Trump to declare national emergency

DemNazi 2020 Election will be a Massacre.

GOP Super Majority 2020

A Dem president can pull the same shit with climate change,,gun control or anything else that upsets the Republicans

You act like this is a precedent. It's already been done by both parties in the past!
Yeah FDR did it when WW2 started and GWB did it as our twin towers burned Quite a bit different than what this AH in the WH is doing it for
You didn't bitch when Obungo said he had "A pen and a phone". Karma is a bitch, huh.

You republicans did sow the wind now
reap the whirlwind. suffer serious consequences as a result of your actions. This expression alludes to the proverb they that sow the wind shall reap the whirlwind Wait till a Dem becomes president and that will be soon
Don't you mean the Democrats sowed the wind and are reaping the whirlwind? Obama declared 13 national emergencies in order to exercise powers he would otherwise not have access to.

and he needed Congress .
Boy will you be crying when we get real gun control from national emergency.
I'm fretting. But you nailed the point. Trumps wall does NOT have maj support in congress or with voters. Universal checks, more mental health checks and perhaps magazine capacity limits DO HAVE MAJ support, at least with voters. Does anyone doubt for one second that Obama would have "pulled this trigger" in his second term?

It removes the protections the Trumpdipshits claim we need to protect us from tyranny of the majority.
It sure does. They seem to want tyranny now.
Obama couldn't have moved money to mandate checks in perhaps his first term, because he needed Wisconsin and Mich to win a second one. Trump is grasping for his base. But for a president with 50% approval plus ..... and McConnell as maj leader of the opposition party ..... fuckme.

The President's approval rating continues to improve and so does approval of his policies. He's not grasping for anything.

The Democrat Party because they have NO MORAL COMPASS has become like a bizzaro combination of The Hindenburg and Titanic in search of their next Iceberg.

Oh The Humanity!

War on Air Travel

War on Shipping

DemNazi High Speed Rail Project
And that’s why repubs did so well last election...
You really think you won anything? Look at the screw balls you DimTards put in office.

If they aren't a nut case, the rest are moderates who actually support President Trump, and he gained seats in The Senate.

You aren't very bright. 2020 is going to be a massacre for your party. And you have no one to thank but yourselves.
I wonder who trump is going to make richer with this fence building...
I'm fretting. But you nailed the point. Trumps wall does NOT have maj support in congress or with voters. Universal checks, more mental health checks and perhaps magazine capacity limits DO HAVE MAJ support, at least with voters. Does anyone doubt for one second that Obama would have "pulled this trigger" in his second term?

It removes the protections the Trumpdipshits claim we need to protect us from tyranny of the majority.
It sure does. They seem to want tyranny now.
Obama couldn't have moved money to mandate checks in perhaps his first term, because he needed Wisconsin and Mich to win a second one. Trump is grasping for his base. But for a president with 50% approval plus ..... and McConnell as maj leader of the opposition party ..... fuckme.

The President's approval rating continues to improve and so does approval of his policies. He's not grasping for anything.

The Democrat Party because they have NO MORAL COMPASS has become like a bizzaro combination of The Hindenburg and Titanic in search of their next Iceberg.

Oh The Humanity!

War on Air Travel

War on Shipping

DemNazi High Speed Rail Project
And that’s why repubs did so well last election...
You really think you won anything? Look at the screw balls you DimTards put in office.

If they aren't a nut case, the rest are moderates who actually support President Trump, and he gained seats in The Senate.

You aren't very bright. 2020 is going to be a massacre for your party. And you have no one to thank but yourselves.
Trump is a disaster. He can’t negotiate anything. He’s all executive and now emergency orders.
You act like this is a precedent. It's already been done by both parties in the past!
Yeah FDR did it when WW2 started and GWB did it as our twin towers burned Quite a bit different than what this AH in the WH is doing it for
You didn't bitch when Obungo said he had "A pen and a phone". Karma is a bitch, huh.

You republicans did sow the wind now
reap the whirlwind. suffer serious consequences as a result of your actions. This expression alludes to the proverb they that sow the wind shall reap the whirlwind Wait till a Dem becomes president and that will be soon
Don't you mean the Democrats sowed the wind and are reaping the whirlwind? Obama declared 13 national emergencies in order to exercise powers he would otherwise not have access to.

and he needed Congress .
No, he didn't need Congress. The purpose of declaring a national emergency is to avoid going to Congress. The National Emergencies Act specifies exactly what powers the President can exercise without the approval of Congress; there are 123 such powers.
A Dem president can pull the same shit with climate change,,gun control or anything else that upsets the Republicans

You act like this is a precedent. It's already been done by both parties in the past!
Yeah FDR did it when WW2 started and GWB did it as our twin towers burned Quite a bit different than what this AH in the WH is doing it for
You didn't bitch when Obungo said he had "A pen and a phone". Karma is a bitch, huh.

You republicans did sow the wind now
reap the whirlwind. suffer serious consequences as a result of your actions. This expression alludes to the proverb they that sow the wind shall reap the whirlwind Wait till a Dem becomes president and that will be soon
Don't you mean the Democrats sowed the wind and are reaping the whirlwind? Obama declared 13 national emergencies in order to exercise powers he would otherwise not have access to.
For his part, Barack Obama declared 13 national emergencies, with many of them focused on international affairs and containing foreign conflicts, the outlet reported
A Dem president can pull the same shit with climate change,,gun control or anything else that upsets the Republicans

Yep, that is the problem with these decisions. It works great when you are in charge and then when you aren't...
You act like this is a precedent. It's already been done by both parties in the past!
Yeah FDR did it when WW2 started and GWB did it as our twin towers burned Quite a bit different than what this AH in the WH is doing it for
You didn't bitch when Obungo said he had "A pen and a phone". Karma is a bitch, huh.

You republicans did sow the wind now
reap the whirlwind. suffer serious consequences as a result of your actions. This expression alludes to the proverb they that sow the wind shall reap the whirlwind Wait till a Dem becomes president and that will be soon
Don't you mean the Democrats sowed the wind and are reaping the whirlwind? Obama declared 13 national emergencies in order to exercise powers he would otherwise not have access to.
For his part, Barack Obama declared 13 national emergencies, with many of them focused on international affairs and containing foreign conflicts, the outlet reported

Only 13? :muahaha:
So this "national emergency" opens the door to a Democrat President issuing a national emergency on climate change (for example) in the not-too-distant future. Just a heads-up there.

This is what will continue to happen when we can't communicate like normal adults to find solutions together, and no longer expect our representatives to do the same. Just keep trying to "beat" the other "side".

Constant criminal investigations, non-stop screams of "scandal", "national emergencies", governance by executive order, on and on.

I guess everyone is okay with this.

This is all a self-inflicted wound.
And exactly how is that going to work? You can't see CO2. AGW is an unproven theory. Is the president going to tell fools like you to quit breathing and emitting CO2, ban beer, cheese, and bread?

You can prove economic impact, humanitarian issues with illegal immigration. You can't prove jack shit with AGW. It'd be easier to prove God exists.

You don't issue a National Emergency on a theory, especially on a theory that relies on Cow Farts as it's most persuasive of arguments.
This is a win for the Libs.

Trump has proven he cannot broker a deal and now has to admit he lost the battle with them.

Declaring a national emergency is a waving the white flag

Sent from my iPhone using

I see it the other way, Pelosi won a battle three weeks ago and now Trump won the war, he didn't need Pelosi at all.

Bad move on Trump's part however I saw this coming three weeks ago.
You act like this is a precedent. It's already been done by both parties in the past!
Yeah FDR did it when WW2 started and GWB did it as our twin towers burned Quite a bit different than what this AH in the WH is doing it for
You didn't bitch when Obungo said he had "A pen and a phone". Karma is a bitch, huh.

You republicans did sow the wind now
reap the whirlwind. suffer serious consequences as a result of your actions. This expression alludes to the proverb they that sow the wind shall reap the whirlwind Wait till a Dem becomes president and that will be soon
Don't you mean the Democrats sowed the wind and are reaping the whirlwind? Obama declared 13 national emergencies in order to exercise powers he would otherwise not have access to.
For his part, Barack Obama declared 13 national emergencies, with many of them focused on international affairs and containing foreign conflicts, the outlet reported
Yes, he did and the US was not a participant in any of those foreign conflicts. He declared national emergencies so he could seize the assets or block commerce with parties he wanted to punish in conflicts that had nothing to do with the US. President Trump is going to declare a national emergency to advance a national security measure to protect our borders.
Yeah FDR did it when WW2 started and GWB did it as our twin towers burned Quite a bit different than what this AH in the WH is doing it for
You didn't bitch when Obungo said he had "A pen and a phone". Karma is a bitch, huh.

You republicans did sow the wind now
reap the whirlwind. suffer serious consequences as a result of your actions. This expression alludes to the proverb they that sow the wind shall reap the whirlwind Wait till a Dem becomes president and that will be soon
Don't you mean the Democrats sowed the wind and are reaping the whirlwind? Obama declared 13 national emergencies in order to exercise powers he would otherwise not have access to.
For his part, Barack Obama declared 13 national emergencies, with many of them focused on international affairs and containing foreign conflicts, the outlet reported

Only 13? :muahaha:
that's what the article said as well as one poster here
This is a win for the Libs.

Trump has proven he cannot broker a deal and now has to admit he lost the battle with them.

Declaring a national emergency is a waving the white flag

Sent from my iPhone using

That’s weird… It looks like a bunch of LefTarded pukes agree with you. It’s almost as if you are one of them? Do you honestly believe that anybody sane expects Trump to be able to make deals with those disgusting Mexicrats?
He governs for the right people… They govern for Mexico and do you bring that together?

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