Trump to CNN: ‘Ask the Angel Moms’ Whether I’m Making Up a National Emergency at the Border

Trump declares a national emergency, then says he didn't need to declare it
In his remarks declaring a national emergency at the border over his plan for a wall, Pres. Trump said, “I didn’t need to do this, but I’d rather do it much faster.”

lawyers won feast on that - nah, not at all.
And that is exactly why his lawyers would not let him testify under oath with Mueller, the RAT, Russian Agent Tramp, always exposes his lies with his own words if you let him babble on long enough.

Tic Toc…..

Right Tard?

Any day now……… :fu:

No you stupid little jerk. It’s over.

You are wrong again you big dummy......:dance:
Deno, post: 21834330
The more we keep out……The more American lives we save…..Simple statistics Tard……

Six hundred miles of fence has not kept them out you retard. Are you going to comment on that?

There are eleven million here now. If your priority goal is saving the lives of American citizens from being killed by illegal aliens, then your fucked up obsession with adding three hundred miles of fence to the 600 miles already up is an obvious absurd exercise in futility.

I recall when Trumpo started his racist ‘build the wall’ gimmick for votes. It was a 30 ft tall concrete impenetrable beautiful fortress stretching from shining gulf to shining sea. And Mexico would pay for it.

Now it’s 300 miles of fence funded by bypassing the appropriation process set forth in the Constitution.

You’d have a slim argument if you were building 2000 miles of something significant enough to have a major impact on illegal border crossings and Mexico paid for it.

That argument is dead. But you must cling to it for obvious partisan political reasons.

I’d like to see you dive more into the specifics than your “The more we keep out……The more American lives we save…..Simple statistics Tard…”.

I shoot that down with the fact that at least eleven million have not been kept out. And cutting down a small fraction of border crossings by adding 300 miles of fence will have such an infinitesimal impact on potential fatalities in the future that concern all Americans.

That tiny impact is not worth an $8 billion hit to the taxpayers.

You have no desire to discuss that do you?

You ignorant Tards try to paint common sense as racism

because you are mentally bankrupt and void of common sense….

Is every other Country in the world with a border Racist?

The wall will pay for itself by stopping the drain on our

Social service systems, hospitals, courts, police, prisons

and all kinds of other shit…………

With the renegotiated trade deal with Mexico they will pay for the wall…

Trump is going to SHOVE our big beautiful wall up your libtarded asses…

I am sure you are used to Trump SPANKING your asses by now….

Trump has and continues to make fools of you Tards and your lying media.

Remember when Fake News Acosta assaulted that woman?

I remember when the White House released faked video to make it look like he did, but Trump got caught, and taken to court for it where he LOST, and had to apologize and re-instate Accosta.

Yeah. I remember when Trump got humiliated and lost that court case.

What a fucking loser he is.

Who left the door open at the nut house?

That is how you escaped?

The nuts like you never think they are nuts....

I can tell you are a sick puppy.....

Take your meds and go back to bed...…
In 2000 the organization "Angel Moms" was founded, a group of mothers whose child had died, not limited to a specific cause

Trump is playing on one specific cause for political purposes

This is an organization that has mothers who have lost children to many causes ( fires, Cancer, MV accidents, just to name a few) and not specific to one agenda as trump is playing it out on.

Why doesn't he mention the other cause of children dying?

This is Trump and republican playing on mothers who have lost a child for political purposes

Why not have all of them tell there individual story

You can feel for them but there are many reasons children die before their mothers

Mothers Together Forever Bonded - Angel's Moms

Trump has figured out you dimtards game and he is better at it than you...

It helps that the truth is on his side.

Is that why 2/3rds of Americans oppose his national emergency?

FAKE NEWS...…………..
Acosta is such a twat, it’s unreal.

Even is useless twat is better than a Dumb Man with tiny hands.

Educate yourself.

Immigration and Crime

This study examines academic and government research on the question of immigrant crime. New government data indicate that immigrants have high rates of criminality, while older academic research found low rates. The overall picture of immigrants and crime remains confused due to a lack of good data and contrary information. However, the newer government data indicate that there are legitimate public safety reasons for local law enforcement to work with federal immigration authorities.

The study is by a radical right wing think tank which opposed immigration. Of course their findings don’t back up previous studies because they don’t want them to.

Facts suck, don’t they.

What did you learn from the link to the Department of Justice about illegal immigrant incarceration?

Here it is again for you to review:

Departments of Justice and Homeland Security Release Data on Incarcerated Aliens—94 Percent of All Confirmed Aliens in DOJ Custody Are Unlawfully Present

Are you now WOKE? Can we deal with actual facts and move the discussion forward, or are you going to stay ignorant because that’s what you want?
What a great comeback to Acosta for asking that stupid question. He got totally owned by Trump. The Angel mom's will all guarantee there's definitely a national emergency by these illegal Invaders.

Trump to CNN: ‘Ask the Angel Moms’ Whether I’m Making Up a National Emergency at the Border

CNN proved that Trump was lying out his ass.

So their loved one's didnt die at the hands of illegals?
Alright then,no indians died at the hands of the white man.

Why are these 4 or 5 deaths more important than the 14,000 other people who were murdered in the USA last year.

Why are these deaths more important than the Parkland kids who died? Or the kids from Sandy Hook? Why do the deaths of those people's children matter more than the people whose children are killed by white Americans? Why is their pain greater?
because they didn't have to die. They wouldn't have died if those illegal aliens weren't already violating the law and in our country to begin with. If we had obeyed and enforced the law and deported those aliens then their victims would still be alive today.

Neither do any of the children who are gunned down in their schools. Parents are buying bullet proof backpacks and vests for their kids because neither the children nor their parents think they're safe there. But the US does nothing to curb gun violence. 35,000 deaths every year.

Or the babies who died after their parents took them home from the hospital - the highest infant mortality rate in the First World, because Americans don't have health care for all like civilized nations. Or the opiod deaths.

Hundreds of thousands of Americans die needlessly in America ever year because of the right wing policies of the US government. Tell me again why few these deaths matter so much MORE than any of the others, that you are willing to spend more money to prevent these deaths, than you would spend to provide single payer health care for the entire nation, and save 45,000 needless deaths per year.
Dude, you in fairytale land.

Nope, I watched it live. CNN totally debunked Trump's bullshit lies. Thoroughly fact-checked.
Liar! The Angel mom's and Trump are correct.

You are the liar. The so-called angel moms are in league with the devil and are liars to boot.

No... it's you and yours that are in league with the devil......

You and Trump are the devils. One day you will get to meet him personally.

Au Contraire….

It’s you on the left that are Satan’s little helpers…

It’s the left that is killing baby’s at birth…

It’s the left that has taken God and decency out of everything..

I could go on and on but I know it would matter little to a Demon like yourself….

Ecclesiastes 10:2 2The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left.

Matthew 25:33 33He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.
Deno, post: 21836435
The wall will pay for itself by stopping the drain on ourSocial service systems, hospitals, courts, police, prisons[/QUOTE

Two Thirds of the total fence that Trumpo now wants has been in place and has not stopped anything you’ve mentioned.

Common sense my ass.

It’s more a case of common ignorance because Trumpo knows he can rely on your ignorance to go on believing that one third of a fencing project will have the same beneficial impact as if there were no fences in place and now thanks to Trumpo we will have 1000 miles that will be impenetrable to all illegal border crossings.

I have been trying to get your comments about 2/3 of the fence already in place, but you keep dodging it. Why?
What a great comeback to Acosta for asking that stupid question. He got totally owned by Trump. The Angel mom's will all guarantee there's definitely a national emergency by these illegal Invaders.

Trump to CNN: ‘Ask the Angel Moms’ Whether I’m Making Up a National Emergency at the Border

CNN proved that Trump was lying out his ass.

So their loved one's didnt die at the hands of illegals?
Alright then,no indians died at the hands of the white man.

Why are these 4 or 5 deaths more important than the 14,000 other people who were murdered in the USA last year.

Why are these deaths more important than the Parkland kids who died? Or the kids from Sandy Hook? Why do the deaths of those people's children matter more than the people whose children are killed by white Americans? Why is their pain greater?
because they didn't have to die. They wouldn't have died if those illegal aliens weren't already violating the law and in our country to begin with. If we had obeyed and enforced the law and deported those aliens then their victims would still be alive today.

Neither do any of the children who are gunned down in their schools. Parents are buying bullet proof backpacks and vests for their kids because neither the children nor their parents think they're safe there. But the US does nothing to curb gun violence. 35,000 deaths every year.

Or the babies who died after their parents took them home from the hospital - the highest infant mortality rate in the First World, because Americans don't have health care for all like civilized nations. Or the opiod deaths.

Hundreds of thousands of Americans die needlessly in America ever year because of the right wing policies of the US government. Tell me again why few these deaths matter so much MORE than any of the others, that you are willing to spend more money to prevent these deaths, than you would spend to provide single payer health care for the entire nation, and save 45,000 needless deaths per year.
So you're saying we should just add to those numbers by allowing illegal aliens to flood over our borders?
What a great comeback to Acosta for asking that stupid question. He got totally owned by Trump. The Angel mom's will all guarantee there's definitely a national emergency by these illegal Invaders.

Trump to CNN: ‘Ask the Angel Moms’ Whether I’m Making Up a National Emergency at the Border

CNN proved that Trump was lying out his ass.

You wouldn’t feel that way if you lost someone to an illegal criminal. It wouldn’t be collateral damage to you then. So shut the fuck up, and let the experts do their job. You can have dead babies and higher taxes somewhere down the line. The money requested is nothing in comparison to what gets pissed away on foreign aid for people who contribute nothing to society.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Experts? Don't make me laugh. Fascist thugs are more like it.

So you are knowledgeable on security? And when people in the field evaluate costs, you know better? You would have a lot in common with Captain Cortez. She was a bartender. That qualifies her to evaluate the needs of the world. And she was actually elected.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It's sad what happened to their kids, but anecdotal incidents don't make something a reality. Are guns a national emergency because David Hogg knew a few people who were shot?

Guns are in the 2nd Amendment. Illegal immigration is not. Have a nice day, dumbass!

Congress' power of the purse is in the Constitution as well. You don't care about that. If that can be overridden then so can the 2nd amendment.

You are a complete idiot......

You are a Trump supporter so that automatically makes you a idiot. I guess logic is just too much for your empty little head to take.

You got it bass ackwards Dumb Ass……

Try Pulling your Head out of your Ass.
Deno, post: 21836610,
It’s the left that has taken God and decency out of everything.

If god were to take right wing religious ignorance out his flock humanity wouid be better served.

And quit imposing your version of Sharia Law on non-Christians. Abortion is legal. I don’t want your religious law running amok in America. Freedom of Religion means we also have freedom from your religion as well.

You bring up the unborn when you are losing the argument.

Let me know why you think 1/3 of a fence project will have 100 percent impact.

And how you will remove the 11 million who were not stopped by a fence in the first place?

They will still be here (killing and raping) after Trumpo builds his pitiful 300 miles of fence on a 2000 mile border.
Deno, post: 21836435
The wall will pay for itself by stopping the drain on ourSocial service systems, hospitals, courts, police, prisons[/QUOTE

Two Thirds of the total fence that Trumpo now wants has been in place and has not stopped anything you’ve mentioned.

Common sense my ass.

It’s more a case of common ignorance because Trumpo knows he can rely on your ignorance to go on believing that one third of a fencing project will have the same beneficial impact as if there were no fences in place and now thanks to Trumpo we will have 1000 miles that will be impenetrable to all illegal border crossings.

I have been trying to get your comments about 2/3 of the fence already in place, but you keep dodging it. Why?

Rave on you idiot...………

You are ignorant and a waste of my time...…

But I still like flucking with you.....

Quit now or I will prove you even " More Stupider"
Deno, post: 21836610,
It’s the left that has taken God and decency out of everything.

If god were to take right wing religious ignorance out his flock humanity wouid be better served.

And quit imposing your version of Sharia Law on non-Christians. Abortion is legal. I don’t want your religious law running amok in America. Freedom of Religion means we also have freedom from your religion as well.

You bring up the unborn when you are losing the argument.

Let me know why you think 1/3 of a fence project will have 100 percent impact.

And how you will remove the 11 million who were not stopped by a fence in the first place?

They will still be here (killing and raping) after Trumpo builds his pitiful 300 miles of fence on a 2000 mile border.

There you go again defaming God…

It’s you on the left that support sharia law….

Why don’t you ever make a big deal out of

a muslim baker not making you a butt buddie cake?

We all know why…

You are afraid you would get your throat cut….

It’s easy for you cowards to pick on peace loving Christians.

You are all so very full of shit….

You dodge the abortion issue because you are full of Shit……

Look Dumb Ass, the more illegals’ we keep out,

the less crime and such we will have.
Immigration status doesn’t kill people .
People kill people .

Timmy Tard…

You are correct…..

But the undeniable fact is there

are Rapist, Murderer’s and drunk drivers

sneaking across the border that will in fact

cause harm and death to American Citizens…….
Immigration status doesn’t kill people .
People kill people .

Timmy Tard…

You are correct…..

But the undeniable fact is there

are Rapist, Murderer’s and drunk drivers

sneaking across the border that will in fact

cause harm and death to American Citizens…….

And that requires a sea to sea wall? That’s the best way to deal with it?

Of course not.
Deno, post: 21836610,
It’s the left that has taken God and decency out of everything.

If god were to take right wing religious ignorance out his flock humanity wouid be better served.

And quit imposing your version of Sharia Law on non-Christians. Abortion is legal. I don’t want your religious law running amok in America. Freedom of Religion means we also have freedom from your religion as well.

You bring up the unborn when you are losing the argument.

Let me know why you think 1/3 of a fence project will have 100 percent impact.

And how you will remove the 11 million who were not stopped by a fence in the first place?

They will still be here (killing and raping) after Trumpo builds his pitiful 300 miles of fence on a 2000 mile border.

There you go again defaming God…

It’s you on the left that support sharia law….

Why don’t you ever make a big deal out of

a muslim baker not making you a butt buddie cake?

We all know why…

You are afraid you would get your throat cut….

It’s easy for you cowards to pick on peace loving Christians.

You are all so very full of shit….

You dodge the abortion issue because you are full of Shit……

Look Dumb Ass, the more illegals’ we keep out,

the less crime and such we will have.

Where is there a Muslim Baker refusing to make a gay couples wedding cake .
What a great comeback to Acosta for asking that stupid question. He got totally owned by Trump. The Angel mom's will all guarantee there's definitely a national emergency by these illegal Invaders.

Trump to CNN: ‘Ask the Angel Moms’ Whether I’m Making Up a National Emergency at the Border

CNN proved that Trump was lying out his ass.

So their loved one's didnt die at the hands of illegals?
Alright then,no indians died at the hands of the white man.

Why are these 4 or 5 deaths more important than the 14,000 other people who were murdered in the USA last year.

Why are these deaths more important than the Parkland kids who died? Or the kids from Sandy Hook? Why do the deaths of those people's children matter more than the people whose children are killed by white Americans? Why is their pain greater?
because they didn't have to die. They wouldn't have died if those illegal aliens weren't already violating the law and in our country to begin with. If we had obeyed and enforced the law and deported those aliens then their victims would still be alive today.

Neither do any of the children who are gunned down in their schools. Parents are buying bullet proof backpacks and vests for their kids because neither the children nor their parents think they're safe there. But the US does nothing to curb gun violence. 35,000 deaths every year.

Or the babies who died after their parents took them home from the hospital - the highest infant mortality rate in the First World, because Americans don't have health care for all like civilized nations. Or the opiod deaths.

Hundreds of thousands of Americans die needlessly in America ever year because of the right wing policies of the US government. Tell me again why few these deaths matter so much MORE than any of the others, that you are willing to spend more money to prevent these deaths, than you would spend to provide single payer health care for the entire nation, and save 45,000 needless deaths per year.

Tsk tsk tsk,

What were your takeaways from the stats from the US Department of Justice that I posted?

Are you glad to now have facts, or did that mess up your tunnel vision narrative?
Immigration status doesn’t kill people .
People kill people .

Timmy Tard…

You are correct…..

But the undeniable fact is there

are Rapist, Murderer’s and drunk drivers

sneaking across the border that will in fact

cause harm and death to American Citizens…….

And that requires a sea to sea wall? That’s the best way to deal with it?

Of course not.

You Fib..

It's not sea to sea......

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