Trump threatened to attack Moscow if Russia invaded Ukraine !

I wouldn't say Trump was taking orders from Moscow, but he certainly was acting in ways to support "some" totalitarian states. At one time he thought Xi was a guy "he could do business with."
Trump would try to “deal” with people. That’s how he grew up in business. He brought the same philosophy to governing b
So Trump did January 6 and four years in DC and he was crazy ...

... but everyone knows Trump isn't crazy so he would actually not bomb Moscow.

So you're not just a failed influencer but you're just an obvious liar
Come on Kaz, don't tell me you are a Trump Humper and you believe everything Trump tells you. Do you realize what would have happened if Trump would have bombed Moscow?
imo it's more about vanity. And 70 year old man paying porn stars to prove his virality. There was a sex in the city episode with Samantha and a very rich, very older man "with a pocket full of viagra and I'm not afraid to use it" LOL

Most of the guys who I'd consider "effeminate" aren't really. And it really doesn't have anything to do with orientation. There's no doubt the Trumpster has insecurity issues.
Trump has paid for sex his whole life
Putin authored a dirty dossier for Obama, Biden, and Clinton. The Democrat Party paid $13 Million for it. Why did Putin only write up a dirty dossier for Hillary Clinton to help her rig the 2016 election, have false affidavits filed in FISA, and Mad Moscow Mueller conduct a Fake Investigation?

Why did Obama, Biden and Clinton agree to a 'Russian Reset' and why was The Clinton Foundation given $145 Million dollars to help grease the tracks for the Uranium One Deal?

Why did Obama, Clinton and Biden give Iran Billions of Dollars in the dead of night, illegally and in violation of International Law so that Iran could buy Russian Weapons, Russian Missiles, Russian Uranium, Russian Centrifuges, and Russian Nuclear Scientists?

Why are you still breathing and polluting our planet with CO2?
Start small and learn the facts about uranium one...
Trump isn't strong. He's effeminate, insecure, prone to tantrums and very, very sensitive.
Then why didn't Putin invade Ukraine when Trump was President instead of now when there is a demented weak old bureaucrat sitting in the White House drooling into his oatmeal?
Don't confuse being a flunky with strength. I am an American, who the else am I supposed to support? Putin.
Then why didn't you support Trump?
Sure he would have. If you think Trump was going to attack Russia, you're a bigger fool than I thought.
Doesn't matter what I think, Dumbass. Putin believed it, which is why he did nothing until your Vegetable Messiah took office.
Then why didn't Putin invade Ukraine when Trump was President instead of now when there is a demented weak old bureaucrat sitting in the White House drooling into his oatmeal?
He didn't need to he had his flunky Trump sitting in the WH.
Then why didn't you support Trump?
Because he supported Russia.

When a reporter asked if the subject of Russian election interference came up, Trump replied, “He said he absolutely did not meddle in our election. He did not do what they are saying he did. ... Every time he sees me, he says, ‘I didn’t do that,’ and I really believe that when he tells me that, he means it. But he says, ‘I didn’t do that.’”
He didn't need to he had his flunky Trump sitting in the WH.

Because he supported Russia.

When a reporter asked if the subject of Russian election interference came up, Trump replied, “He said he absolutely did not meddle in our election. He did not do what they are saying he did. ... Every time he sees me, he says, ‘I didn’t do that,’ and I really believe that when he tells me that, he means it. But he says, ‘I didn’t do that.’”
Bullshit. Trump never supported Russia.
I have provided evidence of Putin being afraid of Trump. You can't provide any evidence showing Trump afraid of Putin.
You haven't showed me anything that says Putin was afraid of Trump. Putin wasn't kissing Trump's ass, Trump was kissing Putin's.
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