Trump supporters; what would get you to turn against him?

If he turned out to be a tax cheat?

If he actually did shoot someone on Fifth Ave. in broad daylight?

If irrefutable proof turned up that he is a serial rapist?

If he was caught on camera/tape trash-talking his gullible supporters?

What would it actually take for you to be like, "maybe this guy wasn't the best choice for president"?

Because I know you'd love it if he fired Mueller (not directly, mind you) disbanded the FBI, and declared himself Emperor for Life, despite that running entirely contrary to the ideals the U.S. was founded upon.

Since when did he go around the Constitution like Obama did ?

With his pen and phone?

You go first. What would it take for you to disavow Obama. What if he used the offices of the federal govt. to punish his enemies and set up a shadow govt. to overthrow the duly elected president of the United States?
I would stop supporting President Trump if:

He sought to make it easier for a woman’s unborn child to be murdered.

He made it easier for enemy nations to develop/acquire nuclear weapons.

He failed to protect Americans by allowing illegal criminals to cross our borders.

He allowed people to enter the country and become citizens just because they were related to someone who was already here.

He put the economic well being of other nations ahead of the United States.

He cowered before leaders of other nations.

He did not maintain the United States military as the premier force in the world.

He gave away money to people instead of creating jobs so that they could work.

In short, I would quit supporting President Donald J. Trump if he started acting like a Democrat.
How do Obama supporters feel about his dealings with Hezzbolla/Iran shennanigans?

Oh, is this the part where we start pointing at other people and saying, "What about ..." ?

I love that part.

I seem to recall eight years of BBBUUUTTT BOOOOSH!!!!!

The difference is, when Bush left, the U.S. economy was in shambles.

When Obama left, it was looking pretty damn good, all things considered.

Obama inherited a lump of coal from Bush that turned into a diamond under his watch (how much of that was him is up for debate), and he gave that diamond to Trump. Who promptly shat all over Obama as means of showing his gratitude.

So it's hard to take "but Obama" seriously when Trump actually inherited a pretty sweet thing from Obama.

You keep forgetting: The Bush-era recession was the result of the housing and mortgage crisis, which lies in the laps of the Democrats. If GW could be held accountable for anything, it's being too weak to get the Dems under control.

And there there was 9/11. That also had alot to do with the recession. True, Obama did "inherit" that. But even after 8 years in office, his policies did very little to fix anything, except for his Federal Reserve's policies that artificially-inflated the stock market.

Obama was in no way responsible for the amazing upswing we're seeing under Trump. His Marxist-leaning failed policies have done nothing but keep this country in a state of stagnation for 8 years, made it a less safe country to live in, and caused major divisions between people of different racial, social, and economic backgrounds.

I neither give Bush all the blame for 2008 nor give Obama all the credit for the recovery.

But most people are simpletons. They know Bush was there for 2008, so they blame him.

Regardless, it's true that Obama got dealt a shit hand and Trump got dealt a decent hand. Therefore "what about Bush" and "what about Obama" are not equivalent.

What "shit hand"? He had everything he needed to bring this country out of a recession: The Presidency, the House, the Senate, and million of slavish followers who would have jumped off a cliff had he requested.

And what did he do? He blew $10 trillion dollar on nothing. He failed to pass any legislative gun-control. His Middle East policy gave rise to the most violent radical Islamic faction the world has ever seen. He weakened our military, strengthened our enemies, insulted our allies, and made America the laughingstock of the world.
You go first. What would it take for you to disavow Obama. What if he used the offices of the federal govt. to punish his enemies and set up a shadow govt. to overthrow the duly elected president of the United States?

I didn't like Obama. Particularly not after how he responded to the Trayvon Martin incident and all the fallout since.

Trump already said he wasn't firing Mewler. You're falling for fake news and getting your panties in a bundle over another nothing burger. JS

Is THAT why the orange buffoon is waiting for Mueller to write him a letter of"exoneration"??????

Trump's lawyers are a bit smarter than the idiot and are trying to stall Trump's stupidity in firing Mueller.......

(BTW, if Mueller did get fired, New York state would probably pick up his tab with that state's own investigative body.)
Oh, is this the part where we start pointing at other people and saying, "What about ..." ?

I love that part.

I seem to recall eight years of BBBUUUTTT BOOOOSH!!!!!

The difference is, when Bush left, the U.S. economy was in shambles.

When Obama left, it was looking pretty damn good, all things considered.

Obama inherited a lump of coal from Bush that turned into a diamond under his watch (how much of that was him is up for debate), and he gave that diamond to Trump. Who promptly shat all over Obama as means of showing his gratitude.

So it's hard to take "but Obama" seriously when Trump actually inherited a pretty sweet thing from Obama.

You keep forgetting: The Bush-era recession was the result of the housing and mortgage crisis, which lies in the laps of the Democrats. If GW could be held accountable for anything, it's being too weak to get the Dems under control.

And there there was 9/11. That also had alot to do with the recession. True, Obama did "inherit" that. But even after 8 years in office, his policies did very little to fix anything, except for his Federal Reserve's policies that artificially-inflated the stock market.

Obama was in no way responsible for the amazing upswing we're seeing under Trump. His Marxist-leaning failed policies have done nothing but keep this country in a state of stagnation for 8 years, made it a less safe country to live in, and caused major divisions between people of different racial, social, and economic backgrounds.

I neither give Bush all the blame for 2008 nor give Obama all the credit for the recovery.

But most people are simpletons. They know Bush was there for 2008, so they blame him.

Regardless, it's true that Obama got dealt a shit hand and Trump got dealt a decent hand. Therefore "what about Bush" and "what about Obama" are not equivalent.

What "shit hand"? He had everything he needed to bring this country out of a recession: The Presidency, the House, the Senate, and million of slavish followers who would have jumped off a cliff had he requested.

And what did he do? He blew $10 trillion dollar on nothing. He failed to pass any legislative gun-control. His Middle East policy gave rise to the most violent radical Islamic faction the world has ever seen. He weakened our military, strengthened our enemies, insulted our allies, and made America the laughingstock of the world.

The recession was the shit hand.

Obviously he wasn't a strong enough leader in the end, since he lost all his power and ended up a lame duck.
As expected, right wing Trump cult members turned this thread into..."but I hate Obama"............NITWITS........LOL
Trump already said he wasn't firing Mewler. You're falling for fake news and getting your panties in a bundle over another nothing burger. JS

Is THAT why the orange buffoon is waiting for Mueller to write him a letter of"exoneration"??????

Trump's lawyers are a bit smarter than the idiot and are trying to stall Trump's stupidity in firing Mueller.......

(BTW, if Mueller did get fired, New York state would probably pick up his tab with that state's own investigative body.)

So how are you going to carry on once the Mueller fiasco is over and done with, and Trump is still in office?

What then? Will you move on the the last stage of grief, that being "acceptance"?
As expected, right wing Trump cult members turned this thread into..."but I hate Obama"............NITWITS........LOL

No we want to know now what he is crying about/ why the poster couldn't get his way..

We want to know
If he turned out to be a tax cheat?

If he actually did shoot someone on Fifth Ave. in broad daylight?

If irrefutable proof turned up that he is a serial rapist?

If he was caught on camera/tape trash-talking his gullible supporters?

What would it actually take for you to be like, "maybe this guy wasn't the best choice for president"?

Because I know you'd love it if he fired Mueller (not directly, mind you) disbanded the FBI, and declared himself Emperor for Life, despite that running entirely contrary to the ideals the U.S. was founded upon.

If he was caught on camera/tape trash-talking his gullible supporters?

there is nothing he can do to turn them against him, I watched one of his rally's and he called them uneducated, he was right, but they still voted for him and laughed it off even though the yankee from NY basically said they were stupid.
If he had sex with Nancy Pelosi.
He's too busy having sex with Vladimir...

Seriously? How much longer can you leftists play that silly kabuki theater? Even though there has been not a shred of evident to support your silly idea that Trump somehow "colluded" with Russia to win the election, do you really still believe that?

Will you still be checking under your bed and in your closet for Russians, when you're old and in the nursing home?
Oh now I go back and read the rest of the replys and goddamn he was right, the thread was about trump not obama. They fucking can't even stay on track.
An equally good question is what would it take for the Trump critics to support him? What if he doesn't fire Mueller which I don't think he has any intention of doing? What if all these investigations and probes find no evidence of collusion with Russia or that he tried to obstruct justice by firng Comey? What if his policies work and help the economy and the middle class? What would it take for you to admit Trump knows what he is doing and is not the evil monster so many portray him as?
Trump is da Man!!! ..... :cool:

I'm not tired of winning. I'm just tired.

Translation~ tired of crying?

What are you tried of? Not being able to make America into Europe?

What are you tired of?


Education being lower on the totem pole of priorities than making bombs to blow up foreigners, for starters.

The battle of the sexes. I'm fucking sick of it. I wish we could just listen to each other, help each other, and stop making everything a man vs. woman issue.

Race playing such a key role in the national discussion.

People loving to talk about problems but never having any solutions.

Most of all, I'm tired of all the lies. Lies, lies, lies. That's all you'll ever get out of the people in Washington, including Trump.

One of these days, the bottle is going to blow. People are going to get hurt. And I'm going to smile and say to myself, "Good. They fucking deserved it."

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