trump threatens violence by his "fans" if jailed

Well I'm not going to look around and do your homework for you.
I don't give a shit if you don't believe me, because I could care less if you're an ignorant asshole.
I put you on the spot and you fold like a cheap suit. Too funny
I put you on the spot and you fold like a cheap suit. Too funny

It's not MY fault you're so ignorant.

But here's a way you find out I was time there's a hearing proving Biden or Hunter Biden were breaking the law just watch and they'll release a statement about Trump. Be it an indictment or leaked photos.

It never fails.

They even tried to censor RFK jr's testimony this morning.....a hearing on censorship by the Biden Adm on social media.

All they're doing is giving CNN something to talk about instead of the Bidens Adm using social media to censor conservative thought.

Here's MSNBC admitting it was going on.....but they spun it to make it look like the GOP House was the ones timing everything.

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Trump can't even save his own ass.
And it's a shame for all of us, because he could have saved all of our asses from WW3 as well.

But some are dupes for the US warmongering terror state, and some just want to see the world burn.

Congratulations whichever you are. :)
You’re not very smart.
An easily triggered troll with limited vocabulary.

And terrible TDS.

To these people, Trump's ongoing existence is a threat.

Hence deranged OPs like the one we're debunking.
You're a big Trump fan.
Not at all.

I'm simply not deafened by the noise from either liberal or conservative echo chambers, and can thus perceive reality.
Are you willing to commit a violent act for your Trumpy?
Does that thought excite you?

You sound excited.
Are you gonna step up to the plate when his physical freedom is at risk or are you gonna just let him rot in some jail cell?
I'll see your silly trolling question and raise you a serious one.

When/if you finally realize you've been duped into despising Trump because he stood between all of us and WW3, and you watch as millions die, will you feel any shame?

It's not MY fault you're so ignorant.

But here's a way you find out I was time there's a hearing proving Biden or Hunter Biden were breaking the law just watch and they'll release a statement about Trump. Be it an indictment or leaked photos.

It never fails.

All they're doing is giving CNN something to talk about instead of the Bidens taking cash from the Chinese.
There's a statement about Trump every fucking day of the week. Every week. Ever since he put his fat ass on that golden escalator there's something about fucking Trump. I already made my peace with the idea that there will be a statement about Trump until he finally keels over. Hopefully it will be soon.
There's a statement about Trump every fucking day of the week. Every week. Ever since he put his fat ass on that golden escalator there's something about fucking Trump. I already made my peace with the idea that there will be a statement about Trump until he finally keels over. Hopefully it will be soon.
Looks like Biden is the one close to keeling over.
But the fact remains that every indictment against Trump was timed to coincide with an important hearing on Capital Hill that was damaging to the Biden Administration.
Look it up you lazy fuck.
Not at all.

I'm simply not deafened by the noise from either liberal or conservative echo chambers, and can thus perceive reality.

Does that thought excite you?

You sound excited.

I'll see your silly trolling question and raise you a serious one.

When/if you finally realize you've been duped into despising Trump because he stood between all of us and WW3, and you watch as millions die, will you feel any shame?
I despise Trump because he is a horrible human being. He's a hate monger and a threat to democracy.
No I wouldn't feel ashamed because I don't think Trump can do that in the first place (avoid WW3).
Looks like Biden is the one close to keeling over.
But the fact remains that every indictment against Trump was timed to coincide with an important hearing on Capital Hill that was damaging to the Biden Administration.
Look it up you lazy fuck.
Request denied
I don't know why it took that long. My guess is they took their time to make sure it won't get thrown out.
I agree. We've never had a defiant criminal in the office of the president. I hope we never will again.

I thought when Trump lost the election it was done. But, his refusal to have a proper, traditional transfer of power was just the beginning of his vengeance.
I despise Trump because he is a horrible human being. He's a hate monger and a threat to democracy.
No I wouldn't feel ashamed because I don't think Trump can do that in the first place (avoid WW3).
Hmmmm….100 posts per day since joining average….I smell a bot….
Nothing Conservatives have done has ever or will ever match tbe violent, criminal, terrorist, lawlessness of the left.

The reason why is clear:
Conservatives respect the law infinitely more than Democrats and leftists who violate at will the Constitution and law, and because Vonservatives respect safety, life, freedom, and personal property more than violent Socialist leftists.
No you respect the Law, as long as, it is focusing on folks of color. As soon as, they came after your Orange God you want to DEFUND the DOJ and FBI, you clowns are nothing but hypocrites.
No you respect the Law, as long as, it is focusing on folks of color. As soon as, they came after your Orange God you want to DEFUND the DOJ and FBI, you clowns are nothing but hypocrites.
Putin is thrilled. He wants to undermine all US institutions, the rule of law and the Constitution.

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