Trump team leaked Mueller questions

Trump's team was behind the leak of Mueller questions, legal experts say

Just like this Orange Idiot. Orders questions leaked and then complains about DOJ leakers. What a sleaze....

Probably a Rudy idea....

In other news of the day, in 2015, Trump dictated the letter attributed to his doctor regarding his so-called "astonishly excellent "health. Simply put, Trump has no qualms about violating any ethical or moral standards because he has no values other than what he perceives to be in his own self-interest. I feel confident that t will be his undoing.
Our laws don't apply to Russians residing in Russia. Those indictements are a joke.

The laws apply. The only problem is jurisdiction for enforcement. Just like the dutch lawyer who was arrested when he entered the USA.
Not if the reason to fire them was to obstruct justice.

It doesn't matter what his reason was.
It does matter. A restaurant can refuse to serve everybody who walks in without a jacketj, because they aren't wearing a jacket.. They can refuse to serve anybody who isn't properly attired, because they aren't properlyl attired.

They can't refuse to serve muslims, jews, and blacks because they're muslims, jews and blacks.
That law doesn't contradict the Constitution. The theory that Trump can't fire Comey does contradict the Constitution.
Y'all wanted Hillary

no, i didn't

try harder, corky

LOL! Ok, I'm excited you didn't want Hillary. But, according to the Hillarybot crowd, 3,000,000 more wanted her than Trump, so your statement is refuted.

she won the popular vote.

trump won the election.

normal people still don't want a criminal for president.

So, you're saying that people who voted for the Corporate Whore aren't normal? Harsh, man, harsh!
Y'all wanted Hillary

no, i didn't

try harder, corky

LOL! Ok, I'm excited you didn't want Hillary. But, according to the Hillarybot crowd, 3,000,000 more wanted her than Trump, so your statement is refuted.

she won the popular vote.

trump won the election.

normal people still don't want a criminal for president.

So, you're saying that people who voted for the Corporate Whore aren't normal? Harsh, man, harsh!

no more normal than the asshats who voted for trump.

most partisan loons aren't normal.
Our laws don't apply to Russians residing in Russia. Those indictements are a joke.

The laws apply. The only problem is jurisdiction for enforcement. Just like the dutch lawyer who was arrested when he entered the USA.
You just admitted the US doesn't have jurisdiction. That means the laws don't apply. The case would get thrown out of court. The indictments were a stunt.
Y'all wanted Hillary

no, i didn't

try harder, corky

LOL! Ok, I'm excited you didn't want Hillary. But, according to the Hillarybot crowd, 3,000,000 more wanted her than Trump, so your statement is refuted.

she won the popular vote.

trump won the election.

normal people still don't want a criminal for president.

So, you're saying that people who voted for the Corporate Whore aren't normal? Harsh, man, harsh!

no more normal than the asshats who voted for trump.

most partisan loons aren't normal.

So you believe you aren't partisan? Is that what you're trying to tell us?

Y'all wanted Hillary

no, i didn't

try harder, corky

LOL! Ok, I'm excited you didn't want Hillary. But, according to the Hillarybot crowd, 3,000,000 more wanted her than Trump, so your statement is refuted.

she won the popular vote.

trump won the election.

normal people still don't want a criminal for president.

So, you're saying that people who voted for the Corporate Whore aren't normal? Harsh, man, harsh!

no more normal than the asshats who voted for trump.

most partisan loons aren't normal.

Oh, and you don't see yourself as partisan?
no, i didn't

try harder, corky

LOL! Ok, I'm excited you didn't want Hillary. But, according to the Hillarybot crowd, 3,000,000 more wanted her than Trump, so your statement is refuted.

she won the popular vote.

trump won the election.

normal people still don't want a criminal for president.

So, you're saying that people who voted for the Corporate Whore aren't normal? Harsh, man, harsh!

no more normal than the asshats who voted for trump.

most partisan loons aren't normal.

Oh, and you don't see yourself as partisan?

Gotta go...continue with britpat, cause he's on the same path as I.
no, i didn't

try harder, corky

LOL! Ok, I'm excited you didn't want Hillary. But, according to the Hillarybot crowd, 3,000,000 more wanted her than Trump, so your statement is refuted.

she won the popular vote.

trump won the election.

normal people still don't want a criminal for president.

So, you're saying that people who voted for the Corporate Whore aren't normal? Harsh, man, harsh!

no more normal than the asshats who voted for trump.

most partisan loons aren't normal.

So you believe you aren't partisan? Is that what you're trying to tell us?

i'm not partisan to a party, sweetcheeks

you'd vote for pol pot if he had an r after his name.
kinda like the idea that trump just pleads the fifth and teh whole thing goes away

i knew you guys weren't mensa members... :lol:

I refuse to answer, on the grounds that my answers will tend to incriminate me.

Say that a few times and people pay attention.

You can say "might" tend to incriminate me and accomplish the same thing. That's exactly what I hope he does, just to piss off the Hillarybots who have wasted so much time and effort into all this.

it doesn't matter how he says it.

normal people don't want a crook for a president.
Doesn't matter. He cain't do it. It's the one way to pretty much gay-u-ran-tee Mueller issues an indictment of a sitting potus. Trump can try to say "u cain't indict me cause I'm da boss." And Mueller says, 'an yer the obtructin justice boss, boss." LOL
LOL! Ok, I'm excited you didn't want Hillary. But, according to the Hillarybot crowd, 3,000,000 more wanted her than Trump, so your statement is refuted.

she won the popular vote.

trump won the election.

normal people still don't want a criminal for president.

So, you're saying that people who voted for the Corporate Whore aren't normal? Harsh, man, harsh!

no more normal than the asshats who voted for trump.

most partisan loons aren't normal.

Oh, and you don't see yourself as partisan?

Gotta go...continue with britpat, cause he's on the same path as I.

how fortunate for you
LOL! Ok, I'm excited you didn't want Hillary. But, according to the Hillarybot crowd, 3,000,000 more wanted her than Trump, so your statement is refuted.

she won the popular vote.

trump won the election.

normal people still don't want a criminal for president.

So, you're saying that people who voted for the Corporate Whore aren't normal? Harsh, man, harsh!

no more normal than the asshats who voted for trump.

most partisan loons aren't normal.

Oh, and you don't see yourself as partisan?

Gotta go...continue with britpat, cause he's on the same path as I.
I'm sorry to hear that. Seriously.
LOL! Ok, I'm excited you didn't want Hillary. But, according to the Hillarybot crowd, 3,000,000 more wanted her than Trump, so your statement is refuted.

she won the popular vote.

trump won the election.

normal people still don't want a criminal for president.

So, you're saying that people who voted for the Corporate Whore aren't normal? Harsh, man, harsh!

no more normal than the asshats who voted for trump.

most partisan loons aren't normal.

So you believe you aren't partisan? Is that what you're trying to tell us?

i'm not partisan to a party, sweetcheeks

you'd vote for pol pot if he had an r after his name.
The hell you aren't. Show us one post where you criticized any Democrat.
she won the popular vote.

trump won the election.

normal people still don't want a criminal for president.

So, you're saying that people who voted for the Corporate Whore aren't normal? Harsh, man, harsh!

no more normal than the asshats who voted for trump.

most partisan loons aren't normal.

So you believe you aren't partisan? Is that what you're trying to tell us?

i'm not partisan to a party, sweetcheeks

you'd vote for pol pot if he had an r after his name.
The hell you aren't. Show us one post where you criticized any Democrat.

do your own research, little boy
So, you're saying that people who voted for the Corporate Whore aren't normal? Harsh, man, harsh!

no more normal than the asshats who voted for trump.

most partisan loons aren't normal.

So you believe you aren't partisan? Is that what you're trying to tell us?

i'm not partisan to a party, sweetcheeks

you'd vote for pol pot if he had an r after his name.
The hell you aren't. Show us one post where you criticized any Democrat.

do your own research, little boy
ROFL! I'll take that as an admission that my statement is correct.
no more normal than the asshats who voted for trump.

most partisan loons aren't normal.

So you believe you aren't partisan? Is that what you're trying to tell us?

i'm not partisan to a party, sweetcheeks

you'd vote for pol pot if he had an r after his name.
The hell you aren't. Show us one post where you criticized any Democrat.

do your own research, little boy
ROFL! I'll take that as an admission that my statement is correct.

you can take it any way you want, but the next time you're correct about anything beyond your shoe size will be the first time.
If it weren’t for the multitude of lies from trump and team there likely would be no investigation. THE lies are what started it and what fuel it
Ok, let's stop the BS right there....

This entire investigation is Hillary's fault:

SHE lost the election...

She and her campaign bought a fake report from a foreign spy working with Russians and handed it to the FBI, who in turn used it to illegally obtain warrants to spy on Trump and his team and justify 1/2 of the investigation...

The other 1/2 of the investigation was blamed by the FBI on the 'tip' they were given from a huge Hillary donor who set up a meeting with an unpaid self-important Trump campaign worker, specifically the 'overheard drunken conversation between himself and the campaign worker'...

The IG report outlined how the FBI had basically been working for Hillary, how they had abused the FISA Court rules / laws to illegally obtain the warrants, and how McCabe, at least, should be indicted and charged with crimes....that the DOJ is dragging its feet on and refuses to do...

So the entire origin of the investigation can be traced back to Hillary, her surrogates, and the FBI....
The blame hillary train is still rolling I see, what a joke of a spin attempt. This investigation all started when Flynn lied and was fired. A train of other lies and then the firing of the lead investigator is what brought on Mueller. Plain and simple, we all know it
None of that is sufficient cause to investigate the Trump administration. No laws were broken. Trump has the legal authority to fire both Comey and Flynn.
The Russians broke laws, there’s your crime.

Our laws don't apply to Russians residing in Russia. Those indictements are a joke.

Multiple Trumpsters lied about associations with Russians, that’s cause for suspection and investigation.

Trivial failures to recollect. Nothing illegal.

Trump fired the lead investigator after asking him to back off..., if he did so to try and stop the investigation then that’s obstruction. Pretty simple, try to keep up.

The Constituion gives him the authority to fire Comey. End of story.
Since when does stealing private information and spreading false propaganda to influence an election not constitute a crime. Yes it’s a crime. Trumpsters Lied which give cause for an investigation, yes trump fired the lead investigator after asking him to drop the case, could be obstruction. Simple facts, deal with it and stop the spin

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