Trump: “Tranny workers not protected by civil rights law”

It cost a lot of money to try to change their gender, and In reality. It doesn't, you cannot change your DNA.
a lot of medical procedures codt a lot of money. Why does it matter if it is a trannie?
You spend all that money and if you are a man in the beginning of the costly procedure. After all the money and suffering. In the end, you're still a man.

Why does it matter to you?
If it is paying for it, nothing. But if insurance pays for it, then who ever is with that insurance company is paying for it.

So what?

I don’t get to pick and choose which of YOUR medical procedures you can have done just because I share the same insurance.
Insurance should be for health related purposes only. If you need a pill to get your pecker hard. Pay for it yourself. If you want birth control pay for it. Insurance should only be for medical care. Not what I want to pay for is what people think they need. If a man wants to chop his pecker off. He needs mental care.
What "future authoritarian government" do you envision? It seems clear to me that Donald Trump, already a megalomaniac, will if reelected destroy our democratically elected Republican government, and the law of the land, COTUS, to suit his needs.

So wait......
You DO believe in Government Tyranny?.......

Wait....then you must not really believe what you are saying about Trump since you're still a frequent rider on the Gun Grabber Train

If you really believed what you said about Trump you'd be all for gun rights. Sumting wery wery fishy here.....Caught you in another.........

No you didn't, first I'm not a gun grabber, in fact there are very few on this message board who are.

I'll repeat for the Nth time, I support the right of all sane, sober and law abiding citizens to own or possess a firearm.

Trump has no ideology, if grabbing guns would get him elected he would do so by issuing an EO, and declaring an emergency. Of course EO's are not mentioned in Art. II, and in doing so maybe they would be found by the Supreme Court to be unconstitutional, if and when the megalomaniac trump is pushes an envelope too far.
Why do you hate trannies?

As much as those of you on the left wrong want to force it to be so, it is not “hate” to recognize the destructive folly of forcing society to treat mental illness and delusions as truth.
Trump: “Tranny workers not protected by civil rights law”
Why do you hate trannies?

Offering sex for money is not generally a protected line of work.

The haters are too busy coercing sex and robbing the transgender, and denying them legitimate employment, housing & medical care.
Why do you hate trannies?

As much as those of you on the left wrong want to force it to be so, it is not “hate” to recognize the destructive folly of forcing society to treat mental illness and delusions as truth.

This ^^^ makes no sense.

The Q. was: Why do you hate trannies? No one is forcing you to not hate members of the LGBTQ communites, in fact I suppose you do.

I agree with Coyote, nothing anyone member of that community has done has harmed me in any manner. Live and let live works for me too.

Hate however, when focused on people (yes they are people too) whose sexual orientation is alien to you, and you choose to hate them, is something I find to be pathological.
a lot of medical procedures codt a lot of money. Why does it matter if it is a trannie?
You spend all that money and if you are a man in the beginning of the costly procedure. After all the money and suffering. In the end, you're still a man.

Why does it matter to you?
If it is paying for it, nothing. But if insurance pays for it, then who ever is with that insurance company is paying for it.

So what?

I don’t get to pick and choose which of YOUR medical procedures you can have done just because I share the same insurance.
Insurance should be for health related purposes only. If you need a pill to get your pecker hard. Pay for it yourself. If you want birth control pay for it. Insurance should only be for medical care. Not what I want to pay for is what people think they need. If a man wants to chop his pecker off. He needs mental care.
All of those examples are health related. I don’t have an issue with insurance covering it.
As much as those of you on the left wrong want to force it to be so, it is not “hate” to recognize the destructive folly of forcing society to treat mental illness and delusions as truth.
This ^^^ makes no sense.

The Q. was: Why do you hate trannies? No one is forcing you to not hate members of the LGBTQ communites, in fact I suppose you do.

I agree with Coyote, nothing anyone member of that community has done has harmed me in any manner. Live and let live works for me too.

Hate however, when focused on people (yes they are people too) whose sexual orientation is alien to you, and you choose to hate them, is something I find to be pathological.

It makes perfect sense to someone who is sane.

If your brain is so f•••ed up that you are confused about the difference between men and women, and think that “trannies” are anything better than mentally- and morally-defective freaks, then it is no surprise that you don't think my remarks make sense. But that's your issue, not mine, nor that of any other sane person.
The point is not acceptance, the point is the forceful imposition of everything they want.
Don't use the wrong gender pronoun.
Don't tell me what restroom I must use.
Don't tell me we can't have "Transgender Story Hour."
Don't tell me we can't teach "twerking" in aid "story hour."
As much as those of you on the left wrong want to force it to be so, it is not “hate” to recognize the destructive folly of forcing society to treat mental illness and delusions as truth.
This ^^^ makes no sense.

The Q. was: Why do you hate trannies? No one is forcing you to not hate members of the LGBTQ communites, in fact I suppose you do.

I agree with Coyote, nothing anyone member of that community has done has harmed me in any manner. Live and let live works for me too.

Hate however, when focused on people (yes they are people too) whose sexual orientation is alien to you, and you choose to hate them, is something I find to be pathological.

It makes perfect sense to someone who is sane.

If your brain is so f•••ed up that you are confused about the difference between men and women, and think that “trannies” are anything better than mentally- and morally-defective freaks, then it is no surprise that you don't think my remarks make sense. But that's your issue, not mine, nor that of any other sane person.

This is your opinion, and not based on any facts that I've researched. Here below is an article which may cause you to think before calling someone "mentally- and morally-defective freaks"; some who have gender dysphoria can be as young as a 4-year old.

What Is Gender Dysphoria?
Fake Gender Invented to cover the shame of Homosexuality.

This dude is hell-bent on working for America’s Best....WINNING!
Your thoughts?
Trans workers not protected by civil rights law, Trump admin tells high court
It's my business if I have a kid in a school
With a Trans Gender Pedophile trying to recruit children in to their sick lifestyles.

Why do you hate trannies?

I don’t hate Trannies...I like societal boundaries and self control...don’t you?

Yes. I do.

Boundaries that tell me it is none of my business what gender a person identifies as, since it has zero effect on me.

Self control in that I will that that person as I would any other.

Wouldn’t you agree?
There are a bunch of bigoted lunatics here. We got people here talking about holding society to standards exhibiting standards that should not be accepted in any society. Then they talk about normalcy using abnormal beliefs. Who gives a rats ass whether a person decides they are trans? I am a man, that's what I am going to be. if my neighbor is trans, they do not lose their humanity. Therefore they are deserved of the same respect any other human gets. That's the standard.
There are a bunch of bigoted lunatics here. We got people here talking about holding society to standards exhibiting standards that should not be accepted in any society. Then they talk about normalcy using abnormal beliefs. Who gives a rats ass whether a person decides they are trans? I am a man, that's what I am going to be. if my neighbor is trans, they do not lose their humanity. Therefore they are deserved of the same respect any other human gets. That's the standard.
Normalizing sexual deviants and perverts is not a sane, sustainable answer.
There are a bunch of bigoted lunatics here. We got people here talking about holding society to standards exhibiting standards that should not be accepted in any society. Then they talk about normalcy using abnormal beliefs. Who gives a rats ass whether a person decides they are trans? I am a man, that's what I am going to be. if my neighbor is trans, they do not lose their humanity. Therefore they are deserved of the same respect any other human gets. That's the standard.
If you are a black guy what I saw in the inner cities when I worked there on how gays were treated was not what you spout.
There are a bunch of bigoted lunatics here. We got people here talking about holding society to standards exhibiting standards that should not be accepted in any society. Then they talk about normalcy using abnormal beliefs. Who gives a rats ass whether a person decides they are trans? I am a man, that's what I am going to be. if my neighbor is trans, they do not lose their humanity. Therefore they are deserved of the same respect any other human gets. That's the standard.

At least 50% of "trans" people ain't even gay. Just boring fucks who jumped on a bandwagon so they can claim victimhood. they're muscling in on your territory.
Why do you hate trannies?

I don’t hate Trannies...I like societal boundaries and self control...don’t you?

Yes. I do.

Boundaries that tell me it is none of my business what gender a person identifies as, since it has zero effect on me.

Self control in that I will that that person as I would any other.

Wouldn’t you agree?
it will affect you when some perverted man dressed up as a woman is allowed to enter women's bathrooms dressing rooms and locker rooms to satisfy his sexual perversion with your girlfriend wife or female child
There are a bunch of bigoted lunatics here. We got people here talking about holding society to standards exhibiting standards that should not be accepted in any society. Then they talk about normalcy using abnormal beliefs. Who gives a rats ass whether a person decides they are trans? I am a man, that's what I am going to be. if my neighbor is trans, they do not lose their humanity. Therefore they are deserved of the same respect any other human gets. That's the standard.
Normalizing sexual deviants and perverts is not a sane, sustainable answer.

Your bigotry is what's not sane.

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