trump threatens violence by his "fans" if jailed

He didn’t invite a riot you idiot.

Incite, not invite. And he did by not condemning such a prospect. Just like on Sedition Day, some of his supporters now think it's acceptable to riot should he be incarcerated. Even worse, some will think that's what he wants. Even worse still, that IS what he wants. Feeds his overblown ego.

This is how he operates.
Yes they know it and they also know that there isn't a damn thing they can do about it. They just cling to the hope that a miracle will happen, somehow, and rescue their beloved Trumpy from accountability.
The fate of the J6 insurrectionists is still fresh in their minds and serves to ground their lofty thoughts about trying anything violent again.

C'mon, maybe Biden will pardon him.

The difference is that if the Deep Swamp succeeds in destroying Trump, the only person standing between the Earth and WW3 will be gone.

Gotta love human gullibility, tribalism and lunacy of course; duck & cover! :)

How on Earth is Donald Trump going to prevent a world war?? The same way he would eliminate the debt like he said he would? The same way he would get Mexico to send him a check for the wall like he said he would? The same way he said he would produce proof Obama was born in Kenya like he said he would?

It's kinda scary how high of a pedestal you sycophants put him. You know he's not an orange Jesus, don't you?
C'mon, maybe Biden will pardon him.

No. The only way for Grifty to get out from under this is to delay until after the election. And win of course. That's the only way for all his troubles to disappear.
I despise Trump because he is a horrible human being.
Relative to whom?

There are millions of "horrible" human beings in the world, including numerous recent US presidents.

Did/do you despise them as well?

Do you despise psychopathic warmonger Hillary Clinton?
He's a hate monger and a threat to democracy.
Complete nonsense.

And you've been led to this baslessly hysterical conclusion for one reason, and that's because Trump, unlike true hate monger, warmonger and threat to life on Earth HRClinton was beaten by outsider Trump.

The Deep Swamp had Ukraine all teed up for Russia to invade, and Warrior Queen Hillary was going to preside over WW3, the Final Reset.

But due to her laziness and incompetence, and being one of the creepiest humans in US politics since Nixon, she lost those swing states.

And that's it.

The wrong monster won, and WW3 had to be delayed until Trump could be removed.

That's why you and millions like you were driven to lunacy with ginned up hate for Trump, when in fact Obama (for instance) was far worse, and Bush II was infinitely worse.
No I wouldn't feel ashamed because I don't think Trump can do that in the first place (avoid WW3).
Well, those aren't the conditions of the hypothetical, but okay.

Take care, and I hope the caul can be pulled from your eyes short of it being blown to atoms by nuclear holocaust.
Relative to whom?

There are millions of "horrible" human beings in the world, including numerous recent US presidents.

Did/do you despise them as well?

Do you despise psychopathic warmonger Hillary Clinton?

Complete nonsense.

And you've been led to this baslessly hysterical conclusion for one reason, and that's because Trump, unlike true hate monger, warmonger and threat to life on Earth HRClinton was beaten by outsider Trump.

The Deep Swamp had Ukraine all teed up for Russia to invade, and Warrior Queen Hillary was going to preside over WW3, the Final Reset.

But due to her laziness and incompetence, and being one of the creepiest humans in US politics since Nixon, she lost those swing states.

And that's it.

The wrong monster won, and WW3 had to be delayed until Trump could be removed.

That's why you and millions like you were driven to lunacy with ginned up hate for Trump, when in fact Obama (for instance) was far worse, and Bush II was infinitely worse.

Well, those aren't the conditions of the hypothetical, but okay.

Take care, and I hope the caul can be pulled from your eyes short of it being blown to atoms by nuclear holocaust.
Slow down here. You never answered my question from post #261. Get that done before we move on
How on Earth is Donald Trump going to prevent a world war??
By refusing to go along with the Deep Swamp.

His presidency delayed it for several years, and that's why he had to be removed from office.
The same way he would eliminate the debt like he said he would?
The same way he would get Mexico to send him a check for the wall like he said he would?
The same way he said he would produce proof Obama was born in Kenya like he said he would?
It's kinda scary how high of a pedestal you sycophants put him.
Irrelevant fallacy.

Trump is kind of a pig, and being an independent, I see that, and have him on no pedestal.
You know he's not an orange Jesus, don't you?
According to DeepSwamp sycophants like yourself, he's Orange Hitler, correct? :)
No. The only way for Grifty to get out from under this is to delay until after the election. And win of course. That's the only way for all his troubles to disappear.

I'm guessing too many Americans are not going to want him to be able to evade justice by becoming president; for him to win.
I'm guessing too many Americans are not going to want him to be able to evade justice by becoming president; for him to win.
It's very unlikely that he will win. He must be convicted before election day, then he can't win.
Correct; he was merely making an observation.

But you know how that TDS works! :eek:

The problem isn't that he was "merely making an observation." The problem is he made no effort to squash any potential violence.

He's running for president. Don't you think he has a responsibility, even as a candidate, to prevent violence? If after postering there will be violence if he's incarcerated, he sternly puts out the message, 'but do NOT resort to violence under any circumstance," many of his supporters will abide by him.

But that's not what he wants. He wants violence if he's incarcerated. It stokes his ego. So just like on Sedition Day when he stalled for hours to tell his base to get the hell out of the Capitol; now he gives a thumbs up of approval to violently lash out if he's proven guilty of crimes in a court of law.

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