Trump told South Carolinians that they should vote for him twice

It’s the typical gop effort to keep a minority white govt. Trump needs to leave and summer in Siberia where he belongs.
There is no place in this world for what the Democrats have became. Rioters, looters, criminals, against justice.

Now, did you mean to say minority white government? It seems you want to begin to talk about race. Democrats are terrible at race. One could say they have evolved their old slavery into a new type of slavery where as the minorities must depend on Democrats for crumbs to live on.

Certainly Democrats do not want their horrid record of race known publicly.
Begin to talk about race ? Trump has always been about division. If it wasn’t for the kkk and White supremacy, there would be no Trump base.

Democrats do always accuse others of what you do. Trump hasn't said or done anything racist. Biden is a non-stop racist demagogue, just like the people voting for him
Sure, birtherism And he just had a slip of the tongue everytime he talks about black, browns and shit hole countries. The kkk follows him like puppy dogs. When racists call you a racist, your a racist.

So since Obama was the first birther, he's a racist? Interesting. The Mooch was second, so another racist. Sure, there you go. Obama and his lovely bride certainly leveraged race whoring for votes.

KKK are Democrats, Holmes. Always were. They're yours
You're kazzing again, Obama was never a birther, no less the first one.

Of course he was. Obama was the first to accuse himself of being born in Kenya. Facts don't care about your feelings, scared little boy hiding behind your eight year old rhetoric
Nope, and kazzing doesn't help you. Obama never said he was born in Kenya.

You know Obama did say he was born in Kenya. Then his wife said it. Then Hillary. Democrats have been racist a long time back, huh?
Nope, you're kazzing again.
For the umpteenth time, applicants who fail to provide enough information to confirm eligibility are contacted by state election officials in order to obtain the missing information. You can ignore that all you want, but your ignorance doesn't prevent it from occurring.
For the umpteenth time, you change and run from my original comments, which was;

Voter Registration Forms (cards? the paper is a bit thick like your skull) are handed to everyone that walks into the DMV office.

And, no, state officials will not come ask for ID of anyone registering to vote. It does not state that anywhere. Go ahead, your side in this thread has provided the links. It is obvious that you do not understand them, for you had to read the link, right? So quote the link or simply admit you are not smart enough to understand.

The only other option is you are a liar?
No one has to verbally ask anyone. It's on the form they're filling out. You keep saying good they're not requested to provide ID even though the form requests it.
would you trust your mail carrier with your mail-in ballot if you knew they were a Trump supporter?
I'm planning on going to the post office where I can send it certified.
interesting you'll go to the post office but not the polling precient
So why do a mail-in ballot?
Because I don't trust the voting machines, which can be rigged or even hacked.
you don't trust the voting machine but you'll trust the postal sorter in the mailroom.
once registered, all they have to do is go vote
So, the illegal has to register first. How does he do that ? Dah ? There is also a question, are you a citizen ? Answer yes or anyother question illegally and you’re a felon. btw, only one vote per registration. Once you’re a felon and an illegal, you get deported after five years in jail. You are really stupid. It’s the employees that help illegals remain in the shadows.

Guess what fool, both Bush and Trump had commissions trying to find these illegals who voted.......they couldn’t and disbanded. Dah. Supply the proof any where where millions of illegals have voted...except on your pointed head.

Here you go:

There is nothing to stop illegals from registering to vote other than the DMV asks them if they are eligible to vote
Kazzer, illegals can't get a standard license which is what tbe DMV uses to submit applicant data to the Secretary of State's office, who then does further vetting to determine eligibility.

Section 12801.9 of the California Vehicle code is an AB60 license.​

And folks who obtain an AB-60 driver's license are not registered to vote...

Election Code, Division II, Chapter 4.5 § 2263 (d) The department shall not electronically provide records of a person who applies for or is issued a driver’s license pursuant to Section 12801.9 of the Vehicle Code because he or she is unable to submit satisfactory proof that his or her presence in the United States is authorized under federal law.

... in accordance with state legislation...

Bill Text - AB-60 Driver’s licenses: eligibility: required documentation. The license shall bear the following notice: “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes. This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle. It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits.”

I'm sorry, I just can't take your eight year old insults seriously. Sorry guy. Let me know if you ever want me to address what you're writing. Thanks.

It is pretty funny how terrified of me you are that you put that in to be sure I don't take your stupid crap apart. But I still can't take your eight year old shtick seriously

You poor coward, keep trying to run away as posts pound you into the sand.


Faun: Don't make fun of me, kaz, don't tear my posts apart like you always did. I'm going to keep up the childish rants and cartoons to protect myself, thank you for giving me that out, kaz. Oh thank you.

Yeah, I'm still not responding to your points until you post like an adult. Pretend ...

You're kazzing again as you didn't tear anything of mine apart. All you did was whine because I use your name as a verb to mean 'liar' because you lie so profusely, like you just did again here.

You then cowardly used that pathetic excuse to avoid me pointing out to you the California laws which show they are not registering illegal aliens to vote.

It matters not one bit to me if you're a pussy. The readers here still read my posts which pound you into the sand.


Yes, you're terrified of me, you mentioned that. You're putting up your defense since I won't argue your eight year old crap with you.

BTW, you need a better emoji. You're not dancing, you're running away

Slobbers the kazzer who runs away from anyone who points out he's a kazzer. How many posters have you put on ignore because they said you were kazzing?

Then why didn't I put you on ignore, kiddo? If that's why I put people on ignore.

You are just so scared and insecure of me that you're looking for allies and hiding behind your eight year old insults because you know I can't take you seriously when you do that. Now though every time you poke me you run and hide because you're afraid I'll decide to go ahead and bite anyway

You're ignoring my posts by whining about me using your name as a verb for "liar" while ignoring everything else I post.

Right. I can't take your eight year old shit seriously. You use that because you know if you stop protecting yourself with it then I'll destroy your stupid posts. You're a coward running away and hiding.

WC Fields: I'd engage in a little intellectual repartee but I never do battle with an unarmed man.

kaz: Ditto. Or an eight year old ...
No, I didn't know you would ignore my posts because I point out you're a pathological kazzer. How could I know that when you've been posting to me for years even though for years, I've been pointing out you kaz profusely? Only within the last few days have you started ignoring the substance of my posts because I call you a kazzer -- which is merely your latest twinky attempts to get me to stop.

All you managed to accomplish is to remind me again how much you hate being referred to as a kazzer.

No one has to verbally ask anyone. It's on the form they're filling out. You keep saying they're not requested to provide ID even though the form requests it. If they don't provide it, then state election officials contact them to obtain additional information to confirm eligibility.
Quote the form, your side gave the link to the form, go ahead, we will wait and see, if you can show us where the form states that your ID must be sent in.

ID is never asked for, never seen, it is the law. That is why us Republicans want voter ID. You claim ID is required yet you are against voter ID?
You're lying again. :eusa_liar:

Yes, ID is asked for...

View attachment 385665

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.
the last four digits of a social security number are ID proof enough that you are the person who that number says you are? lol Why does the department of social security require more proof than your last four digits?
All that is needed to identify someone is there name, birthday and last four digits of their SS#. That information is then transmitted to the Social Security Administration for verification.
and those can be bought after they have been stolen. It's not proof enough for such an important task as voting
They can be, but even that's remote because stolen ID can be to someone who's already registered. And if that's the select group you want to base this nonsense on, then not even national ID cards are safe because those too can be stolen and altered.
No system is perfect but picture ID is the safest
For the umpteenth time, applicants who fail to provide enough information to confirm eligibility are contacted by state election officials in order to obtain the missing information. You can ignore that all you want, but your ignorance doesn't prevent it from occurring.
For the umpteenth time, you change and run from my original comments, which was;

Voter Registration Forms (cards? the paper is a bit thick like your skull) are handed to everyone that walks into the DMV office.

And, no, state officials will not come ask for ID of anyone registering to vote. It does not state that anywhere. Go ahead, your side in this thread has provided the links. It is obvious that you do not understand them, for you had to read the link, right? So quote the link or simply admit you are not smart enough to understand.

The only other option is you are a liar?
No one has to verbally ask anyone. It's on the form they're filling out. You keep saying good they're not requested to provide ID even though the form requests it.
would you trust your mail carrier with your mail-in ballot if you knew they were a Trump supporter?
I'm planning on going to the post office where I can send it certified.
interesting you'll go to the post office but not the polling precient
So why do a mail-in ballot?
Because I don't trust the voting machines, which can be rigged or even hacked.
you don't trust the voting machine but you'll trust the postal sorter in the mailroom.
That's why I'm sending it certified.
It’s the typical gop effort to keep a minority white govt. Trump needs to leave and summer in Siberia where he belongs.
There is no place in this world for what the Democrats have became. Rioters, looters, criminals, against justice.

Now, did you mean to say minority white government? It seems you want to begin to talk about race. Democrats are terrible at race. One could say they have evolved their old slavery into a new type of slavery where as the minorities must depend on Democrats for crumbs to live on.

Certainly Democrats do not want their horrid record of race known publicly.
Begin to talk about race ? Trump has always been about division. If it wasn’t for the kkk and White supremacy, there would be no Trump base.

Democrats do always accuse others of what you do. Trump hasn't said or done anything racist. Biden is a non-stop racist demagogue, just like the people voting for him
Sure, birtherism And he just had a slip of the tongue everytime he talks about black, browns and shit hole countries. The kkk follows him like puppy dogs. When racists call you a racist, your a racist.

So since Obama was the first birther, he's a racist? Interesting. The Mooch was second, so another racist. Sure, there you go. Obama and his lovely bride certainly leveraged race whoring for votes.

KKK are Democrats, Holmes. Always were. They're yours
You're kazzing again, Obama was never a birther, no less the first one.

Of course he was. Obama was the first to accuse himself of being born in Kenya. Facts don't care about your feelings, scared little boy hiding behind your eight year old rhetoric
Nope, and kazzing doesn't help you. Obama never said he was born in Kenya.

You know Obama did say he was born in Kenya. Then his wife said it. Then Hillary. Democrats have been racist a long time back, huh?
Nope, you're kazzing again.

Democrats, the party of liars:

"Barack Obama, the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review, was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii. The son of an American anthropologist and a Kenyan finance minister, he attended Columbia University and worked as a financial journalist and editor for Business International Corporation. He served as project coordinator in Harlem for the New York Public Interest Research Group, and was Executive Director of the Developing Communities Project in Chicago's South Side. His commitment to social and racial issues will be evident in his first book, Journeys in Black and White"

For the umpteenth time, applicants who fail to provide enough information to confirm eligibility are contacted by state election officials in order to obtain the missing information. You can ignore that all you want, but your ignorance doesn't prevent it from occurring.
For the umpteenth time, you change and run from my original comments, which was;

Voter Registration Forms (cards? the paper is a bit thick like your skull) are handed to everyone that walks into the DMV office.

And, no, state officials will not come ask for ID of anyone registering to vote. It does not state that anywhere. Go ahead, your side in this thread has provided the links. It is obvious that you do not understand them, for you had to read the link, right? So quote the link or simply admit you are not smart enough to understand.

The only other option is you are a liar?
No one has to verbally ask anyone. It's on the form they're filling out. You keep saying good they're not requested to provide ID even though the form requests it.
would you trust your mail carrier with your mail-in ballot if you knew they were a Trump supporter?
I'm planning on going to the post office where I can send it certified.
interesting you'll go to the post office but not the polling precient
So why do a mail-in ballot?
Because I don't trust the voting machines, which can be rigged or even hacked.

Of course you don't trust voting machines. They accurately count the votes cast, like they did in 2000 in Florida

Dumbfuck, voting machines are used to vote, not count.

once registered, all they have to do is go vote
So, the illegal has to register first. How does he do that ? Dah ? There is also a question, are you a citizen ? Answer yes or anyother question illegally and you’re a felon. btw, only one vote per registration. Once you’re a felon and an illegal, you get deported after five years in jail. You are really stupid. It’s the employees that help illegals remain in the shadows.

Guess what fool, both Bush and Trump had commissions trying to find these illegals who voted.......they couldn’t and disbanded. Dah. Supply the proof any where where millions of illegals have voted...except on your pointed head.

Here you go:

There is nothing to stop illegals from registering to vote other than the DMV asks them if they are eligible to vote
Kazzer, illegals can't get a standard license which is what tbe DMV uses to submit applicant data to the Secretary of State's office, who then does further vetting to determine eligibility.

Section 12801.9 of the California Vehicle code is an AB60 license.​

And folks who obtain an AB-60 driver's license are not registered to vote...

Election Code, Division II, Chapter 4.5 § 2263 (d) The department shall not electronically provide records of a person who applies for or is issued a driver’s license pursuant to Section 12801.9 of the Vehicle Code because he or she is unable to submit satisfactory proof that his or her presence in the United States is authorized under federal law.

... in accordance with state legislation...

Bill Text - AB-60 Driver’s licenses: eligibility: required documentation. The license shall bear the following notice: “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes. This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle. It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits.”

I'm sorry, I just can't take your eight year old insults seriously. Sorry guy. Let me know if you ever want me to address what you're writing. Thanks.

It is pretty funny how terrified of me you are that you put that in to be sure I don't take your stupid crap apart. But I still can't take your eight year old shtick seriously

You poor coward, keep trying to run away as posts pound you into the sand.


Faun: Don't make fun of me, kaz, don't tear my posts apart like you always did. I'm going to keep up the childish rants and cartoons to protect myself, thank you for giving me that out, kaz. Oh thank you.

Yeah, I'm still not responding to your points until you post like an adult. Pretend ...

You're kazzing again as you didn't tear anything of mine apart. All you did was whine because I use your name as a verb to mean 'liar' because you lie so profusely, like you just did again here.

You then cowardly used that pathetic excuse to avoid me pointing out to you the California laws which show they are not registering illegal aliens to vote.

It matters not one bit to me if you're a pussy. The readers here still read my posts which pound you into the sand.


Yes, you're terrified of me, you mentioned that. You're putting up your defense since I won't argue your eight year old crap with you.

BTW, you need a better emoji. You're not dancing, you're running away

Slobbers the kazzer who runs away from anyone who points out he's a kazzer. How many posters have you put on ignore because they said you were kazzing?

Then why didn't I put you on ignore, kiddo? If that's why I put people on ignore.

You are just so scared and insecure of me that you're looking for allies and hiding behind your eight year old insults because you know I can't take you seriously when you do that. Now though every time you poke me you run and hide because you're afraid I'll decide to go ahead and bite anyway

You're ignoring my posts by whining about me using your name as a verb for "liar" while ignoring everything else I post.

Right. I can't take your eight year old shit seriously. You use that because you know if you stop protecting yourself with it then I'll destroy your stupid posts. You're a coward running away and hiding.

WC Fields: I'd engage in a little intellectual repartee but I never do battle with an unarmed man.

kaz: Ditto. Or an eight year old ...
No, I didn't know you would ignore my posts because I point out you're a pathological kazzer. How could I know that when you've been posting to me for years even though for years, I've been pointing out you kaz profusely? Only within the last few days have you started ignoring the substance of my posts because I call you a kazzer -- which is merely your latest twinky attempts to get me to stop.

All you managed to accomplish is to remind me again how much you hate being referred to as a kazzer.


I can't take your eight year old shtick seriously.

Have you found a running away and hiding emoticon to represent you?
It’s the typical gop effort to keep a minority white govt. Trump needs to leave and summer in Siberia where he belongs.
There is no place in this world for what the Democrats have became. Rioters, looters, criminals, against justice.

Now, did you mean to say minority white government? It seems you want to begin to talk about race. Democrats are terrible at race. One could say they have evolved their old slavery into a new type of slavery where as the minorities must depend on Democrats for crumbs to live on.

Certainly Democrats do not want their horrid record of race known publicly.
Begin to talk about race ? Trump has always been about division. If it wasn’t for the kkk and White supremacy, there would be no Trump base.

Democrats do always accuse others of what you do. Trump hasn't said or done anything racist. Biden is a non-stop racist demagogue, just like the people voting for him
Sure, birtherism And he just had a slip of the tongue everytime he talks about black, browns and shit hole countries. The kkk follows him like puppy dogs. When racists call you a racist, your a racist.

So since Obama was the first birther, he's a racist? Interesting. The Mooch was second, so another racist. Sure, there you go. Obama and his lovely bride certainly leveraged race whoring for votes.

KKK are Democrats, Holmes. Always were. They're yours
You're kazzing again, Obama was never a birther, no less the first one.

Of course he was. Obama was the first to accuse himself of being born in Kenya. Facts don't care about your feelings, scared little boy hiding behind your eight year old rhetoric
Nope, and kazzing doesn't help you. Obama never said he was born in Kenya.

You know Obama did say he was born in Kenya. Then his wife said it. Then Hillary. Democrats have been racist a long time back, huh?
Nope, you're kazzing again.

Democrats, the party of liars:

"Barack Obama, the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review, was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii. The son of an American anthropologist and a Kenyan finance minister, he attended Columbia University and worked as a financial journalist and editor for Business International Corporation. He served as project coordinator in Harlem for the New York Public Interest Research Group, and was Executive Director of the Developing Communities Project in Chicago's South Side. His commitment to social and racial issues will be evident in his first book, Journeys in Black and White"


You're kazzing again. :eusa_liar:

Acton & Dystel wrote that, not Obama. Once again, your kazzes are exposed. :mm:
For the umpteenth time, applicants who fail to provide enough information to confirm eligibility are contacted by state election officials in order to obtain the missing information. You can ignore that all you want, but your ignorance doesn't prevent it from occurring.
For the umpteenth time, you change and run from my original comments, which was;

Voter Registration Forms (cards? the paper is a bit thick like your skull) are handed to everyone that walks into the DMV office.

And, no, state officials will not come ask for ID of anyone registering to vote. It does not state that anywhere. Go ahead, your side in this thread has provided the links. It is obvious that you do not understand them, for you had to read the link, right? So quote the link or simply admit you are not smart enough to understand.

The only other option is you are a liar?
No one has to verbally ask anyone. It's on the form they're filling out. You keep saying good they're not requested to provide ID even though the form requests it.
would you trust your mail carrier with your mail-in ballot if you knew they were a Trump supporter?
I'm planning on going to the post office where I can send it certified.
interesting you'll go to the post office but not the polling precient
So why do a mail-in ballot?
Because I don't trust the voting machines, which can be rigged or even hacked.
you don't trust the voting machine but you'll trust the postal sorter in the mailroom.
That's why I'm sending it certified.
it doesn't tell you if your ballot has been tampered with to make it void if they don't like who you voted for, just that it arrived at its destination.
For the umpteenth time, applicants who fail to provide enough information to confirm eligibility are contacted by state election officials in order to obtain the missing information. You can ignore that all you want, but your ignorance doesn't prevent it from occurring.
For the umpteenth time, you change and run from my original comments, which was;

Voter Registration Forms (cards? the paper is a bit thick like your skull) are handed to everyone that walks into the DMV office.

And, no, state officials will not come ask for ID of anyone registering to vote. It does not state that anywhere. Go ahead, your side in this thread has provided the links. It is obvious that you do not understand them, for you had to read the link, right? So quote the link or simply admit you are not smart enough to understand.

The only other option is you are a liar?
No one has to verbally ask anyone. It's on the form they're filling out. You keep saying good they're not requested to provide ID even though the form requests it.
would you trust your mail carrier with your mail-in ballot if you knew they were a Trump supporter?
I'm planning on going to the post office where I can send it certified.
interesting you'll go to the post office but not the polling precient
So why do a mail-in ballot?
Because I don't trust the voting machines, which can be rigged or even hacked.

Of course you don't trust voting machines. They accurately count the votes cast, like they did in 2000 in Florida

Dumbfuck, voting machines are used to vote, not count.


You didn't know voting machines count the votes tallied on that machine? Seriously? Of course you don't. You're an angry little eight year old
It’s the typical gop effort to keep a minority white govt. Trump needs to leave and summer in Siberia where he belongs.
There is no place in this world for what the Democrats have became. Rioters, looters, criminals, against justice.

Now, did you mean to say minority white government? It seems you want to begin to talk about race. Democrats are terrible at race. One could say they have evolved their old slavery into a new type of slavery where as the minorities must depend on Democrats for crumbs to live on.

Certainly Democrats do not want their horrid record of race known publicly.
Begin to talk about race ? Trump has always been about division. If it wasn’t for the kkk and White supremacy, there would be no Trump base.

Democrats do always accuse others of what you do. Trump hasn't said or done anything racist. Biden is a non-stop racist demagogue, just like the people voting for him
Sure, birtherism And he just had a slip of the tongue everytime he talks about black, browns and shit hole countries. The kkk follows him like puppy dogs. When racists call you a racist, your a racist.

So since Obama was the first birther, he's a racist? Interesting. The Mooch was second, so another racist. Sure, there you go. Obama and his lovely bride certainly leveraged race whoring for votes.

KKK are Democrats, Holmes. Always were. They're yours
You're kazzing again, Obama was never a birther, no less the first one.

Of course he was. Obama was the first to accuse himself of being born in Kenya. Facts don't care about your feelings, scared little boy hiding behind your eight year old rhetoric
Nope, and kazzing doesn't help you. Obama never said he was born in Kenya.

You know Obama did say he was born in Kenya. Then his wife said it. Then Hillary. Democrats have been racist a long time back, huh?
Nope, you're kazzing again.

Democrats, the party of liars:

"Barack Obama, the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review, was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii. The son of an American anthropologist and a Kenyan finance minister, he attended Columbia University and worked as a financial journalist and editor for Business International Corporation. He served as project coordinator in Harlem for the New York Public Interest Research Group, and was Executive Director of the Developing Communities Project in Chicago's South Side. His commitment to social and racial issues will be evident in his first book, Journeys in Black and White"


You're kazzing again. :eusa_liar:

Acton & Dystel wrote that, not Obama. Once again, your kazzes are exposed. :mm:

Right, Obama's publisher, kiddo. Are you trying the bit again that publishers make up their author's bio? You crashed and burned on that badly last time
For the umpteenth time, applicants who fail to provide enough information to confirm eligibility are contacted by state election officials in order to obtain the missing information. You can ignore that all you want, but your ignorance doesn't prevent it from occurring.
For the umpteenth time, you change and run from my original comments, which was;

Voter Registration Forms (cards? the paper is a bit thick like your skull) are handed to everyone that walks into the DMV office.

And, no, state officials will not come ask for ID of anyone registering to vote. It does not state that anywhere. Go ahead, your side in this thread has provided the links. It is obvious that you do not understand them, for you had to read the link, right? So quote the link or simply admit you are not smart enough to understand.

The only other option is you are a liar?
No one has to verbally ask anyone. It's on the form they're filling out. You keep saying good they're not requested to provide ID even though the form requests it.
would you trust your mail carrier with your mail-in ballot if you knew they were a Trump supporter?
I'm planning on going to the post office where I can send it certified.
interesting you'll go to the post office but not the polling precient
So why do a mail-in ballot?
Because I don't trust the voting machines, which can be rigged or even hacked.
you don't trust the voting machine but you'll trust the postal sorter in the mailroom.
That's why I'm sending it certified.
it doesn't tell you if your ballot has been tampered with to make it void if they don't like who you voted for, just that it arrived at its destination.

You're such an idiot. How is someone at the Post Office going to know who I voted for?? All tbey see is an envelope, not the ballot

once registered, all they have to do is go vote
So, the illegal has to register first. How does he do that ? Dah ? There is also a question, are you a citizen ? Answer yes or anyother question illegally and you’re a felon. btw, only one vote per registration. Once you’re a felon and an illegal, you get deported after five years in jail. You are really stupid. It’s the employees that help illegals remain in the shadows.

Guess what fool, both Bush and Trump had commissions trying to find these illegals who voted.......they couldn’t and disbanded. Dah. Supply the proof any where where millions of illegals have voted...except on your pointed head.

Here you go:

There is nothing to stop illegals from registering to vote other than the DMV asks them if they are eligible to vote
Kazzer, illegals can't get a standard license which is what tbe DMV uses to submit applicant data to the Secretary of State's office, who then does further vetting to determine eligibility.

Section 12801.9 of the California Vehicle code is an AB60 license.​

And folks who obtain an AB-60 driver's license are not registered to vote...

Election Code, Division II, Chapter 4.5 § 2263 (d) The department shall not electronically provide records of a person who applies for or is issued a driver’s license pursuant to Section 12801.9 of the Vehicle Code because he or she is unable to submit satisfactory proof that his or her presence in the United States is authorized under federal law.

... in accordance with state legislation...

Bill Text - AB-60 Driver’s licenses: eligibility: required documentation. The license shall bear the following notice: “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes. This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle. It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits.”

I'm sorry, I just can't take your eight year old insults seriously. Sorry guy. Let me know if you ever want me to address what you're writing. Thanks.

It is pretty funny how terrified of me you are that you put that in to be sure I don't take your stupid crap apart. But I still can't take your eight year old shtick seriously

You poor coward, keep trying to run away as posts pound you into the sand.


Faun: Don't make fun of me, kaz, don't tear my posts apart like you always did. I'm going to keep up the childish rants and cartoons to protect myself, thank you for giving me that out, kaz. Oh thank you.

Yeah, I'm still not responding to your points until you post like an adult. Pretend ...

You're kazzing again as you didn't tear anything of mine apart. All you did was whine because I use your name as a verb to mean 'liar' because you lie so profusely, like you just did again here.

You then cowardly used that pathetic excuse to avoid me pointing out to you the California laws which show they are not registering illegal aliens to vote.

It matters not one bit to me if you're a pussy. The readers here still read my posts which pound you into the sand.


Yes, you're terrified of me, you mentioned that. You're putting up your defense since I won't argue your eight year old crap with you.

BTW, you need a better emoji. You're not dancing, you're running away

Slobbers the kazzer who runs away from anyone who points out he's a kazzer. How many posters have you put on ignore because they said you were kazzing?

Then why didn't I put you on ignore, kiddo? If that's why I put people on ignore.

You are just so scared and insecure of me that you're looking for allies and hiding behind your eight year old insults because you know I can't take you seriously when you do that. Now though every time you poke me you run and hide because you're afraid I'll decide to go ahead and bite anyway

You're ignoring my posts by whining about me using your name as a verb for "liar" while ignoring everything else I post.

Right. I can't take your eight year old shit seriously. You use that because you know if you stop protecting yourself with it then I'll destroy your stupid posts. You're a coward running away and hiding.

WC Fields: I'd engage in a little intellectual repartee but I never do battle with an unarmed man.

kaz: Ditto. Or an eight year old ...
No, I didn't know you would ignore my posts because I point out you're a pathological kazzer. How could I know that when you've been posting to me for years even though for years, I've been pointing out you kaz profusely? Only within the last few days have you started ignoring the substance of my posts because I call you a kazzer -- which is merely your latest twinky attempts to get me to stop.

All you managed to accomplish is to remind me again how much you hate being referred to as a kazzer.


I can't take your eight year old shtick seriously.

Have you found a running away and hiding emoticon to represent you?
  • Funny
Reactions: kaz
For the umpteenth time, applicants who fail to provide enough information to confirm eligibility are contacted by state election officials in order to obtain the missing information. You can ignore that all you want, but your ignorance doesn't prevent it from occurring.
For the umpteenth time, you change and run from my original comments, which was;

Voter Registration Forms (cards? the paper is a bit thick like your skull) are handed to everyone that walks into the DMV office.

And, no, state officials will not come ask for ID of anyone registering to vote. It does not state that anywhere. Go ahead, your side in this thread has provided the links. It is obvious that you do not understand them, for you had to read the link, right? So quote the link or simply admit you are not smart enough to understand.

The only other option is you are a liar?
No one has to verbally ask anyone. It's on the form they're filling out. You keep saying good they're not requested to provide ID even though the form requests it.
would you trust your mail carrier with your mail-in ballot if you knew they were a Trump supporter?
I'm planning on going to the post office where I can send it certified.
interesting you'll go to the post office but not the polling precient
So why do a mail-in ballot?
Because I don't trust the voting machines, which can be rigged or even hacked.

Of course you don't trust voting machines. They accurately count the votes cast, like they did in 2000 in Florida

Dumbfuck, voting machines are used to vote, not count.


You didn't know voting machines count the votes tallied on that machine? Seriously? Of course you don't. You're an angry little eight year old
They don't. At least not on the machines used at my precinct. I voted on one machine and a poll worker captured that on a memory stick which was then inserted into another machine to register my vote. That is where it was counted, not on the machine on which I voted.
For the umpteenth time, applicants who fail to provide enough information to confirm eligibility are contacted by state election officials in order to obtain the missing information. You can ignore that all you want, but your ignorance doesn't prevent it from occurring.
For the umpteenth time, you change and run from my original comments, which was;

Voter Registration Forms (cards? the paper is a bit thick like your skull) are handed to everyone that walks into the DMV office.

And, no, state officials will not come ask for ID of anyone registering to vote. It does not state that anywhere. Go ahead, your side in this thread has provided the links. It is obvious that you do not understand them, for you had to read the link, right? So quote the link or simply admit you are not smart enough to understand.

The only other option is you are a liar?
No one has to verbally ask anyone. It's on the form they're filling out. You keep saying good they're not requested to provide ID even though the form requests it.
would you trust your mail carrier with your mail-in ballot if you knew they were a Trump supporter?
I'm planning on going to the post office where I can send it certified.
interesting you'll go to the post office but not the polling precient
So why do a mail-in ballot?
Because I don't trust the voting machines, which can be rigged or even hacked.
you don't trust the voting machine but you'll trust the postal sorter in the mailroom.
That's why I'm sending it certified.
it doesn't tell you if your ballot has been tampered with to make it void if they don't like who you voted for, just that it arrived at its destination.

You're such an idiot. How is someone at the Post Office going to know who I voted for?? All tbey see is an envelope, not the ballot

mail get's open dumb ass I've had several letters that weren't sealed
It’s the typical gop effort to keep a minority white govt. Trump needs to leave and summer in Siberia where he belongs.
There is no place in this world for what the Democrats have became. Rioters, looters, criminals, against justice.

Now, did you mean to say minority white government? It seems you want to begin to talk about race. Democrats are terrible at race. One could say they have evolved their old slavery into a new type of slavery where as the minorities must depend on Democrats for crumbs to live on.

Certainly Democrats do not want their horrid record of race known publicly.
Begin to talk about race ? Trump has always been about division. If it wasn’t for the kkk and White supremacy, there would be no Trump base.

Democrats do always accuse others of what you do. Trump hasn't said or done anything racist. Biden is a non-stop racist demagogue, just like the people voting for him
Sure, birtherism And he just had a slip of the tongue everytime he talks about black, browns and shit hole countries. The kkk follows him like puppy dogs. When racists call you a racist, your a racist.

So since Obama was the first birther, he's a racist? Interesting. The Mooch was second, so another racist. Sure, there you go. Obama and his lovely bride certainly leveraged race whoring for votes.

KKK are Democrats, Holmes. Always were. They're yours
You're kazzing again, Obama was never a birther, no less the first one.

Of course he was. Obama was the first to accuse himself of being born in Kenya. Facts don't care about your feelings, scared little boy hiding behind your eight year old rhetoric
Nope, and kazzing doesn't help you. Obama never said he was born in Kenya.

You know Obama did say he was born in Kenya. Then his wife said it. Then Hillary. Democrats have been racist a long time back, huh?
Nope, you're kazzing again.

Democrats, the party of liars:

"Barack Obama, the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review, was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii. The son of an American anthropologist and a Kenyan finance minister, he attended Columbia University and worked as a financial journalist and editor for Business International Corporation. He served as project coordinator in Harlem for the New York Public Interest Research Group, and was Executive Director of the Developing Communities Project in Chicago's South Side. His commitment to social and racial issues will be evident in his first book, Journeys in Black and White"


You're kazzing again. :eusa_liar:

Acton & Dystel wrote that, not Obama. Once again, your kazzes are exposed. :mm:

Right, Obama's publisher, kiddo. Are you trying the bit again that publishers make up their author's bio? You crashed and burned on that badly last time
No, they don't make it up. They research their clients.
once registered, all they have to do is go vote
So, the illegal has to register first. How does he do that ? Dah ? There is also a question, are you a citizen ? Answer yes or anyother question illegally and you’re a felon. btw, only one vote per registration. Once you’re a felon and an illegal, you get deported after five years in jail. You are really stupid. It’s the employees that help illegals remain in the shadows.

Guess what fool, both Bush and Trump had commissions trying to find these illegals who voted.......they couldn’t and disbanded. Dah. Supply the proof any where where millions of illegals have voted...except on your pointed head.

Here you go:

There is nothing to stop illegals from registering to vote other than the DMV asks them if they are eligible to vote
Kazzer, illegals can't get a standard license which is what tbe DMV uses to submit applicant data to the Secretary of State's office, who then does further vetting to determine eligibility.

Section 12801.9 of the California Vehicle code is an AB60 license.​

And folks who obtain an AB-60 driver's license are not registered to vote...

Election Code, Division II, Chapter 4.5 § 2263 (d) The department shall not electronically provide records of a person who applies for or is issued a driver’s license pursuant to Section 12801.9 of the Vehicle Code because he or she is unable to submit satisfactory proof that his or her presence in the United States is authorized under federal law.

... in accordance with state legislation...

Bill Text - AB-60 Driver’s licenses: eligibility: required documentation. The license shall bear the following notice: “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes. This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle. It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits.”

I'm sorry, I just can't take your eight year old insults seriously. Sorry guy. Let me know if you ever want me to address what you're writing. Thanks.

It is pretty funny how terrified of me you are that you put that in to be sure I don't take your stupid crap apart. But I still can't take your eight year old shtick seriously

You poor coward, keep trying to run away as posts pound you into the sand.


Faun: Don't make fun of me, kaz, don't tear my posts apart like you always did. I'm going to keep up the childish rants and cartoons to protect myself, thank you for giving me that out, kaz. Oh thank you.

Yeah, I'm still not responding to your points until you post like an adult. Pretend ...

You're kazzing again as you didn't tear anything of mine apart. All you did was whine because I use your name as a verb to mean 'liar' because you lie so profusely, like you just did again here.

You then cowardly used that pathetic excuse to avoid me pointing out to you the California laws which show they are not registering illegal aliens to vote.

It matters not one bit to me if you're a pussy. The readers here still read my posts which pound you into the sand.


Yes, you're terrified of me, you mentioned that. You're putting up your defense since I won't argue your eight year old crap with you.

BTW, you need a better emoji. You're not dancing, you're running away

Slobbers the kazzer who runs away from anyone who points out he's a kazzer. How many posters have you put on ignore because they said you were kazzing?

Then why didn't I put you on ignore, kiddo? If that's why I put people on ignore.

You are just so scared and insecure of me that you're looking for allies and hiding behind your eight year old insults because you know I can't take you seriously when you do that. Now though every time you poke me you run and hide because you're afraid I'll decide to go ahead and bite anyway

You're ignoring my posts by whining about me using your name as a verb for "liar" while ignoring everything else I post.

Right. I can't take your eight year old shit seriously. You use that because you know if you stop protecting yourself with it then I'll destroy your stupid posts. You're a coward running away and hiding.

WC Fields: I'd engage in a little intellectual repartee but I never do battle with an unarmed man.

kaz: Ditto. Or an eight year old ...
No, I didn't know you would ignore my posts because I point out you're a pathological kazzer. How could I know that when you've been posting to me for years even though for years, I've been pointing out you kaz profusely? Only within the last few days have you started ignoring the substance of my posts because I call you a kazzer -- which is merely your latest twinky attempts to get me to stop.

All you managed to accomplish is to remind me again how much you hate being referred to as a kazzer.


I can't take your eight year old shtick seriously.

Have you found a running away and hiding emoticon to represent you?

LOL, well done. That's hilarious
57 days to go before the show.

What's really funny is that the left started the term 'snowflakes' and are turning out to be the most brittle snow flakes of them all and melting all over the place... after shattering.

It’s the typical gop effort to keep a minority white govt. Trump needs to leave and summer in Siberia where he belongs.
There is no place in this world for what the Democrats have became. Rioters, looters, criminals, against justice.

Now, did you mean to say minority white government? It seems you want to begin to talk about race. Democrats are terrible at race. One could say they have evolved their old slavery into a new type of slavery where as the minorities must depend on Democrats for crumbs to live on.

Certainly Democrats do not want their horrid record of race known publicly.
Begin to talk about race ? Trump has always been about division. If it wasn’t for the kkk and White supremacy, there would be no Trump base.

Democrats do always accuse others of what you do. Trump hasn't said or done anything racist. Biden is a non-stop racist demagogue, just like the people voting for him
Sure, birtherism And he just had a slip of the tongue everytime he talks about black, browns and shit hole countries. The kkk follows him like puppy dogs. When racists call you a racist, your a racist.

So since Obama was the first birther, he's a racist? Interesting. The Mooch was second, so another racist. Sure, there you go. Obama and his lovely bride certainly leveraged race whoring for votes.

KKK are Democrats, Holmes. Always were. They're yours
You're kazzing again, Obama was never a birther, no less the first one.

Of course he was. Obama was the first to accuse himself of being born in Kenya. Facts don't care about your feelings, scared little boy hiding behind your eight year old rhetoric
Nope, and kazzing doesn't help you. Obama never said he was born in Kenya.

You know Obama did say he was born in Kenya. Then his wife said it. Then Hillary. Democrats have been racist a long time back, huh?
Nope, you're kazzing again.

Democrats, the party of liars:

"Barack Obama, the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review, was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii. The son of an American anthropologist and a Kenyan finance minister, he attended Columbia University and worked as a financial journalist and editor for Business International Corporation. He served as project coordinator in Harlem for the New York Public Interest Research Group, and was Executive Director of the Developing Communities Project in Chicago's South Side. His commitment to social and racial issues will be evident in his first book, Journeys in Black and White"


You're kazzing again. :eusa_liar:

Acton & Dystel wrote that, not Obama. Once again, your kazzes are exposed. :mm:

Right, Obama's publisher, kiddo. Are you trying the bit again that publishers make up their author's bio? You crashed and burned on that badly last time
No, they don't make it up. They research their clients.

Yep, they ask them and verify it. Though apparently they didn't think they needed to verify Obama claiming where he was born. Obama ... and ... I draw a blank. I mean who gets that wrong?

Obama: Where was I born? Where?


You're welcome, thanks for asking

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