Trump the Genius???

For the same reason that we've had two wars with Iraq and are on the verge of one with Iran - because the Saudi royal family owns the Republican party.
Trump Bypasses Congress To Approve $8 Billion In Arms Sales To Saudi Arabia, UAE

does the US get a commission out of this? Why are we selling weapons to a country that took down the Towers?
My guess is and it's an educated guess , is that after his Presidency Trump is planning on some business with those scum Maybe a Trump tower?

Surely a self proclaimed genius such as yourself knows Barry sold them arms....or is it that THAT was just fine?
Sorry I don't remember BUT if he did do 2 wrongs make it right with republicans?

Go back to your sandbox idiot.
Trump Bypasses Congress To Approve $8 Billion In Arms Sales To Saudi Arabia, UAE

does the US get a commission out of this? Why are we selling weapons to a country that took down the Towers?

because Saudi has serious $$$ invested in Trump Real Estate projects -

“Saudi Arabia, I get along with all of them. They buy apartments from me. They spend $40 million, $50 million,” Trump told a crowd at an Alabama campaign rally in 2015. “Am I supposed to dislike them? I like them very much.”
This is what happens when you sell arms.

How ISIS got weapons from U.S. and used them to take Iraq and Syria

They wind up in the hands of the enemy and we create more of our own problems.

Trump is no better than Obama in this regard, I can't believe we as Americans allow this crap to continue...wait I know why because our attention is diverted to Obama say 57 states and how Trump spells accomplishments.

I did not know this tidbit until I was researching Trump and his silly idea to sell arms to the Saudis.
Obama administration arms sales offers to Saudi top $115 billion: report - Reuters

We have become so polarized that the only time we seem to object to this nonsense is when the other party does it! Trouble is, it seems both parties do the same damn thing. Are we dumb or what?
Trump Bypasses Congress To Approve $8 Billion In Arms Sales To Saudi Arabia, UAE

does the US get a commission out of this? Why are we selling weapons to a country that took down the Towers?

So, Now Trump has the 'power of the purse' and not Congress?

I always thought Trump was a bit faggish & overtly dramatic.

It must be true; Trump is a real drama queen.

You have NO how much this reveals about your lack of knowledge

Am I actually suppose to give two shitz about your opinion of my knowledge base?

LOFL .........
The primary reason the obstructionist congressional Democrats are delaying the deal is because they oppose good living wage jobs for Americans.

The Trump administration made the very wise and prudent decision to tell them to fuck off.

Fuck those slimeball Democrats.

Put America's best interests first!
Trump the Genius???

We'll be lucky to survive with this moron in the White House until 2020. Like Rex Tillerson said - he's a "fucking moron".

Trump the Genius???

We'll be lucky to survive with this moron in the White House until 2020. Like Rex Tillerson said - he's a "fucking moron".


This opinion is coming from a fucking moron, looks like the two cancel each other out, except he was smart enough to become President and you are resigned to posting on a message board, where you are considered a fucking moron and are laughed at endlessly.
does the US get a commission out of this?

This can't be a real question. If it is I nominate you for dummy of the week.
Hey gramps Didn't you know I was a stable genius too?

I did

I posted YOUR picture yesterday.

you gave it a Winner emoji
That was so kind of you I rather expect it from you

I've known for a long time you belong in a stable.
Trump Bypasses Congress To Approve $8 Billion In Arms Sales To Saudi Arabia, UAE

does the US get a commission out of this? Why are we selling weapons to a country that took down the Towers?

from the blog you linked: "The administration invoked a rarely used provision of American arms control laws to bypass Congress and approve the weapons sales, citing the escalating tensions with Iran as justification."

Guess it was legal for him to do it.
Legal wasn't the question What kind of AH helps the ones responsible for 9/11?
Trump Bypasses Congress To Approve $8 Billion In Arms Sales To Saudi Arabia, UAE

does the US get a commission out of this? Why are we selling weapons to a country that took down the Towers?

So, Now Trump has the 'power of the purse' and not Congress?

I always thought Trump was a bit faggish & overtly dramatic.

It must be true; Trump is a real drama queen.

You have NO how much this reveals about your lack of knowledge

Am I actually suppose to give two shitz about your opinion of my knowledge base?

LOFL .........

Son YOUR own words show that you don't have a clue.
Trump Bypasses Congress To Approve $8 Billion In Arms Sales To Saudi Arabia, UAE

does the US get a commission out of this? Why are we selling weapons to a country that took down the Towers?

from the blog you linked: "The administration invoked a rarely used provision of American arms control laws to bypass Congress and approve the weapons sales, citing the escalating tensions with Iran as justification."

Guess it was legal for him to do it.
Legal wasn't the question What kind of AH helps the ones responsible for 9/11?


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