Trump team leaked Mueller questions

Let's just get this over with.

Have Mueller subpoena Trump.

Have Trump sit down in front of Mueller with his Lawyers.

Let Mueller ask his questions.

Trump repeatedly says, 'I am pleading the 5th' to avoid Mueller's 'Obstruction Trap'.

Given / Left with NOTHING, Mueller is then forced to make a case based on what he already has...which is nothing.

- Mueller and the media squeal like a stuck pig how trumps refusal to play Mueller's game is evidence of his 'guilt' (without any evidence still to back it up)

in the end Mueller is stuck with several 'Scooter Libby' indictments and no evidence against Trump.

This will still be enough for already insane Trump-Hating liberals / Democrats to push for Impeachment....

..and meanwhile Putin sits back laughing his ass off at how divided the Democrats have helped him make this country.

So instead of dragging this BS on for another year, let's just go ahead and do this and get it over with.

No president has EVER pleaded the 5th. He will be dead in the Republican Party.

Why would he plead the 5th when all he has to do is tell Mueller to fuck off? Does Mueller have anyone under his control who can arrest Trump?

Trump has only two choices when served with a grand jury subpoena. He can testify or take the fifth. No one is above the law.

You forgot the third choice: he can simply ignore it. Let's see how Herr Mewler enforces his subpoena.
Here Bri
Can Mueller subpoena President Trump? - Vox
Can Mueller force Trump to testify? I asked 9 legal experts.
Mar 15, 2018 - Trump's lawyers have consistently urged him not to sit down with Mueller, and so far it appears Trump is taking their advice. But if Mueller decides to press the issue and subpoena the president, he'll be doing something extremely rare. The last time a president was subpoenaed was in 1998 as part of the ...
Mueller Cites Subpoena Power If Trump Won't Do Interview - Bloomberg
2 days ago - What Happens If Trump Tries to Fight a Subpoena? ... Prosecutors working for RobertMueller have made clear to Donald Trump’s legal team that the special counsel would consider asubpoena compelling the president to testify before a grand jury if he refuses to participate in a ...
Let's just get this over with.

Have Mueller subpoena Trump.

Have Trump sit down in front of Mueller with his Lawyers.

Let Mueller ask his questions.

Trump repeatedly says, 'I am pleading the 5th' to avoid Mueller's 'Obstruction Trap'.

Given / Left with NOTHING, Mueller is then forced to make a case based on what he already has...which is nothing.

- Mueller and the media squeal like a stuck pig how trumps refusal to play Mueller's game is evidence of his 'guilt' (without any evidence still to back it up)

in the end Mueller is stuck with several 'Scooter Libby' indictments and no evidence against Trump.

This will still be enough for already insane Trump-Hating liberals / Democrats to push for Impeachment....

..and meanwhile Putin sits back laughing his ass off at how divided the Democrats have helped him make this country.

So instead of dragging this BS on for another year, let's just go ahead and do this and get it over with.

No president has EVER pleaded the 5th. He will be dead in the Republican Party.

Why would he plead the 5th when all he has to do is tell Mueller to fuck off? Does Mueller have anyone under his control who can arrest Trump?

Trump has only two choices when served with a grand jury subpoena. He can testify or take the fifth. No one is above the law.

You forgot the third choice: he can simply ignore it. Let's see how Herr Mewler enforces his subpoena.

He can't ignore it. He either needs to challenge it in court or take the fifth. Neither is very good for him politically.
Sure he can ignore it. Who's going to arrest him? How is Herr Mewler going to enforce his subpoena? Do you think Rosenstein is going to order someone to arrest Trump, his boss?
Let's just get this over with.

Have Mueller subpoena Trump.

Have Trump sit down in front of Mueller with his Lawyers.

Let Mueller ask his questions.

Trump repeatedly says, 'I am pleading the 5th' to avoid Mueller's 'Obstruction Trap'.

Given / Left with NOTHING, Mueller is then forced to make a case based on what he already has...which is nothing.

- Mueller and the media squeal like a stuck pig how trumps refusal to play Mueller's game is evidence of his 'guilt' (without any evidence still to back it up)

in the end Mueller is stuck with several 'Scooter Libby' indictments and no evidence against Trump.

This will still be enough for already insane Trump-Hating liberals / Democrats to push for Impeachment....

..and meanwhile Putin sits back laughing his ass off at how divided the Democrats have helped him make this country.

So instead of dragging this BS on for another year, let's just go ahead and do this and get it over with.

No president has EVER pleaded the 5th. He will be dead in the Republican Party.

Why would he plead the 5th when all he has to do is tell Mueller to fuck off? Does Mueller have anyone under his control who can arrest Trump?

Trump has only two choices when served with a grand jury subpoena. He can testify or take the fifth. No one is above the law.

You forgot the third choice: he can simply ignore it. Let's see how Herr Mewler enforces his subpoena.
Here Bri
Can Mueller subpoena President Trump? - Vox
Can Mueller force Trump to testify? I asked 9 legal experts.
Mar 15, 2018 - Trump's lawyers have consistently urged him not to sit down with Mueller, and so far it appears Trump is taking their advice. But if Mueller decides to press the issue and subpoena the president, he'll be doing something extremely rare. The last time a president was subpoenaed was in 1998 as part of the ...
Mueller Cites Subpoena Power If Trump Won't Do Interview - Bloomberg
2 days ago - What Happens If Trump Tries to Fight a Subpoena? ... Prosecutors working for RobertMueller have made clear to Donald Trump’s legal team that the special counsel would consider asubpoena compelling the president to testify before a grand jury if he refuses to participate in a ...
Your link points at nothing.
Let's just get this over with.

Have Mueller subpoena Trump.

Have Trump sit down in front of Mueller with his Lawyers.

Let Mueller ask his questions.

Trump repeatedly says, 'I am pleading the 5th' to avoid Mueller's 'Obstruction Trap'.

Given / Left with NOTHING, Mueller is then forced to make a case based on what he already has...which is nothing.

- Mueller and the media squeal like a stuck pig how trumps refusal to play Mueller's game is evidence of his 'guilt' (without any evidence still to back it up)

in the end Mueller is stuck with several 'Scooter Libby' indictments and no evidence against Trump.

This will still be enough for already insane Trump-Hating liberals / Democrats to push for Impeachment....

..and meanwhile Putin sits back laughing his ass off at how divided the Democrats have helped him make this country.

So instead of dragging this BS on for another year, let's just go ahead and do this and get it over with.

No president has EVER pleaded the 5th. He will be dead in the Republican Party.

Why would he plead the 5th when all he has to do is tell Mueller to fuck off? Does Mueller have anyone under his control who can arrest Trump?

Trump has only two choices when served with a grand jury subpoena. He can testify or take the fifth. No one is above the law.

You forgot the third choice: he can simply ignore it. Let's see how Herr Mewler enforces his subpoena.

He can't ignore it. He either needs to challenge it in court or take the fifth. Neither is very good for him politically.
Do these idiots think trump is above the law like Nixon did??
No president has EVER pleaded the 5th. He will be dead in the Republican Party.

Why would he plead the 5th when all he has to do is tell Mueller to fuck off? Does Mueller have anyone under his control who can arrest Trump?

Trump has only two choices when served with a grand jury subpoena. He can testify or take the fifth. No one is above the law.

You forgot the third choice: he can simply ignore it. Let's see how Herr Mewler enforces his subpoena.

He can't ignore it. He either needs to challenge it in court or take the fifth. Neither is very good for him politically.
Do these idiots think trump is above the law like Nixon did??
You turds seem to think Herr Mewler is a dictator who can do whatever he wants. His entire investigation is illegal. No one can name a crime being investigated.
Why would he plead the 5th when all he has to do is tell Mueller to fuck off? Does Mueller have anyone under his control who can arrest Trump?

Trump has only two choices when served with a grand jury subpoena. He can testify or take the fifth. No one is above the law.

You forgot the third choice: he can simply ignore it. Let's see how Herr Mewler enforces his subpoena.

He can't ignore it. He either needs to challenge it in court or take the fifth. Neither is very good for him politically.
Do these idiots think trump is above the law like Nixon did??
You turds seem to think Herr Mewler is a dictator who can do whatever he wants. His entire investigation is illegal. No one can name a crime being investigated.
You're whistling past the graveyard bri
Trump has only two choices when served with a grand jury subpoena. He can testify or take the fifth. No one is above the law.

You forgot the third choice: he can simply ignore it. Let's see how Herr Mewler enforces his subpoena.

He can't ignore it. He either needs to challenge it in court or take the fifth. Neither is very good for him politically.
Do these idiots think trump is above the law like Nixon did??
You turds seem to think Herr Mewler is a dictator who can do whatever he wants. His entire investigation is illegal. No one can name a crime being investigated.
You're whistling past the graveyard bri
Nope. Herr Mewler is not going to subpoena Trump. He'll lose that battle if he tries it. Trump would just cite executive privilege, and then what is the Grand Inquisitor going to do? He can take it all the way to the Supreme Court, which has 5 firm conservative justices sitting on it.
no more normal than the asshats who voted for trump.

most partisan loons aren't normal.

Oh, and you don't see yourself as partisan?

Gotta go...continue with britpat, cause he's on the same path as I.
I'm sorry to hear that. Seriously.

You use the same vulgarities and the other partisan anti-Trumpers. I'm not saying you're wrong, but you are definitely a partisan.
I don't recall being vulgar to you on this board. I did you a bad turn once on another board, and again I apologize but I don't recall vulgarities to you, but if I did I'm sorry. I have no problem being vulgar to assholes who take the first swing.

Yes, I had forgotten that, so please don't think I was referring to that. I was talking about "asshats" in an earlier post. I understand what you're saying about "being vulgar to assholes who take the first swing" and fully support that. I just don't think we should label entire groups with such labels. Everyone knows that I had serious reservations about Hillary Clinton and what I consider to be her corruption and my problems with how her camp treated Bernie in the primaries. But, I try to go no farther than "Hillarybot" for her robotic posters, even though I think that MOST of them deserve the most disgusting labels...because there are some who do not.

I apologize for this if it seems like a lecture. I'm just explaining why I said what I said.
Oh, and you don't see yourself as partisan?

Gotta go...continue with britpat, cause he's on the same path as I.
I'm sorry to hear that. Seriously.

You use the same vulgarities and the other partisan anti-Trumpers. I'm not saying you're wrong, but you are definitely a partisan.
I don't recall being vulgar to you on this board. I did you a bad turn once on another board, and again I apologize but I don't recall vulgarities to you, but if I did I'm sorry. I have no problem being vulgar to assholes who take the first swing.

Yes, I had forgotten that, so please don't think I was referring to that. I was talking about "asshats" in an earlier post. I understand what you're saying about "being vulgar to assholes who take the first swing" and fully support that. I just don't think we should label entire groups with such labels. Everyone knows that I had serious reservations about Hillary Clinton and what I consider to be her corruption and my problems with how her camp treated Bernie in the primaries. But, I try to go no farther than "Hillarybot" for her robotic posters, even though I think that MOST of them deserve the most disgusting labels...because there are some who do not.

I apologize for this if it seems like a lecture. I'm just explaining why I said what I said.
Nothing to apologize for, imo. And I didn't care for the Clintons. Their act got old before 1996. Unfortunately, Bob Dole, who is hero and good man, was really old. LOL
So we have established that Trump and his team did not leak 'Mueller's questions' because Mueller never gave Trump and his team a list of questions that he intended to ask. (That's not how you 'play' the 'Gottcha' game...)

We have also established that, according to the 1973 DOJ Memorandums, under the Clinton administration, the DOJ's policy - with the Constitution - that a sitting President can NOT be Indicted by a prosecutor / Grand Jury as such an act would place undue pressure on the Chief Executive required to put all effort and attention into running / defending the country. The DOJ agreed that 1 prosecutor, especially one with an agenda - like Mueller - who seeks to by-pass Congress to 'Un-Elect' a US President on his own does not have anywhere near the authority to do so.

Furthermore, it has been precedence that a President can not be subpoenaed and 'forced' to testify, especially in a case where there has been no crime identified and no evidence exists supporting the claim that a crime has been committed that warranted an investigation.


Mueller is running an 'investigation' with no clue what specific crime he is investigating. He's just rooting around trying to find whatever he can. He was not given 'carte blanch' / free reign to go witch hunting...but that is what he has done.

You don't get to subpoena a sitting President and/ or threaten him with jail time for refusing to accept your 'invitation' to a 'Lying To Investigators' Set-Up
when you can't identify a crime you're 'investigating' or provide evidence proving a crime ever happened.

Meanwhile Sessions has not only recused himself, he has crawled in a whole and buried himself - no where to be found. It is as if he ceded control of the entire DOJ to the Witch Hunters hell-bent on treasonously taking Trump down.
So we have established that Trump and his team did not leak 'Mueller's questions' because Mueller never gave Trump and his team a list of questions that he intended to ask. (That's not how you 'play' the 'Gottcha' game...)

We have also established that, according to the 1973 DOJ Memorandums, under the Clinton administration, the DOJ's policy - with the Constitution - that a sitting President can NOT be Indicted by a prosecutor / Grand Jury as such an act would place undue pressure on the Chief Executive required to put all effort and attention into running / defending the country. The DOJ agreed that 1 prosecutor, especially one with an agenda - like Mueller - who seeks to by-pass Congress to 'Un-Elect' a US President on his own does not have anywhere near the authority to do so.

Furthermore, it has been precedence that a President can not be subpoenaed and 'forced' to testify, especially in a case where there has been no crime identified and no evidence exists supporting the claim that a crime has been committed that warranted an investigation.


Mueller is running an 'investigation' with no clue what specific crime he is investigating. He's just rooting around trying to find whatever he can. He was not given 'carte blanch' / free reign to go witch hunting...but that is what he has done.

You don't get to subpoena a sitting President and/ or threaten him with jail time for refusing to accept your 'invitation' to a 'Lying To Investigators' Set-Up
when you can't identify a crime you're 'investigating' or provide evidence proving a crime ever happened.

Meanwhile Sessions has not only recused himself, he has crawled in a whole and buried himself - no where to be found. It is as if he ceded control of the entire DOJ to the Witch Hunters hell-bent on treasonously taking Trump down.
Maybe Mueller learned from how repubs treated Bill?
So we have established that Trump and his team did not leak 'Mueller's questions' because Mueller never gave Trump and his team a list of questions that he intended to ask. (That's not how you 'play' the 'Gottcha' game...)

We have also established that, according to the 1973 DOJ Memorandums, under the Clinton administration, the DOJ's policy - with the Constitution - that a sitting President can NOT be Indicted by a prosecutor / Grand Jury as such an act would place undue pressure on the Chief Executive required to put all effort and attention into running / defending the country. The DOJ agreed that 1 prosecutor, especially one with an agenda - like Mueller - who seeks to by-pass Congress to 'Un-Elect' a US President on his own does not have anywhere near the authority to do so.

Furthermore, it has been precedence that a President can not be subpoenaed and 'forced' to testify, especially in a case where there has been no crime identified and no evidence exists supporting the claim that a crime has been committed that warranted an investigation.


Mueller is running an 'investigation' with no clue what specific crime he is investigating. He's just rooting around trying to find whatever he can. He was not given 'carte blanch' / free reign to go witch hunting...but that is what he has done.

You don't get to subpoena a sitting President and/ or threaten him with jail time for refusing to accept your 'invitation' to a 'Lying To Investigators' Set-Up
when you can't identify a crime you're 'investigating' or provide evidence proving a crime ever happened.

Meanwhile Sessions has not only recused himself, he has crawled in a whole and buried himself - no where to be found. It is as if he ceded control of the entire DOJ to the Witch Hunters hell-bent on treasonously taking Trump down.
Awwww, the widdle partisan hack snowflake is wetting his panties again.


Stop with the tears snowflake.

You're Winning!!! LOL.
Maybe Mueller learned from how repubs treated Bill?
Nah, snowflakes are just still pissed that their sexual deviant pedophile President was impeached and still seek to 'get even'. That desire to seek revenge got even stronger when Trump beat Bill's Felon wife in the 2016 election.
No president has EVER pleaded the 5th. He will be dead in the Republican Party.

Why would he plead the 5th when all he has to do is tell Mueller to fuck off? Does Mueller have anyone under his control who can arrest Trump?

Trump has only two choices when served with a grand jury subpoena. He can testify or take the fifth. No one is above the law.

You forgot the third choice: he can simply ignore it. Let's see how Herr Mewler enforces his subpoena.

He can't ignore it. He either needs to challenge it in court or take the fifth. Neither is very good for him politically.
Sure he can ignore it. Who's going to arrest him? How is Herr Mewler going to enforce his subpoena? Do you think Rosenstein is going to order someone to arrest Trump, his boss?

It would be contempt of court, dope.
Subpoena literally translates to " under penalty".

That would certainly not be good politically for Trump, (your "law and order" president), or the Republicans.
You forgot the third choice: he can simply ignore it. Let's see how Herr Mewler enforces his subpoena.

He can't ignore it. He either needs to challenge it in court or take the fifth. Neither is very good for him politically.
Do these idiots think trump is above the law like Nixon did??
You turds seem to think Herr Mewler is a dictator who can do whatever he wants. His entire investigation is illegal. No one can name a crime being investigated.
You're whistling past the graveyard bri
Nope. Herr Mewler is not going to subpoena Trump. He'll lose that battle if he tries it. Trump would just cite executive privilege, and then what is the Grand Inquisitor going to do? He can take it all the way to the Supreme Court, which has 5 firm conservative justices sitting on it.

Executive privilege only covers him since he's actually been the executive. It doesn't cover the campaign, dope.
So we have established that Trump and his team did not leak 'Mueller's questions' because Mueller never gave Trump and his team a list of questions that he intended to ask. (That's not how you 'play' the 'Gottcha' game...)

We have also established that, according to the 1973 DOJ Memorandums, under the Clinton administration, the DOJ's policy - with the Constitution - that a sitting President can NOT be Indicted by a prosecutor / Grand Jury as such an act would place undue pressure on the Chief Executive required to put all effort and attention into running / defending the country. The DOJ agreed that 1 prosecutor, especially one with an agenda - like Mueller - who seeks to by-pass Congress to 'Un-Elect' a US President on his own does not have anywhere near the authority to do so.

Furthermore, it has been precedence that a President can not be subpoenaed and 'forced' to testify, especially in a case where there has been no crime identified and no evidence exists supporting the claim that a crime has been committed that warranted an investigation.


Mueller is running an 'investigation' with no clue what specific crime he is investigating. He's just rooting around trying to find whatever he can. He was not given 'carte blanch' / free reign to go witch hunting...but that is what he has done.

You don't get to subpoena a sitting President and/ or threaten him with jail time for refusing to accept your 'invitation' to a 'Lying To Investigators' Set-Up
when you can't identify a crime you're 'investigating' or provide evidence proving a crime ever happened.

Meanwhile Sessions has not only recused himself, he has crawled in a whole and buried himself - no where to be found. It is as if he ceded control of the entire DOJ to the Witch Hunters hell-bent on treasonously taking Trump down.
Awwww, the widdle partisan hack snowflake is wetting his panties again.


Stop with the tears snowflake.

You're Winning!!! LOL.
TAP TAP Cohen was talking to who?? lol
Maybe Mueller learned from how repubs treated Bill?
Nah, snowflakes are just still pissed that their sexual deviant pedophile President was impeached and still seek to 'get even'. That desire to seek revenge got even stronger when Trump beat Bill's Felon wife in the 2016 election.
and the good news is easy is that we have lots of time and revenge is a dish best served cold ,,,,,but it's on it's way
Maybe Mueller learned from how repubs treated Bill?
Nah, snowflakes are just still pissed that their sexual deviant pedophile President was impeached and still seek to 'get even'. That desire to seek revenge got even stronger when Trump beat Bill's Felon wife in the 2016 election.
and the good news is easy is that we have lots of time and revenge is a dish best served cold ,,,,,but it's on it's way least you admit what all this treason is about...

Just to make everything crystal this revenge for:

Gore losing in Florida

Slick Willy being Impeached

or Hillary Losing in 2016?
Maybe Mueller learned from how repubs treated Bill?
Nah, snowflakes are just still pissed that their sexual deviant pedophile President was impeached and still seek to 'get even'. That desire to seek revenge got even stronger when Trump beat Bill's Felon wife in the 2016 election.
and the good news is easy is that we have lots of time and revenge is a dish best served cold ,,,,,but it's on it's way least you admit what all this treason is about...

Just to make everything crystal this revenge for:

Gore losing in Florida

Slick Willy being Impeached

or Hillary Losing in 2016?
lets just call it revenge for the republican party taking us down shit road with their last 2 presidents ,,,,all the while their unamerican supporters egged them on

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