Trump TORCHES Reporter Who Tries to Trick Him Into Admitting Election Loss

Which is your problem. None of the thousands of people you claim pulled off a massive ultra secret conspiracy will say what they did, even in order to collect thousands of dollars in rewards being offered for affidavits.

None of the affidavits say "I did this...." Nobody is claiming they held the smoking gun.

And that is why you fail.
Who is offering "thousands of dollars" for affidavits? And who needs to? People of their own free will have flooded pro Trump attornies with accounts of what they that truck driver hauling thousands of
fraudulent ballots from NY to Philadelphia.
And people get death threats and their homes vandalized for telling the truth.

None of the affidavits claim they committed crimes. They all attest to crimes being committed they witnessed.

Get your head out of your ass when you make your posts. They are just hopelessly fucked up!
It appears to be the only way he knows to communicate.
They put out a theory of the case, without estimating the number of people it could take to pull it off. Since the number of people needed to pull it off, would be massive, yet kept in absolutely secrecy.

Benjamin Franklin famously said - Three can keep a secret, if two of them are dead.
What I see is a weak little man who can’t admit that he was badly defeated so he makes up lies that he really won.

As pathetic as that may be, what is more pathetic is those who blindly regurgitate whatever bizarre tales they are told.
What I see when I read your regurgitated lies is a pathetic dick sucking leftist whose soul is dead
and who would be right at home running one of Joe Stalin's death camps...because nothing is as
important as perpetuating the Big Lie.

What I see is 50 States that have certified their results and giving Biden a massive 306-232 victory
Landslide. Schlonging.
One of the biggest victories in history

No other sitting President has had 81 million people voting for him to leave.
No other sitting president had to deal with absentee ballot fraud on a MASSIVE scale, no other sitting president has presided over such an illiterate, degenerate, foreign citizenry comprised of tens of millions of filthy pieces of shit such as illegal wetbacks, faggots, chicks with dicks, feminazis, criminals, drug users, woke white guilt whackos....No other sitting president had to deal with human cockroaches voting solely on social issues.

Nope...not playing your silly game

Go try to convince people that Obama was born in Kenya, the moon landing was fake and 9-11 was an inside job.

I refuse to entertain your fantasies

"I refuse to entertain your fantasies."
That's so weird, I thought you loved "fantasies"....remember when you begged Robert Mueller to "entertain your Russian fantasies" for three years?
hahaha...and just like that the TDS Left hates "fantasies".
Go engage in your silly fantasies
Just don’t expect me to entertain you
You don't entertain me. Your duplicitous idiocy sickens me.

If you want to trade fantasies with those who believe like you do, by all means do it.

Just donot expect those outside your misinformation bubble to play along with you.
Which is your problem. None of the thousands of people you claim pulled off a massive ultra secret conspiracy will say what they did, even in order to collect thousands of dollars in rewards being offered for affidavits.

None of the affidavits say "I did this...." Nobody is claiming they held the smoking gun.

And that is why you fail.
Who is offering "thousands of dollars" for affidavits? And who needs to? People of their own free will have flooded pro Trump attornies with accounts of what they that truck driver hauling thousands of
fraudulent ballots from NY to Philadelphia.
And people get death threats and their homes vandalized for telling the truth.

None of the affidavits claim they committed crimes. They all attest to crimes being committed they witnessed.
That's what i've been saying. You can't get any of the thousands involved to admit what they did, or how they did it. Not even for money.
What I see is a weak little man who can’t admit that he was badly defeated so he makes up lies that he really won.

As pathetic as that may be, what is more pathetic is those who blindly regurgitate whatever bizarre tales they are told.
What I see when I read your regurgitated lies is a pathetic dick sucking leftist whose soul is dead
and who would be right at home running one of Joe Stalin's death camps...because nothing is as
important as perpetuating the Big Lie.

What I see is 50 States that have certified their results and giving Biden a massive 306-232 victory
Landslide. Schlonging.
One of the biggest victories in history

No other sitting President has had 81 million people voting for him to leave.
No other sitting president had to deal with absentee ballot fraud on a MASSIVE scale, no other sitting president has presided over such an illiterate, degenerate, foreign citizenry comprised of tens of millions of filthy pieces of shit such as illegal wetbacks, faggots, chicks with dicks, feminazis, criminals, drug users, woke white guilt whackos....No other sitting president had to deal with human cockroaches voting solely on social issues.

Nope...not playing your silly game

Go try to convince people that Obama was born in Kenya, the moon landing was fake and 9-11 was an inside job.

I refuse to entertain your fantasies

"I refuse to entertain your fantasies."
That's so weird, I thought you loved "fantasies"....remember when you begged Robert Mueller to "entertain your Russian fantasies" for three years?
hahaha...and just like that the TDS Left hates "fantasies".

Trump invited an independent investigation when he fired chief investigator Comey.

Don’t blame me
Tell me, how many democrats did it take to pull off this massive fraud in at least 5 different states. What's your estimate of the number of people those operations would take.

If you claim you know what they did, you should be able to estimate how many people it would take to pull it off.
It would take a relatively small dedicated force in the know to supervise a much large force eager for the most part to pull off this crime.

There are always some people willing to come forward later to testify to the crimes they witnessed.
Those affidavits go down a judicial rabbit hole in the end.
We only know about a small percentage of witnesses to a crime, from hearings in Pennsylvania, for instance.

And the legacy news is only too happy to bury any stories they come upon. What a naive dope you are.
If you claim you know what they did, you should be able to estimate how many people it would take to pull it off.
It would take a relatively small dedicated force in the know to supervise a much large force eager for the most part to pull off this crime.

That's my point. Those people stealing mail-in ballots, or forging signatures, or any of the other acts needed to pull off such a massive operation, knew what they were doing. Yet not a single one will come forward, even to get thousands of dollars in rewards for their information.
That's what i've been saying. You can't get any of the thousands involved to admit what they did, or how they did it. Not even for money.
No one has offered any money for information regarding the theft of our Constitution.
And the left is great at keeping people silent. What good is reward money when you are lying in a gutter with a couple of bullet holes in the back of your head?
It's called "Arkancide".

Wise up, grow up, move along.
We only know about a small percentage of witnesses to a crime, from hearings in Pennsylvania, for instance.

It's like the witnesses to the "suitcases" that were actually just containers holding ballots that were put there in the course of counting the ballots.

Those witnesses saw the same video tape as the election officials, and claimed they saw a crime, when none occurred.

That is why you fail.

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