Trump to issue executive order on census citizenship question

Stalin was a Democratic Socialist, you stupid leftist sludge bucket.
And so are we dumb ass. What do you think Medicare, Medicaid, S.S., fire dept, police, public schools, public libraries, sports Socialism, and the farm bill are? Get a fuckin clue dumb ass.

Jesus -
None of those are Socialism
Dude is probably a teenager.

They are teaching that somewhere -
Can't tell you have many times I keep seeing that repeated.
He doesn't understand the difference between social democracy and Democratic Socialism either apparently.
Stalin was a Democratic Socialist, you stupid leftist sludge bucket.
And so are we dumb ass. What do you think Medicare, Medicaid, S.S., fire dept, police, public schools, public libraries, sports Socialism, and the farm bill are? Get a fuckin clue dumb ass.
Not all government programs are socialist, you dunce. The first welfare system was set up by Otto Von Bismarck, in order to placate socialists...he was not a Socialist humself...He was actually anti-socialist. It wasn't the smartest move...but you get my point.
The point is, when it comes to Socialism, you are full of shit. If it weren't for Socialism in the United States, we'd all be in soup lines by now ever since tax breaks for the rich came around about forty years ago. Socialism is the only thing saving millions of people right here, right now. Why are you people so damn stupid about this?

Don't throw your ignorance and arrogance around here about Socialism. You are being gross, and you aren't fooling anyone. Socialism is a huge part of this country, so shut your ignorant ass up about it. It's stupid.
Boy, I have read more about Marxism and socialism than you ever will, guaranteed.
You must have read it backwards, because so far, you haven't gotten shit right yet.
Stalin was a Democratic Socialist, you stupid leftist sludge bucket.
And so are we dumb ass. What do you think Medicare, Medicaid, S.S., fire dept, police, public schools, public libraries, sports Socialism, and the farm bill are? Get a fuckin clue dumb ass.

Jesus -
None of those are Socialism
Social programs in the United States - Wikipedia No kidding? Get a fucking clue.

Socialism - Wikipedia
Stalin was a Democratic Socialist, you stupid leftist sludge bucket.
And so are we dumb ass. What do you think Medicare, Medicaid, S.S., fire dept, police, public schools, public libraries, sports Socialism, and the farm bill are? Get a fuckin clue dumb ass.

Jesus -
None of those are Socialism
Social programs in the United States - Wikipedia No kidding? Get a fucking clue.
They're not.
Stalin was a Democratic Socialist, you stupid leftist sludge bucket.
And so are we dumb ass. What do you think Medicare, Medicaid, S.S., fire dept, police, public schools, public libraries, sports Socialism, and the farm bill are? Get a fuckin clue dumb ass.

Jesus -
None of those are Socialism
Social programs in the United States - Wikipedia No kidding? Get a fucking clue.

Socialism - Wikipedia

Like I already stated - the Education System has failed you completely
You should probably sue somebody.
Stalin was a Democratic Socialist, you stupid leftist sludge bucket.
And so are we dumb ass. What do you think Medicare, Medicaid, S.S., fire dept, police, public schools, public libraries, sports Socialism, and the farm bill are? Get a fuckin clue dumb ass.

Jesus -
None of those are Socialism
Social programs in the United States - Wikipedia No kidding? Get a fucking clue.

Socialism - Wikipedia

Not that WIKI should ever be considered a source - bit since you do -

Socialism is a range of economic and social systems characterised (SP) by social ownership of the means of production and workers' self-management,[10] as well as the political theories and movements associated with them.
He doesn't understand the difference between social democracy and Democratic Socialism either apparently.
Get a clue; They have overlapping qualities quite insignificant to whatever point you are trying to make? Your point was that Chile was Communist, so they should be killed, but you got it wrong, and also proved you were a Nazi, by virtue of the fact you accused the country of having a Communist government. Are you God? Do you think based on a countries political leanings you have the right to murder based on what you think their government might be?
Democratic socialism[edit]
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As a term, social democracy has some significant overlap on practical policy positions with democratic socialism, although they are often distinguished from each other.[27][28][29] While democratic socialism is largely defined as an anti-Leninist and anti-Stalinist left, socialist big tent that opposes authoritarian and statist forms of socialism, rejects self-described socialist states as well as Marxism–Leninism and its derivatives such as Stalinism and Maoism[30][31] and includes classical Marxist,[32] libertarian socialist (anti-authoritarian, socialism from below),[33][34][35] market socialist,[31] neo-communist,[36] orthodox Marxist[6] (Bernsteinism,[37] Kautskyism[38][39][40] and Luxemburgism)[33] and social democratic tendencies,[41][42][43][44] it is also defined as social democracy prior to the 1970s, when the displacement of Keynesianism caused many social democratic parties to adopt the Third Way ideology, accepting capitalism as the current powers that be and redefining socialism in a way that it maintains the capitalist structure intact.[45][46][47][48][49] As an example, the new version of Clause IV of the New LabourConstitution conflates democratic socialism with modern social democracy. While affirming a commitment to democratic socialism,[50][51] it no longer definitely commits the party to public ownership of industry and in its place advocates "the enterprise of the market and the rigour of competition" along with "high quality public services [...] either owned by the public or accountable to them".[50]

Like traditional social democracy, certain tendencies of democratic socialism follow a gradual, reformist or evolutionary path to socialism rather than a revolutionary one.[52][53] Policies commonly supported are Keynesian in nature and include some degree of regulation over the economy, social insurance schemes, public pension programs and a gradual expansion of public ownership over major industries.[54] According to both right-wing critics and certain social democratic supporters alike, policies supported by social democrats and democratic socialists such as free healthcare and education, among others, are "pure Socialism" as they are opposed to "the hedonism of capitalist society".[55] Partly because of this overlap, some political commentators use the terms interchangeably, especially in the United States.[36][56] The difference between the two is that social democrats support practical reforms to capitalism as an end in itself whereas democratic socialists ultimately want to go beyond social democratic reforms and advocate systemic transformation of the economy from capitalism to socialism.[27][28][29] During the late 20th century, these labels were embraced, contested and rejected due to the emergence of developments within the European left such as Eurocommunism, the rise of neoliberalism, the fall of the Soviet Union and its allied Marxist–Leninist governments, the Third Way and the rise of anti-austerity and Occupy movements in the late 2000s and early 2010s due to the global financial crisis of 2007–2008 and the Great Recession. This latest development contributed to the rise of politicians that represent the more traditional social democracy such as Jeremy Corbyn in the United Kingdom and Bernie Sanders in the United States,[57]who assumed the label democratic socialist to describe their rejection of centrist, Third Way politicians that supported triangulation within the Labour and Democratic parties.[58][59]

During the post-war consensus when nationalisation of large industries was relatively widespread, it was not uncommon for commentators to describe some European countries as democratic socialist states seeking to move their countries toward a socialist economy. In 1956, leading British Labour Party politician and author Anthony Crosland claimed that capitalism had been abolished in Britain, although others such as Welshman Aneurin Bevan, Minister of Health in the first post-war Labour government, disputed the claim that Britain was a socialist state.[60][61] For Crosland and others who supported his views, Britain was a socialist state. According to Bevan, Britain had a socialist National Health Service which stood in opposition to the hedonism of Britain's capitalist society, arguing:
Last edited:
Stalin was a Democratic Socialist, you stupid leftist sludge bucket.
And so are we dumb ass. What do you think Medicare, Medicaid, S.S., fire dept, police, public schools, public libraries, sports Socialism, and the farm bill are? Get a fuckin clue dumb ass.

Jesus -
None of those are Socialism
Social programs in the United States - Wikipedia No kidding? Get a fucking clue.

Socialism - Wikipedia

Like I already stated - the Education System has failed you completely
You should probably sue somebody.
He doesn't understand the difference between social democracy and Democratic Socialism either apparently.
Get a clue;
Democratic socialism[edit]
Part of a series on

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As a term, social democracy has some significant overlap on practical policy positions with democratic socialism, although they are often distinguished from each other.[27][28][29] While democratic socialism is largely defined as an anti-Leninist and anti-Stalinist left, socialist big tent that opposes authoritarian and statist forms of socialism, rejects self-described socialist states as well as Marxism–Leninism and its derivatives such as Stalinism and Maoism[30][31] and includes classical Marxist,[32] libertarian socialist (anti-authoritarian, socialism from below),[33][34][35] market socialist,[31] neo-communist,[36] orthodox Marxist[6] (Bernsteinism,[37] Kautskyism[38][39][40] and Luxemburgism)[33] and social democratic tendencies,[41][42][43][44] it is also defined as social democracy prior to the 1970s, when the displacement of Keynesianism caused many social democratic parties to adopt the Third Way ideology, accepting capitalism as the current powers that be and redefining socialism in a way that it maintains the capitalist structure intact.[45][46][47][48][49] As an example, the new version of Clause IV of the New LabourConstitution conflates democratic socialism with modern social democracy. While affirming a commitment to democratic socialism,[50][51] it no longer definitely commits the party to public ownership of industry and in its place advocates "the enterprise of the market and the rigour of competition" along with "high quality public services [...] either owned by the public or accountable to them".[50]

Like traditional social democracy, certain tendencies of democratic socialism follow a gradual, reformist or evolutionary path to socialism rather than a revolutionary one.[52][53] Policies commonly supported are Keynesian in nature and include some degree of regulation over the economy, social insurance schemes, public pension programs and a gradual expansion of public ownership over major industries.[54] According to both right-wing critics and certain social democratic supporters alike, policies supported by social democrats and democratic socialists such as free healthcare and education, among others, are "pure Socialism" as they are opposed to "the hedonism of capitalist society".[55] Partly because of this overlap, some political commentators use the terms interchangeably, especially in the United States.[36][56] The difference between the two is that social democrats support practical reforms to capitalism as an end in itself whereas democratic socialists ultimately want to go beyond social democratic reforms and advocate systemic transformation of the economy from capitalism to socialism.[27][28][29] During the late 20th century, these labels were embraced, contested and rejected due to the emergence of developments within the European left such as Eurocommunism, the rise of neoliberalism, the fall of the Soviet Union and its allied Marxist–Leninist governments, the Third Way and the rise of anti-austerity and Occupy movements in the late 2000s and early 2010s due to the global financial crisis of 2007–2008 and the Great Recession. This latest development contributed to the rise of politicians that represent the more traditional social democracy such as Jeremy Corbyn in the United Kingdom and Bernie Sanders in the United States,[57]who assumed the label democratic socialist to describe their rejection of centrist, Third Way politicians that supported triangulation within the Labour and Democratic parties.[58][59]

During the post-war consensus when nationalisation of large industries was relatively widespread, it was not uncommon for commentators to describe some European countries as democratic socialist states seeking to move their countries toward a socialist economy. In 1956, leading British Labour Party politician and author Anthony Crosland claimed that capitalism had been abolished in Britain, although others such as Welshman Aneurin Bevan, Minister of Health in the first post-war Labour government, disputed the claim that Britain was a socialist state.[60][61] For Crosland and others who supported his views, Britain was a socialist state. According to Bevan, Britain had a socialist National Health Service which stood in opposition to the hedonism of Britain's capitalist society, arguing:
Democratic Socialism Isn’t Social Democracy
Stalin was a Democratic Socialist, you stupid leftist sludge bucket.
And so are we dumb ass. What do you think Medicare, Medicaid, S.S., fire dept, police, public schools, public libraries, sports Socialism, and the farm bill are? Get a fuckin clue dumb ass.

Jesus -
None of those are Socialism
Social programs in the United States - Wikipedia No kidding? Get a fucking clue.

Socialism - Wikipedia

Not that WIKI should ever be considered a source - bit since you do -

Socialism is a range of economic and social systems characterised (SP) by social ownership of the means of production and workers' self-management,[10] as well as the political theories and movements associated with them.
No shit? Give this person a blue ribbon. Who could have ever guessed? " A range of economic and social systems." Lol! You just pointed to Socialism, which is exactly the programs I listed. The programs I pointed out are in fact "Social systems." Wiki got it right, and you couldn't even produce a good bugger as a counter argument.

You mentioned "Social ownership." Do you know what that means? Social ownership - Wikipedia . It means exactly what it sounds like it means.

All you did was solidify my own argument with the same argument. Lol! You people don't have a clue what it is you are arguing about, or what you are arguing for, because you do not know what Socialism is.

Lawerence Odonnell once explained it best through Sports Socialism stressing the fact that Republicans really do not know what Socialism is. John Elway was the best example when he told the world on Super bowl Sunday that he didn't believe in safety nets. Because the idiot doesn't know what they are;
Stalin was a Democratic Socialist, you stupid leftist sludge bucket.
And so are we dumb ass. What do you think Medicare, Medicaid, S.S., fire dept, police, public schools, public libraries, sports Socialism, and the farm bill are? Get a fuckin clue dumb ass.

Jesus -
None of those are Socialism
Social programs in the United States - Wikipedia No kidding? Get a fucking clue.

Socialism - Wikipedia

Like I already stated - the Education System has failed you completely
You should probably sue somebody.
He doesn't understand the difference between social democracy and Democratic Socialism either apparently.
Get a clue;
Democratic socialism[edit]
Part of a series on

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As a term, social democracy has some significant overlap on practical policy positions with democratic socialism, although they are often distinguished from each other.[27][28][29] While democratic socialism is largely defined as an anti-Leninist and anti-Stalinist left, socialist big tent that opposes authoritarian and statist forms of socialism, rejects self-described socialist states as well as Marxism–Leninism and its derivatives such as Stalinism and Maoism[30][31] and includes classical Marxist,[32] libertarian socialist (anti-authoritarian, socialism from below),[33][34][35] market socialist,[31] neo-communist,[36] orthodox Marxist[6] (Bernsteinism,[37] Kautskyism[38][39][40] and Luxemburgism)[33] and social democratic tendencies,[41][42][43][44] it is also defined as social democracy prior to the 1970s, when the displacement of Keynesianism caused many social democratic parties to adopt the Third Way ideology, accepting capitalism as the current powers that be and redefining socialism in a way that it maintains the capitalist structure intact.[45][46][47][48][49] As an example, the new version of Clause IV of the New LabourConstitution conflates democratic socialism with modern social democracy. While affirming a commitment to democratic socialism,[50][51] it no longer definitely commits the party to public ownership of industry and in its place advocates "the enterprise of the market and the rigour of competition" along with "high quality public services [...] either owned by the public or accountable to them".[50]

Like traditional social democracy, certain tendencies of democratic socialism follow a gradual, reformist or evolutionary path to socialism rather than a revolutionary one.[52][53] Policies commonly supported are Keynesian in nature and include some degree of regulation over the economy, social insurance schemes, public pension programs and a gradual expansion of public ownership over major industries.[54] According to both right-wing critics and certain social democratic supporters alike, policies supported by social democrats and democratic socialists such as free healthcare and education, among others, are "pure Socialism" as they are opposed to "the hedonism of capitalist society".[55] Partly because of this overlap, some political commentators use the terms interchangeably, especially in the United States.[36][56] The difference between the two is that social democrats support practical reforms to capitalism as an end in itself whereas democratic socialists ultimately want to go beyond social democratic reforms and advocate systemic transformation of the economy from capitalism to socialism.[27][28][29] During the late 20th century, these labels were embraced, contested and rejected due to the emergence of developments within the European left such as Eurocommunism, the rise of neoliberalism, the fall of the Soviet Union and its allied Marxist–Leninist governments, the Third Way and the rise of anti-austerity and Occupy movements in the late 2000s and early 2010s due to the global financial crisis of 2007–2008 and the Great Recession. This latest development contributed to the rise of politicians that represent the more traditional social democracy such as Jeremy Corbyn in the United Kingdom and Bernie Sanders in the United States,[57]who assumed the label democratic socialist to describe their rejection of centrist, Third Way politicians that supported triangulation within the Labour and Democratic parties.[58][59]

During the post-war consensus when nationalisation of large industries was relatively widespread, it was not uncommon for commentators to describe some European countries as democratic socialist states seeking to move their countries toward a socialist economy. In 1956, leading British Labour Party politician and author Anthony Crosland claimed that capitalism had been abolished in Britain, although others such as Welshman Aneurin Bevan, Minister of Health in the first post-war Labour government, disputed the claim that Britain was a socialist state.[60][61] For Crosland and others who supported his views, Britain was a socialist state. According to Bevan, Britain had a socialist National Health Service which stood in opposition to the hedonism of Britain's capitalist society, arguing:
Democratic Socialism Isn’t Social Democracy
You brought this up, not me. The argument about the two isn't an argument that changes much of anything. Like I said, they often overlap, so this argument is nothing but a distraction to your cheerleading for murder of so called Communists.
Leftists today are actually anti-patriots by definition:
" Anti-patriotism is the ideology that opposes patriotism; it usually refers to those with cosmopolitan views and is usually of an Internationalist and anti-nationalist nature as well."
Where did you get that definition? In order to be a real definition, first you have to define patriotism, and being isolationist isn't actually it.

You replied to a person who doesn't know the meaning of words in the English language.

You're right to ask where that person got the definition. What it wrote was very bizarre.

I believe that person isn't in the US nor is an US citizen. I believe that person is a russian bot whose only job is to spread hate and divide our nation in their lame attempt to get trump reelected.

Meanwhile here's the honest meaning of patriotism from good old Merriam Webster's dictionary.

Definition of PATRIOTISM

pa·tri·ot·ism | \ ˈpā-trē-ə-ˌti-zəm , chiefly British ˈpa-\
Definition of patriotism

: love for or devotion to one's country.

Webster also says nationalism is a synonym for patriotism.

That's it. Nothing about cosmopolitan or any of the garbage that person posted.
And so are we dumb ass. What do you think Medicare, Medicaid, S.S., fire dept, police, public schools, public libraries, sports Socialism, and the farm bill are? Get a fuckin clue dumb ass.

Jesus -
None of those are Socialism
Social programs in the United States - Wikipedia No kidding? Get a fucking clue.

Socialism - Wikipedia

Like I already stated - the Education System has failed you completely
You should probably sue somebody.
He doesn't understand the difference between social democracy and Democratic Socialism either apparently.
Get a clue;
Democratic socialism[edit]
Part of a series on

History by country[show]
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As a term, social democracy has some significant overlap on practical policy positions with democratic socialism, although they are often distinguished from each other.[27][28][29] While democratic socialism is largely defined as an anti-Leninist and anti-Stalinist left, socialist big tent that opposes authoritarian and statist forms of socialism, rejects self-described socialist states as well as Marxism–Leninism and its derivatives such as Stalinism and Maoism[30][31] and includes classical Marxist,[32] libertarian socialist (anti-authoritarian, socialism from below),[33][34][35] market socialist,[31] neo-communist,[36] orthodox Marxist[6] (Bernsteinism,[37] Kautskyism[38][39][40] and Luxemburgism)[33] and social democratic tendencies,[41][42][43][44] it is also defined as social democracy prior to the 1970s, when the displacement of Keynesianism caused many social democratic parties to adopt the Third Way ideology, accepting capitalism as the current powers that be and redefining socialism in a way that it maintains the capitalist structure intact.[45][46][47][48][49] As an example, the new version of Clause IV of the New LabourConstitution conflates democratic socialism with modern social democracy. While affirming a commitment to democratic socialism,[50][51] it no longer definitely commits the party to public ownership of industry and in its place advocates "the enterprise of the market and the rigour of competition" along with "high quality public services [...] either owned by the public or accountable to them".[50]

Like traditional social democracy, certain tendencies of democratic socialism follow a gradual, reformist or evolutionary path to socialism rather than a revolutionary one.[52][53] Policies commonly supported are Keynesian in nature and include some degree of regulation over the economy, social insurance schemes, public pension programs and a gradual expansion of public ownership over major industries.[54] According to both right-wing critics and certain social democratic supporters alike, policies supported by social democrats and democratic socialists such as free healthcare and education, among others, are "pure Socialism" as they are opposed to "the hedonism of capitalist society".[55] Partly because of this overlap, some political commentators use the terms interchangeably, especially in the United States.[36][56] The difference between the two is that social democrats support practical reforms to capitalism as an end in itself whereas democratic socialists ultimately want to go beyond social democratic reforms and advocate systemic transformation of the economy from capitalism to socialism.[27][28][29] During the late 20th century, these labels were embraced, contested and rejected due to the emergence of developments within the European left such as Eurocommunism, the rise of neoliberalism, the fall of the Soviet Union and its allied Marxist–Leninist governments, the Third Way and the rise of anti-austerity and Occupy movements in the late 2000s and early 2010s due to the global financial crisis of 2007–2008 and the Great Recession. This latest development contributed to the rise of politicians that represent the more traditional social democracy such as Jeremy Corbyn in the United Kingdom and Bernie Sanders in the United States,[57]who assumed the label democratic socialist to describe their rejection of centrist, Third Way politicians that supported triangulation within the Labour and Democratic parties.[58][59]

During the post-war consensus when nationalisation of large industries was relatively widespread, it was not uncommon for commentators to describe some European countries as democratic socialist states seeking to move their countries toward a socialist economy. In 1956, leading British Labour Party politician and author Anthony Crosland claimed that capitalism had been abolished in Britain, although others such as Welshman Aneurin Bevan, Minister of Health in the first post-war Labour government, disputed the claim that Britain was a socialist state.[60][61] For Crosland and others who supported his views, Britain was a socialist state. According to Bevan, Britain had a socialist National Health Service which stood in opposition to the hedonism of Britain's capitalist society, arguing:
Democratic Socialism Isn’t Social Democracy
You brought this up, not me. The argument about the two isn't an argument that changes much of anything. Like I said, they often overlap, so this argument is nothing but a distraction to your cheerleading for murder of so called Communists.
What exactly are we arguing about when it comes to government sanctioned killing of communist subversive filth? I totally support it. Communists are subhuman beasts.
Leftists today are actually anti-patriots by definition:
" Anti-patriotism is the ideology that opposes patriotism; it usually refers to those with cosmopolitan views and is usually of an Internationalist and anti-nationalist nature as well."
Where did you get that definition? In order to be a real definition, first you have to define patriotism, and being isolationist isn't actually it.

You replied to a person who doesn't know the meaning of words in the English language.

You're right to ask where that person got the definition. What it wrote was very bizarre.

I believe that person isn't in the US nor is an US citizen. I believe that person is a Russian bot whose only job is to spread hate and divide our nation in their lame attempt to get trump reelected.

Meanwhile here's the honest meaning of patriotism from good old Merriam Webster's dictionary.

Definition of PATRIOTISM

pa·tri·ot·ism | \ ˈpā-trē-ə-ˌti-zəm , chiefly British ˈpa-\
Definition of patriotism

: love for or devotion to one's country.

That's it. Nothing about cosmopolitan or any of the garbage that person posted.
Leftists today are actually anti-patriots by definition:
" Anti-patriotism is the ideology that opposes patriotism; it usually refers to those with cosmopolitan views and is usually of an Internationalist and anti-nationalist nature as well."
Where did you get that definition? In order to be a real definition, first you have to define patriotism, and being isolationist isn't actually it.

You replied to a person who doesn't know the meaning of words in the English language.

You're right to ask where that person got the definition. What it wrote was very bizarre.

I believe that person isn't in the US nor is an US citizen. I believe that person is a russian bot whose only job is to spread hate and divide our nation in their lame attempt to get trump reelected.

Meanwhile here's the honest meaning of patriotism from good old Merriam Webster's dictionary.

Definition of PATRIOTISM

pa·tri·ot·ism | \ ˈpā-trē-ə-ˌti-zəm , chiefly British ˈpa-\
Definition of patriotism

: love for or devotion to one's country.

Webster also says nationalism is a synonym for patriotism.

That's it. Nothing about cosmopolitan or any of the garbage that person posted.
Why did you forget to post the synonym? I think I know why....disingenuous leftists always lying by omission.
Stalin was a Democratic Socialist, you stupid leftist sludge bucket.
And so are we dumb ass. What do you think Medicare, Medicaid, S.S., fire dept, police, public schools, public libraries, sports Socialism, and the farm bill are? Get a fuckin clue dumb ass.

Jesus -
None of those are Socialism
Social programs in the United States - Wikipedia No kidding? Get a fucking clue.

Socialism - Wikipedia

Like I already stated - the Education System has failed you completely
You should probably sue somebody.
He doesn't understand the difference between social democracy and Democratic Socialism either apparently.
Get a clue;
Democratic socialism[edit]
Part of a series on

History by country[show]
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As a term, social democracy has some significant overlap on practical policy positions with democratic socialism, although they are often distinguished from each other.[27][28][29] While democratic socialism is largely defined as an anti-Leninist and anti-Stalinist left, socialist big tent that opposes authoritarian and statist forms of socialism, rejects self-described socialist states as well as Marxism–Leninism and its derivatives such as Stalinism and Maoism[30][31] and includes classical Marxist,[32] libertarian socialist (anti-authoritarian, socialism from below),[33][34][35] market socialist,[31] neo-communist,[36] orthodox Marxist[6] (Bernsteinism,[37] Kautskyism[38][39][40] and Luxemburgism)[33] and social democratic tendencies,[41][42][43][44] it is also defined as social democracy prior to the 1970s, when the displacement of Keynesianism caused many social democratic parties to adopt the Third Way ideology, accepting capitalism as the current powers that be and redefining socialism in a way that it maintains the capitalist structure intact.[45][46][47][48][49] As an example, the new version of Clause IV of the New LabourConstitution conflates democratic socialism with modern social democracy. While affirming a commitment to democratic socialism,[50][51] it no longer definitely commits the party to public ownership of industry and in its place advocates "the enterprise of the market and the rigour of competition" along with "high quality public services [...] either owned by the public or accountable to them".[50]

Like traditional social democracy, certain tendencies of democratic socialism follow a gradual, reformist or evolutionary path to socialism rather than a revolutionary one.[52][53] Policies commonly supported are Keynesian in nature and include some degree of regulation over the economy, social insurance schemes, public pension programs and a gradual expansion of public ownership over major industries.[54] According to both right-wing critics and certain social democratic supporters alike, policies supported by social democrats and democratic socialists such as free healthcare and education, among others, are "pure Socialism" as they are opposed to "the hedonism of capitalist society".[55] Partly because of this overlap, some political commentators use the terms interchangeably, especially in the United States.[36][56] The difference between the two is that social democrats support practical reforms to capitalism as an end in itself whereas democratic socialists ultimately want to go beyond social democratic reforms and advocate systemic transformation of the economy from capitalism to socialism.[27][28][29] During the late 20th century, these labels were embraced, contested and rejected due to the emergence of developments within the European left such as Eurocommunism, the rise of neoliberalism, the fall of the Soviet Union and its allied Marxist–Leninist governments, the Third Way and the rise of anti-austerity and Occupy movements in the late 2000s and early 2010s due to the global financial crisis of 2007–2008 and the Great Recession. This latest development contributed to the rise of politicians that represent the more traditional social democracy such as Jeremy Corbyn in the United Kingdom and Bernie Sanders in the United States,[57]who assumed the label democratic socialist to describe their rejection of centrist, Third Way politicians that supported triangulation within the Labour and Democratic parties.[58][59]

During the post-war consensus when nationalisation of large industries was relatively widespread, it was not uncommon for commentators to describe some European countries as democratic socialist states seeking to move their countries toward a socialist economy. In 1956, leading British Labour Party politician and author Anthony Crosland claimed that capitalism had been abolished in Britain, although others such as Welshman Aneurin Bevan, Minister of Health in the first post-war Labour government, disputed the claim that Britain was a socialist state.[60][61] For Crosland and others who supported his views, Britain was a socialist state. According to Bevan, Britain had a socialist National Health Service which stood in opposition to the hedonism of Britain's capitalist society, arguing:
Democratic Socialism Isn’t Social Democracy

Like I already stated - the Education System has failed you completely
You should probably sue somebody.
He doesn't understand the difference between social democracy and Democratic Socialism either apparently.
Get a clue;
Democratic socialism[edit]
Part of a series on

History by country[show]
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As a term, social democracy has some significant overlap on practical policy positions with democratic socialism, although they are often distinguished from each other.[27][28][29] While democratic socialism is largely defined as an anti-Leninist and anti-Stalinist left, socialist big tent that opposes authoritarian and statist forms of socialism, rejects self-described socialist states as well as Marxism–Leninism and its derivatives such as Stalinism and Maoism[30][31] and includes classical Marxist,[32] libertarian socialist (anti-authoritarian, socialism from below),[33][34][35] market socialist,[31] neo-communist,[36] orthodox Marxist[6] (Bernsteinism,[37] Kautskyism[38][39][40] and Luxemburgism)[33] and social democratic tendencies,[41][42][43][44] it is also defined as social democracy prior to the 1970s, when the displacement of Keynesianism caused many social democratic parties to adopt the Third Way ideology, accepting capitalism as the current powers that be and redefining socialism in a way that it maintains the capitalist structure intact.[45][46][47][48][49] As an example, the new version of Clause IV of the New LabourConstitution conflates democratic socialism with modern social democracy. While affirming a commitment to democratic socialism,[50][51] it no longer definitely commits the party to public ownership of industry and in its place advocates "the enterprise of the market and the rigour of competition" along with "high quality public services [...] either owned by the public or accountable to them".[50]

Like traditional social democracy, certain tendencies of democratic socialism follow a gradual, reformist or evolutionary path to socialism rather than a revolutionary one.[52][53] Policies commonly supported are Keynesian in nature and include some degree of regulation over the economy, social insurance schemes, public pension programs and a gradual expansion of public ownership over major industries.[54] According to both right-wing critics and certain social democratic supporters alike, policies supported by social democrats and democratic socialists such as free healthcare and education, among others, are "pure Socialism" as they are opposed to "the hedonism of capitalist society".[55] Partly because of this overlap, some political commentators use the terms interchangeably, especially in the United States.[36][56] The difference between the two is that social democrats support practical reforms to capitalism as an end in itself whereas democratic socialists ultimately want to go beyond social democratic reforms and advocate systemic transformation of the economy from capitalism to socialism.[27][28][29] During the late 20th century, these labels were embraced, contested and rejected due to the emergence of developments within the European left such as Eurocommunism, the rise of neoliberalism, the fall of the Soviet Union and its allied Marxist–Leninist governments, the Third Way and the rise of anti-austerity and Occupy movements in the late 2000s and early 2010s due to the global financial crisis of 2007–2008 and the Great Recession. This latest development contributed to the rise of politicians that represent the more traditional social democracy such as Jeremy Corbyn in the United Kingdom and Bernie Sanders in the United States,[57]who assumed the label democratic socialist to describe their rejection of centrist, Third Way politicians that supported triangulation within the Labour and Democratic parties.[58][59]

During the post-war consensus when nationalisation of large industries was relatively widespread, it was not uncommon for commentators to describe some European countries as democratic socialist states seeking to move their countries toward a socialist economy. In 1956, leading British Labour Party politician and author Anthony Crosland claimed that capitalism had been abolished in Britain, although others such as Welshman Aneurin Bevan, Minister of Health in the first post-war Labour government, disputed the claim that Britain was a socialist state.[60][61] For Crosland and others who supported his views, Britain was a socialist state. According to Bevan, Britain had a socialist National Health Service which stood in opposition to the hedonism of Britain's capitalist society, arguing:
Democratic Socialism Isn’t Social Democracy
You brought this up, not me. The argument about the two isn't an argument that changes much of anything. Like I said, they often overlap, so this argument is nothing but a distraction to your cheerleading for murder of so called Communists.
What exactly are we arguing about when it comes to government sanctioned killing of communist subversive filth? I totally support it. Communists are subhuman beasts.
We are talking about murderers is what we are talking about.

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