Trump Trying to Incite another Insurrection/riot?

Like those lies you spew about Biden bull shit bill he signed taking 34 million Americans out of property? When in 2021 there were only 24 million?

I never said he lifted 34 million Americans out of poverty. I said 12 million.
And in 2021 - there were 37 million living n poverty,
Jan 6th was a riot, nota protest.

trump is at it again.

You took the bait

there were over 100,000 protestors there that day, had they been rioters there would be no way the capitol police would have gotten it under control. What is known by videos we have seen was that along the front lines of the protest, capitol police or others shot tear gas into a crowd that was simply standing there, and antagonized them as well. It was not simply a one sided thing, one has to wonder if Pelosi didnt want national Guard present because her hired cops were under orders to create more unrest.
there were over 100,000 protestors there that day, had they been rioters there would be no way the capitol police would have gotten it under control. What is known by videos we have seen was that along the front lines of the protest, capitol police or others shot tear gas into a crowd that was simply standing there, and antagonized them as well. It was not simply a one sided thing, one has to wonder if Pelosi didnt want national Guard present because her hired cops were under orders to create more unrest.
What we know from videos is that the rioters grew angry and violent very quickly, then stormed the Capitol and started attacking and beating cops very very quickly.

Soon enough the Insurrectionists were too many and they over ran the police using force, violence, and numbers, beating cops in their path. And its all on video and 100% undeniable.

Your videos are from hours after the riot. The January 6th Trump Insurrection was very peaceful... If you ignore the first 2 hours of Trump rioters beating and attacking police repeatedly and breaking into the Caiptol, in a disgrace.

It's astonishing that two decades ago Republicans argued that lying about a blowjob was the epitome of lawlessness and now they are ready to burn the country for a guy who has broken half the United States code.

Why do y'all get everything wrong?
I never said he lifted 34 million Americans out of poverty. I said 12 million.
And in 2021 - there were 37 million living n poverty,
Here is what you said
"You forgot about the American Rescue Plan which lifted 45 million Americans out of poverty, which the Biden Administration wants to make permanent. This is the biggest poverty reduction in American history, and this has helped to limit the impact of the worldwide inflation and high gas prices."
You forgot about the American Rescue Plan which lifted 45 million Americans out of poverty, which the Biden Administration wants to make permanent. This is the biggest poverty reduction in American history, and this has helped to limit the impact of the worldwide inflation and high gas prices.

Biden wasn't responsible for the record high prices, which are world wide, but he is the world leader who has shown the greatest success in lowering gas prices. We're still paying about $1.10 a gallon more than we were before the pandemic in Southern 0ntario. My electric bill went up 30% this year.

These people have less debt, less illness, less poverty, and full employment. All things they didn't have under Donald Trump.
I don’t think there will be another riot. You had idiots riot for Trump in the past, and they received zero help from him. I hope we’re taking precautions, but I don’t think there’s going to be a riot
Only the racist corrupt dirty trash cops voted for Trump.

All the good ones did not because they know Trump is a corrupt crook and a liar, and people of character do not support Trump or MAGA trash.

Only weaklings are impressed by a POS that lost the election, couldn't handle the L, and cried like a bitch and made up election fraud lies that got destroyed in every court

The snipers will make short work of you people if you ever pull another Jan 6th Insurrection again. You got lucky because you had numbers and you overran the brave and outnumbered cops. Next time, a few head shots will sit you down and shut you up, no more Insurrection.
Triggered little racist bitch
It's astonishing that two decades ago Republicans argued that lying about a blowjob was the epitome of lawlessness and now they are ready to burn the country for a guy who has broken half the United States code.
That's a lie but I expect that from someone who is living a lie
Number of coups attempted by Trump: 1
Number of coups attempted by every other Presidential candidate since the Civil War: 0

And yet the Orange Cult thinks they give a shit about America! LOL
Number of coups attempted by Trump: 1
Number of coups attempted by every other Presidential candidate since the Civil War: 0

And yet the Orange Cult thinks they give a shit about America! LOL
Their was a coup between 2017-2021
By cult members of the democrat party
When the debate is lost slander becomes the tool of the loser

You just posted a load of whiny little crybaby non sense.
I post facts, you cry like a bitch and hurl unfounded fabricated accusations.

Fact: Trump lost the election and then was too weak to man up and accept his lost so he cried and whined and told you people there was fraud when there wasn't. Then he lost all court cases and had all the credible people in our entire country come out and say Trump is lying about fraud. Then Trump lied to his idiot supporters on Jan 6th and you people rioted at the Capitol in a total display of shame and disgrace and it was all on camera and we all saw it happen. We all saw you people acting like total fuckin fools. Total trash.

Now trump is trying to do it again. He is trying to low key stoke the beginnings of another Insurrection, just like he did pre Jan 6th.

these are the facts, man up and deal with them.
More about January 6 but nothing about the BLM riots nothing about the antiwhite insanity in America. Nothing about the racist job quotas my friend you are on the wrong side of history

So it’s OK for Al Gore to protest the 2000 election but not Donald Trump for 2020.? You’re on the wrong side of history you buy the propaganda CNN and the neoconservatives sells to you.

Do you think it’s a joke don’t you. Drag shows for children how we literally have politicians who think it’s OK for a child to get a sex change operation. You’re on the wrong side of history

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