Trump team leaked Mueller questions

Maybe Mueller learned from how repubs treated Bill?
Nah, snowflakes are just still pissed that their sexual deviant pedophile President was impeached and still seek to 'get even'. That desire to seek revenge got even stronger when Trump beat Bill's Felon wife in the 2016 election.
and the good news is easy is that we have lots of time and revenge is a dish best served cold ,,,,,but it's on it's way

Thanks for admitting that this is all about your hatred of Trump and getting revenge. It has nothing to do with justice. You basically just admitted that you're a despicable douchebag.
Maybe Mueller learned from how repubs treated Bill?
Nah, snowflakes are just still pissed that their sexual deviant pedophile President was impeached and still seek to 'get even'. That desire to seek revenge got even stronger when Trump beat Bill's Felon wife in the 2016 election.
Has anyone ever even seriously accused Bill Clinton of being a pedophile or is this just you being your usual lying despicable douche bag self?
lets just call it revenge for the republican party taking us down shit road with their last 2 presidents ,,,,all the while their unamerican supporters egged them on

Let's talk about THE last President, if you care to be honest.


The Last President began his time in office by openly declaring to the American People that he would NOT order his DOJ to aggressively defend the Defense of marriage Act (DOMA) BECAUSE HE DISAGREED WITH IT.
- Although sworn to defend and enforce the Rule of law, one of the 1st things he did was announce he was breaking his oath of office and refusing to do his job BECAUSE HE DID NOT LIKE THE LAW.

The highlights of his legacy include:

8 Years of financing, supplying, arming, training, defending, protecting, and even dragging the US into 2 un-Constitutional Wars (Libya and Syria) in which he help Al Qaeda, who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01, take over their own country and attempted to overthrow Syrian President Al-Assad and hand the country over to the terrorists ISIS. He stuck his nose into Egypt's government by helping force out US 'ally' Mubarak, turning the country into turmoil, then pushed the Egyptians to move up their election date which left only the well-organized terrorists The Muslim Brotherhood ready for such an early election, thereby ensuring / helping terrorists take over the govt of our ally Egypt. During Obama's Presidency terrorists all over the world benefitted from his assistance...such as Hezbollah, whose terrorist-supporting drug operations was protected by the Obama administration.

His & Hillary's Foreign Policy Record was disastrous:
- He allowed ISIS to walk into Iraq and take over a lot of territory US troops had liberated at great cost.

- He dragged the US into an Un-Constitutional War in Libya in which he helped Al Qaeda take over their own country and let 4 Americans needlessly die in a terrorist attack he and Hillary knew were coming.

- He dragged the US into another Un-Constitutional War in Syria, thereby helping ISIS, after his disastrous 'Red Line' debacle, sending a message that this President backs down.

- He stood idly by while Russians piled troops on Ukraine's border, not giving so much as another 'Red Line' warning and failed to keep the US' promise to help the Ukraine defend its sovereign border, His failures sent another message - The US does not honor it's promises to allies.

- He protected ISIS Black market oil ops, which paid for 1/2 of its terrorist activities, to include the historic attack on Paris. After the attack, when France and Russian planes launched an attack against the Black Market oil sites Obama had been previously protecting, Obama did not order the US military to join in on the attack. Instead he ordered the US Military to drop leaflets down to ISIS warning them the attack was coming.

- North Korea was ignored and allowed to acquire both nukes and the missile technology giving them the ability to strike the US with its nukes.

- Obama entered upon his own Um-Constitutional Treaty with Iran...despite the fact that they were already violating the temp agreements that had been put into place until the final agreement could be signed, a treaty which benefitted only them. Obama was so desperate to get a deal done to add to his 'legacy' that he refused to even ask for the return of US hostages as part of the deal. Instead, he later pain a ransom of millions more to Iran for the release of US hostages.

- Speaking of 'ransoms'...Obama lied to the nation, telling them that the release of the Top 5 Taliban leaders in the war against the Taliban were released from Gitmo as part of the deal with the Akani network to release Bo Bergdahl. The Akanis demanded a ransom payment and were paid. They never asked for the release of the Taliban 5. Obama released the Taliban 5 in hopes he could keep his campaign promise to close GITMO. He had already been releasing many terrorists, but the Taliban 5 were too 'huge' just to release. So, he used the ransom for Bergdahl as justification to release them. One week after he released them one of the 5's own militias/armies attacked a village, killing everyone - men, women, and children as punishment for his original capture, which he blamed them for.

Let's not forget his own personal Drone assassination program where he personally picked the targets he wanted killed, to include US personnel abroad, despite violating their right to due process.

Obama's only claim of success in Foreign Policy was his claim to have killed Bin Ladden, although SEAL Team 6 actually did that. Bin Ladden was located using the Intel process Bush had started and UBL was taken out by SEAL Team 6. Obama even managed to F* that up - immediately after capturing a treasure-trove of prosecutable information Obama could not wait to tell the world...and warn the terrorists. He went on TV and bragged how we had the locations of where terrorist leaders were, had cell phones we could exploit to listen in on them....rendering extremely valuable information completely useless in a matter of minutes!
Why do mods allow this kind of obvious crap. A thread about Trump and his relationship with Mueller gets a long drawn out unrelated rant and bashing of either one Clinton's, Obama's or all of them. Post should have been deleted. Just piling on hatful crap without reason or rhyme.
Maybe Mueller learned from how repubs treated Bill?
Nah, snowflakes are just still pissed that their sexual deviant pedophile President was impeached and still seek to 'get even'. That desire to seek revenge got even stronger when Trump beat Bill's Felon wife in the 2016 election.
and the good news is easy is that we have lots of time and revenge is a dish best served cold ,,,,,but it's on it's way

Thanks for admitting that this is all about your hatred of Trump and getting revenge. It has nothing to do with justice. You basically just admitted that you're a despicable douchebag.
hey bri you ah sure I hate trump you should too if you had a brain in your head He's nothing but a walking POS
Why do mods allow this kind of obvious crap. A thread about Trump and his relationship with Mueller gets a long drawn out unrelated rant and bashing of either one Clinton's, Obama's or all of them. Post should have been deleted. Just piling on hatful crap without reason or rhyme.
I apologize for my post, which was a response to a post to me. I will delete my posts, as you are right - they don't belong here.
Has anyone ever even seriously accused Bill Clinton of being a pedophile or is this just you being your usual lying despicable douche bag self?
Do you make these posts just for show, for other people's benefit, or just faking stupidity to personally attack me? You already now the answer to that.
Has anyone ever even seriously accused Bill Clinton of being a pedophile or is this just you being your usual lying despicable douche bag self?
Do you make these posts just for show, for other people's benefit, or just faking stupidity to personally attack me? You already now the answer to that.
keep it up easy You're very entertaining You bring us a good laugh whenever you show up
Has anyone ever even seriously accused Bill Clinton of being a pedophile or is this just you being your usual lying despicable douche bag self?
Do you make these posts just for show, for other people's benefit, or just faking stupidity to personally attack me? You already now the answer to that.
keep it up easy You're very entertaining You bring us a good laugh whenever you show up
Thanks for answering my question - unable to actually debate / discuss, like most snowflakes, you resort to personal attacks.


Hey, look over there, Ed - your pals over at the kids' table are waiving at you. Perhaps you should re-join them and let the adults talk....

Has anyone ever even seriously accused Bill Clinton of being a pedophile or is this just you being your usual lying despicable douche bag self?
Do you make these posts just for show, for other people's benefit, or just faking stupidity to personally attack me? You already now the answer to that.
No, I am not aware of any legitimate or serious allegations of Bill Clinton being a pedophile or being a participant in such activities.
No, I am not aware of any legitimate or serious allegations of Bill Clinton being a pedophile or being a participant in such activities.

No, I am not aware of any legitimate or serious allegations of Bill Clinton being a pedophile or being a participant in such activities.

View attachment 191574
So, your need to post a very old and used Russian generated meme is a substitute for you, as usual, not being able to back up your lies and deplorable efforts to misinform and with the same kind of rubbish used by the Russians to create confusion and chaos, making you a Russian dupe or just a very dump person. Maybe both.
lets just call it revenge for the republican party taking us down shit road with their last 2 presidents ,,,,all the while their unamerican supporters egged them on

Let's talk about THE last President, if you care to be honest.


The Last President began his time in office by openly declaring to the American People that he would NOT order his DOJ to aggressively defend the Defense of marriage Act (DOMA) BECAUSE HE DISAGREED WITH IT.
- Although sworn to defend and enforce the Rule of law, one of the 1st things he did was announce he was breaking his oath of office and refusing to do his job BECAUSE HE DID NOT LIKE THE LAW.

The highlights of his legacy include:

8 Years of financing, supplying, arming, training, defending, protecting, and even dragging the US into 2 un-Constitutional Wars (Libya and Syria) in which he help Al Qaeda, who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01, take over their own country and attempted to overthrow Syrian President Al-Assad and hand the country over to the terrorists ISIS. He stuck his nose into Egypt's government by helping force out US 'ally' Mubarak, turning the country into turmoil, then pushed the Egyptians to move up their election date which left only the well-organized terrorists The Muslim Brotherhood ready for such an early election, thereby ensuring / helping terrorists take over the govt of our ally Egypt. During Obama's Presidency terrorists all over the world benefitted from his assistance...such as Hezbollah, whose terrorist-supporting drug operations was protected by the Obama administration.

His & Hillary's Foreign Policy Record was disastrous:
- He allowed ISIS to walk into Iraq and take over a lot of territory US troops had liberated at great cost.

- He dragged the US into an Un-Constitutional War in Libya in which he helped Al Qaeda take over their own country and let 4 Americans needlessly die in a terrorist attack he and Hillary knew were coming.

- He dragged the US into another Un-Constitutional War in Syria, thereby helping ISIS, after his disastrous 'Red Line' debacle, sending a message that this President backs down.

- He stood idly by while Russians piled troops on Ukraine's border, not giving so much as another 'Red Line' warning and failed to keep the US' promise to help the Ukraine defend its sovereign border, His failures sent another message - The US does not honor it's promises to allies.

- He protected ISIS Black market oil ops, which paid for 1/2 of its terrorist activities, to include the historic attack on Paris. After the attack, when France and Russian planes launched an attack against the Black Market oil sites Obama had been previously protecting, Obama did not order the US military to join in on the attack. Instead he ordered the US Military to drop leaflets down to ISIS warning them the attack was coming.

- North Korea was ignored and allowed to acquire both nukes and the missile technology giving them the ability to strike the US with its nukes.

- Obama entered upon his own Um-Constitutional Treaty with Iran...despite the fact that they were already violating the temp agreements that had been put into place until the final agreement could be signed, a treaty which benefitted only them. Obama was so desperate to get a deal done to add to his 'legacy' that he refused to even ask for the return of US hostages as part of the deal. Instead, he later pain a ransom of millions more to Iran for the release of US hostages.

- Speaking of 'ransoms'...Obama lied to the nation, telling them that the release of the Top 5 Taliban leaders in the war against the Taliban were released from Gitmo as part of the deal with the Akani network to release Bo Bergdahl. The Akanis demanded a ransom payment and were paid. They never asked for the release of the Taliban 5. Obama released the Taliban 5 in hopes he could keep his campaign promise to close GITMO. He had already been releasing many terrorists, but the Taliban 5 were too 'huge' just to release. So, he used the ransom for Bergdahl as justification to release them. One week after he released them one of the 5's own militias/armies attacked a village, killing everyone - men, women, and children as punishment for his original capture, which he blamed them for.

Let's not forget his own personal Drone assassination program where he personally picked the targets he wanted killed, to include US personnel abroad, despite violating their right to due process.

Obama's only claim of success in Foreign Policy was his claim to have killed Bin Ladden, although SEAL Team 6 actually did that. Bin Ladden was located using the Intel process Bush had started and UBL was taken out by SEAL Team 6. Obama even managed to F* that up - immediately after capturing a treasure-trove of prosecutable information Obama could not wait to tell the world...and warn the terrorists. He went on TV and bragged how we had the locations of where terrorist leaders were, had cell phones we could exploit to listen in on them....rendering extremely valuable information completely useless in a matter of minutes!
Why do mods allow this kind of obvious crap. A thread about Trump and his relationship with Mueller gets a long drawn out unrelated rant and bashing of either one Clinton's, Obama's or all of them. Post should have been deleted. Just piling on hatful crap without reason or rhyme.

So you're trying to tell us that destroy-Trump-at-any-cost douchebags like you don't pile on hateful crap?
I cherish this moment in history when I see a demonstratively Patriotic President take on the slings and arrows of a broken government,a corrupt MSM and a cesspool decades in the making....MY GUY!
Maybe Mueller learned from how repubs treated Bill?
Nah, snowflakes are just still pissed that their sexual deviant pedophile President was impeached and still seek to 'get even'. That desire to seek revenge got even stronger when Trump beat Bill's Felon wife in the 2016 election.
and the good news is easy is that we have lots of time and revenge is a dish best served cold ,,,,,but it's on it's way

Thanks for admitting that this is all about your hatred of Trump and getting revenge. It has nothing to do with justice. You basically just admitted that you're a despicable douchebag.
hey bri you ah sure I hate trump you should too if you had a brain in your head He's nothing but a walking POS
People with brains don't vote Democrat.
lets just call it revenge for the republican party taking us down shit road with their last 2 presidents ,,,,all the while their unamerican supporters egged them on

Let's talk about THE last President, if you care to be honest.


The Last President began his time in office by openly declaring to the American People that he would NOT order his DOJ to aggressively defend the Defense of marriage Act (DOMA) BECAUSE HE DISAGREED WITH IT.
- Although sworn to defend and enforce the Rule of law, one of the 1st things he did was announce he was breaking his oath of office and refusing to do his job BECAUSE HE DID NOT LIKE THE LAW.

The highlights of his legacy include:

8 Years of financing, supplying, arming, training, defending, protecting, and even dragging the US into 2 un-Constitutional Wars (Libya and Syria) in which he help Al Qaeda, who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01, take over their own country and attempted to overthrow Syrian President Al-Assad and hand the country over to the terrorists ISIS. He stuck his nose into Egypt's government by helping force out US 'ally' Mubarak, turning the country into turmoil, then pushed the Egyptians to move up their election date which left only the well-organized terrorists The Muslim Brotherhood ready for such an early election, thereby ensuring / helping terrorists take over the govt of our ally Egypt. During Obama's Presidency terrorists all over the world benefitted from his assistance...such as Hezbollah, whose terrorist-supporting drug operations was protected by the Obama administration.

His & Hillary's Foreign Policy Record was disastrous:
- He allowed ISIS to walk into Iraq and take over a lot of territory US troops had liberated at great cost.

- He dragged the US into an Un-Constitutional War in Libya in which he helped Al Qaeda take over their own country and let 4 Americans needlessly die in a terrorist attack he and Hillary knew were coming.

- He dragged the US into another Un-Constitutional War in Syria, thereby helping ISIS, after his disastrous 'Red Line' debacle, sending a message that this President backs down.

- He stood idly by while Russians piled troops on Ukraine's border, not giving so much as another 'Red Line' warning and failed to keep the US' promise to help the Ukraine defend its sovereign border, His failures sent another message - The US does not honor it's promises to allies.

- He protected ISIS Black market oil ops, which paid for 1/2 of its terrorist activities, to include the historic attack on Paris. After the attack, when France and Russian planes launched an attack against the Black Market oil sites Obama had been previously protecting, Obama did not order the US military to join in on the attack. Instead he ordered the US Military to drop leaflets down to ISIS warning them the attack was coming.

- North Korea was ignored and allowed to acquire both nukes and the missile technology giving them the ability to strike the US with its nukes.

- Obama entered upon his own Um-Constitutional Treaty with Iran...despite the fact that they were already violating the temp agreements that had been put into place until the final agreement could be signed, a treaty which benefitted only them. Obama was so desperate to get a deal done to add to his 'legacy' that he refused to even ask for the return of US hostages as part of the deal. Instead, he later pain a ransom of millions more to Iran for the release of US hostages.

- Speaking of 'ransoms'...Obama lied to the nation, telling them that the release of the Top 5 Taliban leaders in the war against the Taliban were released from Gitmo as part of the deal with the Akani network to release Bo Bergdahl. The Akanis demanded a ransom payment and were paid. They never asked for the release of the Taliban 5. Obama released the Taliban 5 in hopes he could keep his campaign promise to close GITMO. He had already been releasing many terrorists, but the Taliban 5 were too 'huge' just to release. So, he used the ransom for Bergdahl as justification to release them. One week after he released them one of the 5's own militias/armies attacked a village, killing everyone - men, women, and children as punishment for his original capture, which he blamed them for.

Let's not forget his own personal Drone assassination program where he personally picked the targets he wanted killed, to include US personnel abroad, despite violating their right to due process.

Obama's only claim of success in Foreign Policy was his claim to have killed Bin Ladden, although SEAL Team 6 actually did that. Bin Ladden was located using the Intel process Bush had started and UBL was taken out by SEAL Team 6. Obama even managed to F* that up - immediately after capturing a treasure-trove of prosecutable information Obama could not wait to tell the world...and warn the terrorists. He went on TV and bragged how we had the locations of where terrorist leaders were, had cell phones we could exploit to listen in on them....rendering extremely valuable information completely useless in a matter of minutes!
Why do mods allow this kind of obvious crap. A thread about Trump and his relationship with Mueller gets a long drawn out unrelated rant and bashing of either one Clinton's, Obama's or all of them. Post should have been deleted. Just piling on hatful crap without reason or rhyme.

So you're trying to tell us that destroy-Trump-at-any-cost douchebags like you don't pile on hateful crap?
Bri I'm saying the sooner we get rid of that crap the better...He stinks to high heaven sorry you can't smell the stink
lets just call it revenge for the republican party taking us down shit road with their last 2 presidents ,,,,all the while their unamerican supporters egged them on

Let's talk about THE last President, if you care to be honest.


The Last President began his time in office by openly declaring to the American People that he would NOT order his DOJ to aggressively defend the Defense of marriage Act (DOMA) BECAUSE HE DISAGREED WITH IT.
- Although sworn to defend and enforce the Rule of law, one of the 1st things he did was announce he was breaking his oath of office and refusing to do his job BECAUSE HE DID NOT LIKE THE LAW.

The highlights of his legacy include:

8 Years of financing, supplying, arming, training, defending, protecting, and even dragging the US into 2 un-Constitutional Wars (Libya and Syria) in which he help Al Qaeda, who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01, take over their own country and attempted to overthrow Syrian President Al-Assad and hand the country over to the terrorists ISIS. He stuck his nose into Egypt's government by helping force out US 'ally' Mubarak, turning the country into turmoil, then pushed the Egyptians to move up their election date which left only the well-organized terrorists The Muslim Brotherhood ready for such an early election, thereby ensuring / helping terrorists take over the govt of our ally Egypt. During Obama's Presidency terrorists all over the world benefitted from his assistance...such as Hezbollah, whose terrorist-supporting drug operations was protected by the Obama administration.

His & Hillary's Foreign Policy Record was disastrous:
- He allowed ISIS to walk into Iraq and take over a lot of territory US troops had liberated at great cost.

- He dragged the US into an Un-Constitutional War in Libya in which he helped Al Qaeda take over their own country and let 4 Americans needlessly die in a terrorist attack he and Hillary knew were coming.

- He dragged the US into another Un-Constitutional War in Syria, thereby helping ISIS, after his disastrous 'Red Line' debacle, sending a message that this President backs down.

- He stood idly by while Russians piled troops on Ukraine's border, not giving so much as another 'Red Line' warning and failed to keep the US' promise to help the Ukraine defend its sovereign border, His failures sent another message - The US does not honor it's promises to allies.

- He protected ISIS Black market oil ops, which paid for 1/2 of its terrorist activities, to include the historic attack on Paris. After the attack, when France and Russian planes launched an attack against the Black Market oil sites Obama had been previously protecting, Obama did not order the US military to join in on the attack. Instead he ordered the US Military to drop leaflets down to ISIS warning them the attack was coming.

- North Korea was ignored and allowed to acquire both nukes and the missile technology giving them the ability to strike the US with its nukes.

- Obama entered upon his own Um-Constitutional Treaty with Iran...despite the fact that they were already violating the temp agreements that had been put into place until the final agreement could be signed, a treaty which benefitted only them. Obama was so desperate to get a deal done to add to his 'legacy' that he refused to even ask for the return of US hostages as part of the deal. Instead, he later pain a ransom of millions more to Iran for the release of US hostages.

- Speaking of 'ransoms'...Obama lied to the nation, telling them that the release of the Top 5 Taliban leaders in the war against the Taliban were released from Gitmo as part of the deal with the Akani network to release Bo Bergdahl. The Akanis demanded a ransom payment and were paid. They never asked for the release of the Taliban 5. Obama released the Taliban 5 in hopes he could keep his campaign promise to close GITMO. He had already been releasing many terrorists, but the Taliban 5 were too 'huge' just to release. So, he used the ransom for Bergdahl as justification to release them. One week after he released them one of the 5's own militias/armies attacked a village, killing everyone - men, women, and children as punishment for his original capture, which he blamed them for.

Let's not forget his own personal Drone assassination program where he personally picked the targets he wanted killed, to include US personnel abroad, despite violating their right to due process.

Obama's only claim of success in Foreign Policy was his claim to have killed Bin Ladden, although SEAL Team 6 actually did that. Bin Ladden was located using the Intel process Bush had started and UBL was taken out by SEAL Team 6. Obama even managed to F* that up - immediately after capturing a treasure-trove of prosecutable information Obama could not wait to tell the world...and warn the terrorists. He went on TV and bragged how we had the locations of where terrorist leaders were, had cell phones we could exploit to listen in on them....rendering extremely valuable information completely useless in a matter of minutes!
Why do mods allow this kind of obvious crap. A thread about Trump and his relationship with Mueller gets a long drawn out unrelated rant and bashing of either one Clinton's, Obama's or all of them. Post should have been deleted. Just piling on hatful crap without reason or rhyme.

So you're trying to tell us that destroy-Trump-at-any-cost douchebags like you don't pile on hateful crap?
Bri I'm saying the sooner we get rid of that crap the better...He stinks to high heaven sorry you can't smell the stink

The stink is all coming from your direction. The simplest way to stop is for Herr Mewlerr to give up the witch hunt. However, that won't stop the prosecution of Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Strozk, Paige, Ohre and McCabe.
lets just call it revenge for the republican party taking us down shit road with their last 2 presidents ,,,,all the while their unamerican supporters egged them on

Let's talk about THE last President, if you care to be honest.


The Last President began his time in office by openly declaring to the American People that he would NOT order his DOJ to aggressively defend the Defense of marriage Act (DOMA) BECAUSE HE DISAGREED WITH IT.
- Although sworn to defend and enforce the Rule of law, one of the 1st things he did was announce he was breaking his oath of office and refusing to do his job BECAUSE HE DID NOT LIKE THE LAW.

The highlights of his legacy include:

8 Years of financing, supplying, arming, training, defending, protecting, and even dragging the US into 2 un-Constitutional Wars (Libya and Syria) in which he help Al Qaeda, who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01, take over their own country and attempted to overthrow Syrian President Al-Assad and hand the country over to the terrorists ISIS. He stuck his nose into Egypt's government by helping force out US 'ally' Mubarak, turning the country into turmoil, then pushed the Egyptians to move up their election date which left only the well-organized terrorists The Muslim Brotherhood ready for such an early election, thereby ensuring / helping terrorists take over the govt of our ally Egypt. During Obama's Presidency terrorists all over the world benefitted from his assistance...such as Hezbollah, whose terrorist-supporting drug operations was protected by the Obama administration.

His & Hillary's Foreign Policy Record was disastrous:
- He allowed ISIS to walk into Iraq and take over a lot of territory US troops had liberated at great cost.

- He dragged the US into an Un-Constitutional War in Libya in which he helped Al Qaeda take over their own country and let 4 Americans needlessly die in a terrorist attack he and Hillary knew were coming.

- He dragged the US into another Un-Constitutional War in Syria, thereby helping ISIS, after his disastrous 'Red Line' debacle, sending a message that this President backs down.

- He stood idly by while Russians piled troops on Ukraine's border, not giving so much as another 'Red Line' warning and failed to keep the US' promise to help the Ukraine defend its sovereign border, His failures sent another message - The US does not honor it's promises to allies.

- He protected ISIS Black market oil ops, which paid for 1/2 of its terrorist activities, to include the historic attack on Paris. After the attack, when France and Russian planes launched an attack against the Black Market oil sites Obama had been previously protecting, Obama did not order the US military to join in on the attack. Instead he ordered the US Military to drop leaflets down to ISIS warning them the attack was coming.

- North Korea was ignored and allowed to acquire both nukes and the missile technology giving them the ability to strike the US with its nukes.

- Obama entered upon his own Um-Constitutional Treaty with Iran...despite the fact that they were already violating the temp agreements that had been put into place until the final agreement could be signed, a treaty which benefitted only them. Obama was so desperate to get a deal done to add to his 'legacy' that he refused to even ask for the return of US hostages as part of the deal. Instead, he later pain a ransom of millions more to Iran for the release of US hostages.

- Speaking of 'ransoms'...Obama lied to the nation, telling them that the release of the Top 5 Taliban leaders in the war against the Taliban were released from Gitmo as part of the deal with the Akani network to release Bo Bergdahl. The Akanis demanded a ransom payment and were paid. They never asked for the release of the Taliban 5. Obama released the Taliban 5 in hopes he could keep his campaign promise to close GITMO. He had already been releasing many terrorists, but the Taliban 5 were too 'huge' just to release. So, he used the ransom for Bergdahl as justification to release them. One week after he released them one of the 5's own militias/armies attacked a village, killing everyone - men, women, and children as punishment for his original capture, which he blamed them for.

Let's not forget his own personal Drone assassination program where he personally picked the targets he wanted killed, to include US personnel abroad, despite violating their right to due process.

Obama's only claim of success in Foreign Policy was his claim to have killed Bin Ladden, although SEAL Team 6 actually did that. Bin Ladden was located using the Intel process Bush had started and UBL was taken out by SEAL Team 6. Obama even managed to F* that up - immediately after capturing a treasure-trove of prosecutable information Obama could not wait to tell the world...and warn the terrorists. He went on TV and bragged how we had the locations of where terrorist leaders were, had cell phones we could exploit to listen in on them....rendering extremely valuable information completely useless in a matter of minutes!
Why do mods allow this kind of obvious crap. A thread about Trump and his relationship with Mueller gets a long drawn out unrelated rant and bashing of either one Clinton's, Obama's or all of them. Post should have been deleted. Just piling on hatful crap without reason or rhyme.

So you're trying to tell us that destroy-Trump-at-any-cost douchebags like you don't pile on hateful crap?
Bri I'm saying the sooner we get rid of that crap the better...He stinks to high heaven sorry you can't smell the stink

The stink is all coming from your direction. The simplest way to stop is for Herr Mewlerr to give up the witch hunt. However, that won't stop the prosecution of Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Strozk, Paige, Ohre and McCabe.
Gee you missed Hillary ,,You're slipping

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