Trump violates seven norms just within the last week and the Right says nothing

Thanks one and all for aiding and abetting the success of the Trump presidency to date. Good job and stick around as there’s lots more work for you to do. Thanks again!
10% of his promises kept.
Gas prices up
Health costs up,
Worst job creation in years?
What has he done except yell nazi slogans ?
Is that like Obama fucking up the economy with increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt, increase income disparity and dismal economic growth and the Moon Bats saying nothing?
I guess you forget we were losing 750000 jobs a month?
Aprils job creation was the worst in years?
2017 jobs less than 2016?
Obama doubled the number of people on food stamps. He will forever be known as the food stamp president. NOT a label to be proud of.

Yet liberals want to tout how he decreased unemployment. Yea, they all dropped out of the job market and went on food stamps.
Nothing like an in depth analysis
Congressional Republicans who stick by Trump and protect him will be remembered as the villains of Washington’s unfolding drama. They are the ones enabling an epic White House end run around the constitution.

Instead of holding Trump to account, Republicans are joining him in a cynical attempt to tarnish the FBI and undermine the criminal investigation into Russian election meddling.

Trump's attack on the FBI is an attack on the US constitution itself

Wow, guilt by association, how authoritarian of you.

The FBI dug it's own hole, Trump is just laughing at them as they try to climb out of it.

Really. Congress did not approve his cabinet picks, they do nothing to over ride his EOs.

Congress has a DUTY to watch over the Executive Branch.

A Duty.

The FBI did its job. Trump wants to see what info they have on him. He lies & makes up a story & you don't care.

Would you care if he he traded US aid for the right to build a Trump resort?

Would you care if he traded a One China policy for the trademark rights to the Trump name in China?

Would you care if he traded the lives of future generations for donations from the fossil fuel industry?

Would you care if he tore children from their parents when they came here for asylum?

Would you care if one of your relatives died in an industial accident because regulations were cut?

Evidently not.

WTF do you care about? Your wallet? You think Trump is going to give you money?

The FBI is full of partisan hacks who see themselves as a Praetorian Guard, and that is never good for a Republic.

When Civil Servants start seeing themselves as an Elite, then a free government is in big trouble.

Get back to me when one of those things happens. Until then you are just a whiny little bitch.

THE FBI is full of professionals ho have nothing to do wiuth poilitics.

You are such a moron that you think Obama could direct the FBI to spy on Trump & not a single agent, Republican or not, say anything?

Come on Marty.

No, when the President of the United States demands investigation of political adversaries without an iota of fact, THAT is a danger to this country. A trick he probably learn from Putin.

So Marty, The "OMG OMG OMG Source Source" asshole believes Trump "Lots of people" source.
Trump violates norms, is met with 'tepid' response: Boot

And by the way, some of these examples are illegal. The one that sticks out the most for me, is the $500 million dollar investment paid to Trump's interests from China. Talk about hypocrisy. Remember the days when Conservatives railed against Clinton for receiving $500,00 in speaking fees that went to their foundation , and claimed it went to his enrichment, but did not? But now, you have Trump enriching himself, violating the Emoluments clause, (ttps:// and Congress says nothing or does nothing about it?

Folks, the Republican party along with Trump, continue to prove to us that they have no problem in violating every oath that they took when they were elected, and continue to double down on those violations. The country and the house that holds it together are on fire right now, and the pyromaniac Trump and his goons keep pouring gas on it. At this point, the only way to get rid of these maniacs, is to get rid of them, before the whole house burns to the ground.

The house is literally on fire because of Trump; House GOP to review classified info on FBI source

Trump, some in GOP work to politicize rule of law
Trump and the entire Republican party should be totally disgusted with what they have become.
The left still hasn't figured out Trump got the job to shake up the DC elite insider club.
What's that got to do with breaking the law?
You're problem is simple. One, you are too lazy to look for the truth, which just happens to be in the statutes; 18 U.S. Code § 371 - Conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud United States, And second, you don't want the truth because it does not match up with your desired narrative, therefore, you are afraid of the truth; 18 U.S. Code § 1512 - Tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant

Wow, you can look up US codes. What you can't do is say how they are applicable that isn't some crazy conspiracy crap.

Linking laws isn't proof, goober.
If an individual can read at a high school level, and is of sound mind, one can easily decipher the actions of one criminal president, and match them to the U.S. codes presented. It's not real hard.

What is more likely is that you see what you want to see in the code, even if it has no basis in reality.

You have been drinking the TDS Kool-aid, so your views and analysis are no better than that of an above average lemming.
We'll, if that is all you are afraid of, those U.S. codes can be copied and pasted again, and we can go word for word showing you exactly what the statute says, up against the actions Trump took? Because the actions he took by the way, are not in dispute. They are for the public record as witness testimony.

8 U.S. Code § 371 - Conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud United States
prev | next
If two or more persons conspire either to commit any offense against the United States, or to defraud the United States, or any agency thereof in any manner or for any purpose, and one or more of such persons do any act to effect the object of the conspiracy, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.

If, however, the offense, the commission of which is the object of the conspiracy, is a misdemeanor only, the punishment for such conspiracy shall not exceed the maximum punishment provided for such misdemeanor.

18 U.S. Code § 1512 - Tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant
prev | next
person, with intent to—
person in an official proceeding;

(d)Whoever intentionally harasses another person and thereby hinders, delays, prevents, or dissuades any person from—
arresting or seeking the arrest of another person in connection with a Federal offense; or

I narrowed them down just for you. Good luck!

Still can't use the quote function properly.

And wow, that clears everything up. I Still see all you can do is quote law without giving explicit examples of how the law was broken.

Try again, you wanna be poseur rebel twat.
Thanks, I knew you didn't have what it took to lock horns with the law and what it says, while the law parallels Trump's crimes. See how easy it is to just read the law, and know whether someone is guilty or not?
Last edited:
Real information dumbass


Trump Goes Scorched Earth on FBI Spy Campaign: 'Follow the Money, the Spy Was Only There to Help Crooked Hillary Win'
Is that like Obama fucking up the economy with increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt, increase income disparity and dismal economic growth and the Moon Bats saying nothing?
I guess you forget we were losing 750000 jobs a month?
Aprils job creation was the worst in years?
2017 jobs less than 2016?

That job lost you stupid moon Bats quote started when that filthy ass 2006 elected Democrat Congress took over. The one with Tits Peloski, Dirty Harry, Barney Queerboy and that worthless affirmative action Negro from Illinois.

Bush was doing fine for six year until the Democrats took over Congress and the CRA chickens came home to roost.

Regardless, things were worse when Obama left office than they were when you idiots elected him. He had eight years and he made things worse. More poverty, more welfare, less family income, tremendously more debt and never even one year that had 3% economic growth. A real failure. You Moon Bats were morons electing that worthless piece of shit. You need to get down on your knees and beg forgiveness from the American people. What the hell were you thinking, that Liberal economics was going to somehow work in the US when it has failed all over the world? Dumbasses!
Thanks one and all for aiding and abetting the success of the Trump presidency to date. Good job and stick around as there’s lots more work for you to do. Thanks again!
Wow, guilt by association, how authoritarian of you.

The FBI dug it's own hole, Trump is just laughing at them as they try to climb out of it.
Do you have confirmation of this, or is this just your best pitch at telling a lie?

Do you have any actual factual basis for articles of Impeachment?
There are many factual basis for impeachment of a president outlined here; Impeachment in the United States - Wikipedia

As for Trump, any of the norms in my OP that Trump violated, qualify for impeachment. They all violate his oath of office. Can you intelligently argue a good reason why he shouldn't be impeached by any of these violations?
Googooing Gotcha Gang

You infantile snowflakes would have to earn our respect before expecting us to take your impeachment obsession seriously.
And you would have to present intelligent counter arguments to get out of the idiot hole you all find yourselves in.
Progressive Pundits' Puppetposters

Which media ventriloquist is using you for a dummy?
when you care about the crimes of obama holler.
When you prove them, "holler".
and what has been proven on trump again?

fucking asswhipe hypocrites.
Conspiracy to collude, obstruction of justice from multiple prongs, violating the emoluments clause, just to get started, and would you care to lock horns about any of these claims? Or are just another one of these cut and run Trump Sheep who carry bells around their necks? I'm betting on the latter. But ha, it's been fun while you lasted.
i asked what has been proven.

you one of those liberal sheep who just bleets TRUMP SUCKS and has like 4 queue cards to accuse those who dare to disagree with your mantra of some form of ignorance?

again - what has been proven?
Lol! Yea, like I said, "while you lasted". Go back to the herd sonny. If you can't debate the charges, your only option is to stay with the herd.

Self-righteous Liberal scribblers want to round us mavericks up and pen us in at the Okey Doke corral.
When you prove them, "holler".
and what has been proven on trump again?

fucking asswhipe hypocrites.
Conspiracy to collude, obstruction of justice from multiple prongs, violating the emoluments clause, just to get started, and would you care to lock horns about any of these claims? Or are just another one of these cut and run Trump Sheep who carry bells around their necks? I'm betting on the latter. But ha, it's been fun while you lasted.
i asked what has been proven.

you one of those liberal sheep who just bleets TRUMP SUCKS and has like 4 queue cards to accuse those who dare to disagree with your mantra of some form of ignorance?

again - what has been proven?
Lol! Yea, like I said, "while you lasted". Go back to the herd sonny. If you can't debate the charges, your only option is to stay with the herd.

Self-righteous Liberal scribblers want to round us mavericks up and pen us in at the Okey Doke corral.
No, but the law might? Remember the law? Remember the Constitution? Those are things Republicans used to cry about on these forums daily. Now? Not a peep.

Turns out, they were crying about what they really didn't want; "Constitutional government".
Do you have confirmation of this, or is this just your best pitch at telling a lie?

Do you have any actual factual basis for articles of Impeachment?
There are many factual basis for impeachment of a president outlined here; Impeachment in the United States - Wikipedia

As for Trump, any of the norms in my OP that Trump violated, qualify for impeachment. They all violate his oath of office. Can you intelligently argue a good reason why he shouldn't be impeached by any of these violations?
Googooing Gotcha Gang

You infantile snowflakes would have to earn our respect before expecting us to take your impeachment obsession seriously.
And you would have to present intelligent counter arguments to get out of the idiot hole you all find yourselves in.
Progressive Pundits' Puppetposters

Which media ventriloquist is using you for a dummy?
The one that keeps you from any logical/intelligent debate.
Wow, you can look up US codes. What you can't do is say how they are applicable that isn't some crazy conspiracy crap.

Linking laws isn't proof, goober.
If an individual can read at a high school level, and is of sound mind, one can easily decipher the actions of one criminal president, and match them to the U.S. codes presented. It's not real hard.

What is more likely is that you see what you want to see in the code, even if it has no basis in reality.

You have been drinking the TDS Kool-aid, so your views and analysis are no better than that of an above average lemming.
We'll, if that is all you are afraid of, those U.S. codes can be copied and pasted again, and we can go word for word showing you exactly what the statute says, up against the actions Trump took? Because the actions he took by the way, are not in dispute. They are for the public record as witness testimony.

8 U.S. Code § 371 - Conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud United States
prev | next
If two or more persons conspire either to commit any offense against the United States, or to defraud the United States, or any agency thereof in any manner or for any purpose, and one or more of such persons do any act to effect the object of the conspiracy, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.

If, however, the offense, the commission of which is the object of the conspiracy, is a misdemeanor only, the punishment for such conspiracy shall not exceed the maximum punishment provided for such misdemeanor.

18 U.S. Code § 1512 - Tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant
prev | next
person, with intent to—
person in an official proceeding;

(d)Whoever intentionally harasses another person and thereby hinders, delays, prevents, or dissuades any person from—
arresting or seeking the arrest of another person in connection with a Federal offense; or

I narrowed them down just for you. Good luck!

Still can't use the quote function properly.

And wow, that clears everything up. I Still see all you can do is quote law without giving explicit examples of how the law was broken.

Try again, you wanna be poseur rebel twat.
Thanks, I knew you didn't have what it took to lock horns with the law and what it says, while the law parallels Trump's crimes. See how easy it is to just read the law, and know whether someone is guilty or not?

Still not quoting properly. You are a special kind of stupid, aren't ya?

No proof at all Trump violated either law. Keep trying.
If an individual can read at a high school level, and is of sound mind, one can easily decipher the actions of one criminal president, and match them to the U.S. codes presented. It's not real hard.

What is more likely is that you see what you want to see in the code, even if it has no basis in reality.

You have been drinking the TDS Kool-aid, so your views and analysis are no better than that of an above average lemming.
We'll, if that is all you are afraid of, those U.S. codes can be copied and pasted again, and we can go word for word showing you exactly what the statute says, up against the actions Trump took? Because the actions he took by the way, are not in dispute. They are for the public record as witness testimony.

8 U.S. Code § 371 - Conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud United States
prev | next
If two or more persons conspire either to commit any offense against the United States, or to defraud the United States, or any agency thereof in any manner or for any purpose, and one or more of such persons do any act to effect the object of the conspiracy, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.

If, however, the offense, the commission of which is the object of the conspiracy, is a misdemeanor only, the punishment for such conspiracy shall not exceed the maximum punishment provided for such misdemeanor.

18 U.S. Code § 1512 - Tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant
prev | next
person, with intent to—
person in an official proceeding;

(d)Whoever intentionally harasses another person and thereby hinders, delays, prevents, or dissuades any person from—
arresting or seeking the arrest of another person in connection with a Federal offense; or

I narrowed them down just for you. Good luck!

Still can't use the quote function properly.

And wow, that clears everything up. I Still see all you can do is quote law without giving explicit examples of how the law was broken.

Try again, you wanna be poseur rebel twat.
Thanks, I knew you didn't have what it took to lock horns with the law and what it says, while the law parallels Trump's crimes. See how easy it is to just read the law, and know whether someone is guilty or not?

Still not quoting properly. You are a special kind of stupid, aren't ya?

No proof at all Trump violated either law. Keep trying.
We'll, it appears we won't know from you, because you aren't parsing anything out.

And speaking of "special kind of stupid", if you can't engage/challenge the wording of the law and deduce for us how it does not apply to Trump, then the only "special" here is you, because you only supply conjecture. Which is not a basis for a counter rebuttal. So, as long as you keep posting, and saying nothing, then you will stay our "special kind" now won't you?
Still not quoting properly. You are a special kind of stupid, aren't ya?

No proof at all Trump violated either law. Keep trying.

We'll, it appears we won't know from you, because you aren't parsing anything out.

And speaking of "special kind of stupid", if you can't engage/challenge the wording of the law and deduce for us how it does not apply to Trump, then the only "special" here is you, because you only supply conjecture. Which is not a basis for a counter rebuttal. So, as long as you keep posting, and saying nothing, then you will stay our "special kind" now won't you?

Lets see, maybe this fixed it.

I don't have to do the legwork on this, you are the one trying to convince people he broke these laws. burden of proof on you.
Is that like Obama fucking up the economy with increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt, increase income disparity and dismal economic growth and the Moon Bats saying nothing?
I guess you forget we were losing 750000 jobs a month?
Aprils job creation was the worst in years?
2017 jobs less than 2016?
Yeah, that's why consumer confidence is at an 11 year high and Republicans lead in the generic ballot for the first time since ever, Trump broken promises and crappy economy.

You can BS a lot of things in politics, but every American knows their own economic situation and that of our neighbors. And for the first time since forever we have a President busy keeping his promises.
Still not quoting properly. You are a special kind of stupid, aren't ya?

No proof at all Trump violated either law. Keep trying.

We'll, it appears we won't know from you, because you aren't parsing anything out.

And speaking of "special kind of stupid", if you can't engage/challenge the wording of the law and deduce for us how it does not apply to Trump, then the only "special" here is you, because you only supply conjecture. Which is not a basis for a counter rebuttal. So, as long as you keep posting, and saying nothing, then you will stay our "special kind" now won't you?

Lets see, maybe this fixed it.

I don't have to do the legwork on this, you are the one trying to convince people he broke these laws. burden of proof on you.
I don't have to. The law does it for us.

This is a debating forum right, not a court of law? Your silly five word analogy notwithstanding, as a way of dodging the debate, is cute.

At any rate, it doesn't matter, because you aren't about to debate the law with me anyway. As a matter of fact, this crew on the Right isn't debating much of anything as it relates to Trump/Russia. No collusion no obstruction right? :auiqs.jpg:
Still not quoting properly. You are a special kind of stupid, aren't ya?

No proof at all Trump violated either law. Keep trying.

We'll, it appears we won't know from you, because you aren't parsing anything out.

And speaking of "special kind of stupid", if you can't engage/challenge the wording of the law and deduce for us how it does not apply to Trump, then the only "special" here is you, because you only supply conjecture. Which is not a basis for a counter rebuttal. So, as long as you keep posting, and saying nothing, then you will stay our "special kind" now won't you?

Lets see, maybe this fixed it.

I don't have to do the legwork on this, you are the one trying to convince people he broke these laws. burden of proof on you.
I don't have to. The law does it for us.

This is a debating forum right, not a court of law? Your silly five word analogy notwithstanding, as a way of dodging the debate, is cute.

At any rate, it doesn't matter, because you aren't about to debate the law with me anyway. As a matter of fact, this crew on the Right isn't debating much of anything as it relates to Trump/Russia. No collusion no obstruction right? :auiqs.jpg:

you haven't produced anything to debate about. you copypaste the law, say Trump broke it, then provide zero proof, evidence or even supposition to support it.

You are a version of the South park Underpants gnomes

1. Accuse Trump of bad things
2 ??????????
3. Impeachment!
Still not quoting properly. You are a special kind of stupid, aren't ya?

No proof at all Trump violated either law. Keep trying.

We'll, it appears we won't know from you, because you aren't parsing anything out.

And speaking of "special kind of stupid", if you can't engage/challenge the wording of the law and deduce for us how it does not apply to Trump, then the only "special" here is you, because you only supply conjecture. Which is not a basis for a counter rebuttal. So, as long as you keep posting, and saying nothing, then you will stay our "special kind" now won't you?

Lets see, maybe this fixed it.

I don't have to do the legwork on this, you are the one trying to convince people he broke these laws. burden of proof on you.
I don't have to. The law does it for us.

This is a debating forum right, not a court of law? Your silly five word analogy notwithstanding, as a way of dodging the debate, is cute.

At any rate, it doesn't matter, because you aren't about to debate the law with me anyway. As a matter of fact, this crew on the Right isn't debating much of anything as it relates to Trump/Russia. No collusion no obstruction right? :auiqs.jpg:

you haven't produced anything to debate about. you copypaste the law, say Trump broke it, then provide zero proof, evidence or even supposition to support it.

You are a version of the South park Underpants gnomes

1. Accuse Trump of bad things
2 ??????????
3. Impeachment!
If you think that the law itself that I posted, up against Trump's actions, are not a foundation for discussion/debate sitting on it's own footing, then it is clear that you are conceding your position. Thanks! Your conclusion is a concession. Not sure why you are even here?

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