Trump/Taliban Peace Agreement For Troop Withdrawal

Trump wanted to disengage from Afghanistan but he was tied up by democrats with false documents and an impeachment. Old sleepy Joe had eight years as Obama's lap dog to do something but he was busy feeling up babes and slapping asses.
This is how it works....

Previous President makes a deal... Next President honours that deal...

Trump might not have done that but other President's know the cost of the US honour deals... No other country will agree with any thing with the US in the future if they know the next President could rip it up...

Trump made a deal, Biden was just following through... Trump disastrous approach is why China is bounding forward with the largest trading block in the world with US allies... US allies couldn't trust US when Trump rips up deals at a whim, his word meant nothing and thus US word means nothing...

China used this in Africa and SE Asia and gained huge influence. This influence is how US has the Petro-dollar and is at the centre of world negotiations.
Some people talk about preserving the US way of life, this is how to kill it...

US while it had a huge Military, the brilliance was how they didn't use it... US soft power was astronomical...

I can only describe this in story... I number of years back I was in the company of ex Irish Prime Minister... We asked him about US power... He told us like this (I will be paraphrasing):

We were at the UN in New York one September. We had a function and all the world country leaders were there... We were all being a bit bosatful, trying to big up ourselves among each other. These guys run there countries and we run ours and want make them how we smart we were, usual fare in this type of group...
The Bill Clinton walked in... Every one knew they were competing for second.. A Rock Star just walked into the room... Everyone gravitate to him and shook his hand and asked for a photo... Bill could do anything he wanted in that room, everyone either needed a favour or was thanking him for one. The King had arrived...
This was general fare for every US President, Bill was the best (he said by wide margin, he knew everyone personally)...

Trump arrived and in international get togethers they basically found him clueless and grossly unprepared. Different leaders tried to hold his hand and try and explain to him what was going on. Trump couldn't get it, he regularly alienate US friends and praising US enemies. They started having meetings without him like the G8. They eventually were laughing at him and pitying the US people to have someone so incompetent in charge.

This is not anti-Trump as this is what a lot of Trump Supporters wanted... They didn't want globalisation or international co-operation. This is the consequences of your actions..

This is where my Mom would say '...and if Johnny jumped off a bridge...would you jump off too"...

This is the worst spin possible.

Just close your eyes... concentrate...using your imagination...imagine Trump presided over this collosal fuckup...

That's exactly how you should react when your guy fucks up this badly.
Translation: I'm a Nazi democrat and incapable of taking responsibility for the massive fuckup by Quid Pro so I lie and spin to try and blame the disaster by the Reich on the last legitimate president.


Grow up. You wanted your filthy party to run things - well here they are.
Thanks for demonstrating your intellectual can't even mock effectively, as your absurd MAGA musings just render all your posts a joke.

You're done.
Nothing flawed about it.

Biden made every decision regarding the withdrawal.

If he didn't agree with the terms of the negotiations...he had the OBLIGATION to object.

Your spin is weak and even your far left leaning source admits the buck stops with Biden...

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Why? When is it going to be "the right time"? We've been there for 20 years. It started at 1300 in November of 2001. It rose to 100,000 troops in Aug 2010. Bin Laden was killed in 2011, the whole reason for being there. Since then, it has gone down to 5,500, backup to 17k, down to the 3,500 in March.

Nov 2001: 1,300 troops
Dec 2001: 2,500 troops
Mar 2002: 7,200
Dec 2002: 9,700
Dec 2003: 13,100
Apr 2004: 20,300
Dec 2006: 20,000
May 2009: 50,000
Aug 2010: 100,000
May 2011: Bin Laden killed
Sep 2012: 77,000
Dec 2013: 46,000
Mar 2014: 34,000
Dec 2014: 16,000
Mar 2015: 9,800
Jul 2016: 5,500
Sep 2017: 16,491
Sep 2019: 14,000
Mar 2021: 3,500

So, when it is the right time? So what's would be your plan? Leave 3,500 troops indefinitely? Till 2025? Till the Afghanistan army is ready?

I don't recall Biden saying it was Trump's fault. I do hear you saying it's Biden's fault and he "fucked up badly".

Okay, so? What's the right way?
Grow up and take responsibility for the actions of your filthy party, Nazi.

You stupid fucks claimed you could do a better job - clearly not.
As the reader can see, this MAGA minion cannot deal with FACTS that clearly disprove his previous contention. Nope, this uncensored Maga moron just pulls his cap down over his eyes and parrots the SOS. Fortunately, the chronology of the posts will always be his undoing. I'm done with this fool for a month.
The US and the Taliban have signed an "agreement for bringing peace" to Afghanistan after more than 18 years of conflict.

The US and Nato allies have agreed to withdraw all troops within 14 months if the militants uphold the deal.

President Trump said it had been a "long and hard journey" in Afghanistan. "It's time after all these years to bring our people back home," he said.

Talks between the Afghan government and the Taliban are due to follow.

Under the agreement, the militants also agreed not to allow al-Qaeda or any other extremist group to operate in the areas they control.

Details in links below...

Joint Declaration between the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and the United States of America for Bringing Peace to Afghanistan

Things don't currently look good in Afghanistan. What do you think?
I don't believe that the Taliban would honor any arrangement with Trump. The Afghan government should have been a part of the discussion to give it more teeth because once we were out, the Taliban would overrun the county.
This is where my Mom would say '...and if Johnny jumped off a bridge...would you jump off too"...

This is the worst spin possible.

Just close your eyes... concentrate...using your imagination...imagine Trump presided over this collosal fuckup...

That's exactly how you should react when your guy fucks up this badly.

Wow, your mommy said you were the U.S. government and Johnny signed an agreement with the Taliban and the Afghanistan government for you two jump of a bridge? And the bridge was just like Afghanistan?

Were you two defending the bridge from the Taliban? Or was this a rock throwing fight with other kids?
As the reader can see, this MAGA minion cannot deal with FACTS that clearly disprove his previous contention. Nope, this uncensored Maga moron just pulls his cap down over his eyes and parrots the SOS. Fortunately, the chronology of the posts will always be his undoing. I'm done with this fool for a month.



You don't deal in fact. You seek to blame Trump for the fuckup by Quid Pro.

You voted this senile moron in, who completely screwed the pooch, and the only thing your childish mind can come up with is to blame Trump.

Your guy fucked everything up. Xi's man is utterly incompetent - and everyone on every side knows it.

The only thing you have to cling to is your insane hatred of Trump.
I don't believe that the Taliban would honor any arrangement with Trump. The Afghan government should have been a part of the discussion to give it more teeth because once we were out, the Taliban would overrun the county.

Are you saying that the Afghan government was not involved in the plan?
Trump would have seen the agreement was a mistake and he would have sent all the US troops back to Afghanistan.
Tell us when a collapse upon our withdrawal would never happen.
Another 5 years? 10? 20?
Where does our responsibility to the Afghanis end?
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I don't believe that the Taliban would honor any arrangement with Trump. The Afghan government should have been a part of the discussion to give it more teeth because once we were out, the Taliban would overrun the county.

Then why did Xi's man pursue it? Doesn't seem like Quid Pro can do ANYTHING other than follow Trump. He knows he's too stupid to come up with any ideas on his own.
I don't have a problem with Biden withdrawing troops from Afghanistan - but the troops should have been the last to leave. Our Afghan allies and their families should have been evacuated first. Now they are left in deep shit fearing for their lives.
Regardless of who is at fault - it's hard to rationalize the current Afghanistan clusterfuck. This may be even worse than our exit from Vietnam. I feel so sorry for Afghans who helped our soldiers. They and their families are all in grave danger. Major clusterfuck!!!!!
It was always going to be. It was only the potential political fallout that kept us there 20 years.
I don't have a problem with Biden withdrawing troops from Afghanistan - but the troops should have been the last to leave. Our Afghan allies and their families should have been evacuated first.

How many people do you suppose that would be? Who do you stop with? Who is the Taliban going to stop with? The interpreters? The gardeners? The Afghan army of 180,000 troops?
The Taliban leadership knows that Biden is an extremely weak, illegitimate, ineffective sputtering fool suffering from dementia. Like the leaders of all other nations, they have zero respect for him whatsoever.
Biden made the call to withdraw. This is the Biden retreat. It could have been the Trump retreat, but he decided to make it his. Biden owns it now.

Biden also said what's going on now wouldn't happen and Democrats believed him.
not at all…xiden threw the agreement out the door and the taliban obviously didn’t live up to their part

joey xiden…a total failure

Failed at what? The agreement was to pull the rest of the troops out of Afghanistan. He pulled the rest of the troops out. That sounds like doing exactly what he intended to do.

There are 180,000 Afghan troops. We had 3,500 troops.

So what was the "failure" exactly?

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