Trump team leaked Mueller questions

This entire investigation is Hillary's fault:

SHE lost the election...

You're right. If she won, there would be no need for the 3 - 4 secret backchannels the Trump team was trying to set up with the russians,
See right there you are making shit up. Mueller hasn’t made one statement about it yet you are trying to define his motives and actions. Be honest
Are you from this country?

Is English your 1st / primary language?

Do you know what the words 'It sounds like...' mean?

I did not say Mueller has declared this to be a case of Obstruction...... I see you went to the 'Mueller' school of law. :p
Ok, then I’ll play your little word game. What statement or action from Mueller makes him “sound like” a leaker? You realize how childish you sound right now don’t you? But please go ahead and answer
Months back it was reported that information was leaked from by his team. Of course Mueller himself, unlike stupid Comey, would never leak information himself. Comey, like the Clintons, would use 'surrogates' to do their bidding - 'plausible deniability'.

It seems Mueller did not leak this, but he both benefits from it and suffers for it.

While the questions - which are no this - show vagueness like as if going fishing for 'Obstruction', it also makes Trump look like a leaker / bad, which the liberal media will pile on and ensure happens.

Again, I don't give a crap if they were Mueller's questions. Americans deserve to know the questions he is going to ask because the FBI and Mueller's team / investigation has shown they can not be fully trusted.
Mueller knows who leaked them....trump is digging a deep hole....
This entire investigation is Hillary's fault:

SHE lost the election...

You're right. If she won, there would be no need for the 3 - 4 secret backchannels the Trump team was trying to set up with the russians,
You mean the attempts to communicate with different foreign governments, which Obama himself stated was legal and that he himself did as well right after he won?!

If it weren’t for the multitude of lies from trump and team there likely would be no investigation. THE lies are what started it and what fuel it
Ok, let's stop the BS right there....

This entire investigation is Hillary's fault:

SHE lost the election...

She and her campaign bought a fake report from a foreign spy working with Russians and handed it to the FBI, who in turn used it to illegally obtain warrants to spy on Trump and his team and justify 1/2 of the investigation...

The other 1/2 of the investigation was blamed by the FBI on the 'tip' they were given from a huge Hillary donor who set up a meeting with an unpaid self-important Trump campaign worker, specifically the 'overheard drunken conversation between himself and the campaign worker'...

The IG report outlined how the FBI had basically been working for Hillary, how they had abused the FISA Court rules / laws to illegally obtain the warrants, and how McCabe, at least, should be indicted and charged with crimes....that the DOJ is dragging its feet on and refuses to do...

So the entire origin of the investigation can be traced back to Hillary, her surrogates, and the FBI....
The blame hillary train is still rolling I see, what a joke of a spin attempt. This investigation all started when Flynn lied and was fired. A train of other lies and then the firing of the lead investigator is what brought on Mueller. Plain and simple, we all know it
None of that is sufficient cause to investigate the Trump administration. No laws were broken. Trump has the legal authority to fire both Comey and Flynn.
If it weren’t for the multitude of lies from trump and team there likely would be no investigation. THE lies are what started it and what fuel it
Ok, let's stop the BS right there....

This entire investigation is Hillary's fault:

SHE lost the election...

She and her campaign bought a fake report from a foreign spy working with Russians and handed it to the FBI, who in turn used it to illegally obtain warrants to spy on Trump and his team and justify 1/2 of the investigation...

The other 1/2 of the investigation was blamed by the FBI on the 'tip' they were given from a huge Hillary donor who set up a meeting with an unpaid self-important Trump campaign worker, specifically the 'overheard drunken conversation between himself and the campaign worker'...

The IG report outlined how the FBI had basically been working for Hillary, how they had abused the FISA Court rules / laws to illegally obtain the warrants, and how McCabe, at least, should be indicted and charged with crimes....that the DOJ is dragging its feet on and refuses to do...

So the entire origin of the investigation can be traced back to Hillary, her surrogates, and the FBI....
The blame hillary train is still rolling I see, what a joke of a spin attempt. This investigation all started when Flynn lied and was fired. A train of other lies and then the firing of the lead investigator is what brought on Mueller. Plain and simple, we all know it
None of that is sufficient cause to investigate the Trump administration. No laws were broken. Trump has the legal authority to fire both Comey and Flynn.
Not if the reason to fire them was to obstruct justice.
If it weren’t for the multitude of lies from trump and team there likely would be no investigation. THE lies are what started it and what fuel it
Ok, let's stop the BS right there....

This entire investigation is Hillary's fault:

SHE lost the election...

She and her campaign bought a fake report from a foreign spy working with Russians and handed it to the FBI, who in turn used it to illegally obtain warrants to spy on Trump and his team and justify 1/2 of the investigation...

The other 1/2 of the investigation was blamed by the FBI on the 'tip' they were given from a huge Hillary donor who set up a meeting with an unpaid self-important Trump campaign worker, specifically the 'overheard drunken conversation between himself and the campaign worker'...

The IG report outlined how the FBI had basically been working for Hillary, how they had abused the FISA Court rules / laws to illegally obtain the warrants, and how McCabe, at least, should be indicted and charged with crimes....that the DOJ is dragging its feet on and refuses to do...

So the entire origin of the investigation can be traced back to Hillary, her surrogates, and the FBI....
The blame hillary train is still rolling I see, what a joke of a spin attempt. This investigation all started when Flynn lied and was fired. A train of other lies and then the firing of the lead investigator is what brought on Mueller. Plain and simple, we all know it
None of that is sufficient cause to investigate the Trump administration. No laws were broken. Trump has the legal authority to fire both Comey and Flynn.

He has proven through his own words that the reason was the "Russian thing." obstruction.
Let's just get this over with.

Have Mueller subpoena Trump.

Have Trump sit down in front of Mueller with his Lawyers.

Let Mueller ask his questions.

Trump repeatedly says, 'I am pleading the 5th' to avoid Mueller's 'Obstruction Trap'.

Given / Left with NOTHING, Mueller is then forced to make a case based on what he already has...which is nothing.

- Mueller and the media squeal like a stuck pig how trumps refusal to play Mueller's game is evidence of his 'guilt' (without any evidence still to back it up)

in the end Mueller is stuck with several 'Scooter Libby' indictments and no evidence against Trump.

This will still be enough for already insane Trump-Hating liberals / Democrats to push for Impeachment....

..and meanwhile Putin sits back laughing his ass off at how divided the Democrats have helped him make this country.

So instead of dragging this BS on for another year, let's just go ahead and do this and get it over with.
If it weren’t for the multitude of lies from trump and team there likely would be no investigation. THE lies are what started it and what fuel it

Ok, let's stop the BS right there....

This entire investigation is Hillary's fault:

SHE lost the election...

She and her campaign bought a fake report from a foreign spy working with Russians and handed it to the FBI, who in turn used it to illegally obtain warrants to spy on Trump and his team and justify 1/2 of the investigation...

The other 1/2 of the investigation was blamed by the FBI on the 'tip' they were given from a huge Hillary donor who set up a meeting with an unpaid self-important Trump campaign worker, specifically the 'overheard drunken conversation between himself and the campaign worker'...

The IG report outlined how the FBI had basically been working for Hillary, how they had abused the FISA Court rules / laws to illegally obtain the warrants, and how McCabe, at least, should be indicted and charged with crimes....that the DOJ is dragging its feet on and refuses to do...

So the entire origin of the investigation can be traced back to Hillary, her surrogates, and the FBI....

that's fucking hilarious
The IG report outlined how the FBI had basically been working for Hillary, how they had abused the FISA Court rules / laws to illegally obtain the warrants, and how McCabe, at least, should be indicted and charged with crimes....that the DOJ is dragging its feet on and refuses to do...

Oh, do please show us where "the IG report" shows the FBI "basically been working for Hillary, how they had abused the FISA Court rules".
See right there you are making shit up. Mueller hasn’t made one statement about it yet you are trying to define his motives and actions. Be honest
Are you from this country?

Is English your 1st / primary language?

Do you know what the words 'It sounds like...' mean?

I did not say Mueller has declared this to be a case of Obstruction...... I see you went to the 'Mueller' school of law. :p
Ok, then I’ll play your little word game. What statement or action from Mueller makes him “sound like” a leaker? You realize how childish you sound right now don’t you? But please go ahead and answer
Months back it was reported that information was leaked from by his team. Of course Mueller himself, unlike stupid Comey, would never leak information himself. Comey, like the Clintons, would use 'surrogates' to do their bidding - 'plausible deniability'.

It seems Mueller did not leak this, but he both benefits from it and suffers for it.

While the questions - which are no this - show vagueness like as if going fishing for 'Obstruction', it also makes Trump look like a leaker / bad, which the liberal media will pile on and ensure happens.

Again, I don't give a crap if they were Mueller's questions. Americans deserve to know the questions he is going to ask because the FBI and Mueller's team / investigation has shown they can not be fully trusted.
Haha, you skipped right over that one didn’t ya. It was reported months ago? WTF.

Let’s be real,You think they can’t be trusted because Trump has been sewing that narrative into the minds of his puppets for months now. Same thing he does to all his opponents, it’s totally transparent. Don’t be a sucker for those games.
If it weren’t for the multitude of lies from trump and team there likely would be no investigation. THE lies are what started it and what fuel it
Ok, let's stop the BS right there....

This entire investigation is Hillary's fault:

SHE lost the election...

She and her campaign bought a fake report from a foreign spy working with Russians and handed it to the FBI, who in turn used it to illegally obtain warrants to spy on Trump and his team and justify 1/2 of the investigation...

The other 1/2 of the investigation was blamed by the FBI on the 'tip' they were given from a huge Hillary donor who set up a meeting with an unpaid self-important Trump campaign worker, specifically the 'overheard drunken conversation between himself and the campaign worker'...

The IG report outlined how the FBI had basically been working for Hillary, how they had abused the FISA Court rules / laws to illegally obtain the warrants, and how McCabe, at least, should be indicted and charged with crimes....that the DOJ is dragging its feet on and refuses to do...

So the entire origin of the investigation can be traced back to Hillary, her surrogates, and the FBI....

that's fucking hilarious
Yeah, I know...sad, but true.
Again, I don't give a crap if they were Mueller's questions. Americans deserve to know the questions he is going to ask because the FBI and Mueller's team / investigation has shown they can not be fully trusted.

You'll find out the questions Mueller asked. They;ll be in the referral against Trump he'll hand to congress. The 2019 congress.
The IG report outlined how the FBI had basically been working for Hillary, how they had abused the FISA Court rules / laws to illegally obtain the warrants, and how McCabe, at least, should be indicted and charged with crimes....that the DOJ is dragging its feet on and refuses to do...

Oh, do please show us where "the IG report" shows the FBI "basically been working for Hillary, how they had abused the FISA Court rules".

it's right there in breitbart...

Let’s be real,You think they can’t be trusted because Trump has been sewing that narrative into the minds of his puppets for months now. Same thing he does to all his opponents, it’s totally transparent. Don’t be a sucker for those games.
No, Let's REALLY be real - The IG outlined the abuses and crimes committed by the FBI and recommended McCabe be indicted for his crimes. Get f*ing serious and cut the political BS. You know this.
If it weren’t for the multitude of lies from trump and team there likely would be no investigation. THE lies are what started it and what fuel it
Ok, let's stop the BS right there....

This entire investigation is Hillary's fault:

SHE lost the election...

She and her campaign bought a fake report from a foreign spy working with Russians and handed it to the FBI, who in turn used it to illegally obtain warrants to spy on Trump and his team and justify 1/2 of the investigation...

The other 1/2 of the investigation was blamed by the FBI on the 'tip' they were given from a huge Hillary donor who set up a meeting with an unpaid self-important Trump campaign worker, specifically the 'overheard drunken conversation between himself and the campaign worker'...

The IG report outlined how the FBI had basically been working for Hillary, how they had abused the FISA Court rules / laws to illegally obtain the warrants, and how McCabe, at least, should be indicted and charged with crimes....that the DOJ is dragging its feet on and refuses to do...

So the entire origin of the investigation can be traced back to Hillary, her surrogates, and the FBI....

that's fucking hilarious
Yeah, I know...sad, but true.

no, false and fucking hilarious

kinda like the idea that trump just pleads the fifth and teh whole thing goes away

i knew you guys weren't mensa members... :lol:
You're right. If she won, there would be no need for the 3 - 4 secret backchannels the Trump team was trying to set up with the russians,
You mean the attempts to communicate with different foreign governments, which Obama himself stated was legal and that he himself did as well right after he won?!


Obama talked to foreign government through the Bush state department.

There is only one president at a time, and until you're sworn in, you don't speak for the USA.
Again, I don't give a crap if they were Mueller's questions. Americans deserve to know the questions he is going to ask because the FBI and Mueller's team / investigation has shown they can not be fully trusted.

You'll find out the questions Mueller asked. They;ll be in the referral against Trump he'll hand to congress. The 2019 congress.
There in lies the REAL hope of Liberals - win Congress and Impeach Trump based on BS...just delay long enough.....
If it weren’t for the multitude of lies from trump and team there likely would be no investigation. THE lies are what started it and what fuel it
Ok, let's stop the BS right there....

This entire investigation is Hillary's fault:

SHE lost the election...

She and her campaign bought a fake report from a foreign spy working with Russians and handed it to the FBI, who in turn used it to illegally obtain warrants to spy on Trump and his team and justify 1/2 of the investigation...

The other 1/2 of the investigation was blamed by the FBI on the 'tip' they were given from a huge Hillary donor who set up a meeting with an unpaid self-important Trump campaign worker, specifically the 'overheard drunken conversation between himself and the campaign worker'...

The IG report outlined how the FBI had basically been working for Hillary, how they had abused the FISA Court rules / laws to illegally obtain the warrants, and how McCabe, at least, should be indicted and charged with crimes....that the DOJ is dragging its feet on and refuses to do...

So the entire origin of the investigation can be traced back to Hillary, her surrogates, and the FBI....
The blame hillary train is still rolling I see, what a joke of a spin attempt. This investigation all started when Flynn lied and was fired. A train of other lies and then the firing of the lead investigator is what brought on Mueller. Plain and simple, we all know it
None of that is sufficient cause to investigate the Trump administration. No laws were broken. Trump has the legal authority to fire both Comey and Flynn.
The Russians broke laws, there’s your crime. Multiple Trumpsters lied about associations with Russians, that’s cause for suspection and investigation. Trump fired the lead investigator after asking him to back off..., if he did so to try and stop the investigation then that’s obstruction. Pretty simple, try to keep up.
Let's just get this over with.

Have Mueller subpoena Trump.

Have Trump sit down in front of Mueller with his Lawyers.

Let Mueller ask his questions.

Trump repeatedly says, 'I am pleading the 5th' to avoid Mueller's 'Obstruction Trap'.

Given / Left with NOTHING, Mueller is then forced to make a case based on what he already has...which is nothing.

- Mueller and the media squeal like a stuck pig how trumps refusal to play Mueller's game is evidence of his 'guilt' (without any evidence still to back it up)

in the end Mueller is stuck with several 'Scooter Libby' indictments and no evidence against Trump.

This will still be enough for already insane Trump-Hating liberals / Democrats to push for Impeachment....

..and meanwhile Putin sits back laughing his ass off at how divided the Democrats have helped him make this country.

So instead of dragging this BS on for another year, let's just go ahead and do this and get it over with.
I’m sure as hell ready for it to end. Set it up!

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