Trump to CNN: ‘Ask the Angel Moms’ Whether I’m Making Up a National Emergency at the Border

Deno, post: 21836610,
It’s the left that has taken God and decency out of everything.

If god were to take right wing religious ignorance out his flock humanity wouid be better served.

And quit imposing your version of Sharia Law on non-Christians. Abortion is legal. I don’t want your religious law running amok in America. Freedom of Religion means we also have freedom from your religion as well.

You bring up the unborn when you are losing the argument.

Let me know why you think 1/3 of a fence project will have 100 percent impact.

And how you will remove the 11 million who were not stopped by a fence in the first place?

They will still be here (killing and raping) after Trumpo builds his pitiful 300 miles of fence on a 2000 mile border.
Obviously the illegals already here have to be identified and deported. That's what ICE is for. We should have roundups and raids. It would be good to see an ICE raid on a sanctuary city jail.
Deno, post: 21836610,
It’s the left that has taken God and decency out of everything.

If god were to take right wing religious ignorance out his flock humanity wouid be better served.

And quit imposing your version of Sharia Law on non-Christians. Abortion is legal. I don’t want your religious law running amok in America. Freedom of Religion means we also have freedom from your religion as well.

You bring up the unborn when you are losing the argument.

Let me know why you think 1/3 of a fence project will have 100 percent impact.

And how you will remove the 11 million who were not stopped by a fence in the first place?

They will still be here (killing and raping) after Trumpo builds his pitiful 300 miles of fence on a 2000 mile border.

There you go again defaming God…

It’s you on the left that support sharia law….

Why don’t you ever make a big deal out of

a muslim baker not making you a butt buddie cake?

We all know why…

You are afraid you would get your throat cut….

It’s easy for you cowards to pick on peace loving Christians.

You are all so very full of shit….

You dodge the abortion issue because you are full of Shit……

Look Dumb Ass, the more illegals’ we keep out,

the less crime and such we will have.

Where is there a Muslim Baker refusing to make a gay couples wedding cake .

You seem confused Timmy Tard...…

I am Challenging you have a muslim baker bake

You a gay wedding cake………….

How do you think that would go?
What a great comeback to Acosta for asking that stupid question. He got totally owned by Trump. The Angel mom's will all guarantee there's definitely a national emergency by these illegal Invaders.

Trump to CNN: ‘Ask the Angel Moms’ Whether I’m Making Up a National Emergency at the Border

CNN proved that Trump was lying out his ass.

So their loved one's didnt die at the hands of illegals?
Alright then,no indians died at the hands of the white man.

Why are these 4 or 5 deaths more important than the 14,000 other people who were murdered in the USA last year.

Why are these deaths more important than the Parkland kids who died? Or the kids from Sandy Hook? Why do the deaths of those people's children matter more than the people whose children are killed by white Americans? Why is their pain greater?
because they didn't have to die. They wouldn't have died if those illegal aliens weren't already violating the law and in our country to begin with. If we had obeyed and enforced the law and deported those aliens then their victims would still be alive today.

Neither do any of the children who are gunned down in their schools. Parents are buying bullet proof backpacks and vests for their kids because neither the children nor their parents think they're safe there. But the US does nothing to curb gun violence. 35,000 deaths every year.

Or the babies who died after their parents took them home from the hospital - the highest infant mortality rate in the First World, because Americans don't have health care for all like civilized nations. Or the opiod deaths.

Hundreds of thousands of Americans die needlessly in America ever year because of the right wing policies of the US government. Tell me again why few these deaths matter so much MORE than any of the others, that you are willing to spend more money to prevent these deaths, than you would spend to provide single payer health care for the entire nation, and save 45,000 needless deaths per year.

You want to bitch about infant mortality rates yet you're fine with a full term baby being set aside while the doc and mother discuss whether they want to kill it or not.

Illegals shouldnt be here to kill in the first place.
What a great comeback to Acosta for asking that stupid question. He got totally owned by Trump. The Angel mom's will all guarantee there's definitely a national emergency by these illegal Invaders.

Trump to CNN: ‘Ask the Angel Moms’ Whether I’m Making Up a National Emergency at the Border

CNN proved that Trump was lying out his ass.

So their loved one's didnt die at the hands of illegals?
Alright then,no indians died at the hands of the white man.

Why are these 4 or 5 deaths more important than the 14,000 other people who were murdered in the USA last year.

Why are these deaths more important than the Parkland kids who died? Or the kids from Sandy Hook? Why do the deaths of those people's children matter more than the people whose children are killed by white Americans? Why is their pain greater?
because they didn't have to die. They wouldn't have died if those illegal aliens weren't already violating the law and in our country to begin with. If we had obeyed and enforced the law and deported those aliens then their victims would still be alive today.

Neither do any of the children who are gunned down in their schools. Parents are buying bullet proof backpacks and vests for their kids because neither the children nor their parents think they're safe there. But the US does nothing to curb gun violence. 35,000 deaths every year.

Or the babies who died after their parents took them home from the hospital - the highest infant mortality rate in the First World, because Americans don't have health care for all like civilized nations. Or the opiod deaths.

Hundreds of thousands of Americans die needlessly in America ever year because of the right wing policies of the US government. Tell me again why few these deaths matter so much MORE than any of the others, that you are willing to spend more money to prevent these deaths, than you would spend to provide single payer health care for the entire nation, and save 45,000 needless deaths per year.

The root of all the problems you mentioned above are

a result of left wing policies...………...
CNN proved that Trump was lying out his ass.

So their loved one's didnt die at the hands of illegals?
Alright then,no indians died at the hands of the white man.

Why are these 4 or 5 deaths more important than the 14,000 other people who were murdered in the USA last year.

Why are these deaths more important than the Parkland kids who died? Or the kids from Sandy Hook? Why do the deaths of those people's children matter more than the people whose children are killed by white Americans? Why is their pain greater?
because they didn't have to die. They wouldn't have died if those illegal aliens weren't already violating the law and in our country to begin with. If we had obeyed and enforced the law and deported those aliens then their victims would still be alive today.

Neither do any of the children who are gunned down in their schools. Parents are buying bullet proof backpacks and vests for their kids because neither the children nor their parents think they're safe there. But the US does nothing to curb gun violence. 35,000 deaths every year.

Or the babies who died after their parents took them home from the hospital - the highest infant mortality rate in the First World, because Americans don't have health care for all like civilized nations. Or the opiod deaths.

Hundreds of thousands of Americans die needlessly in America ever year because of the right wing policies of the US government. Tell me again why few these deaths matter so much MORE than any of the others, that you are willing to spend more money to prevent these deaths, than you would spend to provide single payer health care for the entire nation, and save 45,000 needless deaths per year.

The root of all the problems you mentioned above are

a result of left wing policies...………...

Lack of universal health care is a left wing policy? Republicans have been fighting publically funded Health Care since JFK first tried to pass Medicare and failed. LBJ got it passed. Republicans recent let the CHiP funding expire. Health care for the poorest children in the country.

Lack of gun control is a result of left wing policies? You've on drugs!

What has the Republican Party done to stop school or workplace shootings, other than suggesting armed guards in churches and schools.
Deno, post: 21836785
You are ignorant and a waste of my time...…

You are really stuck when it comes to realizing that 2/3 of TRUMPO’s fence was already built.

I knew you were a runner and a loser from the start.
So their loved one's didnt die at the hands of illegals?
Alright then,no indians died at the hands of the white man.

Why are these 4 or 5 deaths more important than the 14,000 other people who were murdered in the USA last year.

Why are these deaths more important than the Parkland kids who died? Or the kids from Sandy Hook? Why do the deaths of those people's children matter more than the people whose children are killed by white Americans? Why is their pain greater?
because they didn't have to die. They wouldn't have died if those illegal aliens weren't already violating the law and in our country to begin with. If we had obeyed and enforced the law and deported those aliens then their victims would still be alive today.

Neither do any of the children who are gunned down in their schools. Parents are buying bullet proof backpacks and vests for their kids because neither the children nor their parents think they're safe there. But the US does nothing to curb gun violence. 35,000 deaths every year.

Or the babies who died after their parents took them home from the hospital - the highest infant mortality rate in the First World, because Americans don't have health care for all like civilized nations. Or the opiod deaths.

Hundreds of thousands of Americans die needlessly in America ever year because of the right wing policies of the US government. Tell me again why few these deaths matter so much MORE than any of the others, that you are willing to spend more money to prevent these deaths, than you would spend to provide single payer health care for the entire nation, and save 45,000 needless deaths per year.

The root of all the problems you mentioned above are

a result of left wing policies...………...

Lack of universal health care is a left wing policy? Republicans have been fighting publically funded Health Care since JFK first tried to pass Medicare and failed. LBJ got it passed. Republicans recent let the CHiP funding expire. Health care for the poorest children in the country.

Lack of gun control is a result of left wing policies? You've on drugs!

What has the Republican Party done to stop school or workplace shootings, other than suggesting armed guards in churches and schools.

You said "You've on drugs!"

I think you are on the drugs...………

You are wrong on every point....
Deno, post: 21837957
OK Tard you ask for it....

What am I running from?

Explaining how adding 300 miles of additional fence to the 700 miles that already exists on a 2000 mile border is going to remove the 11 million illegals that are already here.

How can extending 700 miles of existing fence by 300 miles require the emergency actions by Trumpo?

55 miles has already been approved.

What is the emergency?
Deno, post: 21837957
OK Tard you ask for it....

What am I running from?

Explaining how adding 300 miles of additional fence to the 700 miles that already exists on a 2000 mile border is going to remove the 11 million illegals that are already here.

How can extending 700 miles of existing fence by 300 miles require the emergency actions by Trumpo?

55 miles has already been approved.

What is the emergency?

Hey Dumb Ass….

Who said building a wall would remove

those already here…

You tards make up a lot of bull shit…..
Deno, post: 21838314
Who said building a wall would remove those already here…

I didn’t say you said it ding bat? The ‘emergency’ is supposedly to prevent killings and rapings of US citizens. Now you admit that spending billions on building some additional fence will not solve the problem since you fear that 11 million potential killers and rapists are already here. Trumpo has proposed no emergency policy for dealing with that.

So you are finally admitting that 300 miles of additional fence will solve next to nothing as far preventing crime by illegals goes.
little by little , stop the invasion and then concentrate on removing millions of embedded fifth column of invaders that are in the USA NFooled .
Deno, post: 21838314
Who said building a wall would remove those already here…

I didn’t say you said it ding bat? The ‘emergency’ is supposedly to prevent killings and rapings of US citizens. Now you admit that spending billions on building some additional fence will not solve the problem since you fear that 11 million potential killers and rapists are already here. Trumpo has proposed no emergency policy for dealing with that.

So you are finally admitting that 300 miles of additional fence will solve next to nothing as far preventing crime by illegals goes.

I will admit you are a dip shit zealot that keeps twisting the truth...
Deno, post: 21836610,
It’s the left that has taken God and decency out of everything.

If god were to take right wing religious ignorance out his flock humanity wouid be better served.

And quit imposing your version of Sharia Law on non-Christians. Abortion is legal. I don’t want your religious law running amok in America. Freedom of Religion means we also have freedom from your religion as well.

You bring up the unborn when you are losing the argument.

Let me know why you think 1/3 of a fence project will have 100 percent impact.

And how you will remove the 11 million who were not stopped by a fence in the first place?

They will still be here (killing and raping) after Trumpo builds his pitiful 300 miles of fence on a 2000 mile border.

There you go again defaming God…

It’s you on the left that support sharia law….

Why don’t you ever make a big deal out of

a muslim baker not making you a butt buddie cake?

We all know why…

You are afraid you would get your throat cut….

It’s easy for you cowards to pick on peace loving Christians.

You are all so very full of shit….

You dodge the abortion issue because you are full of Shit……

Look Dumb Ass, the more illegals’ we keep out,

the less crime and such we will have.

Where is there a Muslim Baker refusing to make a gay couples wedding cake .

You seem confused Timmy Tard...…

I am Challenging you have a muslim baker bake

You a gay wedding cake………….

How do you think that would go?

You want me to prove somthing that doesn’t exist ?

It’s on you to prove your theory that libs would be ok with Muslims denying a gay couple this rights .
Deno, post: 21836610,
It’s the left that has taken God and decency out of everything.

If god were to take right wing religious ignorance out his flock humanity wouid be better served.

And quit imposing your version of Sharia Law on non-Christians. Abortion is legal. I don’t want your religious law running amok in America. Freedom of Religion means we also have freedom from your religion as well.

You bring up the unborn when you are losing the argument.

Let me know why you think 1/3 of a fence project will have 100 percent impact.

And how you will remove the 11 million who were not stopped by a fence in the first place?

They will still be here (killing and raping) after Trumpo builds his pitiful 300 miles of fence on a 2000 mile border.

There you go again defaming God…

It’s you on the left that support sharia law….

Why don’t you ever make a big deal out of

a muslim baker not making you a butt buddie cake?

We all know why…

You are afraid you would get your throat cut….

It’s easy for you cowards to pick on peace loving Christians.

You are all so very full of shit….

You dodge the abortion issue because you are full of Shit……

Look Dumb Ass, the more illegals’ we keep out,

the less crime and such we will have.

Where is there a Muslim Baker refusing to make a gay couples wedding cake .

You seem confused Timmy Tard...…

I am Challenging you have a muslim baker bake

You a gay wedding cake………….

How do you think that would go?

You want me to prove somthing that doesn’t exist ?

It’s on you to prove your theory that libs would be ok with Muslims denying a gay couple this rights .
An islamic friend of the gays massacred 50 of them in Orlando a few years ago. It is going to be funny in a decade or so when the congress actually has killings in it. You are being warned. Left wing Jewish political people are playing dumb and are setting up their own demise and many others with them unless Islamic men and women are absorbed into the American culture that you do not want them to.
Deno, post: 21836610,
It’s the left that has taken God and decency out of everything.

If god were to take right wing religious ignorance out his flock humanity wouid be better served.

And quit imposing your version of Sharia Law on non-Christians. Abortion is legal. I don’t want your religious law running amok in America. Freedom of Religion means we also have freedom from your religion as well.

You bring up the unborn when you are losing the argument.

Let me know why you think 1/3 of a fence project will have 100 percent impact.

And how you will remove the 11 million who were not stopped by a fence in the first place?

They will still be here (killing and raping) after Trumpo builds his pitiful 300 miles of fence on a 2000 mile border.

There you go again defaming God…

It’s you on the left that support sharia law….

Why don’t you ever make a big deal out of

a muslim baker not making you a butt buddie cake?

We all know why…

You are afraid you would get your throat cut….

It’s easy for you cowards to pick on peace loving Christians.

You are all so very full of shit….

You dodge the abortion issue because you are full of Shit……

Look Dumb Ass, the more illegals’ we keep out,

the less crime and such we will have.

Where is there a Muslim Baker refusing to make a gay couples wedding cake .

You seem confused Timmy Tard...…

I am Challenging you have a muslim baker bake

You a gay wedding cake………….

How do you think that would go?

You want me to prove somthing that doesn’t exist ?

It’s on you to prove your theory that libs would be ok with Muslims denying a gay couple this rights .

They toss homos off of roof tops Timmy.
Deno, post: 21836610, If god were to take right wing religious ignorance out his flock humanity wouid be better served.

And quit imposing your version of Sharia Law on non-Christians. Abortion is legal. I don’t want your religious law running amok in America. Freedom of Religion means we also have freedom from your religion as well.

You bring up the unborn when you are losing the argument.

Let me know why you think 1/3 of a fence project will have 100 percent impact.

And how you will remove the 11 million who were not stopped by a fence in the first place?

They will still be here (killing and raping) after Trumpo builds his pitiful 300 miles of fence on a 2000 mile border.

There you go again defaming God…

It’s you on the left that support sharia law….

Why don’t you ever make a big deal out of

a muslim baker not making you a butt buddie cake?

We all know why…

You are afraid you would get your throat cut….

It’s easy for you cowards to pick on peace loving Christians.

You are all so very full of shit….

You dodge the abortion issue because you are full of Shit……

Look Dumb Ass, the more illegals’ we keep out,

the less crime and such we will have.

Where is there a Muslim Baker refusing to make a gay couples wedding cake .

You seem confused Timmy Tard...…

I am Challenging you have a muslim baker bake

You a gay wedding cake………….

How do you think that would go?

You want me to prove somthing that doesn’t exist ?

It’s on you to prove your theory that libs would be ok with Muslims denying a gay couple this rights .

They toss homos off of roof tops Timmy.

So do Christians.
There you go again defaming God…

It’s you on the left that support sharia law….

Why don’t you ever make a big deal out of

a muslim baker not making you a butt buddie cake?

We all know why…

You are afraid you would get your throat cut….

It’s easy for you cowards to pick on peace loving Christians.

You are all so very full of shit….

You dodge the abortion issue because you are full of Shit……

Look Dumb Ass, the more illegals’ we keep out,

the less crime and such we will have.

Where is there a Muslim Baker refusing to make a gay couples wedding cake .

You seem confused Timmy Tard...…

I am Challenging you have a muslim baker bake

You a gay wedding cake………….

How do you think that would go?

You want me to prove somthing that doesn’t exist ?

It’s on you to prove your theory that libs would be ok with Muslims denying a gay couple this rights .

They toss homos off of roof tops Timmy.

So do Christians.

I'm sure you have links.....
Deno, post: 21836610,
It’s the left that has taken God and decency out of everything.

If god were to take right wing religious ignorance out his flock humanity wouid be better served.

And quit imposing your version of Sharia Law on non-Christians. Abortion is legal. I don’t want your religious law running amok in America. Freedom of Religion means we also have freedom from your religion as well.

You bring up the unborn when you are losing the argument.

Let me know why you think 1/3 of a fence project will have 100 percent impact.

And how you will remove the 11 million who were not stopped by a fence in the first place?

They will still be here (killing and raping) after Trumpo builds his pitiful 300 miles of fence on a 2000 mile border.

There you go again defaming God…

It’s you on the left that support sharia law….

Why don’t you ever make a big deal out of

a muslim baker not making you a butt buddie cake?

We all know why…

You are afraid you would get your throat cut….

It’s easy for you cowards to pick on peace loving Christians.

You are all so very full of shit….

You dodge the abortion issue because you are full of Shit……

Look Dumb Ass, the more illegals’ we keep out,

the less crime and such we will have.

Where is there a Muslim Baker refusing to make a gay couples wedding cake .

You seem confused Timmy Tard...…

I am Challenging you have a muslim baker bake

You a gay wedding cake………….

How do you think that would go?

You want me to prove somthing that doesn’t exist ?

It’s on you to prove your theory that libs would be ok with Muslims denying a gay couple this rights .

OK then timmy tard, let’s you and me have some fun…

Find a muslim bakery in your area and you and your

Boyfriend go in a try to have them bake a cake for your wedding….

After they refuse, call your local libtarded TV station and set up

a sting operation to catch them discriminating against you and

your butt buddie…

We both know they would want no part of it….

We both know if you complained about it to any media on

the left, they would bury the story if they reported it at all.

You libtards are political bullies that only pick on the peaceful decent people…..

You should be ashamed to support what you support.

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