trump to parents of Iowa shooting victims

We really shouldn’t be allowed to post threads about articles whose headlines are so easily belied by their content. Not if we use the false headline as our subject line.

Too many people get nearly all of their “information” from headlines such as that.
‘Trump said, “It’s horrible to see that happening. Just horrible. So surprised to see that happening here, but we’ll just have to get over it.”

Trump’s remarks came after a 17-year-old Perry High School student opened fire, killing a sixth grader and wounding four other people before taking his own life.


Democrats want to do something about mass shootings and gun violence, and Republicans want to do nothing. Trump is running for president for Trump. He doesn’t care about mass shootings in Iowa. His main priority is winning and avoiding a federal felony conviction.’

Trump and Republicans want to lie about guns being ‘banned’ and ‘confiscated’ in addition to doing nothing.

How many existing laws did the kid violate, I can think of at least half a dozen and you want more? FOAD.

See post 60.
So, you are saying, he didn't say it or you think there is more to what he said that would make it sound better?
I haven't been following this thread closely, though I did take time to see where all this was being reported and how. What I didn't see was a lengthier clip, possibly showing him giving a better statement.

Have you posted it?
I'm just drawing a parallel to show you what you are doing. . . and y'uppp. . . that is how insane you appear to be.

I am the only one who can see how nutzo both sides are acting. They are willing to accept these lies, w/o digging into them, to see if they are based on facts.

You didn't even click that speech to see that it was cherry picked, did you?

Hell no, if they did they'd have to admit their comrade lied.

This person, that made this cherry picked part of his speech, is lying by omission. You should probably un-follow him.

He is feeding you misinformation and purposely making Trump look awful. It is a lie.

I have book marked the portion of the speech, so folks can listen to what he said on this, before and after.

You should be ashamed about spreading despicable LIES!

Minute mark: 8:00

Gee someone took the quote out of context how shocking.
So, you are saying, he didn't say it or you think there is more to what he said that would make it sound better?
I haven't been following this thread closely, though I did take time to see where all this was being reported and how. What I didn't see was a lengthier clip, possibly showing him giving a better statement.

Have you posted it?

It has been posted twice already, no need. So just admit you swallowed the propaganda in the OP, just like most of the commies that have posted in the thread so far.

What I didn't see was a lengthier clip, possibly showing him giving a better statement.
I posted it in the report, to other mods. . . and you are involved in the thread, you should know better than to respond to the report. . and I posted it in post # 12.

IN both instances, you have been too lazy to listen to the minute before that seven seconds, and the minute after the seven seconds in the OP. All you needed to do was PUSH PLAY, open your ears & listen. That is PRECISELY what there was, a lengthier clip, showing precisely that.

You just don't want to be disabused of this false narrative.

I think you miss the point. As a President you would expect him to offer a solution.
That isnt on his radar.
This is none of your business Tommy.

What is the solution to car accidents? Stop folks from driving?

We aren't going to radically alter the very DNA of the nation, because of a tragedy here or there. We already have laws on the books, in most cases? THOSE LAWS ARE NOT BEING ENFORCED.

Enforce the laws we have, this shit wouldn't happen.
Gee someone took the quote out of context how shocking.
I attempted to have non-involved mods move the thread. . . no one is around, or no one cares.

The whole thing is bullshit based on misinformation. It should be moved to the badlands or conspiracy zone IMO. It is clearly fake news.

If such a tweet were done to Joe Biden, that shit wouldn't last a day, and everyone know this. :rolleyes:
Hell no, if they did they'd have to admit their comrade lied.

No politician running for president would make such a batshit statement to the folks who he wants their votes,

This is a shit thread.

. . . and these TDS morons gobble this shit up. They actually think a guy that built a billion dollar empire based on negotiation and "conning folks," is that dumb. This is how stoopid some folks are.

As if he really felt that way, he would say it in a stump speech. :rolleyes:
I posted it in the report, to other mods. . . and you are involved in the thread, you should know better than to respond to the report. . and I posted it in post # 12.

IN both instances, you have been too lazy to listen to the minute before that seven seconds, and the minute after the seven seconds in the OP. All you needed to do was PUSH PLAY, open your ears & listen. That is PRECISELY what there was, a lengthier clip, showing precisely that.

You just don't want to be disabused of this false narrative.

No. Now I have gone back and seen, the before and after "We'll just have to get over it". It was the typical thoughts and prayers stuff before, until he added the get over it part, (like a crass fk) then changed the subject quickly, not a smooth transition, to say the least. Now on with the show, "We got the Marlboro man!

But now, I have seen it and for that, I thank you.

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