Trump team leaked Mueller questions

None of that is sufficient cause to investigate the Trump administration. No laws were broken. Trump has the legal authority to fire both Comey and Flynn.
The Russians broke laws, there’s your crime.

Our laws don't apply to Russians residing in Russia. Those indictements are a joke.

Multiple Trumpsters lied about associations with Russians, that’s cause for suspection and investigation.

Trivial failures to recollect. Nothing illegal.

Trump fired the lead investigator after asking him to back off..., if he did so to try and stop the investigation then that’s obstruction. Pretty simple, try to keep up.

The Constituion gives him the authority to fire Comey. End of story.
Since when does stealing private information and spreading false propaganda to influence an election not constitute a crime. Yes it’s a crime. Trumpsters Lied which give cause for an investigation, yes trump fired the lead investigator after asking him to drop the case, could be obstruction. Simple facts, deal with it and stop the spin
The Hillary cabal gave rise to the special counsel, and nothing else. There's no justification for this farce. There's no obstruction. The Constitution authorized Trump to fire Comey, and that douchebag Rosenstein is the one who recommended it.
I just justified it twice. You just responding with “Hillary did it” does not constitute an argument
Your "justifications" are bogus. The fact that someone in the Trump administration misremembered something is not sufficient justification for this which hunts. There isn't a politician in Washington who doesn't lie on a daily basis. If you're so hot to put liars in prison, then why aren't you douchebags going after Brennan or Clapper? The fact is you don't give a fuck about lying unless a Republican does it.
Why would he plead the 5th when all he has to do is tell Mueller to fuck off? Does Mueller have anyone under his control who can arrest Trump?
Sounds like you think the president is above the law

I understand the law. Snowflakes like you don't.
Doesn’t sound like you do. Proclaiming you understand the law doesn’t cut it.
The snowflake understanding of the law is whatever justifies destroying Trump.
I don’t want to destroy Trump. I think if he got impeached it would be an utter disaster.... even more so than his presidency
Stop lying.
None of that is sufficient cause to investigate the Trump administration. No laws were broken. Trump has the legal authority to fire both Comey and Flynn.
The Russians broke laws, there’s your crime.

Our laws don't apply to Russians residing in Russia. Those indictements are a joke.

Multiple Trumpsters lied about associations with Russians, that’s cause for suspection and investigation.

Trivial failures to recollect. Nothing illegal.

Trump fired the lead investigator after asking him to back off..., if he did so to try and stop the investigation then that’s obstruction. Pretty simple, try to keep up.

The Constituion gives him the authority to fire Comey. End of story.
Since when does stealing private information and spreading false propaganda to influence an election not constitute a crime. Yes it’s a crime. Trumpsters Lied which give cause for an investigation, yes trump fired the lead investigator after asking him to drop the case, could be obstruction. Simple facts, deal with it and stop the spin
The Hillary cabal gave rise to the special counsel, and nothing else. There's no justification for this farce. There's no obstruction. The Constitution authorized Trump to fire Comey, and that douchebag Rosenstein is the one who recommended it.

No,,,the drunken "coffee boy" bragged about help from the Russians to an Australian. The "coffee boy" now is spilling his guts to Mueller.
There's nothing to spill, douchebag.
The Russians broke laws, there’s your crime.

Our laws don't apply to Russians residing in Russia. Those indictements are a joke.

Multiple Trumpsters lied about associations with Russians, that’s cause for suspection and investigation.

Trivial failures to recollect. Nothing illegal.

Trump fired the lead investigator after asking him to back off..., if he did so to try and stop the investigation then that’s obstruction. Pretty simple, try to keep up.

The Constituion gives him the authority to fire Comey. End of story.
Since when does stealing private information and spreading false propaganda to influence an election not constitute a crime. Yes it’s a crime. Trumpsters Lied which give cause for an investigation, yes trump fired the lead investigator after asking him to drop the case, could be obstruction. Simple facts, deal with it and stop the spin
The Hillary cabal gave rise to the special counsel, and nothing else. There's no justification for this farce. There's no obstruction. The Constitution authorized Trump to fire Comey, and that douchebag Rosenstein is the one who recommended it.
I just justified it twice. You just responding with “Hillary did it” does not constitute an argument
Your "justifications" are bogus. The fact that someone in the Trump administration misremembered something is not sufficient justification for this which hunts. There isn't a politician in Washington who doesn't lie on a daily basis. If you're so hot to put liars in prison, then why aren't you douchebags going after Brennan or Clapper? The fact is you don't give a fuck about lying unless a Republican does it.
What exactly did Flynn misremember? What did he plead guilty to and what was the higher crime that got pled down? Please fill in the blanks since you seem to know it all.
Sounds like you think the president is above the law

I understand the law. Snowflakes like you don't.
Doesn’t sound like you do. Proclaiming you understand the law doesn’t cut it.
The snowflake understanding of the law is whatever justifies destroying Trump.
I don’t want to destroy Trump. I think if he got impeached it would be an utter disaster.... even more so than his presidency
Stop lying.
So is this what you do when you can no rebuttal? Blame Hillary or just call people liars?! Haha, nice job buddy
I understand the law. Snowflakes like you don't.
Doesn’t sound like you do. Proclaiming you understand the law doesn’t cut it.
The snowflake understanding of the law is whatever justifies destroying Trump.
I don’t want to destroy Trump. I think if he got impeached it would be an utter disaster.... even more so than his presidency
Stop lying.
So is this what you do when you can no rebuttal? Blame Hillary or just call people liars?! Haha, nice job buddy
Lying is what you do.
Doesn’t sound like you do. Proclaiming you understand the law doesn’t cut it.
The snowflake understanding of the law is whatever justifies destroying Trump.
I don’t want to destroy Trump. I think if he got impeached it would be an utter disaster.... even more so than his presidency
Stop lying.
So is this what you do when you can no rebuttal? Blame Hillary or just call people liars?! Haha, nice job buddy
Lying is what you do.
Wow, another zinger! Good one
Let's just get this over with.

Have Mueller subpoena Trump.

Have Trump sit down in front of Mueller with his Lawyers.

Let Mueller ask his questions.

Trump repeatedly says, 'I am pleading the 5th' to avoid Mueller's 'Obstruction Trap'.

Given / Left with NOTHING, Mueller is then forced to make a case based on what he already has...which is nothing.

- Mueller and the media squeal like a stuck pig how trumps refusal to play Mueller's game is evidence of his 'guilt' (without any evidence still to back it up)

in the end Mueller is stuck with several 'Scooter Libby' indictments and no evidence against Trump.

This will still be enough for already insane Trump-Hating liberals / Democrats to push for Impeachment....

..and meanwhile Putin sits back laughing his ass off at how divided the Democrats have helped him make this country.

So instead of dragging this BS on for another year, let's just go ahead and do this and get it over with.

No president has EVER pleaded the 5th. He will be dead in the Republican Party.

Why would he plead the 5th when all he has to do is tell Mueller to fuck off? Does Mueller have anyone under his control who can arrest Trump?

Trump has only two choices when served with a grand jury subpoena. He can testify or take the fifth. No one is above the law.
Trump has only two choices when served with a grand jury subpoena. He can testify or take the fifth. No one is above the law.
That is a nice sentiment; however, you are going by emotion and your own sense of knowing what is fact and what is not. As pointed out, the 1973 DOJ Memorandums signed under Clinton established DOJ Policy, with consideration to the Constitution, that states a sitting President can NOT be forced to testify / appear before some Prosecutor's kangaroo court just because he wants a sitting President to do so. It also established that a sitting President can not be Indicted.

Bill Clinton was never Indicted - he was CONGRESS. Mueller and Democrats seek to force the President to testify before a proven biased political entity whose agenda, as shown, is to by-pass Congress and 'un-elect' the current President by entrapping him and Indicting him.

The same people who are investigating Trump and his team are the same ones who have already proven they can not be entrusted to carry out an un-biased 'interview' based on the fact that several Democrats perpetrated the same crimes of 'Lying To the FBI / Investigators' as did Flynn but through 'selective targeting' only Flynn was Indicted, proving the 'Investigation' has an agenda and an identified, pre-determined group of targets.

And again, finally, the lead Special Counsel has issued a threat to the President of the United States, threatening to 'put the President in Jail' if he refuses to comply with a potential subpoena to undergo an 'interrogation' regarding....a NON-CRIME. Mueller has not identified any specific crime that has been perpetrated; yet he wants to issue subpoenas and threats to a sitting President?! As one top lawyer put it, Prosecutors don't just get to subpoena a President because they 'demand' answers. The only reason a sitting President should be subpoenaed is to obtain information that can not be obtained any other way, information about specific criminal activity being investigated. Mueller has no specific criminal activity - he has no evidence of ANY criminal activity regarding non-existent illegal Russian collusion.

Without evidence of any crime Mueller's demand / threat of subpoena and 'jailing' the sitting President if he refuses to comply with said subpoena is more than enough evidence that Mueller is on a 'fishing expedition' and how badly he needs / wants the President in front of him answering his questions meant to entrap the President. It is clear that, having to crime already identified, Mueller seeks to CREATE one in his 'interview' with the President.

No evidence of a crime : no crime to be investigated. (Never was.)

No evidence of a crime - no justification for subpoenaing a sitting President.

Mueller is in the final phase of his Witch Hunt, and everything now depends on forcing Trump to testify under oath where he can possibly ensnare the President. Creating this crime is the only hope for finding a crime involving Trump now... and everyone knows it.
Trump has only two choices when served with a grand jury subpoena. He can testify or take the fifth. No one is above the law.
That is a nice sentiment; however, you are going by emotion and your own sense of knowing what is fact and what is not. As pointed out, the 1973 DOJ Memorandums signed under Clinton established DOJ Policy, with consideration to the Constitution, that states a sitting President can NOT be forced to testify / appear before some Prosecutor's kangaroo court just because he wants a sitting President to do so. It also established that a sitting President can not be Indicted.

Bill Clinton was never Indicted - he was CONGRESS. Mueller and Democrats seek to force the President to testify before a proven biased political entity whose agenda, as shown, is to by-pass Congress and 'un-elect' the current President by entrapping him and Indicting him.

The same people who are investigating Trump and his team are the same ones who have already proven they can not be entrusted to carry out an un-biased 'interview' based on the fact that several Democrats perpetrated the same crimes of 'Lying To the FBI / Investigators' as did Flynn but through 'selective targeting' only Flynn was Indicted, proving the 'Investigation' has an agenda and an identified, pre-determined group of targets.

And again, finally, the lead Special Counsel has issued a threat to the President of the United States, threatening to 'put the President in Jail' if he refuses to comply with a potential subpoena to undergo an 'interrogation' regarding....a NON-CRIME. Mueller has not identified any specific crime that has been perpetrated; yet he wants to issue subpoenas and threats to a sitting President?! As one top lawyer put it, Prosecutors don't just get to subpoena a President because they 'demand' answers. The only reason a sitting President should be subpoenaed is to obtain information that can not be obtained any other way, information about specific criminal activity being investigated. Mueller has no specific criminal activity - he has no evidence of ANY criminal activity regarding non-existent illegal Russian collusion.

Without evidence of any crime Mueller's demand / threat of subpoena and 'jailing' the sitting President if he refuses to comply with said subpoena is more than enough evidence that Mueller is on a 'fishing expedition' and how badly he needs / wants the President in front of him answering his questions meant to entrap the President. It is clear that, having to crime already identified, Mueller seeks to CREATE one in his 'interview' with the President.

No evidence of a crime : no crime to be investigated. (Never was.)

No evidence of a crime - no justification for subpoenaing a sitting President.

Mueller is in the final phase of his Witch Hunt, and everything now depends on forcing Trump to testify under oath where he can possibly ensnare the President. Creating this crime is the only hope for finding a crime involving Trump now... and everyone knows it.

^ So full of shit.

Clinton was subpoenaed to testify before a grand jury. It was rescinded when he volunteered to testify.

There has never been a court challenge to this issue but there is no way any court would rule that any president is above the law.
LOL! Ok, I'm excited you didn't want Hillary. But, according to the Hillarybot crowd, 3,000,000 more wanted her than Trump, so your statement is refuted.

she won the popular vote.

trump won the election.

normal people still don't want a criminal for president.

So, you're saying that people who voted for the Corporate Whore aren't normal? Harsh, man, harsh!

no more normal than the asshats who voted for trump.

most partisan loons aren't normal.

So you believe you aren't partisan? Is that what you're trying to tell us?

i'm not partisan to a party, sweetcheeks

you'd vote for pol pot if he had an r after his name.

LOL! I voted for Bernie and then Jill Stein. That's well known and you can look back and see for yourself. So, you can give up your "I'm not partisan" act because I'm sure you're a Hillary supporter. You post just like all the other Hillarybots.
she won the popular vote.

trump won the election.

normal people still don't want a criminal for president.

So, you're saying that people who voted for the Corporate Whore aren't normal? Harsh, man, harsh!

no more normal than the asshats who voted for trump.

most partisan loons aren't normal.

So you believe you aren't partisan? Is that what you're trying to tell us?

i'm not partisan to a party, sweetcheeks

you'd vote for pol pot if he had an r after his name.

LOL! I voted for Bernie and then Jill Stein. That's well known and you can look back and see for yourself. So, you can give up your "I'm not partisan" act because I'm sure you're a Hillary supporter. You post just like all the other Hillarybots.
you seem to be laboring under the misapprehension that what you think matters.

let me assure you that it doesn't

carry on
she won the popular vote.

trump won the election.

normal people still don't want a criminal for president.

So, you're saying that people who voted for the Corporate Whore aren't normal? Harsh, man, harsh!

no more normal than the asshats who voted for trump.

most partisan loons aren't normal.

Oh, and you don't see yourself as partisan?

Gotta go...continue with britpat, cause he's on the same path as I.
I'm sorry to hear that. Seriously.

You use the same vulgarities and the other partisan anti-Trumpers. I'm not saying you're wrong, but you are definitely a partisan.
she won the popular vote.

trump won the election.

normal people still don't want a criminal for president.

So, you're saying that people who voted for the Corporate Whore aren't normal? Harsh, man, harsh!

no more normal than the asshats who voted for trump.

most partisan loons aren't normal.

Oh, and you don't see yourself as partisan?

Gotta go...continue with britpat, cause he's on the same path as I. both are clueless partisans with your heads in the sand.

Move along, trollboy. No one cares about your fantasies and I'm tired of your silly prattling. You'll get no more attention from me.
So, you're saying that people who voted for the Corporate Whore aren't normal? Harsh, man, harsh!

no more normal than the asshats who voted for trump.

most partisan loons aren't normal.

So you believe you aren't partisan? Is that what you're trying to tell us?

i'm not partisan to a party, sweetcheeks

you'd vote for pol pot if he had an r after his name.

LOL! I voted for Bernie and then Jill Stein. That's well known and you can look back and see for yourself. So, you can give up your "I'm not partisan" act because I'm sure you're a Hillary supporter. You post just like all the other Hillarybots.
you seem to be laboring under the misapprehension that what you think matters.

let me assure you that it doesn't

carry on

Yeah, I don't blame you for being embarassed. You jumped to a conclusion, you were SPECTACULARLY wrong and now you want to cover it with disdain. You make me laugh.
So, you're saying that people who voted for the Corporate Whore aren't normal? Harsh, man, harsh!

no more normal than the asshats who voted for trump.

most partisan loons aren't normal.

Oh, and you don't see yourself as partisan?

Gotta go...continue with britpat, cause he's on the same path as I. both are clueless partisans with your heads in the sand.

Move along, trollboy. No one cares about your fantasies and I'm tired of your silly prattling. You'll get no more attention from me.

Answer me....doesn't it bother you in the slightest that you voted for a serial liar that may also be guilty of multiple crimes....

Doesn't it? And before you imply anything...I did not vote for Clinton against GW Bush...
Let's just get this over with.

Have Mueller subpoena Trump.

Have Trump sit down in front of Mueller with his Lawyers.

Let Mueller ask his questions.

Trump repeatedly says, 'I am pleading the 5th' to avoid Mueller's 'Obstruction Trap'.

Given / Left with NOTHING, Mueller is then forced to make a case based on what he already has...which is nothing.

- Mueller and the media squeal like a stuck pig how trumps refusal to play Mueller's game is evidence of his 'guilt' (without any evidence still to back it up)

in the end Mueller is stuck with several 'Scooter Libby' indictments and no evidence against Trump.

This will still be enough for already insane Trump-Hating liberals / Democrats to push for Impeachment....

..and meanwhile Putin sits back laughing his ass off at how divided the Democrats have helped him make this country.

So instead of dragging this BS on for another year, let's just go ahead and do this and get it over with.

No president has EVER pleaded the 5th. He will be dead in the Republican Party.

Why would he plead the 5th when all he has to do is tell Mueller to fuck off? Does Mueller have anyone under his control who can arrest Trump?

Trump has only two choices when served with a grand jury subpoena. He can testify or take the fifth. No one is above the law.

You forgot the third choice: he can simply ignore it. Let's see how Herr Mewler enforces his subpoena.
no more normal than the asshats who voted for trump.

most partisan loons aren't normal.

Oh, and you don't see yourself as partisan?

Gotta go...continue with britpat, cause he's on the same path as I. both are clueless partisans with your heads in the sand.

Move along, trollboy. No one cares about your fantasies and I'm tired of your silly prattling. You'll get no more attention from me.

Answer me....doesn't it bother you in the slightest that you voted for a serial liar that may also be guilty of multiple crimes....

Doesn't it? And before you imply anything...I did not vote for Clinton against GW Bush...

We didn't vote for Hillary, so why should we be embarassed?
So, you're saying that people who voted for the Corporate Whore aren't normal? Harsh, man, harsh!

no more normal than the asshats who voted for trump.

most partisan loons aren't normal.

Oh, and you don't see yourself as partisan?

Gotta go...continue with britpat, cause he's on the same path as I.
I'm sorry to hear that. Seriously.

You use the same vulgarities and the other partisan anti-Trumpers. I'm not saying you're wrong, but you are definitely a partisan.
I don't recall being vulgar to you on this board. I did you a bad turn once on another board, and again I apologize but I don't recall vulgarities to you, but if I did I'm sorry. I have no problem being vulgar to assholes who take the first swing.
Let's just get this over with.

Have Mueller subpoena Trump.

Have Trump sit down in front of Mueller with his Lawyers.

Let Mueller ask his questions.

Trump repeatedly says, 'I am pleading the 5th' to avoid Mueller's 'Obstruction Trap'.

Given / Left with NOTHING, Mueller is then forced to make a case based on what he already has...which is nothing.

- Mueller and the media squeal like a stuck pig how trumps refusal to play Mueller's game is evidence of his 'guilt' (without any evidence still to back it up)

in the end Mueller is stuck with several 'Scooter Libby' indictments and no evidence against Trump.

This will still be enough for already insane Trump-Hating liberals / Democrats to push for Impeachment....

..and meanwhile Putin sits back laughing his ass off at how divided the Democrats have helped him make this country.

So instead of dragging this BS on for another year, let's just go ahead and do this and get it over with.

No president has EVER pleaded the 5th. He will be dead in the Republican Party.

Why would he plead the 5th when all he has to do is tell Mueller to fuck off? Does Mueller have anyone under his control who can arrest Trump?

Trump has only two choices when served with a grand jury subpoena. He can testify or take the fifth. No one is above the law.

You forgot the third choice: he can simply ignore it. Let's see how Herr Mewler enforces his subpoena.

He can't ignore it. He either needs to challenge it in court or take the fifth. Neither is very good for him politically.

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