Trump Voted For Obama

He's a NY Developer. In NY the non-living Dem voters out number living Republicans by 4 to 1. So he hates Bush, who doesn't and he said nice things about Hillary in 08.

So what?
So tell us how the other GOP candidates and all the Republicans who have come out against Trump are RINOs and Trump isn't. We could use a big belly laugh, Chump.
The documentation please.

You really have no clue of the machinations of business relations.

I like how you asked for proof like you care and before given what you asked for you baked in an excuse that everything is ok if you're a business man.

Principals? Pbbt...Businessman!
Fraud? Hey, thats business for ya
Lying? B.U.S....iness

Business is business. Whoever you may support, you play both sides.

See? Everything is cool when you say its for Business so why ask for proof when you already have the bullshit excuse for why Trump has supported the evil you are against?

Like Hillary Clinton and gay marriage, as she is found on video defending her husband's decision to sign DOMA? What about her support of NAFTA? Now, she is throwing her support of bringing foreign skilled labor through an increase in H-1B visas, which companies use to replace American workers. Trump only has to follow legislation in growing his business as well as what the tax laws allows, Mrs. Clinton was in the position to change it.

So was Pence and he did nothing and voted for all of those I'm not sure what your point is
The first order of business after November 8 for the GOP should be the immediate impeachment of Reince Priebus.
1. fire James Comey
2. pull the FBI 911 file
3. pull the FBI Global Warming fraud file
4. get the firing squads ready for 1, 2 and 3
In 2008 it was smart to vote for Obama... in 2012 not so much anymore. Bush and the prior Clinton were complete disasters and the establishment had to be beat. However, Obama is too nice of a guy to not let these monsters run over him, plus he is extremely naive...

No, he is not a "nice guy" at all...
You think the Wonderfullishness of the Donald would vote for such a loser like that captured pilot McCain???
Hillary calls plenty of disabled soldiers deplorable. So what's your point?

They are in it if they are racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, or Islamaphobic.

McCain was a good man who stood up to the crazy wing. I just used him because of what Donald "The Liar" Said about him.
If you think Islam is a religion of violence, you are a Deplorable.

If you have thought you would date your daughter if she wasn't your daughter, you are probably a Deplorable.

If you think breastfeeding is disgusting, you are probably a Deplorable.

If you think gays shouldn't be allowed to marry once, but is acceptable for Christians to marry and divorce as often as they wish, you are probably a Deplorable.

If you think American citizens of Mexican heritage can't be objective, you are probably a Deplorable.

If you think eating a taco bowl means you like Hispanics, you are probably a Deplorable.

If you are a white supremacist (a.k.a. nazi, a.k.a. Alt-Right, etc.), you are a Deplorable.

Hope this helps, Deplorables!

Islam is the most violent cult ever known to man... period
Exceeded only by Christians in their violence, period.
Hillary calls plenty of disabled soldiers deplorable. So what's your point?

They are in it if they are racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, or Islamaphobic.

McCain was a good man who stood up to the crazy wing. I just used him because of what Donald "The Liar" Said about him.
If you think Islam is a religion of violence, you are a Deplorable.

If you have thought you would date your daughter if she wasn't your daughter, you are probably a Deplorable.

If you think breastfeeding is disgusting, you are probably a Deplorable.

If you think gays shouldn't be allowed to marry once, but is acceptable for Christians to marry and divorce as often as they wish, you are probably a Deplorable.

If you think American citizens of Mexican heritage can't be objective, you are probably a Deplorable.

If you think eating a taco bowl means you like Hispanics, you are probably a Deplorable.

If you are a white supremacist (a.k.a. nazi, a.k.a. Alt-Right, etc.), you are a Deplorable.

Hope this helps, Deplorables!

Islam is the most violent cult ever known to man... period
Exceeded only by Christians in their violence, period.

He's a NY Developer. In NY the non-living Dem voters out number living Republicans by 4 to 1. So he hates Bush, who doesn't and he said nice things about Hillary in 08.

So what?
So tell us how the other GOP candidates and all the Republicans who have come out against Trump are RINOs and Trump isn't. We could use a big belly laugh, Chump.

If only we ran an Establishment Candidate like Jebby, right?

Woe is us!
He's a NY Developer. In NY the non-living Dem voters out number living Republicans by 4 to 1. So he hates Bush, who doesn't and he said nice things about Hillary in 08.

So what?
So tell us how the other GOP candidates and all the Republicans who have come out against Trump are RINOs and Trump isn't. We could use a big belly laugh, Chump.

If only we ran an Establishment Candidate like Jebby, right?

Woe is us!
Next to Trump, even Jeb Bush looks like Mr. Conservative.

Hell, when you look at Trump's record during the Bush Administration, he even makes Hillary look right-leaning!

I'd say he and Obama were about neck and neck on the liberal side of the fence, but Trump gets a few extra libtard points for calling for Bush's impeachment. Not even Obama went that far.
TRUMP 2008:

Registered Democrat.

Supported Hillary in the primaries, both vocally and financially. “I’ve known her and her husband for years, and I really like them both a lot!”

Hated Bush: “I think Bush is probably the worst president in the history of the United States.” "The rest of the world hates us."

Demanded impeachment of Bush: "It just seemed like [Nancy Pelosi] was going to really look to impeach Bush and get him out of office, which, personally, I think would have been a wonderful thing." "He lied. He got us into the war with lies."

Opposed surge.

Cut and run liberal: "You know they get out? They get out! That's how they get out. Declare victory and leave!"

Pro abortion: “I’m very pro-choice.” “It may be a little bit of a New York background, because there is some different attitude in different parts of the country…but I am strongly for choice.” “I am pro-choice in every respect”. Would not ban partial birth abortions.

Pro gun control.

Pro universal healthcare.

Pro gays in the military: “It would not disturb me.”

There can be no doubt Donald Trump voted for Barack Obama.
Hitlery voted for Bush...
TRUMP 2008:

Registered Democrat.

Supported Hillary in the primaries, both vocally and financially. “I’ve known her and her husband for years, and I really like them both a lot!”

Hated Bush: “I think Bush is probably the worst president in the history of the United States.” "The rest of the world hates us."

Demanded impeachment of Bush: "It just seemed like [Nancy Pelosi] was going to really look to impeach Bush and get him out of office, which, personally, I think would have been a wonderful thing." "He lied. He got us into the war with lies."

Opposed surge.

Cut and run liberal: "You know they get out? They get out! That's how they get out. Declare victory and leave!"

Pro abortion: “I’m very pro-choice.” “It may be a little bit of a New York background, because there is some different attitude in different parts of the country…but I am strongly for choice.” “I am pro-choice in every respect”. Would not ban partial birth abortions.

Pro gun control.

Pro universal healthcare.

Pro gays in the military: “It would not disturb me.”

There can be no doubt Donald Trump voted for Barack Obama.
Hitlery voted for Bush...
You are going to have to establish her conservative bona fides like I did with Trump's liberal c.v.
He's a NY Developer. In NY the non-living Dem voters out number living Republicans by 4 to 1. So he hates Bush, who doesn't and he said nice things about Hillary in 08.

So what?
So tell us how the other GOP candidates and all the Republicans who have come out against Trump are RINOs and Trump isn't. We could use a big belly laugh, Chump.

If only we ran an Establishment Candidate like Jebby, right?

Woe is us!
Next to Trump, even Jeb Bush looks like Mr. Conservative.

Hell, when you look at Trump's record during the Bush Administration, he even makes Hillary look right-leaning!

I'd say he and Obama were about neck and neck on the liberal side of the fence, but Trump gets a few extra libtard points for calling for Bush's impeachment. Not even Obama went that far.

You fucking Starkeys are desperately funny. The only other candidate worth anything was Rand Paul.

We need an Establishment Candidate on both sides!
According to the pseudocons, only liberals lie and are frauds.

Since Trump is a well-established liar and fraud...QED.
He's a NY Developer. In NY the non-living Dem voters out number living Republicans by 4 to 1. So he hates Bush, who doesn't and he said nice things about Hillary in 08.

So what?
So tell us how the other GOP candidates and all the Republicans who have come out against Trump are RINOs and Trump isn't. We could use a big belly laugh, Chump.

If only we ran an Establishment Candidate like Jebby, right?

Woe is us!
Next to Trump, even Jeb Bush looks like Mr. Conservative.

Hell, when you look at Trump's record during the Bush Administration, he even makes Hillary look right-leaning!

I'd say he and Obama were about neck and neck on the liberal side of the fence, but Trump gets a few extra libtard points for calling for Bush's impeachment. Not even Obama went that far.

You fucking Starkeys are desperately funny. The only other candidate worth anything was Rand Paul.

We need an Establishment Candidate on both sides!
Rand Paul isn't worth the spit in his father's mouth.

He's a loser who wants to be anything but a libertarian, but he is trapped by his name and his ancestry.


But my hair is fabulous!
TRUMP 2008:

Registered Democrat.

Supported Hillary in the primaries, both vocally and financially. “I’ve known her and her husband for years, and I really like them both a lot!”

Hated Bush: “I think Bush is probably the worst president in the history of the United States.” "The rest of the world hates us."

Demanded impeachment of Bush: "It just seemed like [Nancy Pelosi] was going to really look to impeach Bush and get him out of office, which, personally, I think would have been a wonderful thing." "He lied. He got us into the war with lies."

Opposed surge.

Cut and run liberal: "You know they get out? They get out! That's how they get out. Declare victory and leave!"

Pro abortion: “I’m very pro-choice.” “It may be a little bit of a New York background, because there is some different attitude in different parts of the country…but I am strongly for choice.” “I am pro-choice in every respect”. Would not ban partial birth abortions.

Pro gun control.

Pro universal healthcare.

Pro gays in the military: “It would not disturb me.”

There can be no doubt Donald Trump voted for Barack Obama.
Hitlery voted for Bush...
You are going to have to establish her conservative bona fides like I did with Trump's liberal c.v.
Link to Trump voting Obama?
He's a NY Developer. In NY the non-living Dem voters out number living Republicans by 4 to 1. So he hates Bush, who doesn't and he said nice things about Hillary in 08.

So what?
So tell us how the other GOP candidates and all the Republicans who have come out against Trump are RINOs and Trump isn't. We could use a big belly laugh, Chump.

If only we ran an Establishment Candidate like Jebby, right?

Woe is us!
Next to Trump, even Jeb Bush looks like Mr. Conservative.

Hell, when you look at Trump's record during the Bush Administration, he even makes Hillary look right-leaning!

I'd say he and Obama were about neck and neck on the liberal side of the fence, but Trump gets a few extra libtard points for calling for Bush's impeachment. Not even Obama went that far.

You fucking Starkeys are desperately funny. The only other candidate worth anything was Rand Paul.

We need an Establishment Candidate on both sides!
Rand Paul isn't worth the spit in his father's mouth.

He's a loser who wants to be anything but a libertarian, but he is trapped by his name and his ancestry.


But my hair is fabulous!

So it's Hillary or bust.

Got it

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