Trump to issue executive order on census citizenship question

Well the other guys think they're patriotic americans also. Everyone can't go around calling themselves the only patriotic americans just because they disagree.
Hey---I got an idea. Maybe we're all patriotic Americans.
------------------------ that's emotional and feel good BS type talk . How can a guy that wants to limit the purchase of various efficient and effective common guns like the AR15 or who wants Open Borders be an 'AMERICAN' ?? And that just 2 examples OldLady
Lots of people love this country enough to want to see a lot less than 10,000 people a year murdered with guns. Lots of people want legal entry to the United States without the slander and open hostility being visited upon the poor and desperate who are pounding on our doors.
I love my country. I don't dislike others because of it and I don't feel the need to shoot anyone either.
/----/ What a load of hoseshyt. Your feel-good platitudes are meaningless. Where is your outcry for the 78,000 victims of abortions each year? How many of those murdered with guns were by gang members? Who wants to let the gangs flood over the border? Spare me your fake outrage.
US Abortion Statistics: An Honest Analysis | National Economics Editorial
If you feel compelled to argue about abortion, there are plenty of threads on that. I believe this is about the census question? And yokels who tell me I'm unpatriotic for not stepping in line with their hateful message?
-------------------------------------- he simply used abortion or murder of 'babies' as an example same as I used Guns and Open Borders as examples OldLady .
Left wingers are not patriotic, they want to fundementally transform the country into something completely different from the founding principles.
Leftists today are actually anti-patriots by definition:
" Anti-patriotism is the ideology that opposes patriotism; it usually refers to those with cosmopolitan views and is usually of an Internationalist and anti-nationalist nature as well."
Left wingers are not patriotic, they want to fundementally transform the country into something completely different from the founding principles.

---------------------------------- plus demographic change , they love forced demographic change . See the 'far north east' of the USA with their forced demographic change that includes imported 'somalis' that live on taxpayer paid money and benefits .
Leftists today are actually anti-patriots by definition:
" Anti-patriotism is the ideology that opposes patriotism; it usually refers to those with cosmopolitan views and is usually of an Internationalist and anti-nationalist nature as well."
Where did you get that definition? In order to be a real definition, first you have to define patriotism, and being isolationist isn't actually it.
Leftists today are actually anti-patriots by definition:
" Anti-patriotism is the ideology that opposes patriotism; it usually refers to those with cosmopolitan views and is usually of an Internationalist and anti-nationalist nature as well."
Where did you get that definition? In order to be a real definition, first you have to define patriotism, and being isolationist isn't actually it.
That's the Wikipedia definition.
Here is one for patriotism:
Learn to pronounce
noun: patriotism
  1. the quality of being patriotic; devotion to and vigorous support for one's country.
    "a highly decorated officer of unquestionable integrity and patriotism"
    synonyms: nationalism, patriotic sentiment, allegiance/loyalty to one's country, loyalism;
    chauvinism, jingoism, flag-waving, isolationism, xenophobia
    "a national flag or anthem has the power to instil patriotism"
    antonyms: treachery"

Notice it is synonymous with nationalism....and y'all HATE us nationalists a.k.a Patriots.
Trump to announce executive action on census citizenship question

President Trump will announce an executive action to add the citizenship question to the 2020 census, two senior administration officials have confirmed to CBS News. Mr. Trump announced he will give a statement on the topic Thursday afternoon.

The anticipated 5 p.m. announcement comes as the president exhibits frustration over the Supreme Court decision that his administration failed to provide adequate justification for adding the question. Multiple legal battlesover the question are still playing out in lower courts."

Great. Go king Donald.

Hey, conservative is out as a description of the Republicans.

What word are they using now?
/——/ Patriotic Americans fits the bill. Thanks for asking

Well the other guys think they're patriotic americans also. Everyone can't go around calling themselves the only patriotic americans just because they disagree.
Hey---I got an idea. Maybe we're all patriotic Americans.
Sure. Unless your a liberal Democrat.

Nothing like the words of the great divider with the post Putin told him to make!

In this belief fluid world I can't believe you're name calling. Are you for or against Tariffs today? How about Executive Orders?
Trump to announce executive action on census citizenship question

President Trump will announce an executive action to add the citizenship question to the 2020 census, two senior administration officials have confirmed to CBS News. Mr. Trump announced he will give a statement on the topic Thursday afternoon.

The anticipated 5 p.m. announcement comes as the president exhibits frustration over the Supreme Court decision that his administration failed to provide adequate justification for adding the question. Multiple legal battlesover the question are still playing out in lower courts."

Great. Go king Donald.

Hey, conservative is out as a description of the Republicans.

What word are they using now?
/——/ Patriotic Americans fits the bill. Thanks for asking

Well the other guys think they're patriotic americans also. Everyone can't go around calling themselves the only patriotic americans just because they disagree.
Hey---I got an idea. Maybe we're all patriotic Americans.
/----/ The only patriotism libtards have is towards EuroTrash Socialism. Liberal Nirvana in LA

Ah, Putin pay you to post that?
Left wingers are not patriotic, they want to fundementally transform the country into something completely different from the founding principles.

If we are talking about not having the Articles of Confederation as our Constitution I'll agree. Perhaps those with opposing views just like different aspects of America.
Left wingers are not patriotic, they want to fundementally transform the country into something completely different from the founding principles.

If we are talking about not having the Articles of Confederation as our Constitution I'll agree. Perhaps those with opposing views just like different aspects of America.
Nah, they are the opposite of Patriots. Words have meaning.
Both used them for the same reason, to further their agendas.

I'll join you mostly in ridiculing Liberals who called Obama EO's heroic and Trump's anti-american.

Understand why EO's are an easier thing for a "liberal" to get behind. Conservatives have it rough in a way. Their stricter views on following the constitution give them not just a political right/wrong to adhere to but a constitutional one.
The 14th Amendment supports Trump on this issue quite specifically and in a perfect world the Supreme Court would rule on the constitutionality of putting a citizenship question back in the census instead of the motives behind putting it back into the census after Obama removed it (no one questioned his motives, by the way).

It should be none of their fucking business if it's constitutional (which it is) and John Roberts demonstrates again how unfortunate it was that George Bush nominated him (more legacy from one of our more disappointing presidents).

We'll see today how Trump handles this question but there is no doubt the question is proper and should be put back into the census.
Left wingers are not patriotic, they want to fundementally transform the country into something completely different from the founding principles.

If we are talking about not having the Articles of Confederation as our Constitution I'll agree. Perhaps those with opposing views just like different aspects of America.
Nah, they are the opposite of Patriots. Words have meaning.

That is funny. Are they opposing patriots as in patriots with a different view fighting other patriots or are they opposing patriots as in fighting patriots.

But yeah, if you want discuss politics pick two or three issues you think "they" are unpatriotic on and we'll debate.
Left wingers are not patriotic, they want to fundementally transform the country into something completely different from the founding principles.

If we are talking about not having the Articles of Confederation as our Constitution I'll agree. Perhaps those with opposing views just like different aspects of America.
Nah, they are the opposite of Patriots. Words have meaning.

That is funny. Are they opposing patriots as in patriots with a different view fighting other patriots or are they opposing patriots as in fighting patriots.

But yeah, if you want discuss politics pick two or three issues you think "they" are unpatriotic on and we'll debate.
They freak out over the phrase "Make America Great Again" and think "Nationalism" means "Nazism" for Pete's sake. How blind do you have to be to not see they are anti-patriots?
If you can't see it already, there is no point in discussing it with you because you're never going to get it. I don't like talking to walls.
Left wingers are not patriotic, they want to fundementally transform the country into something completely different from the founding principles.

If we are talking about not having the Articles of Confederation as our Constitution I'll agree. Perhaps those with opposing views just like different aspects of America.
Nah, they are the opposite of Patriots. Words have meaning.

That is funny. Are they opposing patriots as in patriots with a different view fighting other patriots or are they opposing patriots as in fighting patriots.

But yeah, if you want discuss politics pick two or three issues you think "they" are unpatriotic on and we'll debate.
They freak out over the phrase "Make America Great Again" and think "Nationalism" means "Nazism" for Pete's sake. How blind do you have to be to not see they are anti-patriots?

Its the racist undertones of the vague words which probably have folks concerned.

Perhaps some of them were reading history books and are worried about that manifest destiny thing coming back or the always present NAZI references.
Left wingers are not patriotic, they want to fundementally transform the country into something completely different from the founding principles.

If we are talking about not having the Articles of Confederation as our Constitution I'll agree. Perhaps those with opposing views just like different aspects of America.
Nah, they are the opposite of Patriots. Words have meaning.

That is funny. Are they opposing patriots as in patriots with a different view fighting other patriots or are they opposing patriots as in fighting patriots.

But yeah, if you want discuss politics pick two or three issues you think "they" are unpatriotic on and we'll debate.
They freak out over the phrase "Make America Great Again" and think "Nationalism" means "Nazism" for Pete's sake. How blind do you have to be to not see they are anti-patriots?

Its the racist undertones of the vague words which probably have folks concerned.

Perhaps some of them were reading history books and are worried about that manifest destiny thing coming back or the always present NAZI references.
You only think those things because you are an anti-patriot.
Its the racist undertones of the vague words which probably have folks concerned.

Perhaps some of them were reading history books and are worried about that manifest destiny thing coming back or the always present NAZI references.
I suppose we could all pile on Donald Trump for not clarifying Make America Great Again...Like When We Were All More United With a Common Purpose And Fifth Column Socialist Alinskyites Weren't Balkanizing the Country Into Tiny Squabbling Factions.

But how do you fit all that on a ball cap?

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