Trump to CNN: ‘Ask the Angel Moms’ Whether I’m Making Up a National Emergency at the Border

In 2000 the organization "Angel Moms" was founded, a group of mothers whose child had died, not limited to a specific cause

Trump is playing on one specific cause for political purposes

This is an organization that has mothers who have lost children to many causes ( fires, Cancer, MV accidents, just to name a few) and not specific to one agenda as trump is playing it out on.

Why doesn't he mention the other cause of children dying?

This is Trump and republican playing on mothers who have lost a child for political purposes

Why not have all of them tell there individual story

You can feel for them but there are many reasons children die before their mothers

Mothers Together Forever Bonded - Angel's Moms

Trump has figured out you dimtards game and he is better at it than you...

It helps that the truth is on his side.

Is that why 2/3rds of Americans oppose his national emergency?
CNN proved that Trump was lying out his ass.
Dude, you in fairytale land.

Nope, I watched it live. CNN totally debunked Trump's bullshit lies. Thoroughly fact-checked.
Liar! The Angel mom's and Trump are correct.

You are the liar. The so-called angel moms are in league with the devil and are liars to boot.

No... it's you and yours that are in league with the devil......

You and Trump are the devils. One day you will get to meet him personally.
It's sad what happened to their kids, but anecdotal incidents don't make something a reality. Are guns a national emergency because David Hogg knew a few people who were shot?

Guns are in the 2nd Amendment. Illegal immigration is not. Have a nice day, dumbass!

Congress' power of the purse is in the Constitution as well. You don't care about that. If that can be overridden then so can the 2nd amendment.

You are a complete idiot......

You are a Trump supporter so that automatically makes you a idiot. I guess logic is just too much for your empty little head to take.
Acosta is such a twat, it’s unreal.

The idea of a Trump supporter calling ANYONE else a "twat" is hysterically funny.

Rave on you idiot….

We all know you twats are easily amused……

It’s what lefties do. They can’t argue facts. They change the argument and cry about irrelevant bullshit.

Illegal Immigrants committ SIGNIFICANTLY more crimes than US citizens.

Straight up fact.

Straight up lie.
Deno, post: 21830166
It's you and your Vile Vulgar Evil Ilk that don't care about the Angel Moms, their children or the unborn.

What makes you think you care about the Angel Mom’s more than anyone who has not been conned into believing that pussy grabber Trumpo’s racist fearmongering ‘build the wall’ campaign is going to prevent a future tragedy, similar to what the handful of Angel Families experienced, in a statistically proportional way to the billions of dollars spent?

And now we know that Trumpo and his moron base has accepted the fact that 2/3 of the ‘wall’ has already been built.

So if 2/3 of the wall was there when one illegal got into the US somehow, around the fence, and then ended up getting drunk and killing an Angel Family kid, it makes it statistically more out of reach to conclude that 300 miles of additional “emergency” fence for $8 billion dollars is going to prevent a similar tragedy in the future.

Don’t run from this post you deplorable Trumpo loving bigot.

Blaming the entire population of illegals that may have or may not have illegally crossed the southern border to get here for the deaths involved in the Angel Family cases is deplorable. Believing in 300 miles of additional fence is a suitable $8 billion solution is stupid.

Take your fake halo off. You are no saint.
Illegals are creating White-Genocide. Having a Wall will help stop the browning of America.

Thanks for proving you are a white supremacist.
What a great comeback to Acosta for asking that stupid question. He got totally owned by Trump. The Angel mom's will all guarantee there's definitely a national emergency by these illegal Invaders.

Trump to CNN: ‘Ask the Angel Moms’ Whether I’m Making Up a National Emergency at the Border
You Trumpanzees embarrass yourselves every time you open your mouths! The only fake news is Fox "News." Remember that.

View attachment 246308

Acosta is such a twat, it’s unreal.

The idea of a Trump supporter calling ANYONE else a "twat" is hysterically funny.

Rave on you idiot….

We all know you twats are easily amused……

It’s what lefties do. They can’t argue facts. They change the argument and cry about irrelevant bullshit.

Illegal Immigrants committ SIGNIFICANTLY more crimes than US citizens.

Straight up fact.

Straight up lie.

I don’t think so.

Departments of Justice and Homeland Security Release Data on Incarcerated Aliens—94 Percent of All Confirmed Aliens in DOJ Custody Are Unlawfully Present

Remember when Fake News Acosta assaulted that woman?
I remember that she assaulted him....and the video shows his space.

I also remember those saying that Acosta would never be allowed back into the WH press pool.....:71:
He clearly assaulted her. He should have been charged. He just proves that Latino's have violent tendencies.

You are a lying little weasel. She assaulted him.
What a great comeback to Acosta for asking that stupid question. He got totally owned by Trump. The Angel mom's will all guarantee there's definitely a national emergency by these illegal Invaders.

Trump to CNN: ‘Ask the Angel Moms’ Whether I’m Making Up a National Emergency at the Border

CNN proved that Trump was lying out his ass.

You wouldn’t feel that way if you lost someone to an illegal criminal. It wouldn’t be collateral damage to you then. So shut the fuck up, and let the experts do their job. You can have dead babies and higher taxes somewhere down the line. The money requested is nothing in comparison to what gets pissed away on foreign aid for people who contribute nothing to society.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Experts? Don't make me laugh. Fascist thugs are more like it.
Acosta is such a twat, it’s unreal.

The idea of a Trump supporter calling ANYONE else a "twat" is hysterically funny.

Rave on you idiot….

We all know you twats are easily amused……

It’s what lefties do. They can’t argue facts. They change the argument and cry about irrelevant bullshit.

Illegal Immigrants committ SIGNIFICANTLY more crimes than US citizens.

Straight up fact.

Straight up lie.

I don’t think so.

Departments of Justice and Homeland Security Release Data on Incarcerated Aliens—94 Percent of All Confirmed Aliens in DOJ Custody Are Unlawfully Present

Like I said, liars figure and figures lie. Trump is the biggest liar of them all.
Deno, post: 21830166
It's you and your Vile Vulgar Evil Ilk that don't care about the Angel Moms, their children or the unborn.

What makes you think you care about the Angel Mom’s more than anyone who has not been conned into believing that pussy grabber Trumpo’s racist fearmongering ‘build the wall’ campaign is going to prevent a future tragedy, similar to what the handful of Angel Families experienced, in a statistically proportional way to the billions of dollars spent?

And now we know that Trumpo and his moron base has accepted the fact that 2/3 of the ‘wall’ has already been built.

So if 2/3 of the wall was there when one illegal got into the US somehow, around the fence, and then ended up getting drunk and killing an Angel Family kid, it makes it statistically more out of reach to conclude that 300 miles of additional “emergency” fence for $8 billion dollars is going to prevent a similar tragedy in the future.

Don’t run from this post you deplorable Trumpo loving bigot.

Blaming the entire population of illegals that may have or may not have illegally crossed the southern border to get here for the deaths involved in the Angel Family cases is deplorable. Believing in 300 miles of additional fence is a suitable $8 billion solution is stupid.

Take your fake halo off. You are no saint.
Illegals are creating White-Genocide. Having a Wall will help stop the browning of America.

Thanks for proving you are a white supremacist.
Hey you little bitch, there is nothing wrong with being White and supreme. I mean after all we conquered this land and made the foundation based on White ideology.

Remember when Fake News Acosta assaulted that woman?
I remember that she assaulted him....and the video shows his space.

I also remember those saying that Acosta would never be allowed back into the WH press pool.....:71:
He clearly assaulted her. He should have been charged. He just proves that Latino's have violent tendencies.

You are a lying little weasel. She assaulted him.
False. He Acosted her! She was mortified after his assault!
The left supports any and all crime committed by illegals. Especially drug and human trafficking. Especially child sex slave trafficking. That's what they are trying so desperately to protect.
See what I mean about them resembling more and more like Al Pacinos movie
"the Devils Advocate", including taking cases to their own circle of compromised Judges and Lawyers (like Hillary's own lawyers brought into the investigation by Mueller)who all sold their souls to the lawless ones.
White_MAGA_Man, post: 21835321
Hey you little bitch, there is nothing wrong with being White and supreme. I mean after all we conquered this land and made the foundation based on White ideology.

You forgot something: You are one of too goddam many White, Supreme, self/righteous Trumpo Storm Troopers.

One is too many. Hillary was right - you are deplorable.

Will be interesting to see who here “likes” your posts.
I agree. I loved the way Trump made all of America understand that our families are in real immediate danger of being killed or raped by an undocumented immigrant. His wall idea will now grow in popularity. And having done this hard work for America and after solving this crisis, Mr. Trump deserves a nice vacation.

That is so much bullshit. More people die of opioids than are killed or raped by illegals. More people die in car accidents than are killed or raped by illegals. The wall will not grow in popularity and Democrats could control everything after 2020.

You can’t prove a single one of my points to be wrong, so you just call me racist. Typical libtard.
What a great comeback to Acosta for asking that stupid question. He got totally owned by Trump. The Angel mom's will all guarantee there's definitely a national emergency by these illegal Invaders.

Trump to CNN: ‘Ask the Angel Moms’ Whether I’m Making Up a National Emergency at the Border
So, what about the children gunned down at school??? They are scum evidently.

Trump is taking border protection resources away from more viable protections to waste on a stupid 40' concrete wall that will stop very few.

Trump is crearting more angel moms & you assfucks are too stupid to get it.

Then you favor cutting rhe military budget to build kt.

Jesus Christ, how did you get this stupid?
Trump get 1.3 billion for border security. Money for replacing barriers, money to better stop the drug flow where they enter the most, crossing points, money for more agents. He will take it all for 55 miles of wall along a 2000 mile border.

He will now take money away from our troops. Evidently they are dog shit compared to a wall that will do little.
What a great comeback to Acosta for asking that stupid question. He got totally owned by Trump. The Angel mom's will all guarantee there's definitely a national emergency by these illegal Invaders.

Trump to CNN: ‘Ask the Angel Moms’ Whether I’m Making Up a National Emergency at the Border
So, what about the children gunned down at school??? They are scum evidently.

Trump is taking border protection resources away from more viable protections to waste on a stupid 40' concrete wall that will stop very few.

Trump is crearting more angel moms & you assfucks are too stupid to get it.

Then you favor cutting rhe military budget to build kt.

Jesus Christ, how did you get this stupid?
------------------------------------ trying to change subjects eh RealDave ?? Trump was talking about Angel MOMS the Mothers of kids that have been murdered by ALIENS RealDave .
What a great comeback to Acosta for asking that stupid question. He got totally owned by Trump. The Angel mom's will all guarantee there's definitely a national emergency by these illegal Invaders.

Trump to CNN: ‘Ask the Angel Moms’ Whether I’m Making Up a National Emergency at the Border
So, what about the children gunned down at school??? They are scum evidently.

Trump is taking border protection resources away from more viable protections to waste on a stupid 40' concrete wall that will stop very few.

Trump is crearting more angel moms & you assfucks are too stupid to get it.

Then you favor cutting rhe military budget to build kt.

Jesus Christ, how did you get this stupid?
------------------------------------ trying to change subjects eh RealDave ?? Trump was talking about Angel MOMS the Mothers of kids that have been murdered by ALIENS RealDave .

Wow, you really are quite stupid.

If Angel Moms creates an emergency to build a wall, then certyainly moms opf dead school children should create an emergency.

But not to you because that might involve guns.
like I said , you are trying to change subjects from the TRUMP Wall and 'alien' murderers to your own special issue . You are trying to make the Emergency at the Border complicated rather than to stay on topic . Its ok with me but i'm just letting YOU know that I see through your BS RealDave .

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