Trump trade victory with the EU.

Adding $12B to the already subsidized ag industry is a defeat. We wouldn’t be doing that if we were winning….
Trade disputes are a siege..................sides ramp it up to gain advantages in talks...........and measures are done to shore up the gates............

As I've surrendered before the battle ever began..............These issues need to be addressed........and you don't do it by being polite..........

We've been getting screwed for 2 decades.............time to challenge their asses..........

And can complain...................but you lost the tough ..........

So if Trump is not re-elected in 2020, you won’t utter a peep then right?

The way trade disputes are addressed is through the WTO….at least that is how grown ups do it. The kids in the white house? No.
And the WTO has been siding with the globalist...............and the WTO isn't doing a dang thing about China abuses..............

Got news for you...........we have gone toe to toe with these countries before.............and gotten better deals.............but you will not look at that.......Just playing the your all a bunch of kids.

Under GATT we told Japan to FO.........and in response they built plants here and put Americans to work............but that would make your argument suck that we shouldn't stand our ground against unfair Trade practices....

Wave your white flag with the other clown...........Mr. Never Trumper.

Do you have anything foreign made in your house?

Can you shop at Walmart and find American made goods..........LOL

You can always find American goods...the point is that you want cheaper goods that come from overseas. You are a globalist.
What's your major say you are Libertarian...........Libertarians say no industry should be subsidized........or chosen to win under Crony capitalism...................

Are you ditching your libertarian views.............because I believe business should rise or fall on their own...........and that is not the same as countering tariffs from other a trade war.

Why are you projecting on me your views? I am against the subsides, you are the one that never mentioned them till I brought them up. For me that includes the new 12 billion bailout.

I brought them up to try and show that the US is not some innocent victim in the realm of trade. We have a document that is almost 4000 pages long that list all the tariffs we charge on imports.

But that is not the story that people like you tell
12 billion is an emergency measure..............not normal policy........I don't favor paying people not to farm.

If you are for FREE trade.......then you should be against countries who use tariffs against us...............oops.........huh

Sort of like saying the guy who committed the triple homicide raids his kid's college fund to pay for his lawyer....
"its an emergency measure" he tells his wife.

He created the emergency...and now he's making all of us pay for it.
Whatever............your side and others surrender too dang easy..............concessions will come no matter how much TDS is presented......

They have been screwing us and have for decades........guess you like getting screwed by the world............Your name isn't Stormy is it. LOL

So if this is a trade war, wouldn't your buying foreign products make you an enemy combatant?
In your delusional many are up there........talking to you.....

Your side refuses to address that they are using protectionism against us............even your Union members are saying as much......enjoy your TDS.
Trade disputes are a siege..................sides ramp it up to gain advantages in talks...........and measures are done to shore up the gates............

As I've surrendered before the battle ever began..............These issues need to be addressed........and you don't do it by being polite..........

We've been getting screwed for 2 decades.............time to challenge their asses..........

And can complain...................but you lost the tough ..........

So if Trump is not re-elected in 2020, you won’t utter a peep then right?

The way trade disputes are addressed is through the WTO….at least that is how grown ups do it. The kids in the white house? No.
And the WTO has been siding with the globalist...............and the WTO isn't doing a dang thing about China abuses..............

Got news for you...........we have gone toe to toe with these countries before.............and gotten better deals.............but you will not look at that.......Just playing the your all a bunch of kids.

Under GATT we told Japan to FO.........and in response they built plants here and put Americans to work............but that would make your argument suck that we shouldn't stand our ground against unfair Trade practices....

Wave your white flag with the other clown...........Mr. Never Trumper.

Do you have anything foreign made in your house?

Can you shop at Walmart and find American made goods..........LOL

You can always find American goods...the point is that you want cheaper goods that come from overseas. You are a globalist.
And you are Trolling...........
So if Trump is not re-elected in 2020, you won’t utter a peep then right?

The way trade disputes are addressed is through the WTO….at least that is how grown ups do it. The kids in the white house? No.
And the WTO has been siding with the globalist...............and the WTO isn't doing a dang thing about China abuses..............

Got news for you...........we have gone toe to toe with these countries before.............and gotten better deals.............but you will not look at that.......Just playing the your all a bunch of kids.

Under GATT we told Japan to FO.........and in response they built plants here and put Americans to work............but that would make your argument suck that we shouldn't stand our ground against unfair Trade practices....

Wave your white flag with the other clown...........Mr. Never Trumper.

Do you have anything foreign made in your house?

Can you shop at Walmart and find American made goods..........LOL

You can always find American goods...the point is that you want cheaper goods that come from overseas. You are a globalist.
And you are Trolling...........

No, just pointing out your hypocrisy.
You decry globalism in one breath and say "thank you" with the other to the cashier when you take your foreign goods home with you from Wal Mart.

Why do you hate America?
And the WTO has been siding with the globalist...............and the WTO isn't doing a dang thing about China abuses..............

Got news for you...........we have gone toe to toe with these countries before.............and gotten better deals.............but you will not look at that.......Just playing the your all a bunch of kids.

Under GATT we told Japan to FO.........and in response they built plants here and put Americans to work............but that would make your argument suck that we shouldn't stand our ground against unfair Trade practices....

Wave your white flag with the other clown...........Mr. Never Trumper.

Do you have anything foreign made in your house?

Can you shop at Walmart and find American made goods..........LOL

You can always find American goods...the point is that you want cheaper goods that come from overseas. You are a globalist.
And you are Trolling...........

No, just pointing out your hypocrisy.
You decry globalism in one breath and say "thank you" with the other to the cashier when you take your foreign goods home with you from Wal Mart.

Why do you hate America?
As you refuse to address the tariffs placed against our goods............which isle in Walmart is aluminum and Steel.......where are the Volvo's and VW's in there...............pretty hard to hide auto's.............
Do you have anything foreign made in your house?

Can you shop at Walmart and find American made goods..........LOL

You can always find American goods...the point is that you want cheaper goods that come from overseas. You are a globalist.
And you are Trolling...........

No, just pointing out your hypocrisy.
You decry globalism in one breath and say "thank you" with the other to the cashier when you take your foreign goods home with you from Wal Mart.

Why do you hate America?
As you refuse to address the tariffs placed against our goods............
So? You're buying foreign goods; supporting Chinese jobs over Americans...that makes you an enemy combatant in your mind; right?

which isle in Walmart is aluminum and Steel.......
Probably hardware....the price of nails and screws has skyrocketed...
Economy | Fox News

The company is laying off workers thanks solely to the trade war.

Can you shop at Walmart and find American made goods..........LOL

You can always find American goods...the point is that you want cheaper goods that come from overseas. You are a globalist.
And you are Trolling...........

No, just pointing out your hypocrisy.
You decry globalism in one breath and say "thank you" with the other to the cashier when you take your foreign goods home with you from Wal Mart.

Why do you hate America?
As you refuse to address the tariffs placed against our goods............
So? You're buying foreign goods; supporting Chinese jobs over Americans...that makes you an enemy combatant in your mind; right?

which isle in Walmart is aluminum and Steel.......
Probably hardware....the price of nails and screws has skyrocketed...
Economy | Fox News

The company is laying off workers thanks solely to the trade war.
I've heard your stories Miss Doom and Gloom......and understand that this has happened before........No pain no gain............You surrendered before this began just like our nation has surrendered for 2 decades..........

We'll see the final result over time........

If you want instant chocolate..........
You can always find American goods...the point is that you want cheaper goods that come from overseas. You are a globalist.
And you are Trolling...........

No, just pointing out your hypocrisy.
You decry globalism in one breath and say "thank you" with the other to the cashier when you take your foreign goods home with you from Wal Mart.

Why do you hate America?
As you refuse to address the tariffs placed against our goods............
So? You're buying foreign goods; supporting Chinese jobs over Americans...that makes you an enemy combatant in your mind; right?

which isle in Walmart is aluminum and Steel.......
Probably hardware....the price of nails and screws has skyrocketed...
Economy | Fox News

The company is laying off workers thanks solely to the trade war.
I've heard your stories Miss Doom and Gloom......and understand that this has happened before........No pain no gain............You surrendered before this began just like our nation has surrendered for 2 decades..........
Well with agent provocateurs like yourself comrade, I'm not surprised we were "losing" the trade war. You like Chinese products better than American goods. Why do you hate America?

We'll see the final result over time........
We're seeing it already...
Inflation on the rise
PPI and CPI surging

Commies like you don't care about Americans.

If you want instant chocolate..........

I need some advice; what is better chocolate, Norwegian or Belgian? I figured I'd ask a globalist like yourself.
And you are Trolling...........

No, just pointing out your hypocrisy.
You decry globalism in one breath and say "thank you" with the other to the cashier when you take your foreign goods home with you from Wal Mart.

Why do you hate America?
As you refuse to address the tariffs placed against our goods............
So? You're buying foreign goods; supporting Chinese jobs over Americans...that makes you an enemy combatant in your mind; right?

which isle in Walmart is aluminum and Steel.......
Probably hardware....the price of nails and screws has skyrocketed...
Economy | Fox News

The company is laying off workers thanks solely to the trade war.
I've heard your stories Miss Doom and Gloom......and understand that this has happened before........No pain no gain............You surrendered before this began just like our nation has surrendered for 2 decades..........
Well with agent provocateurs like yourself comrade, I'm not surprised we were "losing" the trade war. You like Chinese products better than American goods. Why do you hate America?

We'll see the final result over time........
We're seeing it already...
Inflation on the rise
PPI and CPI surging

Commies like you don't care about Americans.

If you want instant chocolate..........

I need some advice; what is better chocolate, Norwegian or Belgian? I figured I'd ask a globalist like yourself.
You keep on Trolling girl..............

I agree with taking a stand............I don't care what names you call me anymore.........Your side has been doing it too long and your lover Obama and Hillary abused power to the likes I've never seen before...............

Want to see comrads..........look to Hillary and the idiots in Mexifornia.
No, just pointing out your hypocrisy.
You decry globalism in one breath and say "thank you" with the other to the cashier when you take your foreign goods home with you from Wal Mart.

Why do you hate America?
As you refuse to address the tariffs placed against our goods............
So? You're buying foreign goods; supporting Chinese jobs over Americans...that makes you an enemy combatant in your mind; right?

which isle in Walmart is aluminum and Steel.......
Probably hardware....the price of nails and screws has skyrocketed...
Economy | Fox News

The company is laying off workers thanks solely to the trade war.
I've heard your stories Miss Doom and Gloom......and understand that this has happened before........No pain no gain............You surrendered before this began just like our nation has surrendered for 2 decades..........
Well with agent provocateurs like yourself comrade, I'm not surprised we were "losing" the trade war. You like Chinese products better than American goods. Why do you hate America?

We'll see the final result over time........
We're seeing it already...
Inflation on the rise
PPI and CPI surging

Commies like you don't care about Americans.

If you want instant chocolate..........

I need some advice; what is better chocolate, Norwegian or Belgian? I figured I'd ask a globalist like yourself.
You keep on Trolling girl..............

I agree with taking a stand............I don't care what names you call me anymore.........Your side has been doing it too long and your lover Obama and Hillary abused power to the likes I've never seen before...............
Its not calling you names.

You prefer Chinese goods over American goods. You said so yourself there Comrade. My guess is that you like cheap prices and plentiful supplies; like most people.

But the problem is that you buy Chinese goods with your money while complaining that they are somehow "screwing us" on trade.

You are the problem.

If you have a problem with that, stop buying foreign goods. Will you? Of course not. You're the classic case of a dumbass; you complain about the problems you create.
I have no problem with you consuming foreign goods...I do have a problem with the hypocrisy. My guess (and you know I'm right)...if Trump hadn't told you to be pissed about wouldn't say a peep. Am I right? You know I am.

Like did you know we have an issue with SS Disability in this nation? Something like $260B is spent on it; about 2/3 of the trade deficit you're so suddenly concerned about. The overwhelming majority of these people are not anywhere near being disabled and they go to persons of all age ranges. One county in Alabama has a quarter of it's population on SSD. Back pain and mental issues make up about 1/2 of the people on SSD. Are you upset about this? No. Why? Your messiah hasn't pointed you in that direction. Like a good little sheep, you say "Baaa" when your master tells you to.

Want to see comrads..........look to Hillary and the idiots in Mexifornia.

Ahh...I wondered when the Clintons would be mentioned. The playbook is getting too predictable there Comrade.
As you refuse to address the tariffs placed against our goods............
So? You're buying foreign goods; supporting Chinese jobs over Americans...that makes you an enemy combatant in your mind; right?

which isle in Walmart is aluminum and Steel.......
Probably hardware....the price of nails and screws has skyrocketed...
Economy | Fox News

The company is laying off workers thanks solely to the trade war.
I've heard your stories Miss Doom and Gloom......and understand that this has happened before........No pain no gain............You surrendered before this began just like our nation has surrendered for 2 decades..........
Well with agent provocateurs like yourself comrade, I'm not surprised we were "losing" the trade war. You like Chinese products better than American goods. Why do you hate America?

We'll see the final result over time........
We're seeing it already...
Inflation on the rise
PPI and CPI surging

Commies like you don't care about Americans.

If you want instant chocolate..........

I need some advice; what is better chocolate, Norwegian or Belgian? I figured I'd ask a globalist like yourself.
You keep on Trolling girl..............

I agree with taking a stand............I don't care what names you call me anymore.........Your side has been doing it too long and your lover Obama and Hillary abused power to the likes I've never seen before...............
Its not calling you names.

You prefer Chinese goods over American goods. You said so yourself there Comrade. My guess is that you like cheap prices and plentiful supplies; like most people.

But the problem is that you buy Chinese goods with your money while complaining that they are somehow "screwing us" on trade.

You are the problem.

If you have a problem with that, stop buying foreign goods. Will you? Of course not. You're the classic case of a dumbass; you complain about the problems you create.
I have no problem with you consuming foreign goods...I do have a problem with the hypocrisy. My guess (and you know I'm right)...if Trump hadn't told you to be pissed about wouldn't say a peep. Am I right? You know I am.

Like did you know we have an issue with SS Disability in this nation? Something like $260B is spent on it; about 2/3 of the trade deficit you're so suddenly concerned about. The overwhelming majority of these people are not anywhere near being disabled and they go to persons of all age ranges. One county in Alabama has a quarter of it's population on SSD. Back pain and mental issues make up about 1/2 of the people on SSD. Are you upset about this? No. Why? Your messiah hasn't pointed you in that direction. Like a good little sheep, you say "Baaa" when your master tells you to.

Want to see comrads..........look to Hillary and the idiots in Mexifornia.

Ahh...I wondered when the Clintons would be mentioned. The playbook is getting too predictable there Comrade.
Baloney................just your spinning the thread out of context of Reality...............

Deflection is all you have...................The EU isn't gonna give us everything we want..........and they aren't gonna get everything they want either.

But there will be compromises on both sides..............aka the purpose of calling them out............

Now run along and run on banning ICE and higher taxes.............your sure to win with that strategy...........LOL
Guess old ego there couldn't handle the truth.

Was posting on other threads.............LOL

And I'm about to go cut the grass.............Not Mary Jane like in California.......was waiting for it to dry we have rain here.........Not so much in California................they could use some of this.............

Elections have consequences..............You lost............and are still losing.:hello77:
EU knows how to play Trump

Tell him how great he is, toss him a small bone, let him declare victory and move on
So? You're buying foreign goods; supporting Chinese jobs over Americans...that makes you an enemy combatant in your mind; right?

Probably hardware....the price of nails and screws has skyrocketed...
Economy | Fox News

The company is laying off workers thanks solely to the trade war.
I've heard your stories Miss Doom and Gloom......and understand that this has happened before........No pain no gain............You surrendered before this began just like our nation has surrendered for 2 decades..........
Well with agent provocateurs like yourself comrade, I'm not surprised we were "losing" the trade war. You like Chinese products better than American goods. Why do you hate America?

We'll see the final result over time........
We're seeing it already...
Inflation on the rise
PPI and CPI surging

Commies like you don't care about Americans.

If you want instant chocolate..........

I need some advice; what is better chocolate, Norwegian or Belgian? I figured I'd ask a globalist like yourself.
You keep on Trolling girl..............

I agree with taking a stand............I don't care what names you call me anymore.........Your side has been doing it too long and your lover Obama and Hillary abused power to the likes I've never seen before...............
Its not calling you names.

You prefer Chinese goods over American goods. You said so yourself there Comrade. My guess is that you like cheap prices and plentiful supplies; like most people.

But the problem is that you buy Chinese goods with your money while complaining that they are somehow "screwing us" on trade.

You are the problem.

If you have a problem with that, stop buying foreign goods. Will you? Of course not. You're the classic case of a dumbass; you complain about the problems you create.
I have no problem with you consuming foreign goods...I do have a problem with the hypocrisy. My guess (and you know I'm right)...if Trump hadn't told you to be pissed about wouldn't say a peep. Am I right? You know I am.

Like did you know we have an issue with SS Disability in this nation? Something like $260B is spent on it; about 2/3 of the trade deficit you're so suddenly concerned about. The overwhelming majority of these people are not anywhere near being disabled and they go to persons of all age ranges. One county in Alabama has a quarter of it's population on SSD. Back pain and mental issues make up about 1/2 of the people on SSD. Are you upset about this? No. Why? Your messiah hasn't pointed you in that direction. Like a good little sheep, you say "Baaa" when your master tells you to.

Want to see comrads..........look to Hillary and the idiots in Mexifornia.

Ahh...I wondered when the Clintons would be mentioned. The playbook is getting too predictable there Comrade.
Baloney................just your spinning the thread out of context of Reality...............

Deflection is all you have...................The EU isn't gonna give us everything we want..........and they aren't gonna get everything they want either.

But there will be compromises on both sides..............aka the purpose of calling them out............

Now run along and run on banning ICE and higher taxes.............your sure to win with that strategy...........LOL

Reality? You criticize our trade deficit but you contribute to it willfully. That is reality. You are the problem.
The threats of huge automotive tariffs brings the EU to the table.
On top of that we are going to send in more fuel which is a slap in the face to RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA ...

Interesting - you have the same word for heating material and ... oh - you don't have a concrete word for "Treibstoff". Fuel for use in motors and fuel for use in heating are not the same word in the German language - and I guess that's the same in most other European languages too. Wood is for example a good material for heating but not a good material for motors. Germany has for sure not any problem to buy fuel from the USA (LPG for motor cycles) and to buy fuel from Russia (natural gas for heating) too. But in case of LPG "the USA" has to invest some money first here in Germany, if "the USA" likes to sell LPG here in bigger quantities, because we don't have a good infrastructure for LPG.

And let me give also a comment to your hate statement in the end of your speech ("...slap in the face to RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA..."). Russians don't hate Germans and Germans don't hate Russians. War is over.

It's by the way a torture to have to see US-American news. You mix information and entertainment in a very strange way. Feels like desinformation.

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