but he didn't realize what he faced and was satisfied playing by the old playbook. Synchronicity with today was the Reagan Thatcher coalition. Today's uprising is paired again with Britain as they voted to leave the EU and rejoin the ranks of nationhood just as we voted to regain our nationhood. And they face the same thing we do almost exactly on the same timeline. Almost two years after their vote they are still being hounded by leftists who refuse to bow to their vote as well.
America and Britain are the last best hope. All over the world people are trying to throw off globalists. Hungary and Austria and Poland..Croatia and Slovakia come to mind. If Britain and America fail they dont stand a chance.
Today I think Trump more vital than ever.

Though I don't care for Jackson's Native American policies, everyone back then thought the only good Indian was a dead Indian. The great part about Jackson was he was pretty much like Trump, offensive, new money, anti-establishment.

He did a lot of the same things.

And, he shook the system up when it needed it.

Andrew Jackson was the 19th century Donald Trump. You can see it in his fights against the Bank of the United States...and the bankers fighting back.
Not just that, but maybe also DIVINE PROVIDENCE?

How Divine Providence—and a Heavy Stick—Saved a President’s Life
How Divine Providence—and a Heavy Stick—Saved a President’s Life

". . . While Lawrence’s mind was found to be defective, his pistols were not. When the Smithsonian Institution conducted tests nearly a century later, both fired on the first try. Historians could only surmise that the dampness of the day had contributed to their misfiring, although the odds that both would misfire was estimated to be about 1 in 125,000. Jackson later credited divine providence with intervening on his behalf, although in the moment he seemed to have more faith in the intervention of a heavy stick.

It wasn’t the first time that Jackson had cheated death, of course. Nicknamed “Old Hickory” for his toughness in the War of 1812, he had vanquished innumerable attempts on his life, both internal and external.

As TIME reported in 1949, Old Hickory suffered from nearly every physical ailment imaginable: smallpox, osteomyelitis, malaria, dysentery, rheumatism, dropsy, “cholera morbus” (widespread intestinal inflammation), amyloidosis (a waxy degeneration of body tissues) and bronchiectasis (inflamed and dilated bronchial tubes). These ailments, in addition to the lingering effects of injuries sustained in duels, one of which left a bullet permanently lodged in his lungs, meant that Jackson began his presidential term “racked with pain, fainting from weakness,” per TIME.

The story quotes a historian on Jackson’s astonishing indestructibility: “No structure ever endured under greater handicaps than the frame that supported the brain of the astonishing, the determined, the invincible gentleman from Tennessee.”

And. . .

Trump Time Travel or Prophecy?


andrew-jackson-trump (1).jpg
I was slow out of the gate. I liked trump but mostly because I hated Hillary (though I have to say she hated me first). Trump was a hand grenade we could throw into that nest of vipers. Probably to little effect I assumed but worth a try.
But then he was elected and as he went to work..and the ruling elites went berserk...and I realized I was seeing the greatest President since Reagan. As we close in on his third year in office I am thinking he is going to be greater than Reagan. He is going to be one of the greatest Presidents in history...not just my lifetime.
Can he do what we asked him to do? I think so. its not like anyone should have thought they would give up power easily or quietly. These elites will go down kicking and screaming. To them a lifetime of anti-american work is in danger of going down the drain. Years of hiding in plain sight and worming their way into positions of power with no accountability and along comes Trump cleaning them out. They have appealed to foreign nations for help but thats nothing new. Ted Kennedy appealed to the Soviet Union for help against Reagan.
Reagan was great but he didn't realize what he faced and was satisfied playing by the old playbook. Synchronicity with today was the Reagan Thatcher coalition. Today's uprising is paired again with Britain as they voted to leave the EU and rejoin the ranks of nationhood just as we voted to regain our nationhood. And they face the same thing we do almost exactly on the same timeline. Almost two years after their vote they are still being hounded by leftists who refuse to bow to their vote as well.
America and Britain are the last best hope. All over the world people are trying to throw off globalists. Hungary and Austria and Poland..Croatia and Slovakia come to mind. If Britain and America fail they dont stand a chance.
Today I think Trump more vital than ever.

Though I don't care for Jackson's Native American policies, everyone back then thought the only good Indian was a dead Indian. The great part about Jackson was he was pretty much like Trump, offensive, new money, anti-establishment.

He did a lot of the same things.

And, he shook the system up when it needed it.

Andrew Jackson was the 19th century Donald Trump. You can see it in his fights against the Bank of the United States...and the bankers fighting back.
Not just that, but maybe also DIVINE PROVIDENCE?

How Divine Providence—and a Heavy Stick—Saved a President’s Life
How Divine Providence—and a Heavy Stick—Saved a President’s Life

". . . While Lawrence’s mind was found to be defective, his pistols were not. When the Smithsonian Institution conducted tests nearly a century later, both fired on the first try. Historians could only surmise that the dampness of the day had contributed to their misfiring, although the odds that both would misfire was estimated to be about 1 in 125,000. Jackson later credited divine providence with intervening on his behalf, although in the moment he seemed to have more faith in the intervention of a heavy stick.

It wasn’t the first time that Jackson had cheated death, of course. Nicknamed “Old Hickory” for his toughness in the War of 1812, he had vanquished innumerable attempts on his life, both internal and external.

As TIME reported in 1949, Old Hickory suffered from nearly every physical ailment imaginable: smallpox, osteomyelitis, malaria, dysentery, rheumatism, dropsy, “cholera morbus” (widespread intestinal inflammation), amyloidosis (a waxy degeneration of body tissues) and bronchiectasis (inflamed and dilated bronchial tubes). These ailments, in addition to the lingering effects of injuries sustained in duels, one of which left a bullet permanently lodged in his lungs, meant that Jackson began his presidential term “racked with pain, fainting from weakness,” per TIME.

The story quotes a historian on Jackson’s astonishing indestructibility: “No structure ever endured under greater handicaps than the frame that supported the brain of the astonishing, the determined, the invincible gentleman from Tennessee.”

And. . .

Trump Time Travel or Prophecy?

Jackson was censured by Congress and considered a boor. He suffered greatly when the puritanical forces of the day attacked his administration in the "Petticoat Affair". His cabinet and close officials tended to fold under pressure and in many cases were outright partisans for Jackson's political enemy Calhoun and had to be dismissed. As a result Jackson relied on a circle of friends and relatives his enemies called his Kitchen Cabinet
Trump supporters- What do you think of your boy now?
Have you checked your 401K?
How is the tax cut working for you? The debt is exploding.
How many true jobs have been created?
What happened to Mexico paying for the wall. Now we (you) are paying for the wall
What do you think of the continual turn over of cabinet and staff.
What do you think of all that has been exposed by the Russian investigation
Do you respect General Mattis? What do think of points in the resignation letter.
What do you think of Trump's treatment of Putin and Russia, the crown prince and Saudi Arabia.
How has the denuclearization of North Korea progressed.

And if Hillary were president everything would be perfect, right? The media would fall all over themselves praising her whilst ignoring/burying evidence of corruption and y’all who do nothing but bitch and whine would STILL live in a fantasyland, just a more tolerable one... do you know why that is? Because you’re brainwashed and selective about what and what not to believe based on preconceived biases LOL which is sheer insanity!

I’m thinking I will keep on laughing at TDS sufferers—wonderful source of entertainment.

Still can't get over the election can you? Hillary is irrelevant. This is Trump's mess now. The real derangement is in the sycophants desperately trying to find new scapegoats to blame.

You dont like to be reminded that you supported a loser. But you did. And I am going to keep reminding you. Especially in light of the attempts to rewrite history.

"But it was her turn!!!"
Trump supporters- What do you think of your boy now?
Have you checked your 401K?
How is the tax cut working for you? The debt is exploding.
How many true jobs have been created?
What happened to Mexico paying for the wall. Now we (you) are paying for the wall
What do you think of the continual turn over of cabinet and staff.
What do you think of all that has been exposed by the Russian investigation
Do you respect General Mattis? What do think of points in the resignation letter.
What do you think of Trump's treatment of Putin and Russia, the crown prince and Saudi Arabia.
How has the denuclearization of North Korea progressed.

And if Hillary were president everything would be perfect, right? The media would fall all over themselves praising her whilst ignoring/burying evidence of corruption and y’all who do nothing but bitch and whine would STILL live in a fantasyland, just a more tolerable one... do you know why that is? Because you’re brainwashed and selective about what and what not to believe based on preconceived biases LOL which is sheer insanity!

I’m thinking I will keep on laughing at TDS sufferers—wonderful source of entertainment.

Still can't get over the election can you? Hillary is irrelevant. This is Trump's mess now. The real derangement is in the sycophants desperately trying to find new scapegoats to blame.

You dont like to be reminded that you supported a loser. But you did. And I am going to keep reminding you. Especially in light of the attempts to rewrite history.

"But it was her turn!!!"
A loser?? How could she have done worse than this vile liar in our WH now ? How many more friends would we have lost? How much LESS confidence in our economy would corporations have?

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