Trump Tears into Pelosi: “She’s a Mess, Let’s Face It… It’s a Do Nothing Congress… She’s Lost it”

impeachment is still very much in play. but she's playing chess & is several moves ahead of the orange dotard. a small minority in the house are calling for impeachment 'now' - but pelosi is being very methodical & it's beginning to pay off with the courts starting to hand down decisions which are favoring the house.

Checkmate :D
The Republicans were never going to do infrastructure anyway. Reagan cut investment by half and it has stayed that way ever since. Of course if we wanted to do infrastructure seriously, we would have to raise taxes on the rich and they must be protected at all cost, right, super dupers? Today the rich are paying the same as the middle class percentage wise. That does not work for the country or the people except for the rich d u h. Stupid experiment. Only works with garbage propaganda and silly dupes like you...
Allow me to sum up Pelosi's latest publicity stunt. Toss a hand grenade into the room 1 HOUR before meeting with President Trump and then act shocked and saddened when he booted her ass out. "I'm praying for the President and I'm praying for America". PFFFFFFT. What a disingenuous conniving bitch.

REALLY?!?!?!? Trump had handouts prepared for reporters and matching signs on the dias for his "impromptu" press conference.

Once again, Trump dangles infrastructure and jobs in front of the American workers and then snatches them away on another phony pretext. This time its that Democrats can't walk, talk and chew gum at the same time. That it is impossible to legislate and investigate at the same time.

It's seems it's Trump who cannot fight subpoenas, handle trade negotiations (all of which are going badly), the border crisis, and the budget fight. Pelosi isn't a mess, Trump is. His financial secrets are all about to become public, and he will be impeached.

The worst businessman in America is slowly being revealled as lying conman he's always been. "I don't do coverups". What a laugh! He's done coverups all of his adult life. He's covered up what a collosal business failure he's always been. He's covered up that his money all came from his father, and that his father covered his business losses for years.

Now he's covering up his relationship with Putin, and the fact that he doesn't have the first clue about what he's doing. By this time next week, his finances will be public, and you'll see how badly you've been duped.

Her softer nature makes him look even more disturbed by comparison.

Gawd, what an embarrassing time.
impeachment is still very much in play. but she's playing chess & is several moves ahead of the orange dotard. a small minority in the house are calling for impeachment 'now' - but pelosi is being very methodical & it's beginning to pay off with the courts starting to hand down decisions which are favoring the house.

Checkmate :D

really? the 2 recent judgements requiring donny to cough up his taxes say otherwise.

Trump is bewildered and spooked to encounter a situation where he could not buy his way out of trouble. It is obvious that he really thought he could work a deal with this fake infrastructure thing.
First of all, we are not talking about Dennis Hastert.
Secondly, the Democrats have spent over 2 years now on doing what? Instead of working on other issues, their main focus has always been on "Let's get Trump out of Office!"
He walked out during the meeting - because he wasn't going to work with Democrats if they were going to keep this narrative going. Hell, I doubt any President would have done the same.


Mitch McConnell: Top Priority, Make Obama a One Term President ...

why doesn't trump use the insanity defense? Dems say he's insane, ok then, that's why he colluded with Russia!

You do know that the Steele Dossier is the reason the Democrats want to keep this narrative going, right? You also do know that the Steele Dossier was made up. It's a fictional "novel" written on some stacks of toilet paper (probably from the Ladies Room).
why doesn't trump use the insanity defense? Dems say he's insane, ok then, that's why he colluded with Russia!

You do know that the Steele Dossier is the reason the Democrats want to keep this narrative going, right? You also do know that the Steele Dossier was made up. It's a fictional "novel" written on some stacks of toilet paper (probably from the Ladies Room).

You do know that the Steele Dossier is the reason the Democrats want to keep this narrative going, right?

wrong. the house investigations were shut down prematurely when the (D)s were the minority. the counter intel briefings they were given also stopped after comey was fired, so there's an awful lot to catch up on.

You also do know that the Steele Dossier was made up.


Fact Checker Analysis
What the Steele dossier said vs. what the Mueller report said

Grading the Steele dossier 2 years later: what’s been corroborated and what's still unclear

Grading the Steele dossier 2 years later: what’s been corroborated and what's still unclear

It's a fictional "novel" written on some stacks of toilet paper (probably from the Ladies Room).

wishful thinking doesn't make it so. :itsok:
wrong. the house investigations were shut down prematurely when the (D)s were the minority. the counter intel briefings they were given also stopped after comey was fired, so there's an awful lot to catch up on.

It's believe what you want. It's out in plain site...everyone knows:
  • An anti-Trump dossier produced by Christopher Steele for Fusion GPS has long been discredited, but Democrats continued to cite it as a legitimate source of information.Fusion GPS has been exposed as an unreliable source of information.
  • Fusion GPS has been exposed as an unreliable source of information.
Today, The Senate Judiciary Committee Is Focusing On The Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) And Examining The Work Of Fusion GPS. "When Chairman Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa) gavels in the hearing, he will attempt to focus on its stated subject, the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) and Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm that paid former MI6 spy Christopher Steele to collect intelligence on the Trump campaign's ties with Russia. The dossier contained numerous allegations about Donald Trump and the campaign, some of them unsubstantiated. The hearing was set up to examine the firm's separate work on a legal case involving the Magnitsky Act, a law to punish Russian human rights violators." (Josh Rogin, Op-Ed, "Judiciary Committee To Turn The Russia Investigation Back On Fusion GPS," The Washington Post, 7/25/17)

Browder Is Expected To Accuse Fusion GPS And Its Founder Glenn Simpson Of Running A Smear Campaign Against Magnitsky In Conjunction With Russian Lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya And Russian-American Lobbyist Rinat Akhmetshin."In his testimony, Browder will accuse Fusion GPS and its founder Glenn Simpson of running a smear campaign against Magnitsky, in conjunction with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya and Russian American lobbyist Rinat Akhmetshin." (Josh Rogin, Op-Ed, "Judiciary Committee To Turn The Russia Investigation Back On Fusion GPS," The Washington Post, 7/25/17)
wrong. the house investigations were shut down prematurely when the (D)s were the minority. the counter intel briefings they were given also stopped after comey was fired, so there's an awful lot to catch up on.

It's believe what you want. It's out in plain site...everyone knows:
  • An anti-Trump dossier produced by Christopher Steele for Fusion GPS has long been discredited, but Democrats continued to cite it as a legitimate source of information.Fusion GPS has been exposed as an unreliable source of information.
  • Fusion GPS has been exposed as an unreliable source of information.
Today, The Senate Judiciary Committee Is Focusing On The Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) And Examining The Work Of Fusion GPS. "When Chairman Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa) gavels in the hearing, he will attempt to focus on its stated subject, the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) and Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm that paid former MI6 spy Christopher Steele to collect intelligence on the Trump campaign's ties with Russia. The dossier contained numerous allegations about Donald Trump and the campaign, some of them unsubstantiated. The hearing was set up to examine the firm's separate work on a legal case involving the Magnitsky Act, a law to punish Russian human rights violators." (Josh Rogin, Op-Ed, "Judiciary Committee To Turn The Russia Investigation Back On Fusion GPS," The Washington Post, 7/25/17)

Browder Is Expected To Accuse Fusion GPS And Its Founder Glenn Simpson Of Running A Smear Campaign Against Magnitsky In Conjunction With Russian Lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya And Russian-American Lobbyist Rinat Akhmetshin."In his testimony, Browder will accuse Fusion GPS and its founder Glenn Simpson of running a smear campaign against Magnitsky, in conjunction with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya and Russian American lobbyist Rinat Akhmetshin." (Josh Rogin, Op-Ed, "Judiciary Committee To Turn The Russia Investigation Back On Fusion GPS," The Washington Post, 7/25/17)

m'k. 2017. & an opinion piece no less. so when are you gonna show anything more recent that shows all that bullshit was born out of actual f-a-c-t-s & came to fruition ?

oh that's right.... you can't because they didn't........ because it was just opinion & not based in reality.

nice try but no gold star for you.
Trump is bewildered and spooked to encounter a situation where he could not buy his way out of trouble.

I believe it's "lie out of trouble"
Trump would climb a tree to tell a lie when he could tell the truth on the ground.
His team of lawyers have always kept his filthy ass out of trouble Now he can't get away with his crap and he's lost People actually speak back to him
Any fool should have seen the danger of having a president who has never followed a rule or been denied anything in his entire life.

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