Trump Voted For Obama

The tards on this forum have convicted other people of voting for Obama on far, far less evidence.

Want to see?

No. I want to see the hard evidence of Trump voting for Obama.

You think the Wonderfullishness of the Donald would vote for such a loser like that captured pilot McCain???
Hillary calls plenty of disabled soldiers deplorable. So what's your point?

They are in it if they are racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, or Islamaphobic.

McCain was a good man who stood up to the crazy wing. I just used him because of what Donald "The Liar" Said about him.
If you think Islam is a religion of violence, you are a Deplorable.

If you have thought you would date your daughter if she wasn't your daughter, you are probably a Deplorable.

If you think breastfeeding is disgusting, you are probably a Deplorable.

If you think gays shouldn't be allowed to marry once, but is acceptable for Christians to marry and divorce as often as they wish, you are probably a Deplorable.

If you think American citizens of Mexican heritage can't be objective, you are probably a Deplorable.

If you think eating a taco bowl means you like Hispanics, you are probably a Deplorable.

If you are a white supremacist (a.k.a. nazi, a.k.a. Alt-Right, etc.), you are a Deplorable.

Hope this helps, Deplorables!

If you disagree with Hillary, you are deplorable.
I'm perfectly okay with the Democrats continuing to poison themselves from within by taking in people like Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders and all their fellow travelers.

But the GOP will never be able to exploit those massive Democratic weaknesses unless it heals itself first. Our body politic has a cancer. A deadly one. It is time to apply the very painful treatment that is needed. The longer we try to avoid it, the more likely our party will die.

Real conservatives are taking a stand against Trump. It takes guts, but it is worth it if we can take our party back.

We will take it back the same way we have won every other battle. With truth and superior ideals and superior solutions to our country's problems.
No. I want to see the hard evidence of Trump voting for Obama.

You think the Wonderfullishness of the Donald would vote for such a loser like that captured pilot McCain???
Hillary calls plenty of disabled soldiers deplorable. So what's your point?

They are in it if they are racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, or Islamaphobic.

McCain was a good man who stood up to the crazy wing. I just used him because of what Donald "The Liar" Said about him.
If you think Islam is a religion of violence, you are a Deplorable.

If you have thought you would date your daughter if she wasn't your daughter, you are probably a Deplorable.

If you think breastfeeding is disgusting, you are probably a Deplorable.

If you think gays shouldn't be allowed to marry once, but is acceptable for Christians to marry and divorce as often as they wish, you are probably a Deplorable.

If you think American citizens of Mexican heritage can't be objective, you are probably a Deplorable.

If you think eating a taco bowl means you like Hispanics, you are probably a Deplorable.

If you are a white supremacist (a.k.a. nazi, a.k.a. Alt-Right, etc.), you are a Deplorable.

Hope this helps, Deplorables!

If you disagree with Hillary, you are deplorable.

But if you agree with Trump you are.
TRUMP 2008:

Registered Democrat.

Supported Hillary in the primaries, both vocally and financially. “I’ve known her and her husband for years, and I really like them both a lot!”

Hated Bush: “I think Bush is probably the worst president in the history of the United States.” "The rest of the world hates us."

Demanded impeachment of Bush: "It just seemed like [Nancy Pelosi] was going to really look to impeach Bush and get him out of office, which, personally, I think would have been a wonderful thing." "He lied. He got us into the war with lies."

Opposed surge.

Cut and run liberal: "You know they get out? They get out! That's how they get out. Declare victory and leave!"

Pro abortion: “I’m very pro-choice.” “It may be a little bit of a New York background, because there is some different attitude in different parts of the country…but I am strongly for choice.” “I am pro-choice in every respect”. Would not ban partial birth abortions.

Pro gun control.

Pro universal healthcare.

Pro gays in the military: “It would not disturb me.”

There can be no doubt Donald Trump voted for Barack Obama.

Ok, so your point? He voted for Obama, saw how shitty his policies were and so he decided to run and oppose them.
Proof that Trump is the candidate for all the people. Why do lefties despise him so much?

I am a registered democrat-----I like trump
Yes. That makes perfect sense.

What does not make ANY sense is how any conservative Republican could possibly like Trump.

can you DEFINE conservative? ----do you mean "republican" as in anti-trade unions and anti welfare?
A conservative is pro-life, unlike Trump.

A conservative is pro Second Amendment, unlike Trump.

A conservative is anti-Russia, unlike Trump.

A conservative has always been anti-Clinton and anti-Obama, unlike Trump.

A conservative is about small government, unlike Trump.

ok you are dong fine-----you are describing the republicans
of my childhood. I grew up in a REPUBLICAN TOWN----
aka WASPVILLE very Waspish-----virtually a gated
community. ---it was a semi rural suburban town. In fact
full of people with the ethnic background of TRUMP-----Scottish and German was very prevalent. Integration was
HOTLY debated in my high school "social studies" classes.
Trump certainly has the ANCESTRY of a republican---but
he grew up in New York City

A conservative is about balanced budgets, unlike Trump.

Shall I go on?
A conservative is against socialized medicine, unlike Trump.

(rosie) I am not at all sure what Trump's position on
"socialized" medicine is

A conservative is pro immigration, unlike Trump.

(rosie) republicans I have known were virulently opposed
to immigration of non white europeans

A conservative is about freedom of religion, unlike Trump.'

(rosie) republicans I have known favored freedom of
religion for all white protestants

A conservative is about a level playing field, unlike Trump.

(rosie) "level" for all white protestants
TRUMP 2008:

Registered Democrat.

Supported Hillary in the primaries, both vocally and financially. “I’ve known her and her husband for years, and I really like them both a lot!”

Hated Bush: “I think Bush is probably the worst president in the history of the United States.” "The rest of the world hates us."

Demanded impeachment of Bush: "It just seemed like [Nancy Pelosi] was going to really look to impeach Bush and get him out of office, which, personally, I think would have been a wonderful thing." "He lied. He got us into the war with lies."

Opposed surge.

Cut and run liberal: "You know they get out? They get out! That's how they get out. Declare victory and leave!"

Pro abortion: “I’m very pro-choice.” “It may be a little bit of a New York background, because there is some different attitude in different parts of the country…but I am strongly for choice.” “I am pro-choice in every respect”. Would not ban partial birth abortions.

Pro gun control.

Pro universal healthcare.

Pro gays in the military: “It would not disturb me.”

There can be no doubt Donald Trump voted for Barack Obama.

Ok, so your point? He voted for Obama, saw how shitty his policies were and so he decided to run and oppose them.
Nope. He saw the GOP was infected with retards and, being a world class huckster, he saw his opening. And he weaseled into the party by way of the birther idiocy. That is the Right's weak spot, and hucksters are aces at exploiting weakness.

Trump's entire professional career has been about exploiting human weakness. Gambling, greed, pride, and lust. He got a leg up through the political connections of his father.

I started a topic a couple weeks ago explaining how Trump is a liberal pretending to be a conservative.

It's obvious Trump never had a conservative thought in his life by the way he answers questions about conservative beliefs. I likened it to Ann Coulter one day deciding to pretend she was a liberal. When asked about how to fight ISIS, she would not answer the question the way a liberal would actually answer it. She would answer it the way a far right conservative like Coulter THINKS a liberal would answer it: "I would arm ISIS. Because I hate America."

Trump the far left liberal pretending to be a conservative THINKS conservatives believe Mexicans are rapists.

Trump the far left liberal pretending to be a conservative THINKS conservatives believe women who get abortions should be punished.

When you realize this is what is going on, everything Trump has said in the past 15 months suddenly makes perfect sense.
Last edited:
TRUMP 2008:

Registered Democrat.

Supported Hillary in the primaries, both vocally and financially. “I’ve known her and her husband for years, and I really like them both a lot!”

Hated Bush: “I think Bush is probably the worst president in the history of the United States.” "The rest of the world hates us."

Demanded impeachment of Bush: "It just seemed like [Nancy Pelosi] was going to really look to impeach Bush and get him out of office, which, personally, I think would have been a wonderful thing." "He lied. He got us into the war with lies."

Opposed surge.

Cut and run liberal: "You know they get out? They get out! That's how they get out. Declare victory and leave!"

Pro abortion: “I’m very pro-choice.” “It may be a little bit of a New York background, because there is some different attitude in different parts of the country…but I am strongly for choice.” “I am pro-choice in every respect”. Would not ban partial birth abortions.

Pro gun control.

Pro universal healthcare.

Pro gays in the military: “It would not disturb me.”

There can be no doubt Donald Trump voted for Barack Obama.

Ok, so your point? He voted for Obama, saw how shitty his policies were and so he decided to run and oppose them.
Nope. He saw the GOP was infected with retards and, being a world class huckster, he saw his opening. And he weaseled into the party by way of the birther idiocy.

I started a topic a couple weeks ago explaining how Trump is a liberal pretending to be a conservative.

It's obvious Trump never had a conservative thought in his life by the way he answers questions about conservative beliefs. I likened it to Ann Coulter one day deciding to pretend she was a liberal. When asked about how to fight ISIS, she would not answer the question the way a liberal would actually answer it. She would answer it the way a far right conservative like Coulter THINKS a liberal would answer it: "I would arm ISIS. Because I hate America."

Trump the far left liberal pretending to be a conservative THINKS conservatives believe Mexicans are rapists.

Trump the far left liberal pretending to be a conservative THINKS conservatives believe women who get abortions should be punished.

When you realize this is what is going on, everything Trump has said in the past 15 months suddenly makes perfect sense.

The problem with that is i believe abortion is anyone involved in it should be prosecuted......woman, man, nurse, doctor, parents.....whoever is complicit in killing a human is not cool.

Now with mexicans. He didnt say all mexicsns were.
He said the ones they send to us....and yea mexico and out govt send mexicans over here.....are sending bad guys...i think if you see the issues you would agree
TRUMP 2008:

Registered Democrat.

Supported Hillary in the primaries, both vocally and financially. “I’ve known her and her husband for years, and I really like them both a lot!”

Hated Bush: “I think Bush is probably the worst president in the history of the United States.” "The rest of the world hates us."

Demanded impeachment of Bush: "It just seemed like [Nancy Pelosi] was going to really look to impeach Bush and get him out of office, which, personally, I think would have been a wonderful thing." "He lied. He got us into the war with lies."

Opposed surge.

Cut and run liberal: "You know they get out? They get out! That's how they get out. Declare victory and leave!"

Pro abortion: “I’m very pro-choice.” “It may be a little bit of a New York background, because there is some different attitude in different parts of the country…but I am strongly for choice.” “I am pro-choice in every respect”. Would not ban partial birth abortions.

Pro gun control.

Pro universal healthcare.

Pro gays in the military: “It would not disturb me.”

There can be no doubt Donald Trump voted for Barack Obama.

Ok, so your point? He voted for Obama, saw how shitty his policies were and so he decided to run and oppose them.
Nope. He saw the GOP was infected with retards and, being a world class huckster, he saw his opening. And he weaseled into the party by way of the birther idiocy.

I started a topic a couple weeks ago explaining how Trump is a liberal pretending to be a conservative.

It's obvious Trump never had a conservative thought in his life by the way he answers questions about conservative beliefs. I likened it to Ann Coulter one day deciding to pretend she was a liberal. When asked about how to fight ISIS, she would not answer the question the way a liberal would actually answer it. She would answer it the way a far right conservative like Coulter THINKS a liberal would answer it: "I would arm ISIS. Because I hate America."

Trump the far left liberal pretending to be a conservative THINKS conservatives believe Mexicans are rapists.

Trump the far left liberal pretending to be a conservative THINKS conservatives believe women who get abortions should be punished.

When you realize this is what is going on, everything Trump has said in the past 15 months suddenly makes perfect sense.

The problem with that is i believe abortion is anyone involved in it should be prosecuted......woman, man, nurse, doctor, parents.....whoever is complicit in killing a human is not cool.

Now with mexicans. He didnt say all mexicsns were.
He said the ones they send to us....and yea mexico and out govt send mexicans over here.....are sending bad guys...i think if you see the issues you would agree
I'm going to use the exact same structure as Trump did about Mexicans. Hopefully this will open your eyes as to how unbelievably offensive what he said was.

It was a masterful piece, with "some" in the last sentence providing the extra needed depth to the insult. It's brilliant.


"When the Republican Party sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're sending people that have lots of problems. They're bringing the KKK. They're bringing the Nazis. They're racists. Some, I assume, are good people."
Trump realized the GOP has been allowing racists and nazi wannabes to infect the party for a long time. The GOP's politicians only care about power, and to get power they need votes. The GOP has become utterly unprincipled. They barely even bother to pay lip service to traditional Republican values any more. Their sole mission in life is to get elected and re-elected so they can enjoy the perks of power.

When that becomes your mission, you start becoming more concerned with not offending the voters you need to keep you in power. When you have no principles, you have no spine. When you have no spine, you are too afraid to tell the racists and nazi wannabes to fuck off.

Trump saw this. He saw the nazis and racists and bigots had reached critical mass in the Republican Party. Enough for him to get a large following if he pretended to be one of them.

If Ann Coulter pretended to be an America-hating, Democrat, she would probably get a bit of a following from some real far left haters. The Stalinists of International ANSWER, Code Pink, and so forth.

But those people who buy into Trump's Mexican rapist and Islam-is-a-religion-of-violence philosophy are not real Republicans or conservatives any more than someone who hates America and loves Hezbollah is a real Democrat or liberal.
The tards on this forum have convicted other people of voting for Obama on far, far less evidence.

Want to see?

No. I want to see the hard evidence of Trump voting for Obama.

You think the Wonderfullishness of the Donald would vote for such a loser like that captured pilot McCain???
Hillary calls plenty of disabled soldiers deplorable. So what's your point?

They are in it if they are racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, or Islamaphobic.

McCain was a good man who stood up to the crazy wing. I just used him because of what Donald "The Liar" Said about him.
If you think Islam is a religion of violence, you are a Deplorable.

If you have thought you would date your daughter if she wasn't your daughter, you are probably a Deplorable.

If you think breastfeeding is disgusting, you are probably a Deplorable.

If you think gays shouldn't be allowed to marry once, but is acceptable for Christians to marry and divorce as often as they wish, you are probably a Deplorable.

If you think American citizens of Mexican heritage can't be objective, you are probably a Deplorable.

If you think eating a taco bowl means you like Hispanics, you are probably a Deplorable.

If you are a white supremacist (a.k.a. nazi, a.k.a. Alt-Right, etc.), you are a Deplorable.

Hope this helps, Deplorables!

Islam is the most violent cult ever known to man... period
We need to let Trump lose the election. This is no longer about "anybody but Hillary". This is about saving the soul of the Republican Party, and thus in the long run saving America.
The soul of the Republican Party is the establishment, the establishment are absolute pretenders. They are really just progressives
No. I want to see the hard evidence of Trump voting for Obama.

You think the Wonderfullishness of the Donald would vote for such a loser like that captured pilot McCain???
Hillary calls plenty of disabled soldiers deplorable. So what's your point?

They are in it if they are racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, or Islamaphobic.

McCain was a good man who stood up to the crazy wing. I just used him because of what Donald "The Liar" Said about him.
If you think Islam is a religion of violence, you are a Deplorable.

If you have thought you would date your daughter if she wasn't your daughter, you are probably a Deplorable.

If you think breastfeeding is disgusting, you are probably a Deplorable.

If you think gays shouldn't be allowed to marry once, but is acceptable for Christians to marry and divorce as often as they wish, you are probably a Deplorable.

If you think American citizens of Mexican heritage can't be objective, you are probably a Deplorable.

If you think eating a taco bowl means you like Hispanics, you are probably a Deplorable.

If you are a white supremacist (a.k.a. nazi, a.k.a. Alt-Right, etc.), you are a Deplorable.

Hope this helps, Deplorables!

Islam is the most violent cult ever known to man... period
Exceeded only by Christians in their violence, period.
TRUMP 2008:

Registered Democrat.

Supported Hillary in the primaries, both vocally and financially. “I’ve known her and her husband for years, and I really like them both a lot!”

Hated Bush: “I think Bush is probably the worst president in the history of the United States.” "The rest of the world hates us."

Demanded impeachment of Bush: "It just seemed like [Nancy Pelosi] was going to really look to impeach Bush and get him out of office, which, personally, I think would have been a wonderful thing." "He lied. He got us into the war with lies."

Opposed surge.

Cut and run liberal: "You know they get out? They get out! That's how they get out. Declare victory and leave!"

Pro abortion: “I’m very pro-choice.” “It may be a little bit of a New York background, because there is some different attitude in different parts of the country…but I am strongly for choice.” “I am pro-choice in every respect”. Would not ban partial birth abortions.

Pro gun control.

Pro universal healthcare.

Pro gays in the military: “It would not disturb me.”

There can be no doubt Donald Trump voted for Barack Obama.

The documentation please.

You really have no clue of the machinations of business relations.

I like how you asked for proof like you care and before given what you asked for you baked in an excuse that everything is ok if you're a business man.

Principals? Pbbt...Businessman!
Fraud? Hey, thats business for ya
Lying? B.U.S....iness

Business is business. Whoever you may support, you play both sides.

See? Everything is cool when you say its for Business so why ask for proof when you already have the bullshit excuse for why Trump has supported the evil you are against?

Like Hillary Clinton and gay marriage, as she is found on video defending her husband's decision to sign DOMA? What about her support of NAFTA? Now, she is throwing her support of bringing foreign skilled labor through an increase in H-1B visas, which companies use to replace American workers. Trump only has to follow legislation in growing his business as well as what the tax laws allows, Mrs. Clinton was in the position to change it.
TRUMP 2008:

Registered Democrat.

Supported Hillary in the primaries, both vocally and financially. “I’ve known her and her husband for years, and I really like them both a lot!”

Hated Bush: “I think Bush is probably the worst president in the history of the United States.” "The rest of the world hates us."

Demanded impeachment of Bush: "It just seemed like [Nancy Pelosi] was going to really look to impeach Bush and get him out of office, which, personally, I think would have been a wonderful thing." "He lied. He got us into the war with lies."

Opposed surge.

Cut and run liberal: "You know they get out? They get out! That's how they get out. Declare victory and leave!"

Pro abortion: “I’m very pro-choice.” “It may be a little bit of a New York background, because there is some different attitude in different parts of the country…but I am strongly for choice.” “I am pro-choice in every respect”. Would not ban partial birth abortions.

Pro gun control.

Pro universal healthcare.

Pro gays in the military: “It would not disturb me.”

There can be no doubt Donald Trump voted for Barack Obama.

Hillary is the only sane choice, right Jake?
TRUMP 2008:

Registered Democrat.

Supported Hillary in the primaries, both vocally and financially. “I’ve known her and her husband for years, and I really like them both a lot!”

Hated Bush: “I think Bush is probably the worst president in the history of the United States.” "The rest of the world hates us."

Demanded impeachment of Bush: "It just seemed like [Nancy Pelosi] was going to really look to impeach Bush and get him out of office, which, personally, I think would have been a wonderful thing." "He lied. He got us into the war with lies."

Opposed surge.

Cut and run liberal: "You know they get out? They get out! That's how they get out. Declare victory and leave!"

Pro abortion: “I’m very pro-choice.” “It may be a little bit of a New York background, because there is some different attitude in different parts of the country…but I am strongly for choice.” “I am pro-choice in every respect”. Would not ban partial birth abortions.

Pro gun control.

Pro universal healthcare.

Pro gays in the military: “It would not disturb me.”

There can be no doubt Donald Trump voted for Barack Obama.

Go to this topic: BOMBSHELL: GOP Selects Old Rich White Guy!

See posts 2, 8, 25, 34, 36,

Go to this topic: Did anyone catch the 60 minutes interview?

See post 17.

More links:

Trump has spent years courting Hillary and other Dems

Donald Trump's past praise for Hillary and Bill Clinton becomes issue in Trump U. case
He's a NY Developer. In NY the non-living Dem voters out number living Republicans by 4 to 1. So he hates Bush, who doesn't and he said nice things about Hillary in 08.

So what?
Trump plays the system. In the North East, the system is a bunch of corrupt and greedy Democrats...

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