Trump to speak at event combatting antisemitism, 6 pm


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2021
Given the skyrocketing antisemitism, both on liberal college campuses like Columbia, Harvard, NYU, etc., and out in the wider community, Trump’s speech on combatting antisemitism is especially timely.

It also shows that Trump is not afraid to address Jew-hate specifically, as opposed to watering it down to include racism, Islamophobia, homophobia, and so forth, for fear of losing the antisemitic vote, as is Harris. This is specifically about JEWS, just as the liberals said Black Lives Matter was specifically about blacks.

(By the way, at a Congressional meeting that was originally supposed to be about antisemitism bur the Dems insisted it be broadened to be “hate,” a protestor broke in screaming “F Jews!” - showing that there is an elevated level of hate against Jews specifically, as if we didn’t already know that.

Given the skyrocketing antisemitism, both on liberal college campuses like Columbia, Harvard, NYU, etc., and out in the wider community, Trump’s speech on combatting antisemitism is especially timely.

It also shows that Trump is not afraid to address Jew-hate specifically, as opposed to watering it down to include racism, Islamophobia, homophobia, and so forth, for fear of losing the antisemitic vote, as is Harris. This is specifically about JEWS, just as the liberals said Black Lives Matter was specifically about blacks.

(By the way, at a Congressional meeting that was originally supposed to be about antisemitism bur the Dems insisted it be broadened to be “hate,” a protestor broke in screaming “F Jews!” - showing that there is an elevated level of hate against Jews specifically, as if we didn’t already know that.

tRumplings hate Jews.

I'll bet twenty shekels that Orange Man, much like the talking heads in cable news entertainment programming, and much like the majority of usership on this and other boards, didn't utter a single peep about the NGOs who are and have been consistently and systematically orchestrating, bussing them in and/or giving them their marching orders. Nor a peep regarding the Jewish billionaires who eagerly provide the controlled opposition to those same NGOs.

So far the only (intended) casualty in the controlled exhibitionism, predictably, has been the First Amendment. And at the discretion of foreign, non-governmental, special interest bodies dictating such legislation as well as the enforcement thereof, no less.


Americans really need to wake up and pay attenton to what's actually going down right under their noses. But I'm not holding my breath. The machiavellians who are leading you around with a carrot and a stick are not your friends. Nor are they proponents of the traditional American philosophy of governance. Not yesterday. Not today. Not tomorrow. Not any day. These are the people who truly hate you for your freedom and who go to great lengths and expense to orchestrate these circus-like sideshows and terms of controversy that will ensure that your freedom is the first thing on the chopping block.

A part of me even wants to just say that you get what you deserve for being so wilfully naive as to literally beg for it.
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Trump’s speech was great. Among the many things he said, he called upon Harris to disavow the HAMAS supporters. Now let’s see if she is willing to condemn Islamic terrorists, or she is afraid to anger her antisemitic base.

There’s a good reason that polls show even liberal NY Jews are leaning toward Trump.
Trump’s speech was great. Among the many things he said, he called upon Harris to disavow the HAMAS supporters. Now let’s see if she is willing to condemn Islamic terrorists, or she is afraid to anger her antisemitic base.

There’s a good reason that polls show even liberal NY Jews are leaning toward Trump.
You phony.
So Trump is speaking out against the skyrocketing antisemitism in this country, and your response is to make some personal insult against me that makes no sense.
Your refusal to accept it is noted. You can't denounce it. You condone it.
Your refusal to accept it is noted. You can't denounce it. You condone it.
Condone what? That libs are trying to block foreign aid to Israel? That libs are afraid to denounce the calls to genocide Jews? That Kamala was warned not to pick the Jewish Governor of PA because the antisemitism among Dems is so pronounced that it could cost her the election?

There’s a reason the Terror State of Iran is hacking into Trump’s campaign in order to help the Anti-Israel Dem Party win. Trump had them BROKE. The Dems enriched Iran and enabled their terrorist attack on innocent Jews.

So you’re picking up some obscure detail about something? Whatever it is, it doesn’t negate the fact the Trump will be good for Jews, and Harris good for the people who hate Jews.
Condone what? That libs are trying to block foreign aid to Israel? That libs are afraid to denounce the calls to genocide Jews? That Kamala was warned not to pick the Jewish Governor of PA because the antisemitism among Dems is so pronounced that it could cost her the election?

There’s a reason the Terror State of Iran is hacking into Trump’s campaign in order to help the Anti-Israel Dem Party win. Trump had them BROKE. The Dems enriched Iran and enabled their terrorist attack on innocent Jews.

So you’re picking up some obscure detail about something? Whatever it is, it doesn’t negate the fact the Trump will be good for Jews, and Harris good for the people who hate Jews.
You know exactly what was in that link. I could produce many more, but you keep denying what is there.
IMO, you are a phony, and obviously a horrible weak person.
You know exactly what was in that link. I could produce many more, but you keep denying what is there.
IMO, you are a phony, and obviously a horrible weak person.
And out with more of the personal insults.

All I did was let people know that Trump was speaking up against antisemitism - and strongly. You hate that because Kamala will not.

So, like the usual lib tactic, you to deflect with a nasty insult to get me to defend myself. So piss off.
And out with more of the personal insults.

All I did was let people know that Trump was speaking up against antisemitism - and strongly. You hate that because Kamala will not.

So, like the usual lib tactic, you to deflect with a nasty insult to get me to defend myself. So piss off.
Weak weak weak
Given the skyrocketing antisemitism, both on liberal college campuses like Columbia, Harvard, NYU, etc., and out in the wider community, Trump’s speech on combatting antisemitism is especially timely.

It also shows that Trump is not afraid to address Jew-hate specifically, as opposed to watering it down to include racism, Islamophobia, homophobia, and so forth, for fear of losing the antisemitic vote, as is Harris. This is specifically about JEWS, just as the liberals said Black Lives Matter was specifically about blacks.

(By the way, at a Congressional meeting that was originally supposed to be about antisemitism bur the Dems insisted it be broadened to be “hate,” a protestor broke in screaming “F Jews!” - showing that there is an elevated level of hate against Jews specifically, as if we didn’t already know that.

You forgot the closing parenthesis in your last paragraph.

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