Trump Voter-Fraud Comments A PreEmptive Strike


I wouldn't worry about the not-so-intelligent community. Cyber attacks are going on today. Hillary lied when she stated during the debates that 17 intelligence agencies had said that Russia was behind the cyber attacks. It was actually only two tht had said that and one of theose was the Department of Homeland Security which is a total farce.
Promise you'll be here on election night, it'll be fun.

I agree.....when CNN calls the election for Hillary with 1% of the east coast vote counted we'll all die laughing.

I'm just asking if you're going to be here on election night, not construct a sentence based on the magic marble in your head hitting random words in your limited vocabulary.
We know there are at LEAST 4,000,000 fraudulent votes about to be cast for Clinton.
This is, of course, bat shit crazy. Name one person who going to fraudulently vote, genius.

Here's a name for ya, Skippy....there's thousands to choose from:

Hey dumbshit. That's a VOTER ID state. :lol:

EVERY time. Every time you dumbasses find a case of voter fraud, you prove the point that Voter ID cannot prevent the types of fraud which occur.
We know there are at LEAST 4,000,000 fraudulent votes about to be cast for Clinton. We know there are almost 11,000,000 fraudulent registrations that were about to be ignored before his comments. The Rats are in a panic because GOP losers in the past have grinned and accepted being screwed for the continuity of the government. And then there was algore who "kept us in suspense" for 3 weeks while his operatives tried to steal the Y2K election. We know 100,000 Nixon votes were thrown in the Chicago River, giving JFK Illinois and the White House in 1960.

We know Bill Clinton not only encouraged illegal voting, but took campaign money from the Chinese in exchange for our missile telemetry secrets. We know Obama took million$ in "bundled" donations from the Middle East in clear violation of several of our election laws and yet nothing was done about it. Trump is having none of it. This time people will be watching.....a LOT of people. Rigging the ballot boxes and "finding missing ballots" in car trunks and rest area bathrooms like Al Franken pulled in Minnesota and Harry Reid got away with in Las Vegas are going to much more difficult now. Trump has already invested $100M of his own dough in the race. He knows every con game in the book....hell, he wrote the book. So the shot was fired across the Rat bow....don't even think about it this time. :nono:


"He knows every con game in the book....hell, he wrote the book."

At long last, we've found common ground. You're correct.
Voting Machines

You can not trust voting machines, period. There are 2 Main Voting Machine Companies: Diebold and ES&S. They are both owned by two men who are brothers and staunch Republicans. They both have refused to tell anyone how votes are tabulated/counted. And there is an overwhelming mountain of evidence of fraud and manipulation of these machines.

Voting Machines
Hey dumbshit. That's a VOTER ID state. :lol:

EVERY time. Every time you dumbasses find a case of voter fraud, you prove the point that Voter ID cannot prevent the types of fraud which occur.

Hey hairlip....voter fraud takes many forms....Voter ID can't stop it all which is why you're against ain't who votes, it's who counts the votes.
People already have gotten hurt...your paid disrupters at Trump rallies....most left bloody to cheers.

Actually, with Trump losing you'll have plenty more conspiracy material and lots of people more than ready to provide you with heavily edited footage to prove it.

Chill out Man. Trump has not said that he will cut your EBT card.

Promise you'll be here on election night, it'll be fun.
I will be....watching election on TV,cleaning my rifles :)

Judging from your posts I don't think it's healthy for you to watch the election with a firearm nearby.
Well I wouldn't shoot my tv. Its fairly new. I said it before I know where the clintonistas live here....I know either way my rifles will get some use after the election...either it be relaxation and target shooting or more fun things if Clinton "wins" the election.I look forward to Trump going on TV and pretending to concede and tells his followers to arm themselves and get ready for war :)
And this, the disingenuous dismissal of legitimate concerns for the very foundation of this countries freedom, is why America is over.

When one side is not even willing to entertain the possibility of looking into a conspiracy that has documents and video evidence, then all hope for freedom and genuine election is over.

The sheep have overran the shepherds folks, the wolves are going to feast. I hope for your sake that you are a wolf and can defend yourself.
They are just getting sadder and sadder. You guys really need to lighten up before someone gets hurt.

People already have gotten hurt...your paid disrupters at Trump rallies....most left bloody to cheers.

Actually, with Trump losing you'll have plenty more conspiracy material and lots of people more than ready to provide you with heavily edited footage to prove it.

Chill out Man. Trump has not said that he will cut your EBT card.

Promise you'll be here on election night, it'll be fun.
I will be....watching election on TV,cleaning my rifles :)

What a fucking halfwit pussy, you ain't gonna do jackshit.
Hey dumbshit. That's a VOTER ID state. :lol:

EVERY time. Every time you dumbasses find a case of voter fraud, you prove the point that Voter ID cannot prevent the types of fraud which occur.

Hey hairlip....voter fraud takes many forms....Voter ID can't stop it all which is why you're against ain't who votes, it's who counts the votes.
Seriously. How is that evidence of fraud influencing an election?
Voting Machines

You can not trust voting machines, period. There are 2 Main Voting Machine Companies: Diebold and ES&S. They are both owned by two men who are brothers and staunch Republicans. They both have refused to tell anyone how votes are tabulated/counted. And there is an overwhelming mountain of evidence of fraud and manipulation of these machines.

Voting Machines
Keep explaining and you keep ignoring it. How many people from Bush's regime are backing Trump? Why the hell would Bush a republican HELP Obama a democrat set up the transition to the white house? Its ALL one big party and Trump is not in it. He is the ONLY anti establishment candidate left standing.
Right wingers should plead for help from Assange as to how best change electronic votes around to help the Trumpster.....Why bother with all those silly Wikileaks "bust shells" when you can go directly to those voting machines and get your guy to be the winner?
Actually, with Trump losing you'll have plenty more conspiracy material and lots of people more than ready to provide you with heavily edited footage to prove it.

Chill out Man. Trump has not said that he will cut your EBT card.

Promise you'll be here on election night, it'll be fun.
I will be....watching election on TV,cleaning my rifles :)

Judging from your posts I don't think it's healthy for you to watch the election with a firearm nearby.
Well I wouldn't shoot my tv. Its fairly new. I said it before I know where the clintonistas live here....I know either way my rifles will get some use after the election...either it be relaxation and target shooting or more fun things if Clinton "wins" the election.I look forward to Trump going on TV and pretending to concede and tells his followers to arm themselves and get ready for war :)

Pfffffffffffft, yeah, the the Nuge was gonna be dead if the last guy won, you're fulla shit.
Well I wouldn't shoot my tv. Its fairly new. I said it before I know where the clintonistas live here....I know either way my rifles will get some use after the election...either it be relaxation and target shooting or more fun things if Clinton "wins" the election.I look forward to Trump going on TV and pretending to concede and tells his followers to arm themselves and get ready for war :)

When you do decide to shoot your TV (who hasn't?) use tannerite....send it out in a blaze of glory.

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