Trump unveils “Lower Drug Prices For Americans”...Lefties must be pissed?

That is bullshit

Many of these prescriptions cost pennies to make but they charge unlimited prices because they are the only game in town.
But Americans don’t care because insurance picks up most of it

Then we complain because insurance is so high

Rest assured, my friend, that the insurance companies are in cohoots with big pharma's increases in prices since they do materialize a hefty cut when these insurers raise their own rates.
I see no reason why Medicare can’t negotiate lower prices with drug companies....None

We should DEMAND that we pay the same low prices other countries pay

Other than politicians are in the pockets of drug companies

This is not partisan
Bush 43 failed to do it in Medicare Part D
Obama failed to do it in Obamacare
Now Trump is passing on the opportunity

Hillary's Vaccine Shortage

And when you demand a product for less than it costs to make, the company will go out of business or quit selling to that particular market.
That is bullshit

Many of these prescriptions cost pennies to make but they charge unlimited prices because they are the only game in town.
But Americans don’t care because insurance picks up most of it

Then we complain because insurance is so high

That's the propaganda they feed you. Making the medication isn't where the costs are. It's years and years of R and D, hundreds and thousands of pages of government documents, paying government fees and adhering to government standards. After all that, you then have to do testing on humans which is a huge liability.

And because we are a lawsuit happy country, X amount of that cost is to cover legal expenses which will come up no matter how great the medication.
They hate anything aimed at benefiting REAL Americans.
This dude is such a badass...he’s always looking to piss the Left off...haha
I wonder how many good, REAL Americans are offended by ‘American Patients First’?
Trump promises to ‘derail the gravy train’ and lower drug prices in ‘American Patients First’ plan
Is he going to get Mexico to subsidize it?
That is bullshit

Many of these prescriptions cost pennies to make but they charge unlimited prices because they are the only game in town.
But Americans don’t care because insurance picks up most of it

Then we complain because insurance is so high

Rest assured, my friend, that the insurance companies are in cohoots with big pharma's increases in prices since they do materialize a hefty cut when these insurers raise their own rates.

Just remember that with 59 votes in the Senate, control of the House, and Obama in the White House, the Dems backed away from taking on the drug companies and the insurance companies. The insurance companies backed Obamacare because it allowed them to retain their regional monopolies and did not allow Medicare to negotiate drug prices directly with drug companies.

At least Trump's plan would introduce a lot more generics into the drug market, which we know from experience would lower prices.
Trump hasn't delivered anything but a bag of hot air.

He delivered plenty, but if you keep watching PeeNN for your news, you''ll never know it.

The real fake news is fox news all propaganda.The idiot in the oval office hasn't done a dam thing he's a coward.
If you're on welfare, I guess he hasn't done anything for you. But all other Americans he has done a lot of things.

I don't feel sorry for people like you who line them selfs up with falsities.
The real fake news is fox news all propaganda.The idiot in the oval office hasn't done a dam thing he's a coward.

Well then I guess I'm seeing the fake news in my paycheck every two weeks. I guess my tax preparer is going to prepare her clients taxes next year with fake news. I guess the likelihood of denuclearizing NK is fake news. I guess the most recent capture of five top ISIS members is fake news. I guess defeating them in Iraq is fake news. I guess the lowest unemployment rate in history for black workers is fake news. I guess the release of three NK American prisoners is fake news. Any other fake news you'd like me to tell you about?

The tax cut is exactly hurting the economy.The lowest unemployment rate for blacks is a lie.The so called mr.trump has lied 3,000 times and he's a criminal may i keep going.

“Something I’m very proud of: African American unemployment stands at the lowest rate ever recorded. And Hispanic American unemployment has also reached the lowest levels in history,” President Trump said Tuesday.

He’s right on black unemployment but not quite right on the rate for Latinos.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported last month that the unemployment rate for blacks dropped to 6.8% in December, the lowest since the government began tracking the figure in 1972.

Fact check: Black unemployment rate is at a record low; Latino rate is close

Is the LA Times left enough for you to believe it's true?

Digital Editions
Across America
Philly Connection

North Carolina officer chokes, slams man at a Waffle House after prom

Trump's Black unemployment claims don't tell whole story
  • Charles Ellison Tribune Washington Correspondent
  • 7 hrs ago
  • 0


For Blacks between the ages of 16 and 19, the labor participation rate is actually 29 percent, which means more than 70 percent of young African Americans are not participating in the labor force. — AP Photo

Johann Calhoun Tribune News Editor

Washington was abuzz with chatter and concerns over President Trump’s moves on Iran and North Korea.

But White House officials and allies spent much of the week quietly touting lower unemployment numbers as a sign of Trump administration achievements on the economic front.

Of some particular significance were Black unemployment numbers: while still nearly double the national official Bureau of Labor Statistics average of 3.9 percent, jobless claims by African Americans are now down to 6.6 percent, more than 1 percent less than what it was in January.

Faced with challenging Congressional midterm prospects, Republicans were quick to point out the latest Black unemployment numbers as proof that signature legislative items such as tax reform were working.

Yet, even as the economy added 164,000 jobs, that number was below economist expectations or hopes for a more dramatic upswing. Other analysts openly worried that wage growth was stubbornly flat as the annual rate of pay increases stood flat at 2.6 percent.

There were also skeptics on the declining Black jobless numbers. National Urban League president Marc Morial, who was in Washington that same week releasing the latest annual State of Black America report, was quick to point out that the Black jobless rate was not only double that of the overall jobless data, but still very much behind white, Asian and even Latino jobless rates.

It’s an indication, said Morial, that “there is implicit and explicit bias in the labor market.”

That underscored a major theme touched on throughout the week as the NUL held its annual policy convening.

Observers expressed particular anxiety over how much the increasingly digitized marketplace would impact Black workers and families struggling to keep up.

“Jobs are going to disappear. Certain types of jobs are going to disappear, and new jobs are going to emerge,” Morial said.

Creative Investment Research’s William Cunningham, however, expressed mixed optimism.

“Bottom line is that this economy is strong, one of the strongest we’ve seen,” Cunningham said. “Black unemployment is at a historic low. Of course, many of these are low wage jobs in food service, but some are in high skilled areas like construction.”

Since the dawn of the Trump administration, analysts have wrangled over the precise dimensions of the Black unemployment rate.

While the latest BLS numbers might show a substantial decrease (that rate was about 6.9 percent as reported in April), that’s not counting the labor participation rate — the number of people employed and the number actively looking for work.

A Tribune analysis of labor participation rates, those have declined from nearly 68 percent in 2000 to just 62.8 percent in 2018.

White labor participation matches national averages; for white males 20 years and over, it’s over 72 percent.

But for African Americans, the labor participation rate is 61.9 percent — slightly lower than the national average and way below the white participation rate.

Even the Latino participation rate, at 66.4 percent, and the Asian participation rate, at 63 percent, are much higher.

Hence, nearly 40 percent of African Americans able to work are on some level not participating in the labor market with many out of work or not actively seeking work due to a variety of circumstances.

Black workers account for just over 12 percent of the national labor force, proportional to their official population count.

They are over 10 percent of the labor force in Pennsylvania. But the growth of their participation in that market continues to be slow. “Although Blacks’ labor force growth rate is not as rapid as in past decades, their share of the labor force has increased from 9.9 percent in 1976 to 12.3 percent in 2016,” notes BLS economists Emily Rolen and Mitra Toossi.

“This increase is expected to continue, reaching a projected 12.7 percent by 2026.”

Cunningham points out the lowered participation rate may be a sign of people taking time off before looking for a new job. But there are signs suggesting the official Black unemployment rate could understated.

Typical BLS unemployment tallies don’t included the so-called “U-6 rate” that measures three types of discouraged workers: short-term, those on the margins of the workforce and those forced to work part time. Once those latter factors are counted, the national unemployment average, in its complete assessment, is nearly 22 percent.

According to Tribune analysis of BLS and Federal Reserve data, it has been hovering over 20 percent since 2010.

If the national unemployment rate is actually near 22 percent, the real Black unemployment rate is over 36 percent.

In Philadelphia, the official BLS unemployment rate is 5.3 percent for April 2018; however, if other factors were assessed outside the BLS official rate, overall unemployment in the city may actually be near 30 percent. That would make the real or “U-6” Black unemployment rate somewhere near half.

For Black men and women who are 16-19 years of age, the labor participation rate is actually 29 percent, which means more than 70 percent of young African Americans are not participating in the labor force.

That’s compared to nearly 40 percent of whites in the same age group.

Okay, so how does this disprove my claim and link?

You nothing about politics trump is a conartist he's going down impeachment.
Well then I guess I'm seeing the fake news in my paycheck every two weeks. I guess my tax preparer is going to prepare her clients taxes next year with fake news. I guess the likelihood of denuclearizing NK is fake news. I guess the most recent capture of five top ISIS members is fake news. I guess defeating them in Iraq is fake news. I guess the lowest unemployment rate in history for black workers is fake news. I guess the release of three NK American prisoners is fake news. Any other fake news you'd like me to tell you about?

The tax cut is exactly hurting the economy.The lowest unemployment rate for blacks is a lie.The so called mr.trump has lied 3,000 times and he's a criminal may i keep going.

“Something I’m very proud of: African American unemployment stands at the lowest rate ever recorded. And Hispanic American unemployment has also reached the lowest levels in history,” President Trump said Tuesday.

He’s right on black unemployment but not quite right on the rate for Latinos.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported last month that the unemployment rate for blacks dropped to 6.8% in December, the lowest since the government began tracking the figure in 1972.

Fact check: Black unemployment rate is at a record low; Latino rate is close

Is the LA Times left enough for you to believe it's true?

Digital Editions
Across America
Philly Connection

North Carolina officer chokes, slams man at a Waffle House after prom

Trump's Black unemployment claims don't tell whole story
  • Charles Ellison Tribune Washington Correspondent
  • 7 hrs ago
  • 0


For Blacks between the ages of 16 and 19, the labor participation rate is actually 29 percent, which means more than 70 percent of young African Americans are not participating in the labor force. — AP Photo

Johann Calhoun Tribune News Editor

Washington was abuzz with chatter and concerns over President Trump’s moves on Iran and North Korea.

But White House officials and allies spent much of the week quietly touting lower unemployment numbers as a sign of Trump administration achievements on the economic front.

Of some particular significance were Black unemployment numbers: while still nearly double the national official Bureau of Labor Statistics average of 3.9 percent, jobless claims by African Americans are now down to 6.6 percent, more than 1 percent less than what it was in January.

Faced with challenging Congressional midterm prospects, Republicans were quick to point out the latest Black unemployment numbers as proof that signature legislative items such as tax reform were working.

Yet, even as the economy added 164,000 jobs, that number was below economist expectations or hopes for a more dramatic upswing. Other analysts openly worried that wage growth was stubbornly flat as the annual rate of pay increases stood flat at 2.6 percent.

There were also skeptics on the declining Black jobless numbers. National Urban League president Marc Morial, who was in Washington that same week releasing the latest annual State of Black America report, was quick to point out that the Black jobless rate was not only double that of the overall jobless data, but still very much behind white, Asian and even Latino jobless rates.

It’s an indication, said Morial, that “there is implicit and explicit bias in the labor market.”

That underscored a major theme touched on throughout the week as the NUL held its annual policy convening.

Observers expressed particular anxiety over how much the increasingly digitized marketplace would impact Black workers and families struggling to keep up.

“Jobs are going to disappear. Certain types of jobs are going to disappear, and new jobs are going to emerge,” Morial said.

Creative Investment Research’s William Cunningham, however, expressed mixed optimism.

“Bottom line is that this economy is strong, one of the strongest we’ve seen,” Cunningham said. “Black unemployment is at a historic low. Of course, many of these are low wage jobs in food service, but some are in high skilled areas like construction.”

Since the dawn of the Trump administration, analysts have wrangled over the precise dimensions of the Black unemployment rate.

While the latest BLS numbers might show a substantial decrease (that rate was about 6.9 percent as reported in April), that’s not counting the labor participation rate — the number of people employed and the number actively looking for work.

A Tribune analysis of labor participation rates, those have declined from nearly 68 percent in 2000 to just 62.8 percent in 2018.

White labor participation matches national averages; for white males 20 years and over, it’s over 72 percent.

But for African Americans, the labor participation rate is 61.9 percent — slightly lower than the national average and way below the white participation rate.

Even the Latino participation rate, at 66.4 percent, and the Asian participation rate, at 63 percent, are much higher.

Hence, nearly 40 percent of African Americans able to work are on some level not participating in the labor market with many out of work or not actively seeking work due to a variety of circumstances.

Black workers account for just over 12 percent of the national labor force, proportional to their official population count.

They are over 10 percent of the labor force in Pennsylvania. But the growth of their participation in that market continues to be slow. “Although Blacks’ labor force growth rate is not as rapid as in past decades, their share of the labor force has increased from 9.9 percent in 1976 to 12.3 percent in 2016,” notes BLS economists Emily Rolen and Mitra Toossi.

“This increase is expected to continue, reaching a projected 12.7 percent by 2026.”

Cunningham points out the lowered participation rate may be a sign of people taking time off before looking for a new job. But there are signs suggesting the official Black unemployment rate could understated.

Typical BLS unemployment tallies don’t included the so-called “U-6 rate” that measures three types of discouraged workers: short-term, those on the margins of the workforce and those forced to work part time. Once those latter factors are counted, the national unemployment average, in its complete assessment, is nearly 22 percent.

According to Tribune analysis of BLS and Federal Reserve data, it has been hovering over 20 percent since 2010.

If the national unemployment rate is actually near 22 percent, the real Black unemployment rate is over 36 percent.

In Philadelphia, the official BLS unemployment rate is 5.3 percent for April 2018; however, if other factors were assessed outside the BLS official rate, overall unemployment in the city may actually be near 30 percent. That would make the real or “U-6” Black unemployment rate somewhere near half.

For Black men and women who are 16-19 years of age, the labor participation rate is actually 29 percent, which means more than 70 percent of young African Americans are not participating in the labor force.

That’s compared to nearly 40 percent of whites in the same age group.

Okay, so how does this disprove my claim and link?

You nothing about politics trump is a conartist he's going down impeachment.

How would you know? Judging by your writing, you're not even from this country.
They hate anything aimed at benefiting REAL Americans.
This dude is such a badass...he’s always looking to piss the Left off...haha
I wonder how many good, REAL Americans are offended by ‘American Patients First’?
Trump promises to ‘derail the gravy train’ and lower drug prices in ‘American Patients First’ plan
Is he going to get Mexico to subsidize it?

He’s already done that by shutting down the border and keeping the human cockroaches
I see no reason why Medicare can’t negotiate lower prices with drug companies....None

We should DEMAND that we pay the same low prices other countries pay

Other than politicians are in the pockets of drug companies

This is not partisan
Bush 43 failed to do it in Medicare Part D
Obama failed to do it in Obamacare
Now Trump is passing on the opportunity

Hillary's Vaccine Shortage

And when you demand a product for less than it costs to make, the company will go out of business or quit selling to that particular market.
That is bullshit

Many of these prescriptions cost pennies to make but they charge unlimited prices because they are the only game in town.
But Americans don’t care because insurance picks up most of it

Then we complain because insurance is so high

That's the propaganda they feed you. Making the medication isn't where the costs are. It's years and years of R and D, hundreds and thousands of pages of government documents, paying government fees and adhering to government standards. After all that, you then have to do testing on humans which is a huge liability.

And because we are a lawsuit happy country, X amount of that cost is to cover legal expenses which will come up no matter how great the medication.
Heard that one for years

We have patent protections that allow them to recoup their R&D costs. There is also government investment in R&D costs
Why dont pharmaceutical companies whine about R&D costs when they sell the same prescriptions in Canada for ten percent of what we pay?
That is bullshit

Many of these prescriptions cost pennies to make but they charge unlimited prices because they are the only game in town.
But Americans don’t care because insurance picks up most of it

Then we complain because insurance is so high

Rest assured, my friend, that the insurance companies are in cohoots with big pharma's increases in prices since they do materialize a hefty cut when these insurers raise their own rates.

Just remember that with 59 votes in the Senate, control of the House, and Obama in the White House, the Dems backed away from taking on the drug companies and the insurance companies. The insurance companies backed Obamacare because it allowed them to retain their regional monopolies and did not allow Medicare to negotiate drug prices directly with drug companies.

At least Trump's plan would introduce a lot more generics into the drug market, which we know from experience would lower prices.
No question Obama sold out to the drug companies

I have heard that generic crap for 25 years now. The same drug companies will block generics on their high profit drugs
That is bullshit

Many of these prescriptions cost pennies to make but they charge unlimited prices because they are the only game in town.
But Americans don’t care because insurance picks up most of it

Then we complain because insurance is so high

Rest assured, my friend, that the insurance companies are in cohoots with big pharma's increases in prices since they do materialize a hefty cut when these insurers raise their own rates.

Just remember that with 59 votes in the Senate, control of the House, and Obama in the White House, the Dems backed away from taking on the drug companies and the insurance companies. The insurance companies backed Obamacare because it allowed them to retain their regional monopolies and did not allow Medicare to negotiate drug prices directly with drug companies.

At least Trump's plan would introduce a lot more generics into the drug market, which we know from experience would lower prices.

As I CLEARLY stated in another earlier post, Obama BLEW itwhen he could have made this happen.....Far from defending him, I would allow him some slack since in the early days of his administration he had a few other major problems (like 700,000 new unemployment claims PER MONTH.)

Nonetheless, Obama blew it.......and Trump is BLOWING it.

And when you demand a product for less than it costs to make, the company will go out of business or quit selling to that particular market.
That is bullshit

Many of these prescriptions cost pennies to make but they charge unlimited prices because they are the only game in town.
But Americans don’t care because insurance picks up most of it

Then we complain because insurance is so high

That's the propaganda they feed you. Making the medication isn't where the costs are. It's years and years of R and D, hundreds and thousands of pages of government documents, paying government fees and adhering to government standards. After all that, you then have to do testing on humans which is a huge liability.

And because we are a lawsuit happy country, X amount of that cost is to cover legal expenses which will come up no matter how great the medication.
Heard that one for years

We have patent protections that allow them to recoup their R&D costs. There is also government investment in R&D costs
Why dont pharmaceutical companies whine about R&D costs when they sell the same prescriptions in Canada for ten percent of what we pay?

Sounds like socialism…
If you want for your blood pressure to REALLY go up, consider this additional scam.

The National Institute of Health (NIH) is tax-payer funded; the NIH conducts research and development that big pharma can easily access.

So, although we fund quite a bit of the research, big pharma still LIES to consumers that they need to gouge from these same consumers higher costs for some of the research that consumers ALREADY paid for.

Do Tax Payers Who Fund The National Institutes Of Health Deserve A ...
If you want for your blood pressure to REALLY go up, consider this additional scam.

The National Institute of Health (NIH) is tax-payer funded; the NIH conducts research and development that big pharma can easily access.

So, although we fund quite a bit of the research, big pharma still LIES to consumers that they need to gouge from these same consumers higher costs for some of the research that consumers ALREADY paid for.

Do Tax Payers Who Fund The National Institutes Of Health Deserve A ...

Interesting read

US Drug Prices vs The World
The tax cut is exactly hurting the economy.The lowest unemployment rate for blacks is a lie.The so called mr.trump has lied 3,000 times and he's a criminal may i keep going.

“Something I’m very proud of: African American unemployment stands at the lowest rate ever recorded. And Hispanic American unemployment has also reached the lowest levels in history,” President Trump said Tuesday.

He’s right on black unemployment but not quite right on the rate for Latinos.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported last month that the unemployment rate for blacks dropped to 6.8% in December, the lowest since the government began tracking the figure in 1972.

Fact check: Black unemployment rate is at a record low; Latino rate is close

Is the LA Times left enough for you to believe it's true?

Digital Editions
Across America
Philly Connection

North Carolina officer chokes, slams man at a Waffle House after prom

Trump's Black unemployment claims don't tell whole story
  • Charles Ellison Tribune Washington Correspondent
  • 7 hrs ago
  • 0


For Blacks between the ages of 16 and 19, the labor participation rate is actually 29 percent, which means more than 70 percent of young African Americans are not participating in the labor force. — AP Photo

Johann Calhoun Tribune News Editor

Washington was abuzz with chatter and concerns over President Trump’s moves on Iran and North Korea.

But White House officials and allies spent much of the week quietly touting lower unemployment numbers as a sign of Trump administration achievements on the economic front.

Of some particular significance were Black unemployment numbers: while still nearly double the national official Bureau of Labor Statistics average of 3.9 percent, jobless claims by African Americans are now down to 6.6 percent, more than 1 percent less than what it was in January.

Faced with challenging Congressional midterm prospects, Republicans were quick to point out the latest Black unemployment numbers as proof that signature legislative items such as tax reform were working.

Yet, even as the economy added 164,000 jobs, that number was below economist expectations or hopes for a more dramatic upswing. Other analysts openly worried that wage growth was stubbornly flat as the annual rate of pay increases stood flat at 2.6 percent.

There were also skeptics on the declining Black jobless numbers. National Urban League president Marc Morial, who was in Washington that same week releasing the latest annual State of Black America report, was quick to point out that the Black jobless rate was not only double that of the overall jobless data, but still very much behind white, Asian and even Latino jobless rates.

It’s an indication, said Morial, that “there is implicit and explicit bias in the labor market.”

That underscored a major theme touched on throughout the week as the NUL held its annual policy convening.

Observers expressed particular anxiety over how much the increasingly digitized marketplace would impact Black workers and families struggling to keep up.

“Jobs are going to disappear. Certain types of jobs are going to disappear, and new jobs are going to emerge,” Morial said.

Creative Investment Research’s William Cunningham, however, expressed mixed optimism.

“Bottom line is that this economy is strong, one of the strongest we’ve seen,” Cunningham said. “Black unemployment is at a historic low. Of course, many of these are low wage jobs in food service, but some are in high skilled areas like construction.”

Since the dawn of the Trump administration, analysts have wrangled over the precise dimensions of the Black unemployment rate.

While the latest BLS numbers might show a substantial decrease (that rate was about 6.9 percent as reported in April), that’s not counting the labor participation rate — the number of people employed and the number actively looking for work.

A Tribune analysis of labor participation rates, those have declined from nearly 68 percent in 2000 to just 62.8 percent in 2018.

White labor participation matches national averages; for white males 20 years and over, it’s over 72 percent.

But for African Americans, the labor participation rate is 61.9 percent — slightly lower than the national average and way below the white participation rate.

Even the Latino participation rate, at 66.4 percent, and the Asian participation rate, at 63 percent, are much higher.

Hence, nearly 40 percent of African Americans able to work are on some level not participating in the labor market with many out of work or not actively seeking work due to a variety of circumstances.

Black workers account for just over 12 percent of the national labor force, proportional to their official population count.

They are over 10 percent of the labor force in Pennsylvania. But the growth of their participation in that market continues to be slow. “Although Blacks’ labor force growth rate is not as rapid as in past decades, their share of the labor force has increased from 9.9 percent in 1976 to 12.3 percent in 2016,” notes BLS economists Emily Rolen and Mitra Toossi.

“This increase is expected to continue, reaching a projected 12.7 percent by 2026.”

Cunningham points out the lowered participation rate may be a sign of people taking time off before looking for a new job. But there are signs suggesting the official Black unemployment rate could understated.

Typical BLS unemployment tallies don’t included the so-called “U-6 rate” that measures three types of discouraged workers: short-term, those on the margins of the workforce and those forced to work part time. Once those latter factors are counted, the national unemployment average, in its complete assessment, is nearly 22 percent.

According to Tribune analysis of BLS and Federal Reserve data, it has been hovering over 20 percent since 2010.

If the national unemployment rate is actually near 22 percent, the real Black unemployment rate is over 36 percent.

In Philadelphia, the official BLS unemployment rate is 5.3 percent for April 2018; however, if other factors were assessed outside the BLS official rate, overall unemployment in the city may actually be near 30 percent. That would make the real or “U-6” Black unemployment rate somewhere near half.

For Black men and women who are 16-19 years of age, the labor participation rate is actually 29 percent, which means more than 70 percent of young African Americans are not participating in the labor force.

That’s compared to nearly 40 percent of whites in the same age group.

Okay, so how does this disprove my claim and link?

You nothing about politics trump is a conartist he's going down impeachment.

How would you know? Judging by your writing, you're not even from this country.

Judging by your knowledge you need more education.

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