Trump trade victory with the EU.


He's been threatening to nail them on auto industry...........the market is CLEARLY here and not they are here to try and avoid that........

Means they are blinking...............which is good............we'll see..........but they would never be at the table if he'd have done what the lunatic left has been saying. We are all going to die and crap because he decided to them out on unfair trade practices............The SHAME............

The leftists don’t want jobs!

4% unemployment. More jobs than people to fill them.

We WANT MORE..........We want it FUCKING ALL.............BITCH...........

Do you feel better.........Our manufacturing sector has been getting shlonged long enough..................they are now willing to negotiate............didn't get there by listening to you........ I was saying ..........WE WANT IT ALL........No more unfair trade practices against us without going to the mat..........Sounds good to me........Tell me when we get to 0% unemployment
Trump is still all talk... We'll see what happens, super duper.
We've already seen what happens when you do nothing..............NOTHING ........Mr. Super dupe..........

They are willing to concede on issues..........we'll see.............

Under Obama................let's see what he did.......

There you go.
Thanks to Pure obstruction by the GOP...
Why is it with people like you that people like me need to be instructed on what to believe...........LOL

News for you..........I've been against these deals since Yoda ran for President..............That's never changed.........but suddenly in your delusional mind I need to be instructed about it..............

Whatever .......................I'm happy he's taking them on.............if your not...........Elections have consequences............who said that.......

The shitty president that we had before this shitty president

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Yoda wasn't president.............he lost............try again..........

Who the fuck is yoda? You people have way too many 3rd grade nicknames for me to keep up?

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Your a youngster............LOL

Ross Perot..............

No, not a youngster, just did not have my “3rd grade nicknames” list handy.

And what does Perot have to do with the current discussion?

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The problem with blaming NAFTA for our manufacturing job losses is that under the first 6.5 year of NAFTA we added jobs in that sector and it was not till the recession of 2001 that changed.
First it's more than Obama ever got.
Second, read the article
they import our soy beans and LNG. We also work on reducing tariffs....and if the EU fucks us over....we put the tariffs back on.

What do you not get about negotiation....have you ever negotiated anything?

They always bought soy beans and LNG

Most of what Trump got was lip service and empty promises. Trump is an expert at that
The EU also bought a lot of LNG from Russia....not so with this agreement

Let me know when the EU cuts their LNG buying from Russia, till then it is just talk
You think they will?

I think that we will have to sell it damn cheap to beat what they were getting from Russia once you add in additional transportation cost
Yeah we will, but I think they get the picture and are going to appease us. I don't think they will lower their Russian imports, they'll just start buying more from us.
Let me know when the EU cuts their LNG buying from Russia, till then it is just talk
You think they will?

I think that we will have to sell it damn cheap to beat what they were getting from Russia once you add in additional transportation cost
I was actually thinking exactly that last night when me and the wife were discussing it
Makes you wonder how we can ever sell a barrel of oil, huh?:rolleyes-41:
No. It makes me wonder why they would a crapload of ng from us when they can get it cheaper from somewhere else
Well cost isn't the only consideration...this is where negotiating and leadership come into play. you can say a lot about Trump, but he's not lazy. This guy gets stuff done. He probably will lower the cost on another product to compensate for LNG. It takes more than linear thinking
The shitty president that we had before this shitty president

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Yoda wasn't president.............he lost............try again..........

Who the fuck is yoda? You people have way too many 3rd grade nicknames for me to keep up?

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Your a youngster............LOL

Ross Perot..............

No, not a youngster, just did not have my “3rd grade nicknames” list handy.

And what does Perot have to do with the current discussion?

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The problem with blaming NAFTA for our manufacturing job losses is that under the first 6.5 year of NAFTA we added jobs in that sector and it was not till the recession of 2001 that changed.
The issue isn't we want tariffs, we want less tariffs, but I thought NAFTA removed those, yet here we find out Mexico and Canada still have strong tariffs on our goods. It has to be equal.
Makes you wonder how we can ever sell a barrel of oil, huh?:rolleyes-41:
No. It makes me wonder why they would a crapload of ng from us when they can get it cheaper from somewhere else
It’s called a deal I guess?

Actually there was no deal, Trump's words were that the EU, and I quote...."wants" to buy more LNG from us".

Does that sound like a deal to you?

When I went car shopping I told the car dealer "I want to buy that Lexux LC", but I didn't because he would not cut 60% of the list price.
To be fair, just because you dont knoe any details, doesnt mean there wasnt any.

I think had there been a deal Trump would have said "They are GOING to buy LNG from us", not that they want to.

Does Trump control the price that our LNG is sold at?
Well he can control fees, taxes and the like. Again, our LNG may be more expensive, but if they take that we may lower other fees or taxes to compensate for it.......that's where the complexity of these agreements come into play.
President Trump and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker say they’ve reached a handshake deal to pause the trade war.

Big fucking deal - a Trump handshake and $1 will get you a small coffee at 7-11


A PAUSE ....

Someone is pissed.........I'm surprised you stopped watching RUSSIA,RUSSIA,RUSSIA and STORMY,STORMY,STORMY to even hear about it.
I'm sure if China and the EU decided to end all their tariffs, we would consider doing the same. But till that happens, Trump's job is to look out for Americans first. So far, he's doing that. Good on em. :thup:
Trump better start shittin' GOLD if he wants to balance the ripple effects of his tariffs - and do it before the sun goes down.
He's winning.
He got the EU to make concessions and China is starting to panic....they are fucking over themselves with more free money......

Did China think Donald Trump was bluffing on trade? How Beijing got it wrong

Trump trade war: U.S. stock market is faring better than China's since dispute began

short term pain, for long term works well and lets face it, EVERYONE wants our market, now were expecting access to theirs....FINALLY
Yoda wasn't president.............he lost............try again..........

Who the fuck is yoda? You people have way too many 3rd grade nicknames for me to keep up?

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Your a youngster............LOL

Ross Perot..............

No, not a youngster, just did not have my “3rd grade nicknames” list handy.

And what does Perot have to do with the current discussion?

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The problem with blaming NAFTA for our manufacturing job losses is that under the first 6.5 year of NAFTA we added jobs in that sector and it was not till the recession of 2001 that changed.
The issue isn't we want tariffs, we want less tariffs, but I thought NAFTA removed those, yet here we find out Mexico and Canada still have strong tariffs on our goods. It has to be equal.

They have strong tariffs on some things and we have massive subsidies on other things.

We are not some innocent victim in all this. We play just as dirty as everyone else

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What did he win?

EU stroke$ his ego and Trump goes away
First it's more than Obama ever got.
Second, read the article
they import our soy beans and LNG. We also work on reducing tariffs....and if the EU fucks us over....we put the tariffs back on.

What do you not get about negotiation....have you ever negotiated anything?

Under Obama more foreign auto makers opened plants here than ever before.

You do know those tariffs are now threatening jobs at Toyota and BMW that now make many of the most popular models sold here right??

You rightwards are so fucking stupid you need to be beat to death with a yard rake.
BMW will be will the Japanese auto makers....why do you guys oppose making other countries opening their markets?
Trump better start shittin' GOLD if he wants to balance the ripple effects of his tariffs - and do it before the sun goes down.
He's winning.
He got the EU to make concessions and China is starting to panic....they are fucking over themselves with more free money......

Did China think Donald Trump was bluffing on trade? How Beijing got it wrong

Trump trade war: U.S. stock market is faring better than China's since dispute began

short term pain, for long term works well and lets face it, EVERYONE wants our market, now were expecting access to theirs....FINALLY

winning my Texas ass .

his big trade victory lost 81.7 MILLION TONS OF SOY BEAN SALES TO CHINA

F Trump
Who the fuck is yoda? You people have way too many 3rd grade nicknames for me to keep up?

Sent from my iPhone using
Your a youngster............LOL

Ross Perot..............

No, not a youngster, just did not have my “3rd grade nicknames” list handy.

And what does Perot have to do with the current discussion?

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The problem with blaming NAFTA for our manufacturing job losses is that under the first 6.5 year of NAFTA we added jobs in that sector and it was not till the recession of 2001 that changed.
The issue isn't we want tariffs, we want less tariffs, but I thought NAFTA removed those, yet here we find out Mexico and Canada still have strong tariffs on our goods. It has to be equal.

They have strong tariffs on some things and we have massive subsidies on other things.

We are not some innocent victim in all this. We play just as dirty as everyone else

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We may be dirty, but we're not near the other countries.....which is why we have products from every country, while it takes a miracle for us to export shit......I mean there are few areas we have a surplus in trade with.

This is about opening their markets to our products. And it will, we need to do this. I've been talking about this since the late 90s. It's about time we use the power and leverage of our markets, to open other markets.
I'm sure if China and the EU decided to end all their tariffs, we would consider doing the same. But till that happens, Trump's job is to look out for Americans first. So far, he's doing that. Good on em. :thup:
Trump has even stated that if they ended all tariffs, so would he. Makes sense.

Let's be real, China and the EU have enjoyed flucking Americans for several decades. The massive trade deficit with China is shocking. How was it allowed to happen? The answer is, Globalists who don't care about Americans have been in charge for too many years.

The Globalists have completely sold Americans out. Trump is exactly what so many have been waiting for. Finally, a US President fighting for Citizens again. Folks haven't seen that in a very long time. I wish Trump all the best.
Trump better start shittin' GOLD if he wants to balance the ripple effects of his tariffs - and do it before the sun goes down.
He's winning.
He got the EU to make concessions and China is starting to panic....they are fucking over themselves with more free money......

Did China think Donald Trump was bluffing on trade? How Beijing got it wrong

Trump trade war: U.S. stock market is faring better than China's since dispute began

short term pain, for long term works well and lets face it, EVERYONE wants our market, now were expecting access to theirs....FINALLY

winning my Texas ass .

his big trade victory lost 81.7 MILLION TONS OF SOY BEAN SALES TO CHINA

F Trump
you are a moron. you look at things like a 5 year old. you do realize that things effect other things and down the line other impacts happen. So we do, but when China caves, we'll see them soybeans and a lot more's a no lose.....China wants our market, we know it, they know it and they need to play fair....I don't see how this is hard to comprehend.
Your a youngster............LOL

Ross Perot..............

No, not a youngster, just did not have my “3rd grade nicknames” list handy.

And what does Perot have to do with the current discussion?

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The problem with blaming NAFTA for our manufacturing job losses is that under the first 6.5 year of NAFTA we added jobs in that sector and it was not till the recession of 2001 that changed.
The issue isn't we want tariffs, we want less tariffs, but I thought NAFTA removed those, yet here we find out Mexico and Canada still have strong tariffs on our goods. It has to be equal.

They have strong tariffs on some things and we have massive subsidies on other things.

We are not some innocent victim in all this. We play just as dirty as everyone else

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We may be dirty, but we're not near the other countries.....which is why we have products from every country, while it takes a miracle for us to export shit......I mean there are few areas we have a surplus in trade with.

This is about opening their markets to our products. And it will, we need to do this. I've been talking about this since the late 90s. It's about time we use the power and leverage of our markets, to open other markets.

We have products from every country because we the people have the wealth to buy them.

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The bottom line is Trump got the top 2 people in the EU representing trade to come to Washington DC on their owe accord to talk about trade. Now per Trump and EU sources they have agreed to start negotiations to reduce tariffs on both sides except on automobiles. What else could anybody expect?

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