Trump to counter Democrats debate with his own rally.

Is anybody still watching the Democrat Party Primary debates? I honestly don't know why they bother to televise them since it's pretty much the same tired old "I'm gonna out free shit all the other assholes on this stage" bullshit over and over.

... not that a Donny "rally" filled with thousands of mindless sycophants screaming empty slogans is any more entertaining.:cool:

"It's like watching flies fuck! And a mindless game, mindless." -- George Carlin
I wonder how much the taxpayers have spent to fly this clown around with his entourage to speak at pointless rallies or play golf. Neither activity involves working for the good of the nation or working at all.
Poor baby suddenly discovered it cost of money to protect a POTUS.

The nation is doing much better than it has in quite a while.

Even when the "POTUS" is a POS who is always flying around for personal reasons that do not involve his official duties. This is far too much to pay to transport and protect a whoring goldbricker whose life is not worth a ham sandwich. All he's going to do at this rally is bitch about Democrats. The nation has been much, much worse off than it was before the 2016 election. He has hurt far too many people.
Even when the "POTUS" is a POS who is always flying around for personal reasons that do not involve his official duties. This is far too much to pay to transport and protect a whoring goldbricker whose life is not worth a ham sandwich. All he's going to do at this rally is bitch about Democrats. The nation has been much, much worse off than it was before the 2016 election. He has hurt far too many people.
You wouldn't be so angry and desperate if America wasn't doing better now than before, and your party wasn't being led by losers.

Anything good for America is bad for Democrats.

I see which side you're on.
Even when the "POTUS" is a POS who is always flying around for personal reasons that do not involve his official duties. This is far too much to pay to transport and protect a whoring goldbricker whose life is not worth a ham sandwich. All he's going to do at this rally is bitch about Democrats. The nation has been much, much worse off than it was before the 2016 election. He has hurt far too many people.
You wouldn't be so angry and desperate if America wasn't doing better now than before, and your party wasn't being led by losers.

Anything good for America is bad for Democrats.

I see which side you're on.

Thank you. I'm on the side of the United States and its people. America is circling the drain because of the two filthy white bitch-boys with sex problems in the White House who are working for the Russians. It will take years and lots of money to undo the damage that they have caused. They have done absolutely nothing that could be thought of as "good for America." This is the legacy that they are leaving for our nation's children.
Thank you. I'm on the side of the United States and its people. America is circling the drain because of the two filthy white bitch-boys with sex problems in the White House who are working for the Russians. It will take years and lots of money to undo the damage that they have caused. They have done absolutely nothing that could be thought of as "good for America." This is the legacy that they are leaving for our nation's children.

What "damage" are you referring to specifically and why do you believe it will take "years" and "lots of money" to undo?
Thank you. I'm on the side of the United States and its people. America is circling the drain because of the two filthy white bitch-boys with sex problems in the White House who are working for the Russians. It will take years and lots of money to undo the damage that they have caused. They have done absolutely nothing that could be thought of as "good for America." This is the legacy that they are leaving for our nation's children.

What "damage" are you referring to specifically and why do you believe it will take "years" and "lots of money" to undo?

Foreign relations, treaties, our international prestige, damage to our national security, environmental, the rule of law, the damage to the rights of women and minorities, the wasteful spending, the lose of confidence in our government, the results of all the lying, etc.

I know that you are bullshitting, but now you list the good that these two scumbags and their minions have done for the nation.
Thank you. I'm on the side of the United States and its people. America is circling the drain because of the two filthy white bitch-boys with sex problems in the White House who are working for the Russians. It will take years and lots of money to undo the damage that they have caused. They have done absolutely nothing that could be thought of as "good for America." This is the legacy that they are leaving for our nation's children.

What "damage" are you referring to specifically and why do you believe it will take "years" and "lots of money" to undo?

Foreign relations, treaties, our international prestige, damage to our national security, environmental, the rule of law, the damage to the rights of women and minorities, the wasteful spending, the lose of confidence in our government, the results of all the lying, etc.
You're just listing things not any specific damages that Trump and his merry band of miscreants are directly responsible for and will require "years" and "lots of money" to undo.

For example:
You list "wasteful spending", is it your contention that wasteful spending started with Donny & Co. ? What is your definition of "wasteful spending"?

You list "the damage to the rights of women and minorities", WHAT DAMAGE? what rights have "women and minorities" lost or been degraded since Donny took office?

I know that you are bullshitting, but now you list the good that these two scumbags and their minions have done for the nation.
Why? because I asked you to expound upon your claim?

Are you one of those people that get offended when someone challenges the assertions you make?
Is anybody still watching the Democrat Party Primary debates?

I watched about half the first one, 2 min the 2nd and 5 min the 3rd. Just out of morbid curiosity I suppose. Pandering liars, all of them. As bad or worse than baby jesus.

Remember ovomits first words at 2008 inauguration? "lets be honest people, there is no way I can deliver promises I said in my campaign"

Lets be honest? From the freak imposter girly man? Oxymoron

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