Trump tells 7 year old Marginal to believe in Santa

Merry Christmas you little brat

President Trump tells 7-year-old child it's 'marginal' to still believe in Santa Claus

President Donald Trump questioned a 7-year-old’s belief in Santa Claus, telling the child it was “marginal” at that age to still think Father Christmas is real.

"Are you still a believer in Santa?" Trump said to a child calling in to the federal government's official "Santa Tracker," run by the North American Aerospace Defense Command. "Because at 7, it's marginal, right?" Trump said.

By the way you should edit your title because it's a bold faced lie. Trump didn't tell a 7 year old there "Is no Santa".

Wrongwinger is incapable of being honest. Kind of goes with the territory of being a Marxist shill.

I know he won't change the title of his thread, which is baldly dishonest. Trump did NOT tell a child "there is no Santa".
Democrats have reached a point in their lying that there isn't anything they won't lie about or that Democrats won't believe.
Only Trump would spoil Christmas for a seven year old

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