Trump Trillion Dollar Deficits Are Here To Stay For The Duration


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
U.S. Budget Gap Hits $600 Billion in First Half of Fiscal Year

Trump Trillion-Dollar Budget Deficits Officially Begin This Week

The new U.S. normal of $1 trillion or more annual federal budget deficits will officially begin this week when the Congressional Budget Office releases its economic and budget outlook report showing that the deficit will be at least that high every year Donald Trump is president.

This is not the fault of the Republican House. This is not the fault of the Republican Senate. This is not the fault of the Republican President.

This is somehow the fault of Democrats and homos and Mexicans and Muslims.

The deficit was plunging until the Republicans took over Congress. Then, a year after they took over, deficits began skyrocketing again. And now, with a fake Republican President, deficits are skyrocketing even faster.

But it's Woodrow Wilson's fault, I tell ya!
Eight years of whining over Obama's debts.

Not a peep out of the stinking hypocrites about the accelerating deficits since January 20, 2017!
Yet if he cuts spending you bed wetters will howl about starving children and old people in the streets...
We are going to be saddled with Obama's ten trillion in debt for a few generations, aren't we?

Of course Trump has a plan to grow the economy and bring in more government revenue.

That dumbshit Obama had no plan except to borrow the money from China and never think how he was going to pay it back.
U.S. Budget Gap Hits $600 Billion in First Half of Fiscal Year

Trump Trillion-Dollar Budget Deficits Officially Begin This Week

The new U.S. normal of $1 trillion or more annual federal budget deficits will officially begin this week when the Congressional Budget Office releases its economic and budget outlook report showing that the deficit will be at least that high every year Donald Trump is president.

This is not the fault of the Republican House. This is not the fault of the Republican Senate. This is not the fault of the Republican President.

This is somehow the fault of Democrats and homos and Mexicans and Muslims.

The deficit was plunging until the Republicans took over Congress. Then, a year after they took over, deficits began skyrocketing again. And now, with a fake Republican President, deficits are skyrocketing even faster.

But it's Woodrow Wilson's fault, I tell ya!

The Kenyan Zulu was the first U.S. President in history to spend more on welfare than on the military. He launched unsustainable free shit programs, he grossly neglected our infrastructure and through policy he told America’s Best to fuck themselves while he handed out cell phones in the ghettos and barrios and extended personal invites to wetbacks to steal from good Americans.
This administration has had to clean up after the Zulu. Weird huh, who would have thought that a Zulu would act like a Zulu does?
Isn't is amazing how these stupid dumbshit Libtards never said a word about Obama's massive ten trillion in debt but are now bitching about Trump's debt?
And now we got us a deficit hawk.

I have been speaking out against the debt since I came to this forum, and you know it.

Bearing false witness is a Top Ten sin, you know.

This is how incredibly stupid and short-sighted you Trump lickspittles are.

Every day, you are bitch slapped by your own benchmarks you set during the eight years of the Obama Administration. And boy do you HATE that!

Yet it doesn't stop you from setting all new benchmarks. Being okay with serial adultery. Being okay with hiring some of the worst scum to work in government. Being okay with traitorous behaviors. Being okay with massive deficits. Being okay with abusing the powers of the presidency to punish critics.

Smearing people with false witness.

On and on and on.

Man, this shit is going to come back to haunt you, just like your past remarks have. Bigly.
Isn't is amazing how these stupid dumbshit Libtards never said a word about Obama's massive ten trillion in debt but are now bitching about Trump's debt?

Isn't is amazing how these stupid dumbshit Faux-Cons whined about Obama's massive ten trillion in debt but are now cheering about Trump's debt?

You wing nuts are the same, it matters not which way you lean. Party before country is your mantra
Isn't is amazing how these stupid dumbshit Libtards never said a word about Obama's massive ten trillion in debt but are now bitching about Trump's debt?
Nice try.

I have been speaking out against the debt since I came to this forum.

You are too weak minded and too submissive to criticize Trump for accelerating the debt. You parrot what you are told to parrot, bleev what you are told to bleev, and blind yourself to your own hypocrisies and those of your propagandists.

And now we got us a deficit hawk.

I have been speaking out against the debt since I came to this forum, and you know it.

Bearing false witness is a Top Ten sin, you know.

This is how incredibly stupid and short-sighted you Trump lickspittles are.

Every day, you are bitch slapped by your own benchmarks you set during the eight years of the Obama Administration. And boy do you HATE that!

Yet it doesn't stop you from setting all new benchmarks. Being okay with serial adultery. Being okay with hiring some of the worst scum to work in government. Being okay with traitorous behaviors. Being okay with massive deficits. Being okay with abusing the powers of the presidency to punish critics.

Smearing people with false witness.

On and on and on.

Man, this shit is going to come back to haunt you, just like your past remarks have. Bigly.

Ok look, besides being a legend in your own mind you have now taken on the role of the Holy Spirit...THAT will come back to bite you BIGLY.
U.S. Budget Gap Hits $600 Billion in First Half of Fiscal Year

Trump Trillion-Dollar Budget Deficits Officially Begin This Week

The new U.S. normal of $1 trillion or more annual federal budget deficits will officially begin this week when the Congressional Budget Office releases its economic and budget outlook report showing that the deficit will be at least that high every year Donald Trump is president.

This is not the fault of the Republican House. This is not the fault of the Republican Senate. This is not the fault of the Republican President.

This is somehow the fault of Democrats and homos and Mexicans and Muslims.

The deficit was plunging until the Republicans took over Congress. Then, a year after they took over, deficits began skyrocketing again. And now, with a fake Republican President, deficits are skyrocketing even faster.

But it's Woodrow Wilson's fault, I tell ya!
U.S. Budget Gap Hits $600 Billion in First Half of Fiscal Year

Trump Trillion-Dollar Budget Deficits Officially Begin This Week

The new U.S. normal of $1 trillion or more annual federal budget deficits will officially begin this week when the Congressional Budget Office releases its economic and budget outlook report showing that the deficit will be at least that high every year Donald Trump is president.

This is not the fault of the Republican House. This is not the fault of the Republican Senate. This is not the fault of the Republican President.

This is somehow the fault of Democrats and homos and Mexicans and Muslims.

The deficit was plunging until the Republicans took over Congress. Then, a year after they took over, deficits began skyrocketing again. And now, with a fake Republican President, deficits are skyrocketing even faster.

But it's Woodrow Wilson's fault, I tell ya!
Thank you.

At least one person remembers my years of posting on how to balance our budget and lower tax rates for EVERYONE at the same time.

So these weak attempts to claim I never cared about debt during Obama are just so much fucking bullshit. And the tards know it. They got nothing.
And now we got us a deficit hawk.

I have been speaking out against the debt since I came to this forum, and you know it.

Bearing false witness is a Top Ten sin, you know.

This is how incredibly stupid and short-sighted you Trump lickspittles are.

Every day, you are bitch slapped by your own benchmarks you set during the eight years of the Obama Administration. And boy do you HATE that!

Yet it doesn't stop you from setting all new benchmarks. Being okay with serial adultery. Being okay with hiring some of the worst scum to work in government. Being okay with traitorous behaviors. Being okay with massive deficits. Being okay with abusing the powers of the presidency to punish critics.

Smearing people with false witness.

On and on and on.

Man, this shit is going to come back to haunt you, just like your past remarks have. Bigly.

Enough of your false prophet shit... that's gonna come back and haunt you... like YUGE.
It's funny watching people claim g5000 is suddenly concerned with the debt. Since I've been here, he hasn't really shut up about the debt.

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