Trump TORCHES Reporter Who Tries to Trick Him Into Admitting Election Loss

One of the biggest victories in history

No other sitting President has had 81 million people voting for him to leave.
No other president has had the office stolen out from under him.
You and your party now has a permanent irremovable stain on their heads.
Enjoy your eternal shame, not that you are capable of shame.

Sorry pal, not playing

Not going to argue the moon landings were fake
Not going to argue 9-11 was an inside job
Not going to argue Trump had the election stolen from him
Do you realy believe the dems are capable of pulling off a d-day size operation in completely secrecy?
Are you really such a naive and uninformed fool?
The crime was relatively easy to pull off because it all centered around large democratically controlled cities.
Las Vegas, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Milwaukee, etc.
With billionaires like Mark Zuckerberg paying the bills setting up the sting was easy.

The leftist shitbags didn't have to control the nation...just control a few selected blue controlled cities
that illegally tipped the election to them.

Are you stupid enough to think there will not be blow back from this unprecedented American crime?
No other president has had the office stolen out from under him.
You and your party now has a permanent irremovable stain on their heads.
Enjoy your eternal shame, not that you are capable of shame.
You are accusing the dems of pulling off a d-day size secret operations. And even after pulling it off, nobody involved in it leaked how they did it, before, during or afterward.
What I see is a weak little man who can’t admit that he was badly defeated so he makes up lies that he really won.

As pathetic as that may be, what is more pathetic is those who blindly regurgitate whatever bizarre tales they are told.
What I see when I read your regurgitated lies is a pathetic dick sucking leftist whose soul is dead
and who would be right at home running one of Joe Stalin's death camps...because nothing is as
important as perpetuating the Big Lie.

What I see is 50 States that have certified their results and giving Biden a massive 306-232 victory
Landslide. Schlonging.
One of the biggest victories in history

No other sitting President has had 81 million people voting for him to leave.
No other sitting president had to deal with absentee ballot fraud on a MASSIVE scale, no other sitting president has presided over such an illiterate, degenerate, foreign citizenry comprised of tens of millions of filthy pieces of shit such as illegal wetbacks, faggots, chicks with dicks, feminazis, criminals, drug users, woke white guilt whackos....No other sitting president had to deal with human cockroaches voting solely on social issues.
You are accusing the dems of pulling off a d-day size secret operations. And even after pulling it off, nobody involved in it leaked how they did it, before, during or afterward.
Yeah...LOTS of people have, dickwad! Did you notice or know about the hundreds of affidavits filed
detailing what people on the ground saw?

Fortunately for the thieves having judges that can annul that sort of evidence with a wave of their filthy smelly
hands takes care of most of that.

Reporting a crime to a dirty on the take cop is pointless.
Do you realy believe the dems are capable of pulling off a d-day size operation in completely secrecy?
Are you really such a naive and uninformed fool?
The crime was relatively easy to pull off because it all centered around large democratically controlled cities.
You think every democrat in all those cities, hundreds of them if not thousands, maintained completely absolute secrecy?

That none of them would take the thousands of dollars sites are offering for information. You think dems act like $5 dollar crack whores, who won't take $1,000 if it came from the republicans.
What I see is a weak little man who can’t admit that he was badly defeated so he makes up lies that he really won.

As pathetic as that may be, what is more pathetic is those who blindly regurgitate whatever bizarre tales they are told.
What I see when I read your regurgitated lies is a pathetic dick sucking leftist whose soul is dead
and who would be right at home running one of Joe Stalin's death camps...because nothing is as
important as perpetuating the Big Lie.

What I see is 50 States that have certified their results and giving Biden a massive 306-232 victory
Landslide. Schlonging.
One of the biggest victories in history

No other sitting President has had 81 million people voting for him to leave.
No other sitting president had to deal with absentee ballot fraud on a MASSIVE scale, no other sitting president has presided over such an illiterate, degenerate, foreign citizenry comprised of tens of millions of filthy pieces of shit such as illegal wetbacks, faggots, chicks with dicks, feminazis, criminals, drug users, woke white guilt whackos....No other sitting president had to deal with human cockroaches voting solely on social issues.

Nope...not playing your silly game

Go try to convince people that Obama was born in Kenya, the moon landing was fake and 9-11 was an inside job.

I refuse to entertain your fantasies
You think every democrat in all those cities, hundreds of them if not thousands, maintained completely absolute secrecy?

That none of them would take the thousands of dollars sites are offering for information. You think dems act like $5 dollar crack whores, who won't take $1,000 if it came from the republicans.
You are claiming every single democrat is in on the crime. Not me.
You are accusing the dems of pulling off a d-day size secret operations. And even after pulling it off, nobody involved in it leaked how they did it, before, during or afterward.

Yeah...LOTS of people have, dickwad! Did you notice or know about the hundreds of affidavits filed
detailing what people on the ground saw?

Which is your problem. None of the thousands of people you claim pulled off a massive ultra secret conspiracy will say what they did, even in order to collect thousands of dollars in rewards being offered for affidavits.

None of the affidavits say "I did this...." Nobody is claiming they held the smoking gun.

And that is why you fail.
What I see is a weak little man who can’t admit that he was badly defeated so he makes up lies that he really won.

As pathetic as that may be, what is more pathetic is those who blindly regurgitate whatever bizarre tales they are told.
What I see when I read your regurgitated lies is a pathetic dick sucking leftist whose soul is dead
and who would be right at home running one of Joe Stalin's death camps...because nothing is as
important as perpetuating the Big Lie.

What I see is 50 States that have certified their results and giving Biden a massive 306-232 victory
Landslide. Schlonging.
One of the biggest victories in history

No other sitting President has had 81 million people voting for him to leave.
No other sitting president had to deal with absentee ballot fraud on a MASSIVE scale, no other sitting president has presided over such an illiterate, degenerate, foreign citizenry comprised of tens of millions of filthy pieces of shit such as illegal wetbacks, faggots, chicks with dicks, feminazis, criminals, drug users, woke white guilt whackos....No other sitting president had to deal with human cockroaches voting solely on social issues.

Nope...not playing your silly game

Go try to convince people that Obama was born in Kenya, the moon landing was fake and 9-11 was an inside job.

I refuse to entertain your fantasies
It appears to be the only way he knows to communicate.
You think every democrat in all those cities, hundreds of them if not thousands, maintained completely absolute secrecy?

That none of them would take the thousands of dollars sites are offering for information. You think dems act like $5 dollar crack whores, who won't take $1,000 if it came from the republicans.
You are claiming every single democrat is in on the crime. Not me.
Tell me, how many democrats did it take to pull off this massive fraud in at least 5 different states. What's your estimate of the number of people those operations would take.

If you claim you know what they did, you should be able to estimate how many people it would take to pull it off.

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