Trump unveils “Lower Drug Prices For Americans”...Lefties must be pissed?

They hate anything aimed at benefiting REAL Americans.
This dude is such a badass...he’s always looking to piss the Left off...haha
I wonder how many good, REAL Americans are offended by ‘American Patients First’?
Trump promises to ‘derail the gravy train’ and lower drug prices in ‘American Patients First’ plan

It doesn't take much for a charlatan like Trump to fool his cult members....

Trump PROMISED to have Medicare negotiate with big pharmas on LOWER drug prices......what we get instead is yet another bullshit photo op,

......[Trump's] plan will not include giving the federal Medicare program power to directly negotiate prices with drug makers. Trump campaigned on the idea, which is vigorously opposed by the pharmaceutical industry....."
Bush said the same thing, so did Obama

But when the pharmacy lobby comes knocking on the door, they change their tune and we end up with a law that protects their profits and limits competition
I’ll believe it when I see it

Why doesn’t Trump force the drug companies to negotiate prices like other countries do?

Seems mostly rhetoric

I didn't read the article because you have to be a subscriber. However I've had this discussion with my cousin who is a retired research doctor and yes, very liberal.

Much of the cost of drugs are because of government, so it would seem sensible to look at government to lower the cost.

My cousin sent me an article years ago from a drug manufacturers prospective. It takes anywhere from three to ten years of testing and government paperwork to get a new drug to the market. Then it has to get FDA approval. This costs hundreds of millions of dollars.

So what happens after all these years of money spending and the FDA doesn't approve of the drug for market? They transfer those losses to their other products and those existing prescriptions go up in price.

So government is the first step into lowering drug costs.
Gov't pays for a good deal of the R&D......

They take tax deductions on remaining R and D costs.

USA is the only Nation prevented by law, from negotiating bulk discounts for drug price....thanks to republicans......

So why didn’t Obama or the Democrats change the law when the reformed healthcare? It seems to me politicians aren’t interested changing the law.
Flash has it backward. It was Bush with the help of the GOP Congresses that created the conditions that Obama helped to end, increased poverty, increased income disparity, higher taxes, and poor economic growth.

Thanks, President Obama.
Bush said the same thing, so did Obama

But when the pharmacy lobby comes knocking on the door, they change their tune and we end up with a law that protects their profits and limits competition

Couldn't agree more....the GREATEST flaw with the ACA was Obama's inability to lower the drug costs.......

We should ALL be aware (regardless of party) that the freaking Congress actually passed a law PROHIBITING medicare from negotiating for lower drug is rumored that big pharma actually WROTE the law and told the whores in congress to simply pass it.
Bush said the same thing, so did Obama

But when the pharmacy lobby comes knocking on the door, they change their tune and we end up with a law that protects their profits and limits competition

Couldn't agree more....the GREATEST flaw with the ACA was Obama's inability to lower the drug costs.......

We should ALL be aware (regardless of party) that the freaking Congress actually passed a law PROHIBITING medicare from negotiating for lower drug is rumored that big pharma actually WROTE the law and told the whores in congress to simply pass it.

All of these laws only make the drug companies more money. No negotiating prices, no demands for the best worldwide prices, block importing drugs from overseas, extend patent protections, limit the advertising of prices, limit competition
They hate anything aimed at benefiting REAL Americans.
This dude is such a badass...he’s always looking to piss the Left off...haha
I wonder how many good, REAL Americans are offended by ‘American Patients First’?
Trump promises to ‘derail the gravy train’ and lower drug prices in ‘American Patients First’ plan
Their are rumors that the Street Dealer are talking about going on strike because it cut into the profit margin. LOL I tried to make a funny but it could happen.
Bush said the same thing, so did Obama

But when the pharmacy lobby comes knocking on the door, they change their tune and we end up with a law that protects their profits and limits competition

Couldn't agree more....the GREATEST flaw with the ACA was Obama's inability to lower the drug costs.......

We should ALL be aware (regardless of party) that the freaking Congress actually passed a law PROHIBITING medicare from negotiating for lower drug is rumored that big pharma actually WROTE the law and told the whores in congress to simply pass it.

Years ago I began to notice my insulin getting more and more expensive. It finally got to the point of almost unaffordable. What started at $25.00 a vial when I first became diabetic quickly went to $80.00 a vial.

In searching for the reason, I came up empty handed. I went all over Google, contacted the manufacturers themselves, and asked medical professionals. Nothing.

That was until I asked a pharmacist at my grocery store. She told me that Walmart made their own generic insulin, and perhaps I should try that. Walmart insulin? Not a chance.

After several months, I figured WTF have I got to lose, so I went to Walmart and found their brand only $25.00 per vial like I used to pay. But that wasn't the most shocking part. The most shocking part is that it was the exact same medication I've always purchased. Same manufacturer, same packaging, and the only difference was a ® on the box which stood for Walmart's generic name Reliance.

Bottom line: what Walmart did was make a dirty deal with the pharmaceutical company. They got my medication at bulk and sold it for a third of the price of any other pharmacy. To recoup some of that loss, the pharmaceutical company increased prices on everybody else. So if you had prescription coverage, you never questioned the price increases or cost. It was covered. If you paid cash like I did, you got screwed to the wall.

When we talk about Medicare negotiating prices, it would indeed bring down the cost of medications. However they are not just going to take the loss. They will increase the price of that same medication to those of us not on Medicare.

Nothing gained, nothing lost.
I see no reason why Medicare can’t negotiate lower prices with drug companies....None

We should DEMAND that we pay the same low prices other countries pay

Other than politicians are in the pockets of drug companies

This is not partisan
Bush 43 failed to do it in Medicare Part D
Obama failed to do it in Obamacare
Now Trump is passing on the opportunity

Hillary's Vaccine Shortage

And when you demand a product for less than it costs to make, the company will go out of business or quit selling to that particular market.
They hate anything aimed at benefiting REAL Americans.
This dude is such a badass...he’s always looking to piss the Left off...haha
I wonder how many good, REAL Americans are offended by ‘American Patients First’?
Trump promises to ‘derail the gravy train’ and lower drug prices in ‘American Patients First’ plan

Trump says and tweets all the time. The best advice with him, and most Pols, is this: Watch their feet, not their lips (it is NOT what they say, it is WHAT THEY DO).
Pelosi is already bitching about Trump not going far enough, not sure what she wants free prescription drugs?
Bush said the same thing, so did Obama

But when the pharmacy lobby comes knocking on the door, they change their tune and we end up with a law that protects their profits and limits competition

Couldn't agree more....the GREATEST flaw with the ACA was Obama's inability to lower the drug costs.......

We should ALL be aware (regardless of party) that the freaking Congress actually passed a law PROHIBITING medicare from negotiating for lower drug is rumored that big pharma actually WROTE the law and told the whores in congress to simply pass it.

Years ago I began to notice my insulin getting more and more expensive. It finally got to the point of almost unaffordable. What started at $25.00 a vial when I first became diabetic quickly went to $80.00 a vial.

In searching for the reason, I came up empty handed. I went all over Google, contacted the manufacturers themselves, and asked medical professionals. Nothing.

That was until I asked a pharmacist at my grocery store. She told me that Walmart made their own generic insulin, and perhaps I should try that. Walmart insulin? Not a chance.

After several months, I figured WTF have I got to lose, so I went to Walmart and found their brand only $25.00 per vial like I used to pay. But that wasn't the most shocking part. The most shocking part is that it was the exact same medication I've always purchased. Same manufacturer, same packaging, and the only difference was a ® on the box which stood for Walmart's generic name Reliance.

Bottom line: what Walmart did was make a dirty deal with the pharmaceutical company. They got my medication at bulk and sold it for a third of the price of any other pharmacy. To recoup some of that loss, the pharmaceutical company increased prices on everybody else. So if you had prescription coverage, you never questioned the price increases or cost. It was covered. If you paid cash like I did, you got screwed to the wall.

When we talk about Medicare negotiating prices, it would indeed bring down the cost of medications. However they are not just going to take the loss. They will increase the price of that same medication to those of us not on Medicare.

Nothing gained, nothing lost.

Good personal example..........Years ago, when the governors of the states of MN and MI were trying to basically do what Walmart did with CANADIAN pharmacies, our "beloved" US big pharma basically threatened the 2 above states' universities (R&D funds) and lawsuits.....until both governors caved.

We have in big EXTORTION syndicate.
Dem's are freaking out because Trump just scored a HUGE win with seniors who get out there and vote in droves.
I like several of Trump's ideas on lowering drug prices, but I'm very, very disappointed that he has backed off his campaign promise to allow Medicare to negotiate prices directly with drug companies. Apparently the Republicans and the drug companies, sadly enough, have talked him out of honoring that promise.

As currently outlined, Trump's plan *would* help lower prices because it would introduce more generics into the drug market, and that would be a good thing. However, allowing Medicare to use its tremendous buying power to negotiate lower drug prices with drug companies would bring about the biggest reductions in drug prices.

I hope Trump reconsiders and decides to honor his campaign pledge after all.
Ban on Federal Negotiation

Medicare is one of the biggest U.S. buyers of medicine.

U.S. law prohibits Medicare from negotiating prices directly with drug companies.

WHAT CONSUMERS CAN DO: Sign Patients for Affordable Drugs' petition to tell Congress to let Medicare negotiate lower drug prices.
I see no reason why Medicare can’t negotiate lower prices with drug companies....None

We should DEMAND that we pay the same low prices other countries pay

Other than politicians are in the pockets of drug companies

This is not partisan
Bush 43 failed to do it in Medicare Part D
Obama failed to do it in Obamacare
Now Trump is passing on the opportunity

Hillary's Vaccine Shortage

And when you demand a product for less than it costs to make, the company will go out of business or quit selling to that particular market.
That is bullshit

Many of these prescriptions cost pennies to make but they charge unlimited prices because they are the only game in town.
But Americans don’t care because insurance picks up most of it

Then we complain because insurance is so high

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