Trump to issue executive order on census citizenship question

By the way, Allende was a racist against indios of chile and also antisemitic. There is no evidence of such with Pinochet.
I think I have figured out why LGBTBBQ weirdos call anyone who disagrees with their political movement "Nazis". Especially the transformers... Because the Nazis burned the entire library at the Institute for Sexual Research(predecessors to the Frankfurt School). The tranny crap started in Weimar Germany, they called them transvestites back then, John Money the pedophilia homosexual American sex researcher came up with the phrase "transgender".

These freaks better hope they don't piss Americans off as much as they have the Germans.
Anyone who wants another Pinochet is already a monster, him or herself. Just look at you give yourself away by admitting you are a Nazi. "These freaks, (LGBTQBBQ), better hope they don't piss Americans off?" Seriously? "BBQ?" And you wonder why others think you all are Nazis. Talk about some sick fucks.
How do you know I'm not just fucking with you because you're a paranoid loony toon?
No one would joke about supporting a murderous dictator like Pinochet. I have friends who were murdered by him for expressing their political views. 8000 plus were tortured, and 3000 were murdered. You are a really sick fuck. This is how this sick shit gets started. By tossing around Nazi figures who wouldn't hesitate to kill you over your political leanings. This country was never founded on that idea. You truly are a traitor to your own country, if you are in fact a US citizen? What a fuckin disgrace you are.
Your friends were probably commies. They deserved it if so.
No, they had nothing to do with Communism. They were for Democracy and Socialism mixed in. Which is exactly what we have today, minus the Oligarchs who have stripped the 99% of its wealth. But, even if that were, then you truly are a Nazi for encouraging the murder of people just because of their political views. You are what you have admitted to being. A straight monster, who is in fact a Nazi, and you support murder. Which is why the country will not stand for monsters like you to be in power, so you will be voted out.
You're an historical moron.
Glad to hear it. That question needs to be asked.
And your answer?

American citizen. And you??

I'd bet not.
Most LGBTQ are US citizens in this country you dumb ass.

That was the question. Are you going to kill the gays, by having them barbequed?
Just the leading figures, same with traitorous leftists.
The faygalas will have to do their stuff behind closed doors. No promotion of their garbage to children.
By the way, Allende was a racist against indios of chile and also antisemitic. There is no evidence of such with Pinochet.
Everything was stolen from the Indians after Pinochet. Get a clue. At least Allende didn't steal from his own people by taking away the mining interests like Copper from them, stealing their pensions and salaries. All of that was preserved for the people by Allende, then it was taken away by Pinochet. And take a wild guess who benefited from the murderous overthrow? That's right, we did. We arranged for Pinochet to take over so we could get our hands in the mining industry down there. And the citizens of Chile? What happened to them? Fuck them. To this day, the salaries suck, the pensions suck, and people have no retirement. It's common to see people in their seventies and eighties working in the street selling junk. And it's all because of what we did. Our overthrow made their lives ten times worse. I know many of them today who suffer by what the US did.
"He was for democracy and socialism mixed"

Yeah numbskull, that's what all future leftist dictators say.
I personally think this is a waste of money. Illegals will just lie.
Stalin was a Democratic Socialist, you stupid leftist sludge bucket.
And so are we dumb ass. What do you think Medicare, Medicaid, S.S., fire dept, police, public schools, public libraries, sports Socialism, and the farm bill are? Get a fuckin clue dumb ass.
"He was for democracy and socialism mixed"

Yeah numbskull, that's what all future leftist dictators say.
You're an ignoramus who doesn't know squat about anything. That's why you are nothing but a Nazi who supports murder.
Stalin was a Democratic Socialist, you stupid leftist sludge bucket.
And so are we dumb ass. What do you think Medicare, Medicaid, S.S., fire dept, police, public schools, public libraries, sports Socialism, and the farm bill are? Get a fuckin clue dumb ass.
Not all government programs are socialist, you dunce. The first welfare system was set up by Otto Von Bismarck, in order to placate socialists...he was not a Socialist humself...He was actually anti-socialist. It wasn't the smartest move...but you get my point.
Socialism is an economic and political system where the ways of making a living (factories, offices, etc.) are owned by the workers who run them and the people who depend on them, meaningthe value made belongs to the people who make it, instead of a group of private owners.
We are not a social democracy, you ignoramus. We are a republic with a relatively free market system that also happens to have a welfare system. That is not socialism or anything near it.
Stalin was a Democratic Socialist, you stupid leftist sludge bucket.
And so are we dumb ass. What do you think Medicare, Medicaid, S.S., fire dept, police, public schools, public libraries, sports Socialism, and the farm bill are? Get a fuckin clue dumb ass.
Not all government programs are socialist, you dunce. The first welfare system was set up by Otto Von Bismarck, in order to placate socialists...he was not a Socialist humself...He was actually anti-socialist. It wasn't the smartest move...but you get my point.
The point is, when it comes to Socialism, you are full of shit. If it weren't for Socialism in the United States, we'd all be in soup lines by now ever since tax breaks for the rich came around about forty years ago. Socialism is the only thing saving millions of people right here, right now. Why are you people so damn stupid about this?

Don't throw your ignorance and arrogance around here about Socialism. You are being gross, and you aren't fooling anyone. Socialism is a huge part of this country, so shut your ignorant ass up about it. It's stupid.
We are not a social democracy, you ignoramus. We are a republic with a relatively free market system that also happens to have a welfare system. That is not socialism or anything near it.
A Republic with a free market system and Socialist programs, is not a welfare system you idiot. Damn you people are grotesquely ignorant. Do you know what Socialist programs are? We pay for them through payroll and sales taxes. That's not welfare people. Those are things we pay for when most of us work.

This poster is a straight hypocrite and an ignoramus. What in the hell do you do with folks like this?
Socialism is an economic and political system where the ways of making a living (factories, offices, etc.) are owned by the workers who run them and the people who depend on them, meaningthe value made belongs to the people who make it, instead of a group of private owners.
And that is why this country is not totally Socialism, and neither was Chile when the US and its puppet Pinochet took over the country claiming it was Communism when it wasn't. You are so fuckin ignorant.
Stalin was a Democratic Socialist, you stupid leftist sludge bucket.
And so are we dumb ass. What do you think Medicare, Medicaid, S.S., fire dept, police, public schools, public libraries, sports Socialism, and the farm bill are? Get a fuckin clue dumb ass.
Not all government programs are socialist, you dunce. The first welfare system was set up by Otto Von Bismarck, in order to placate socialists...he was not a Socialist humself...He was actually anti-socialist. It wasn't the smartest move...but you get my point.
The point is, when it comes to Socialism, you are full of shit. If it weren't for Socialism in the United States, we'd all be in soup lines by now ever since tax breaks for the rich came around about forty years ago. Socialism is the only thing saving millions of people right here, right now. Why are you people so damn stupid about this?

Don't throw your ignorance and arrogance around here about Socialism. You are being gross, and you aren't fooling anyone. Socialism is a huge part of this country, so shut your ignorant ass up about it. It's stupid.
Boy, I have read more about Marxism and socialism than you ever will, guaranteed.
Stalin was a Democratic Socialist, you stupid leftist sludge bucket.
And so are we dumb ass. What do you think Medicare, Medicaid, S.S., fire dept, police, public schools, public libraries, sports Socialism, and the farm bill are? Get a fuckin clue dumb ass.
Not all government programs are socialist, you dunce. The first welfare system was set up by Otto Von Bismarck, in order to placate socialists...he was not a Socialist humself...He was actually anti-socialist. It wasn't the smartest move...but you get my point.
The point is, when it comes to Socialism, you are full of shit. If it weren't for Socialism in the United States, we'd all be in soup lines by now ever since tax breaks for the rich came around about forty years ago. Socialism is the only thing saving millions of people right here, right now. Why are you people so damn stupid about this?

Don't throw your ignorance and arrogance around here about Socialism. You are being gross, and you aren't fooling anyone. Socialism is a huge part of this country, so shut your ignorant ass up about it. It's stupid.
Boy, I have read more about Marxism and socialism than you ever will, guaranteed.
You must have read it backwards, because so far, you haven't gotten shit right yet.

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