Trump violates seven norms just within the last week and the Right says nothing

And you are a poor soul with your finger up your ass eating sour grapes, so helpless to debate these impeachable offenses.

what offenses?????

You keep just spouting opinions instead of concrete accusations.

It's mental masturbation, nothing more.
What offenses would you like to start with? The violation of the emoluments clause in that we don't know how many offenses there are? But I will give the example of Trump having the advantage of enriching himself by way of the Chinese investing $500 million dollars on Trump. That is a violation of office by serving "HIM", not "SERVING THE PEOPLE". The people get nothing out of that deal. Now, I want your counter argument as to exactly why and how that is not impeachable?

People better at the law than me have already answered the emoulments clause thing

Opinion | Does the emoluments clause lawsuit against President Trump stand a chance?

and as for the Chinese thing, it Involves Trump branded parts of the properties, Trump has no actual connection to the $$.

China Contributes $500 Million to Trump-Linked Indonesia Project | National Review
Could you expand on that? how does Trump (as opposed to our country) not profit from the China deal, the building of Trump branded golf course. not talking about if legal or not, & please leave Obama Clinton or G Washington out of the information.

Those arrangements were already in place, the branding rights and such. All this deal is is China trying to boost development in the region.

Trump has already separated himself legally from his own companies, beyond that there is nothing else that he can do, and nothing else he HAS to do.
How stupid do you think people are? Trump is setting policy based on that
"before election deal", to help China as a result of China's investment in Trump's name. Trump helps sanctioned Chinese phone maker after China delivers a big loan to a Trump project
what offenses?????

You keep just spouting opinions instead of concrete accusations.

It's mental masturbation, nothing more.
What offenses would you like to start with? The violation of the emoluments clause in that we don't know how many offenses there are? But I will give the example of Trump having the advantage of enriching himself by way of the Chinese investing $500 million dollars on Trump. That is a violation of office by serving "HIM", not "SERVING THE PEOPLE". The people get nothing out of that deal. Now, I want your counter argument as to exactly why and how that is not impeachable?

People better at the law than me have already answered the emoulments clause thing

Opinion | Does the emoluments clause lawsuit against President Trump stand a chance?

and as for the Chinese thing, it Involves Trump branded parts of the properties, Trump has no actual connection to the $$.

China Contributes $500 Million to Trump-Linked Indonesia Project | National Review
Could you expand on that? how does Trump (as opposed to our country) not profit from the China deal, the building of Trump branded golf course. not talking about if legal or not, & please leave Obama Clinton or G Washington out of the information.

Those arrangements were already in place, the branding rights and such. All this deal is is China trying to boost development in the region.

Trump has already separated himself legally from his own companies, beyond that there is nothing else that he can do, and nothing else he HAS to do.
How stupid do you think people are? Trump is setting policy based on that
"before election deal", to help China as a result of China's investment in Trump's name. Trump helps sanctioned Chinese phone maker after China delivers a big loan to a Trump project

or maybe he's just trying to negotiate a trade deal with them?

And the project isn't Trump's project, one of his branding companies is basically a sub to an Indonesian project.

But you guys need to lie to make things seem more nefarious than they actually are.
What offenses would you like to start with? The violation of the emoluments clause in that we don't know how many offenses there are? But I will give the example of Trump having the advantage of enriching himself by way of the Chinese investing $500 million dollars on Trump. That is a violation of office by serving "HIM", not "SERVING THE PEOPLE". The people get nothing out of that deal. Now, I want your counter argument as to exactly why and how that is not impeachable?

People better at the law than me have already answered the emoulments clause thing

Opinion | Does the emoluments clause lawsuit against President Trump stand a chance?

and as for the Chinese thing, it Involves Trump branded parts of the properties, Trump has no actual connection to the $$.

China Contributes $500 Million to Trump-Linked Indonesia Project | National Review
Could you expand on that? how does Trump (as opposed to our country) not profit from the China deal, the building of Trump branded golf course. not talking about if legal or not, & please leave Obama Clinton or G Washington out of the information.

Those arrangements were already in place, the branding rights and such. All this deal is is China trying to boost development in the region.

Trump has already separated himself legally from his own companies, beyond that there is nothing else that he can do, and nothing else he HAS to do.
How stupid do you think people are? Trump is setting policy based on that
"before election deal", to help China as a result of China's investment in Trump's name. Trump helps sanctioned Chinese phone maker after China delivers a big loan to a Trump project

or maybe he's just trying to negotiate a trade deal with them?

And the project isn't Trump's project, one of his branding companies is basically a sub to an Indonesian project.

But you guys need to lie to make things seem more nefarious than they actually are.
I knew the Right was bathing in stupidity, I just didn't know they were drowning in it. "Maybe he's just trying to negotiate" in one sentence, then another one is claiming "you guys lie" as a matter of "fact". Lol! So which is it, "maybe", or "lying as the fact"? It might be helpful if you were to use your brain to get your stories straight.
People better at the law than me have already answered the emoulments clause thing

Opinion | Does the emoluments clause lawsuit against President Trump stand a chance?

and as for the Chinese thing, it Involves Trump branded parts of the properties, Trump has no actual connection to the $$.

China Contributes $500 Million to Trump-Linked Indonesia Project | National Review
Could you expand on that? how does Trump (as opposed to our country) not profit from the China deal, the building of Trump branded golf course. not talking about if legal or not, & please leave Obama Clinton or G Washington out of the information.

Those arrangements were already in place, the branding rights and such. All this deal is is China trying to boost development in the region.

Trump has already separated himself legally from his own companies, beyond that there is nothing else that he can do, and nothing else he HAS to do.
How stupid do you think people are? Trump is setting policy based on that
"before election deal", to help China as a result of China's investment in Trump's name. Trump helps sanctioned Chinese phone maker after China delivers a big loan to a Trump project

or maybe he's just trying to negotiate a trade deal with them?

And the project isn't Trump's project, one of his branding companies is basically a sub to an Indonesian project.

But you guys need to lie to make things seem more nefarious than they actually are.
I knew the Right was bathing in stupidity, I just didn't know they were drowning in it. "Maybe he's just trying to negotiate" in one sentence, then another one is claiming "you guys lie" as a matter of "fact". Lol! So which is it, "maybe", or "lying as the fact"? It might be helpful if you were to use your brain to get your stories straight.

Welcome to the complex world of modern politics and economics. If you can't keep up with it, I would suggest the Hello Kitty Message Board as something more your speed.

and you didn't respond to my second statement.
Nobody cares
People who care about this country do.

That would leave you out. You only care about getting Trump, if it tears down the country to do so, you are fine with that.
You're an idiot.

Truth hurts you, I can tell.
You aren't debating anything. Get lost!

It's nice to see you finally get that your original post was meaningless.
Presidents Day reminds us of George Washington's presidential vision.
And Trump's disrespect.

The presidency that Washington personified was adopted by all subsequent presidents.
Until last year.

Trump has made a mockery of Washington's presidential model

And Republicans could care less.
when you care about the crimes of obama holler.
When you prove them, "holler".
and what has been proven on trump again?

fucking asswhipe hypocrites.
Conspiracy to collude, obstruction of justice from multiple prongs, violating the emoluments clause, just to get started, and would you care to lock horns about any of these claims? Or are just another one of these cut and run Trump Sheep who carry bells around their necks? I'm betting on the latter. But ha, it's been fun while you lasted.
Presidents Day reminds us of George Washington's presidential vision.
And Trump's disrespect.

The presidency that Washington personified was adopted by all subsequent presidents.
Until last year.

Trump has made a mockery of Washington's presidential model

And Republicans could care less.
when you care about the crimes of obama holler.
When you prove them, "holler".
and what has been proven on trump again?

fucking asswhipe hypocrites.
Conspiracy to collude, obstruction of justice from multiple prongs, violating the emoluments clause, just to get started, and would you care to lock horns about any of these claims? Or are just another one of these cut and run Trump Sheep who carry bells around their necks? I'm betting on the latter. But ha, it's been fun while you lasted.
i asked what has been proven.

you one of those liberal sheep who just bleets TRUMP SUCKS and has like 4 queue cards to accuse those who dare to disagree with your mantra of some form of ignorance?

again - what has been proven?
Could you expand on that? how does Trump (as opposed to our country) not profit from the China deal, the building of Trump branded golf course. not talking about if legal or not, & please leave Obama Clinton or G Washington out of the information.

Those arrangements were already in place, the branding rights and such. All this deal is is China trying to boost development in the region.

Trump has already separated himself legally from his own companies, beyond that there is nothing else that he can do, and nothing else he HAS to do.
How stupid do you think people are? Trump is setting policy based on that
"before election deal", to help China as a result of China's investment in Trump's name. Trump helps sanctioned Chinese phone maker after China delivers a big loan to a Trump project

or maybe he's just trying to negotiate a trade deal with them?

And the project isn't Trump's project, one of his branding companies is basically a sub to an Indonesian project.

But you guys need to lie to make things seem more nefarious than they actually are.
I knew the Right was bathing in stupidity, I just didn't know they were drowning in it. "Maybe he's just trying to negotiate" in one sentence, then another one is claiming "you guys lie" as a matter of "fact". Lol! So which is it, "maybe", or "lying as the fact"? It might be helpful if you were to use your brain to get your stories straight.

Welcome to the complex world of modern politics and economics. If you can't keep up with it, I would suggest the Hello Kitty Message Board as something more your speed.

and you didn't respond to my second statement.
Hmm, I think it was me who pointed out that you have a bad habit of talking out of both sides of your typewriter with lies, by giving us two different versions. There is nothing "complex" about idiots not using their noggins. They just don't use them.
And Republicans could care less.
when you care about the crimes of obama holler.
When you prove them, "holler".
and what has been proven on trump again?

fucking asswhipe hypocrites.
Conspiracy to collude, obstruction of justice from multiple prongs, violating the emoluments clause, just to get started, and would you care to lock horns about any of these claims? Or are just another one of these cut and run Trump Sheep who carry bells around their necks? I'm betting on the latter. But ha, it's been fun while you lasted.
i asked what has been proven.

you one of those liberal sheep who just bleets TRUMP SUCKS and has like 4 queue cards to accuse those who dare to disagree with your mantra of some form of ignorance?

again - what has been proven?
Lol! Yea, like I said, "while you lasted". Go back to the herd sonny. If you can't debate the charges, your only option is to stay with the herd.
Those arrangements were already in place, the branding rights and such. All this deal is is China trying to boost development in the region.

Trump has already separated himself legally from his own companies, beyond that there is nothing else that he can do, and nothing else he HAS to do.
How stupid do you think people are? Trump is setting policy based on that
"before election deal", to help China as a result of China's investment in Trump's name. Trump helps sanctioned Chinese phone maker after China delivers a big loan to a Trump project

or maybe he's just trying to negotiate a trade deal with them?

And the project isn't Trump's project, one of his branding companies is basically a sub to an Indonesian project.

But you guys need to lie to make things seem more nefarious than they actually are.
I knew the Right was bathing in stupidity, I just didn't know they were drowning in it. "Maybe he's just trying to negotiate" in one sentence, then another one is claiming "you guys lie" as a matter of "fact". Lol! So which is it, "maybe", or "lying as the fact"? It might be helpful if you were to use your brain to get your stories straight.

Welcome to the complex world of modern politics and economics. If you can't keep up with it, I would suggest the Hello Kitty Message Board as something more your speed.

and you didn't respond to my second statement.
Hmm, I think it was me who pointed out that you have a bad habit of talking out of both sides of your typewriter with lies, by giving us two different versions. There is nothing "complex" about idiots not using their noggins. They just don't use them.

Unlike you I don't believe we have all the information about these things. So sorry if my complex views on what garbage you are posting is too much for you to understand.
when you care about the crimes of obama holler.
When you prove them, "holler".
and what has been proven on trump again?

fucking asswhipe hypocrites.
Conspiracy to collude, obstruction of justice from multiple prongs, violating the emoluments clause, just to get started, and would you care to lock horns about any of these claims? Or are just another one of these cut and run Trump Sheep who carry bells around their necks? I'm betting on the latter. But ha, it's been fun while you lasted.
i asked what has been proven.

you one of those liberal sheep who just bleets TRUMP SUCKS and has like 4 queue cards to accuse those who dare to disagree with your mantra of some form of ignorance?

again - what has been proven?
Lol! Yea, like I said, "while you lasted". Go back to the herd sonny. If you can't debate the charges, your only option is to stay with the herd.
i'm down to debate. you're down to insult and mock.

like i said - you bitch and whine about fictitious crimes while you don't care what your own side does in the meantime. when you can be open and objective w/o an agenda of trashing trump at all costs, let me know.

then then you're a sky-screamer upset you're not getting your way.
i asked what has been proven.
again - what has been proven?


What we've learned in 12 months of Robert Mueller's investigation

It is on us, the American people, not to accept this.

We must not collude with him, however unwittingly, in lowering the bar for the behavior we should expect from a president.

If everything is rigged and everyone is crooked, good-faith compliance is for chumps. But buying Trump’s narrative would make chumps of us all and a laughingstock of the rule of law. We cannot let that happen.

Buying Trump’s narrative would make chumps of us all
i'm down to debate. you're down to insult and mock.

like i said - you bitch and whine about fictitious crimes while you don't care what your own side does in the meantime. when you can be open and objective w/o an agenda of trashing trump at all costs, let me know.

then then you're a sky-screamer upset you're not getting your way.

if donny-liddle-hands can't stand the white house heat then he should just get the hell out.

tell the cry baby to go on home and take his anti-American fake news trolls with him. :bye1:
Conspiracy to collude, obstruction of justice from multiple prongs, violating the emoluments clause, just to get started, and would you care to lock horns about any of these claims? Or are just another one of these cut and run Trump Sheep who carry bells around their necks? I'm betting on the latter. But ha, it's been fun while you lasted.
not one word of truth
"Donald Trump is testing the institution of the presidency unlike any of his 43 predecessors. We have never had a president so ill-informed about the nature of his office, so openly mendacious, so self-destructive, or so brazen in his abusive attacks on the courts, the press, Congress (including members of his own party), and even senior officials within his own administration."
Full transcript: FBI Director testifies on Russian interference in 2016 election

So We Find Out FBI Has Been Investigating Trump Since July

"The Russian active measures campaign may have begun as early as 2015
, when Russian intelligence services launched a series of spear fishing attacks designed to penetrate the computers of a broad array of Washington based Democratic and Republican party organizations, think tanks and other entities. This continued at least through the winter of 2016.

While at first the hacking may have been intended solely for the collection of foreign intelligence. In mid-2016 the Russians weapon eyes the stolen data and used platforms established by the Intel services, such as D.C. leaks in existing third-party channels like WikiLeaks to dump the documents. The stolen documents were almost uniformly damaging to the candidate Putin despised, Hillary Clinton. And by forcing her campaign to constantly respond to the daily drip of disclosures, the releases greatly benefited Donald Trump's campaign.

None of these facts is seriously in question. And they're reflected in the consensus conclusion of our intelligence agencies.

We will never know whether the Russian intervention was determinative in such a close election. Indeed, it is unknowable in a campaign to which so many small changes could have dictated a different result. More importantly, and for the purposes of our investigation, it simply does not matter.

What does matter is this, the Russians successfully meddled in our democracy and our intelligence agencies have concluded they will do so again. Ours is not the first democracy to be attacked by the Russians in this way. Russian intelligence has been simile interfering in the internal and political affairs of our European and other allies for decades.

What is striking here is the degree to which the Russians were willing to undertake such an audacious and risky action against the most powerful nation on Earth. That ought to be a warning to us that if we thought that the Russians would not dare to so blatantly interfere in our affairs, we were wrong.

And if we do not do our very best to understand how the Russians accomplished this unprecedented attack on our democracy and what we need to do to protect ourselves in the future, we will only have ourselves to blame.

We know a lot about the Russian operation, about the way they amplified the damage their hacking and dumping of stolen documents was causing through the use of slick propaganda like R.T., the Kremlin's media arm. But there is a lot we don't know.

Most important, we do not yet know whether the Russians have the help of U.S. citizens including people associated with the Trump campaign. Many of the Trump's campaign personnel, including the president himself, have ties to Russia and Russian interests. This is of course no crime. On the other hand, if the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it aided or abetted the Russians, it would not only be a serious crime, it would also represent one of the most shocking betrayals of democracy in history."

What we know about the 21 states targeted by Russian hackers

10 Months After Election Day, Feds Tell States More About Russian Hacking


The Obama administration didn't think our democracy was at risk.:bye1:

so you're official position is that the FBI did not do enough during the campaign, is that it?? :itsok:

like rabid righties would have turned away from their russian troll-farm talking points to listen to the deep state boogeyman..


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