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Trump thanks Latina supporter; now mounting backlash threatens her business

Not a lot of chic fil as around me. Are they big in red states?

And if I found out my favorite store was owned by Republicans ID still go but if I had other choices ID exercise my right to shop with the competition
What a moronic thing to do. You do know, don't you, that your tiny punishment will effect the workers much more than the top brass, right? Are you going to ensure that the employees are all Republicans, or don't you care that you're trying to hurt the good little democrat worker bees?
I thought about that with my car dealership. Do I want to hurt my salesperson?

Hey, I don't give a fuck about Walmart workers either. They should go get other jobs. They should REFUSE to work there. They should form a union. They should strike.

And I shouldn't shop there. And I don't.
Seems kind of like cutting off your nose to spite your face. There are producers and actors in Hollywood whose political views are putrid, yet they produce quality entertainment that isn't always offensive. Why should I refuse to watch a good movie because the director is a liberal ****?
You wouldn't watch any good tv or movies if it weren't for us.
There are actors in Hollywood who hold sane political views who also produce quality entertainment. Delusions of grandeur much?
This business has not been harmed.
The people who went to support her will stop. The people who stopped won't go back. In the long run yes it has. A business can't survive with only Republican voters unless you're talking yachts or fararris
Where did you get the idea that all GOP voters are wealthy?
And what is so bothersome about wealth that the mere mention of it makes your head explode?
Anyone who votes GOP and is not wealthy is a god damn fool.

right, because the dems have done so much for the middle and lower classes. There are more people in poverty now than when obozo took over, more on food stamps, more on welfare----------------and the gap between rich and poor has gotten larger.

But you keep voting for the people who are screwing you up the ass with sand in the Vaseline, is that a sign of mental illness?
So sick of hearing this right wing bullshit I'm not going to even explain why/how you are wrong.

Ok, maybe I will explain

U.S. Rep. David Cicilline says the United States has been growing jobs for 24 months
When President Obama took office, we were losing 700,000 jobs a month. Now we've had job growth for 24 consecutive months. And that was in 2012. How many months of job growth has Obama had by now? Amazing how great that man is.
When President Obama took office, we were losing 700,000 jobs a month. Now we've had job growth for 24 consecutive months. And that was in 2012. How many months of job growth has Obama had by now? Amazing how great that man is.

minimum wage jobs, part time jobs, jobs for illegals----------yeah, obozo is really great.
When President Obama took office, we were losing 700,000 jobs a month. Now we've had job growth for 24 consecutive months. And that was in 2012. How many months of job growth has Obama had by now? Amazing how great that man is.

minimum wage jobs, part time jobs, jobs for illegals----------yeah, obozo is really great.
Minimum Wage Going Up In 14 States At Start Of 2016

Why American wages may finally go up

You know what? I'm not going to argue with you guys that wages should artificially go up. Wages should and will go up when companies can't find enough good help. We have a supply and demand problem. That's why we knew it was so wrong for Bush to send 700,000 jobs a month overseas. Those weren't minimum wage jobs those were high paying jobs. Remember you said they paid too good and you defended George Bush sending those jobs overseas. Now you say your side is going to bring jobs back home and they are going to be good paying jobs again? Bullshit. They will be $10 hr jobs.

BUT, if there are plenty of jobs, even if they are $10 hr. jobs, then eventually those factories will have to start paying better because companies will be in competition with each other to get the talented workers. Workers will once again be valued.

Oh, and then we will go back to not caring if illegals cut our grass. Right now we care because we have kids in college who would do those landscaping jobs. In the 90's when the economy was booming college kids didn't need to do beaner work. Hopefully we can go back to those days again. I think we are on the right track as long as Hillary Trump or Bernie are President.
When President Obama took office, we were losing 700,000 jobs a month. Now we've had job growth for 24 consecutive months. And that was in 2012. How many months of job growth has Obama had by now? Amazing how great that man is.

Yeah, 93,000,000 unemployed.

When President Obama took office, we were losing 700,000 jobs a month. Now we've had job growth for 24 consecutive months. And that was in 2012. How many months of job growth has Obama had by now? Amazing how great that man is.

minimum wage jobs, part time jobs, jobs for illegals----------yeah, obozo is really great.
Minimum Wage Going Up In 14 States At Start Of 2016

Why American wages may finally go up

You know what? I'm not going to argue with you guys that wages should artificially go up. Wages should and will go up when companies can't find enough good help. We have a supply and demand problem. That's why we knew it was so wrong for Bush to send 700,000 jobs a month overseas. Those weren't minimum wage jobs those were high paying jobs. Remember you said they paid too good and you defended George Bush sending those jobs overseas. Now you say your side is going to bring jobs back home and they are going to be good paying jobs again? Bullshit. They will be $10 hr jobs.

BUT, if there are plenty of jobs, even if they are $10 hr. jobs, then eventually those factories will have to start paying better because companies will be in competition with each other to get the talented workers. Workers will once again be valued.

Oh, and then we will go back to not caring if illegals cut our grass. Right now we care because we have kids in college who would do those landscaping jobs. In the 90's when the economy was booming college kids didn't need to do beaner work. Hopefully we can go back to those days again. I think we are on the right track as long as Hillary Trump or Bernie are President.

Exactly how did Bush send jobs overseas?

This oughtta be good.
It's typically a terrible idea for a business to take a controversial political stance when they don't need to.

Exactly! Great post!

This is exactly why I say 95% of business owners DON'T KNOW HOW TO RUN A BUSINESS.....


She is not stupid for promoting her work at a rally, jack ass.

Try reading the Constitution some time, Goose-stepping moron.

She is not stupid for promoting her work at a rally, jack ass.

Try reading the Constitution some time, Goose-stepping moron.

Why don't you explain to us; What benefit did she expect for her business by doing what she did?
She didn't realize trump supporters alone won't keep her business afloat. If she sold Ferrari then go talk at a trump rally. If you sell music lessons to working class people, don't let all your customers know your political beliefs. Half your customers might leave.

Business owners seem to forget they do have a boss, us consumers

She didn't realize trump supporters alone won't keep her business afloat. If she sold Ferrari then go talk at a trump rally. If you sell music lessons to working class people, don't let all your customers know your political beliefs. Half your customers might leave.

Business owners seem to forget they do have a boss, us consumers

Correct, and beyond that she failed her responsibility to her customers, her employees, and herself.
When President Obama took office, we were losing 700,000 jobs a month. Now we've had job growth for 24 consecutive months. And that was in 2012. How many months of job growth has Obama had by now? Amazing how great that man is.

minimum wage jobs, part time jobs, jobs for illegals----------yeah, obozo is really great.
ere are more job openings available in America today than at any point since the Bureau of Labor Statistics first started tracking vacancy data back in December 2000. Yet the percentage of adult Americans working or actively looking for a job stands at 62.6 percent, the lowest level in nearly four decades.

What gives?

It's a conundrum that has bedeviled economists and policymakers alike and is providing fresh fodder for politicians on both sides of the political aisle.

America's labor force participation storm has been brewing for years and reflects changing demographics as well as the results of policies that may have yielded unintended results.

[READ: The Problem With the Labor Department's Unemployment Indicators]

In a nutshell, the baby boomers have aged and are now finally retiring en masse. After bulging into the workplace in the 1970s, women are no longer the force in the labor market they once were. Younger people are opting to educate themselves rather than work. And a less-than-friendly tone toward immigrants is shrinking the supply for some high-skilled jobs.

All told, it's likely to be a drag on the U.S. economy for years to come.

The U.S. economy has created 11.5 million new jobs during the last 57 consecutive months of domestic labor force expansion. And there were nearly 5.4 million open jobs at the end of May – more than twice as many vacancies as there were six years ago.

And yet Americans are actually trickling out of work at an alarming rate. The country's labor force participation rate – which measures the share of Americans at least 16 years old who are either employed or actively looking for work – dipped last month to a 38-year low, clocking in at an underwhelming 62.6 percent.

Unemployed individuals who haven't actively looked for a job in the last four weeks, for any number of reasons, actually slip away from the Labor Department's unemployment calculations. So although the unemployment rate ticked down to a seven-year low of 5.3 percent in June, that number didn't do justice to the 640,000 individuals who exited the labor market last month and the nearly 94 million people who were neither employed nor looking for work.

Righting the participation ship is far from an easy battle for a couple of reasons, the first of which is that labor force participation is a tricky concept. It's a little counter-intuitive, since the economy can add tens of thousands of jobs each month, yet the size of the overall labor market – and the population's overall participation rate – can shrink, which is what happened in June.

It's also tough to wrestle with because there are a lot of numbers at play. The monthly participation numbers fell further and faster during and in the aftermath of the Great Recession than they did at any other point in U.S. history. Labor force participation was as high as 66 percent when the recession began in December 2007.

"How do you attribute this drop in the participation rate? You want to say right off the top of your head, 'The participation rate started dropping sharply right at the beginning of the recession.' So that would make you think that it's mostly the weak economy," says Dan North, chief economist at Euler Hermes.

But participation had peaked years prior – hovering at 67.3 percent in the first four months of 2000 before beginning a gradual descent. The labor market managed to temporarily plug the leak in 2005 and 2006, but the country's participation rate had been in decline long before the U.S. economy hit a rough patch.
When President Obama took office, we were losing 700,000 jobs a month. Now we've had job growth for 24 consecutive months. And that was in 2012. How many months of job growth has Obama had by now? Amazing how great that man is.

minimum wage jobs, part time jobs, jobs for illegals----------yeah, obozo is really great.
Minimum Wage Going Up In 14 States At Start Of 2016

Why American wages may finally go up

You know what? I'm not going to argue with you guys that wages should artificially go up. Wages should and will go up when companies can't find enough good help. We have a supply and demand problem. That's why we knew it was so wrong for Bush to send 700,000 jobs a month overseas. Those weren't minimum wage jobs those were high paying jobs. Remember you said they paid too good and you defended George Bush sending those jobs overseas. Now you say your side is going to bring jobs back home and they are going to be good paying jobs again? Bullshit. They will be $10 hr jobs.

BUT, if there are plenty of jobs, even if they are $10 hr. jobs, then eventually those factories will have to start paying better because companies will be in competition with each other to get the talented workers. Workers will once again be valued.

Oh, and then we will go back to not caring if illegals cut our grass. Right now we care because we have kids in college who would do those landscaping jobs. In the 90's when the economy was booming college kids didn't need to do beaner work. Hopefully we can go back to those days again. I think we are on the right track as long as Hillary Trump or Bernie are President.

Exactly how did Bush send jobs overseas?

This oughtta be good.
By allowing it. No, in fact by ENCOURAGING IT!

Bush Administration Tax Break For Overseas Corporations Was Costly Failure: Report

WASHINGTON — With no fanfare, President Bush Friday signed the most sweeping rewrite of corporate tax law in nearly two decades, showering $136 billion in new tax breaks on businesses, farmers and other groups.

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Intended to end a bitter trade war with Europe, the election-year measure was described by supporters as critically necessary to aid beleaguered manufacturers who have suffered 2.7 million lost jobs over the past four years.

But opponents charged that the tax package had grown into a massive giveaway that will add to the complexity of the tax system and end up rewarding multinational companies that move jobs overseas.

This is old news. 2004. But you didn't believe us back then that BUSH did this so of course you'll continue to deny it now.

Bush quietly signs corporate tax-cut bill

The Bring Jobs Home Act would have eliminated the standard deduction for moving expenses for businesses relocating overseas. It also would have given a 20 percent tax credit to companies who insource jobs.
What are the Democrats doing about it?

The college initiatives for one thing; more ed=more bread. Restructuring your college debt will help you keep more of your money too.

When did it pass? What Is the House or Senate bill numbers?

They are proposals by both democrat candidates for President.

No action, just proposals, Obama had proposals, every Democrat has proposals, just no action. Thanks for proving my point. They do nothing, they make promises that will never be fulfilled.

You’re cute when you’re being stupid.
You’re cute often.

Thanks for confirming I am correct. You will usually insult people to minimize their opinion. If the Democratic party were actually serious, they would put for bills together and move forward. All I hear are words for the last several election cycles, no action, just words.
Look at what happened to Chik Fil A. Doing pretty well.
Could be doing better.

wrong, the dem/lib attacks on Chik Fil A increased its bottom line. You need to face the reality that you left wing morons are a minority in the USA and your minority is getting smaller every day.

wrong, the dem/lib attacks on Chik Fil A increased its bottom line. You need to face the reality that you left wing morons are a minority in the USA and your minority is getting smaller every day.

Why don't you make your point by posting financials.

They are doing very well, growing at a slow controlled rate. I don't have access to their financials however many stories are positive about their company. They could be doing better but isn't that true of all businesses?
No amount of growth, no amount of financial health, no amount of long term stability is ever enough for a liberal to admit Chik Fil a is doing well. None.

I just let the ignorant liberals stay ignorant. I hit them with facts and then let them try to figure out why they are so stupid.
wrong, the dem/lib attacks on Chik Fil A increased its bottom line. You need to face the reality that you left wing morons are a minority in the USA and your minority is getting smaller every day.

wrong, the dem/lib attacks on Chik Fil A increased its bottom line. You need to face the reality that you left wing morons are a minority in the USA and your minority is getting smaller every day.

Why don't you make your point by posting financials.

why don't you, you made the claim.

why don't you, you made the claim.


You wrote: wrong, the dem/lib attacks on Chik Fil A increased its bottom line. You need to face the reality that you left wing morons are a minority in the USA and your minority is getting smaller every day.

That's your claim so back it up.
He's picturing the white owner of chic fila a sitting on his porch on his big country farm sippin ice tea and just counting his cash and so if we don't want his shit so be it but I bet chic fil a will go out of business or change its name in ten years.

People get sick of things anyways. I've never eaten there and I'm already sick of it
So you have no idea about the quality of their product, yet you rant about it. Is that a liberal thing?

Damn the facts and damn the taste, the liberal hates because he loves to hate.No common sense, just ASSumptions based on their bigotry and hate.
You stated you won't buy a car from a dealership because theyou have fox news on the tv. That is patently stupid, shallow & a perfect description of a hyper partisan hack.
Nope. I won't buy a car from them who choose fox news over the customer.

It doesn't surprise me you have no grasp of customer service.

What ever happened to the customers always right?

Anyways, no question if the roles were reversed you'd see my point. Night gramps.
You are NOT the only customer ya dumbass. How do you know that before you someone else didn't complain about a previous channel it was on? You are so self centered it's unbelievable.
Grow a fucking pair and stop looking for ways to be offended.
If I see a business owner is a Republican I don't buy from them.

And we know you people do the same or worse. Why do you think we don't put hillary stickers on our cars. We know on usmb you act clueless and naive but we know if trump told you what we were saying was true you'd believe it.

Proof of that is trump. Bring jobs back home? Stop hiring illegals? Us liberals have been saying that since the 80s. Now trump says what Michael Moore said 30 years ago and you're ready to blow trump
You're losing credibility by the post bud.
Trump doesn't just say don't buy from us he says punch us in the face. You've never had credibility

If you have to lie to support your political position, maybe you rethink your position.
How did she fail her responsibility to her customers?

In two ways:

1) Her customers will have to find another business to buy product.

2) Local economic loss since her business contributes to the local economy.

Lol, more libtard blaming the victim stupidity.

The woman is going out of business due to terrorist threats.

In your view, if she had been robbed into bankruptcy that would be her fault too.

Once again proving that liberalism is a mental disorder.


Lol, more libtard blaming the victim stupidity.

The woman is going out of business due to terrorist threats.

In your view, if she had been robbed into bankruptcy that would be her fault too.

Once again proving that liberalism is a mental disorder.

I haven't read anywhere she is going out of business.

Middle class folks that believe that Republicans offer them anything have a mental disorder.
She's not going out of business. Her business is booming thanks to Trump.
wrong, the dem/lib attacks on Chik Fil A increased its bottom line. You need to face the reality that you left wing morons are a minority in the USA and your minority is getting smaller every day.

Why don't you make your point by posting financials.

why don't you, you made the claim.

why don't you, you made the claim.


You wrote: wrong, the dem/lib attacks on Chik Fil A increased its bottom line. You need to face the reality that you left wing morons are a minority in the USA and your minority is getting smaller every day.

That's your claim so back it up.
He's picturing the white owner of chic fila a sitting on his porch on his big country farm sippin ice tea and just counting his cash and so if we don't want his shit so be it but I bet chic fil a will go out of business or change its name in ten years.

People get sick of things anyways. I've never eaten there and I'm already sick of it
So you have no idea about the quality of their product, yet you rant about it. Is that a liberal thing?

Damn the facts and damn the taste, the liberal hates because he loves to hate.No common sense, just ASSumptions based on their bigotry and hate.
Your side started it. Don't forget that. You're a moderate Republican who forgives a hell of a lot when it comes to the GOP.

And you don't hit shit with facts. It's not like you've proven anything to anyone but yourself
Nope. I won't buy a car from them who choose fox news over the customer.

It doesn't surprise me you have no grasp of customer service.

What ever happened to the customers always right?

Anyways, no question if the roles were reversed you'd see my point. Night gramps.
You are NOT the only customer ya dumbass. How do you know that before you someone else didn't complain about a previous channel it was on? You are so self centered it's unbelievable.
Grow a fucking pair and stop looking for ways to be offended.
If I see a business owner is a Republican I don't buy from them.

And we know you people do the same or worse. Why do you think we don't put hillary stickers on our cars. We know on usmb you act clueless and naive but we know if trump told you what we were saying was true you'd believe it.

Proof of that is trump. Bring jobs back home? Stop hiring illegals? Us liberals have been saying that since the 80s. Now trump says what Michael Moore said 30 years ago and you're ready to blow trump
You're losing credibility by the post bud.
Trump doesn't just say don't buy from us he says punch us in the face. You've never had credibility

If you have to lie to support your political position, maybe you rethink your position.
You mean like every word out of your politicians mouths?
why don't you, you made the claim.

why don't you, you made the claim.


You wrote: wrong, the dem/lib attacks on Chik Fil A increased its bottom line. You need to face the reality that you left wing morons are a minority in the USA and your minority is getting smaller every day.

That's your claim so back it up.
He's picturing the white owner of chic fila a sitting on his porch on his big country farm sippin ice tea and just counting his cash and so if we don't want his shit so be it but I bet chic fil a will go out of business or change its name in ten years.

People get sick of things anyways. I've never eaten there and I'm already sick of it
So you have no idea about the quality of their product, yet you rant about it. Is that a liberal thing?

Damn the facts and damn the taste, the liberal hates because he loves to hate.No common sense, just ASSumptions based on their bigotry and hate.
Your side started it. Don't forget that. You're a moderate Republican who forgives a hell of a lot when it comes to the GOP.

And you don't hit shit with facts. It's not like you've proven anything to anyone but yourself

You have nothing but your opinion, you have never tried eating at Chik-Fil-A, you haven't seen their books, so you have no clue about their financials, yet you tell us how bad they are doing. Crazy nutter!
You are NOT the only customer ya dumbass. How do you know that before you someone else didn't complain about a previous channel it was on? You are so self centered it's unbelievable.
Grow a fucking pair and stop looking for ways to be offended.
If I see a business owner is a Republican I don't buy from them.

And we know you people do the same or worse. Why do you think we don't put hillary stickers on our cars. We know on usmb you act clueless and naive but we know if trump told you what we were saying was true you'd believe it.

Proof of that is trump. Bring jobs back home? Stop hiring illegals? Us liberals have been saying that since the 80s. Now trump says what Michael Moore said 30 years ago and you're ready to blow trump
You're losing credibility by the post bud.
Trump doesn't just say don't buy from us he says punch us in the face. You've never had credibility

If you have to lie to support your political position, maybe you rethink your position.
You mean like every word out of your politicians mouths?

More like Hillary.

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