Trump team leaked Mueller questions

Trump's team was behind the leak of Mueller questions, legal experts say

Just like this Orange Idiot. Orders questions leaked and then complains about DOJ leaders. What a sleaze....

Probably a Rudy idea....

1. "... legal analysts and a former assistant to Mueller said they believed the leak came directly from Trump’s lawyers."

Just like Mueller's entire Witch Hunt, no evidence to support the accusation, just 'I think / believe....'


Were / Are the questions 'Classified'? If so, show me.

What is Mueller worried about? Public Opinion? Looking at his vague questions that have hardly no regard concerning 'Legality', proving more to people that what Mueller is shooting for is 'Gottcha' questions rather than anything of substance regarding non-existent Illegal Russian Collusion'?

3. I find it pretty funny that the man partially responsible for leaks coming out of his own investigation is now pi$$ed someone else has leaked information from / about his investigation.... THE LEAKER IS P.O.ed AT SOMEONE FOR LEAKING.... :p
Wow. Are you making excuses now for leaking because now it came from Trump? And which Mueller leaks are you referring to? It’s being reported on Fox that the questions were written by Jay Sekulow and you’re still playing the “where’s the evidence” game. Come on man
What's funny is the obviousness of Team Trump's strategy. they leak to show the investigation is a witch hunt, then decry Mueller for leaks, and say see, witch hunt.

It used to be "get this over with because there's noting to it," and now it's "we're not cooperating" stonewall. Effective with the Trumpbots. Prolly less so with others when the investigation becomes "We're waiting for Trump's answers."
Trump is a big fat liar trying to distract.

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The funny thing is that if Trump did not tell someone to meet with the Russians to find dirt on Hillary, or worse to give something to the Russians for dirt on Hillary, there is nothing to this beyond what Russia did no it's own. Trump can always say "we listened to the Russians like we listen to everyone, but we thought the FBI had it covered pretty good."
Trump's team was behind the leak of Mueller questions, legal experts say

Just like this Orange Idiot. Orders questions leaked and then complains about DOJ leaders. What a sleaze....

Probably a Rudy idea....

1. "... legal analysts and a former assistant to Mueller said they believed the leak came directly from Trump’s lawyers."

Just like Mueller's entire Witch Hunt, no evidence to support the accusation, just 'I think / believe....'


Were / Are the questions 'Classified'? If so, show me.

What is Mueller worried about? Public Opinion? Looking at his vague questions that have hardly no regard concerning 'Legality', proving more to people that what Mueller is shooting for is 'Gottcha' questions rather than anything of substance regarding non-existent Illegal Russian Collusion'?

3. I find it pretty funny that the man partially responsible for leaks coming out of his own investigation is now pi$$ed someone else has leaked information from / about his investigation.... THE LEAKER IS P.O.ed AT SOMEONE FOR LEAKING.... :p
Wow. Are you making excuses now for leaking because now it came from Trump? And which Mueller leaks are you referring to? It’s being reported on Fox that the questions were written by Jay Sekulow and you’re still playing the “where’s the evidence” game. Come on man
What's funny is the obviousness of Team Trump's strategy. they leak to show the investigation is a witch hunt, then decry Mueller for leaks, and say see, witch hunt.

It used to be "get this over with because there's noting to it," and now it's "we're not cooperating" stonewall. Effective with the Trumpbots. Prolly less so with others when the investigation becomes "We're waiting for Trump's answers."
Trump is a big fat liar trying to distract.

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yeah, the question is what's he's trying to distract folks from? LOL
Actually that's the proof they didn't come from Mueller. Mueller gave subjects they wanted to talk to Trump about. Jay Sekulow turned them into 49 questions,

So guess who leaked the 49 questions?
So snowflakes admit that Mueller's topics were not leaked, that the 40 questions Trump's team 'leaked' (if they did) are THEIR questions that THEY created, not mueller.....


Can you read? That;'s what I said. Did I not speak english.
Trump's team was behind the leak of Mueller questions, legal experts say

Just like this Orange Idiot. Orders questions leaked and then complains about DOJ leaders. What a sleaze....

Probably a Rudy idea....

1. "... legal analysts and a former assistant to Mueller said they believed the leak came directly from Trump’s lawyers."

Just like Mueller's entire Witch Hunt, no evidence to support the accusation, just 'I think / believe....'


Were / Are the questions 'Classified'? If so, show me.

What is Mueller worried about? Public Opinion? Looking at his vague questions that have hardly no regard concerning 'Legality', proving more to people that what Mueller is shooting for is 'Gottcha' questions rather than anything of substance regarding non-existent Illegal Russian Collusion'?

3. I find it pretty funny that the man partially responsible for leaks coming out of his own investigation is now pi$$ed someone else has leaked information from / about his investigation.... THE LEAKER IS P.O.ed AT SOMEONE FOR LEAKING.... :p
Wow. Are you making excuses now for leaking because now it came from Trump? And which Mueller leaks are you referring to? It’s being reported on Fox that the questions were written by Jay Sekulow and you’re still playing the “where’s the evidence” game. Come on man
What's funny is the obviousness of Team Trump's strategy. they leak to show the investigation is a witch hunt, then decry Mueller for leaks, and say see, witch hunt.

It used to be "get this over with because there's noting to it," and now it's "we're not cooperating" stonewall. Effective with the Trumpbots. Prolly less so with others when the investigation becomes "We're waiting for Trump's answers."
Trump is a big fat liar trying to distract.

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app
Funny...the only time snowflakes get upset is when the 'big fat liar' turns out to be a Conservative. They are always ok with their own...:p
Actually that's the proof they didn't come from Mueller. Mueller gave subjects they wanted to talk to Trump about. Jay Sekulow turned them into 49 questions,

So guess who leaked the 49 questions?
So snowflakes admit that Mueller's topics were not leaked, that the 40 questions Trump's team 'leaked' (if they did) are THEIR questions that THEY created, not mueller.....


Can you read? That;'s what I said. Did I not speak english.
Then if THEY wrote the questions why is Mueller accusing them of leaking something of his?
I posed a question:

If what was 'leaked' was written by Trump's lawyers, NOT by Mueller or his team, is it still 'leaking'?

It sounds like, in this scenario, Trump's lawyers, in prepping for a potential forced interview with Mueller, due to subpoena, drafted up some questions they felt Mueller might ask, which only makes sense / is smart.

Lawyers work product is privileged information. Releasing it is leaking it.
Trump's team was behind the leak of Mueller questions, legal experts say

Just like this Orange Idiot. Orders questions leaked and then complains about DOJ leaders. What a sleaze....

Probably a Rudy idea....

Were / Are the questions 'Classified'? If so, show me.

Actually that's the proof they didn't come from Mueller. Mueller gave subjects they wanted to talk to Trump about. Jay Sekulow turned them into 49 questions,

So guess who leaked the 49 questions?
So snowflakes admit that Mueller's topics were not leaked, that the 40 questions Trump's team 'leaked' (if they did) are THEIR questions that THEY created, not mueller.....


Tell us some more about how Mueller should be in jail for leaking. :laugh2:
Lawyers work product is privileged information. Releasing it is leaking it.
They 'leaked' their own questions, not Mueller's work.

And when they raided Cohen's places and snatched his files they weren't worried about the legal protection between client and lawyer...
Actually that's the proof they didn't come from Mueller. Mueller gave subjects they wanted to talk to Trump about. Jay Sekulow turned them into 49 questions,

So guess who leaked the 49 questions?
So snowflakes admit that Mueller's topics were not leaked, that the 40 questions Trump's team 'leaked' (if they did) are THEIR questions that THEY created, not mueller.....


Can you read? That;'s what I said. Did I not speak english.
Then if THEY wrote the questions why is Mueller accusing them of leaking something of his?

mueller hasn't said a word about it.
And when they raided Cohen's places and snatched his files they weren't worried about the legal protection between client and lawyer...

Cohen only had three clients. Most of his work was in making deals with Moscow and mobsters.
Cohen only had three clients. Most of his work was in making deals with Moscow and mobsters.
So? What does that have to do with relevant attorney-client privilege?

Two lawyers are plotting to steal $1 million from their clients. One asks, shouldn't we encrypt our emails, if anybody is listening they know exactly how we're gonna pull it off. The other says i'm your lawyer, you're my lawyer, it's all attorney client privilege.
No, he usually allows his surrogate Liberal media army to do the spinning and bitching...
Cohen only had three clients. Most of his work was in making deals with Moscow and mobsters.
So? What does that have to do with relevant attorney-client privilege?

Two lawyers are plotting to steal $1 million from their clients. One asks, shouldn't we encrypt our emails, if anybody is listening they know exactly how we're gonna pull it off. The other says i'm your lawyer, you're my lawyer, it's all attorney client privilege.
Nice joke...but what did your comment have to do with attorney-client privilege again?
And when they raided Cohen's places and snatched his files they weren't worried about the legal protection between client and lawyer...

Cohen only had three clients. Most of his work was in making deals with Moscow and mobsters.
You'd think there'd be legions of lawyers leaping to
No, he usually allows his surrogate Liberal media army to do the spinning and bitching...
Well, Rudy and Trump could have chosen to a. NOT leak the conversation and notes and b. NOT LIE about Mueller being the leaker.
Wow. Are you making excuses now for leaking because now it came from Trump?
I posed a question:

If what was 'leaked' was written by Trump's lawyers, NOT by Mueller or his team, is it still 'leaking'?

It sounds like, in this scenario, Trump's lawyers, in prepping for a potential forced interview with Mueller, due to subpoena, drafted up some questions they felt Mueller might ask, which only makes sense / is smart.

And if that is the case, it sounds like Mueller and the Liberal media is trying to spin this into 'Obstruction of Justice'. This, as a reminder, would not be the 1st time Rosenstein and Mueller MANUFACTURED a crime.....
See right there you are making shit up. Mueller hasn’t made one statement about it yet you are trying to define his motives and actions. Be honest

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