Trump to issue executive order on census citizenship question

Great. Go king Donald.

Hey, conservative is out as a description of the Republicans.

What word are they using now?
/——/ Patriotic Americans fits the bill. Thanks for asking

Well the other guys think they're patriotic americans also. Everyone can't go around calling themselves the only patriotic americans just because they disagree.
Hey---I got an idea. Maybe we're all patriotic Americans.
Sure. Unless your a liberal Democrat.

Nothing like the words of the great divider with the post Putin told him to make!

In this belief fluid world I can't believe you're name calling. Are you for or against Tariffs today? How about Executive Orders?
/—-/ How much did Epstein pay you to post that?
Well the other guys think they're patriotic americans also. Everyone can't go around calling themselves the only patriotic americans just because they disagree.
Hey---I got an idea. Maybe we're all patriotic Americans.
------------------------ that's emotional and feel good BS type talk . How can a guy that wants to limit the purchase of various efficient and effective common guns like the AR15 or who wants Open Borders be an 'AMERICAN' ?? And that just 2 examples OldLady
Lots of people love this country enough to want to see a lot less than 10,000 people a year murdered with guns. Lots of people want legal entry to the United States without the slander and open hostility being visited upon the poor and desperate who are pounding on our doors.
I love my country. I don't dislike others because of it and I don't feel the need to shoot anyone either.
/----/ What a load of hoseshyt. Your feel-good platitudes are meaningless. Where is your outcry for the 78,000 victims of abortions each year? How many of those murdered with guns were by gang members? Who wants to let the gangs flood over the border? Spare me your fake outrage.
US Abortion Statistics: An Honest Analysis | National Economics Editorial
If you feel compelled to argue about abortion, there are plenty of threads on that. I believe this is about the census question? And yokels who tell me I'm unpatriotic for not stepping in line with their hateful message?
/—-/ So murder by gun is bad, but murder by forceps tan’t no big thang. Got it.
Hey---I got an idea. Maybe we're all patriotic Americans.
------------------------ that's emotional and feel good BS type talk . How can a guy that wants to limit the purchase of various efficient and effective common guns like the AR15 or who wants Open Borders be an 'AMERICAN' ?? And that just 2 examples OldLady
Lots of people love this country enough to want to see a lot less than 10,000 people a year murdered with guns. Lots of people want legal entry to the United States without the slander and open hostility being visited upon the poor and desperate who are pounding on our doors.
I love my country. I don't dislike others because of it and I don't feel the need to shoot anyone either.
/----/ What a load of hoseshyt. Your feel-good platitudes are meaningless. Where is your outcry for the 78,000 victims of abortions each year? How many of those murdered with guns were by gang members? Who wants to let the gangs flood over the border? Spare me your fake outrage.
US Abortion Statistics: An Honest Analysis | National Economics Editorial
If you feel compelled to argue about abortion, there are plenty of threads on that. I believe this is about the census question? And yokels who tell me I'm unpatriotic for not stepping in line with their hateful message?
/—-/ So murder by gun is bad, but murder by forceps tan’t no big thang. Got it.
They're sick and demented ideology doesn't allow them to comprehend what you are saying.
Great. Go king Donald.

Hey, conservative is out as a description of the Republicans.

What word are they using now?
/——/ Patriotic Americans fits the bill. Thanks for asking

Well the other guys think they're patriotic americans also. Everyone can't go around calling themselves the only patriotic americans just because they disagree.
Hey---I got an idea. Maybe we're all patriotic Americans.
------------------------ that's emotional and feel good BS type talk . How can a guy that wants to limit the purchase of various efficient and effective common guns like the AR15 or who wants Open Borders be an 'AMERICAN' ?? And that just 2 examples OldLady
Lots of people love this country enough to want to see a lot less than 10,000 people a year murdered with guns. Lots of people want legal entry to the United States without the slander and open hostility being visited upon the poor and desperate who are pounding on our doors.
I love my country. I don't dislike others because of it and I don't feel the need to shoot anyone either.
/—-/ And if illegals come and pound on your door, you’d welcome them in and fix them dinner. WOWZA you’re one helluva guy.
I want the Left's nightmare for President.
You have him.
Not yet. No we don't.
The problem is you think the problem is with the president. It's not. He stands nearly alone in every battle. You gave him a Democrat congress to deal with and the judicial branch is a mess.

Now you want to replace the best president weve had in my lifetime because things arent going your way immediately.
Explain to me how a known criminal who stole an election, supports pedophiles, is racist, a misogynist, a liar, steals from his own charity that went to kids with cancer, stole $40,000,000 dollars by way of a bogus university, cheats on his taxes, wouldn't pay his workers, six bankruptcies, committed a treasonous act with Russia, obstructed justice, and a host of other criminal acts, the best president?
voting , yep , GO Trump !! 'woods cop' , [chuckle] !!
Same question;
  1. Explain to me how a known criminal who stole an election, supports pedophiles, is racist, a misogynist, a liar, steals from his own charity that went to kids with cancer, stole $40,000,000 dollars by way of a bogus university, cheats on his taxes, wouldn't pay his workers, six bankruptcies, committed a treasonous act with Russia, obstructed justice, and a host of other criminal acts, the best president?
/——/ Patriotic Americans fits the bill. Thanks for asking

Well the other guys think they're patriotic americans also. Everyone can't go around calling themselves the only patriotic americans just because they disagree.
Hey---I got an idea. Maybe we're all patriotic Americans.
------------------------ that's emotional and feel good BS type talk . How can a guy that wants to limit the purchase of various efficient and effective common guns like the AR15 or who wants Open Borders be an 'AMERICAN' ?? And that just 2 examples OldLady
Lots of people love this country enough to want to see a lot less than 10,000 people a year murdered with guns. Lots of people want legal entry to the United States without the slander and open hostility being visited upon the poor and desperate who are pounding on our doors.
I love my country. I don't dislike others because of it and I don't feel the need to shoot anyone either.
/—-/ And if illegals come and pound on your door, you’d welcome them in and fix them dinner. WOWZA you’re one helluva guy.
Yes, because they have as much and more right to be here than US citizens.
Trump to announce executive action on census citizenship question

President Trump will announce an executive action to add the citizenship question to the 2020 census, two senior administration officials have confirmed to CBS News. Mr. Trump announced he will give a statement on the topic Thursday afternoon.

The anticipated 5 p.m. announcement comes as the president exhibits frustration over the Supreme Court decision that his administration failed to provide adequate justification for adding the question. Multiple legal battlesover the question are still playing out in lower courts."

Great. Go king Donald.

Hey, conservative is out as a description of the Republicans.

What word are they using now?
What are the illegal aliens scared of?

Oops I forgot they are illegal
Trump to announce executive action on census citizenship question

President Trump will announce an executive action to add the citizenship question to the 2020 census, two senior administration officials have confirmed to CBS News. Mr. Trump announced he will give a statement on the topic Thursday afternoon.

The anticipated 5 p.m. announcement comes as the president exhibits frustration over the Supreme Court decision that his administration failed to provide adequate justification for adding the question. Multiple legal battlesover the question are still playing out in lower courts."

Great. Go king Donald.

Hey, conservative is out as a description of the Republicans.

What word are they using now?
What are the illegal aliens scared of?

Oops I forgot they are illegal
So? So are US citizens. No man is illegal on stolen land, and the land the thief's took, they took the rest. That is why there are so many refugees; CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor

Imperial Borders and Mythical Frontiers -

The US are invaders. People fleeing the rest of the invaded countries by the United States are only fleeing from the destruction we caused.
I want the Left's nightmare for President.
That would be Gestapo. They kill. You are evil, sick, and have no soul.
Perhaps some of them were reading history books and are worried about that manifest destiny thing coming back or the always present NAZI references.
Do they have similar concerns about mathematics because Nazis liked that as well?
Perhaps some of them were reading history books and are worried about that manifest destiny thing coming back or the always present NAZI references.
Do they have similar concerns about mathematics because Nazis liked that as well?
I think I have figured out why LGBTBBQ weirdos call anyone who disagrees with their political movement "Nazis". Especially the transformers... Because the Nazis burned the entire library at the Institute for Sexual Research(predecessors to the Frankfurt School). The tranny crap started in Weimar Germany, they called them transvestites back then, John Money the pedophilia homosexual American sex researcher came up with the phrase "transgender".

These freaks better hope they don't piss Americans off as much as they have the Germans.

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