trump urges congress to turn down deal on border


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

trump seems to think he is still an elected official. HE IS NOT! But he knows a deal to slow immigrants at the border will be bad politically for him. So, he wants the repubs to deny any deal that may help the country, to help him politically. trump does not care about what is best for the country. He only cares about what is best for "trump."
This is the stupidest thing ever. We don't need a 'deal'. We need the damn Democrats to obey the laws already in the books than bar illegals from coming over. The only reason not to do so is if you WANT illegals coming here so you can get them to vote in states that have zero voter identification laws and steal elections like what has happened in California. But Republicans are stupid for playing along with this charade. Call the Democrats out publicly.
This is the stupidest thing ever. We don't need a 'deal'. We need the damn Democrats to obey the laws already in the books than bar illegals from coming over. The only reason not to do so is if you WANT illegals coming here so you can get them to vote in states that have zero voter identification laws and steal elections like what has happened in California. But Republicans are stupid for playing along with this charade. Call the bastards out!
You do not understand the law, like most of MAGA.
You do not understand the law, like most of MAGA.
The law bans illegals. Nothing more to understand.

Section 1325 in Title 8 of the United States Code, "Improper entry of alien", provides for a fine, imprisonment, or both for any non-citizen who:[129]

  1. enters or attempts to enter the United States at any time or place other than as designated by immigration agents, or
  2. eludes examination or inspection by immigration agents, or
  3. attempts to enter or obtains entry to the United States by a willfully false or misleading representation or the willful concealment of a material fact.

trump seems to think he is still an elected official. HE IS NOT! But he knows a deal to slow immigrants at the border will be bad politically for him. So, he wants the repubs to deny any deal that may help the country, to help him politically. trump does not care about what is best for the country. He only cares about what is best for "trump."
We have know this right along.
Joe needs MAGA in Congress to act to stop the flow but they won't and then they blame Joe. They, like always, are anti American garbage.

trump seems to think he is still an elected official. HE IS NOT! But he knows a deal to slow immigrants at the border will be bad politically for him. So, he wants the repubs to deny any deal that may help the country, to help him politically. trump does not care about what is best for the country. He only cares about what is best for "trump."
What does a "slow down" equate to? 5,000 Illegal immigrants only per day?
I would oppose this, even if Trump is president.

I creates an electronic system where everyone is required to be tracked and traced in a data base in order to work.

. . . regardless of whether or not they are an illegal alien or not.

Everything is centrally controlled by Big Brother and the billionaire oligarchs in Silicon Valley.



It's sort of Orwellian TBH.


trump seems to think he is still an elected official. HE IS NOT! But he knows a deal to slow immigrants at the border will be bad politically for him. So, he wants the repubs to deny any deal that may help the country, to help him politically. trump does not care about what is best for the country. He only cares about what is best for "trump."

But Obama is?
I tell you what, if you are billionaire donor to either party? This garbage would definitely be a windfall though.

Not sure it would do much for illegal immigration. It might just track and trace them better, and make handing out green cards moar efficient and better funded?


Nobody is mentioning Biden's aid to the Ukraine.

That's the real issue on controlling the border. The republicans have to trade with Biden.

And Trump has growing support for his antiwar stand on the war with Russia.
Honest, I don't understand the fear unless Trump is elected.
I don't trust Trump. He is an idiot. He hasn't a clue at times. I would not put it past him to support this garbage.

The only candidate running that has the brain to reject this liberty killing crap might be RFKjr.

He understands the implications of a Social Credit type system. That is what this law is part of. . .



trump seems to think he is still an elected official. HE IS NOT! But he knows a deal to slow immigrants at the border will be bad politically for him. So, he wants the repubs to deny any deal that may help the country, to help him politically. trump does not care about what is best for the country. He only cares about what is best for "trump."
Wow jimboliar, you must really want Trump to win. You do realize your Reichjibberish just keeps getting more and more insane, right? This is your stupidest post ever but best campaigning to date.

trump seems to think he is still an elected official. HE IS NOT! But he knows a deal to slow immigrants at the border will be bad politically for him. So, he wants the repubs to deny any deal that may help the country, to help him politically. trump does not care about what is best for the country. He only cares about what is best for "trump."
Wow, did you bet on Buffalo or something? You really off your game lately jimboliar.

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