TRUMP VOTERS video: One says, I beg forgiveness for voting for him, I enabled this monster

BFD Iā€™m sure you can find some Obama voters who regret voting for him voters remorse is hardly new to politics.
Trump was elected because many people who voted for Obama decided to vote for Trump, out of their disgust with both Obama and Hillary. But we'll never see CNN doing a townhall on that, now will we?

Listen to what all of them have to say!

ā€œWeā€™ve got a very crazy man driving the train,ā€ Miles said of Trump. ā€œAnd heā€™s going to kill this country.ā€

Regretful Trump voter begs for forgiveness on CNN: ā€˜I am sorry I voted for him ā€” Iā€™ve enabled this monsterā€™


16 OCT 2018 AT 08:20 ET


Regretful Trump voter Sydney Cohan appears on CNN (Screen cap).

A regretful Trump voter told CNNā€™s Alisyn Camerota on Tuesday that she was deeply sorry for backing the president in 2016 ā€” and she vowed to fight him ā€œevery dayā€ to make amends.

During a focus group discussion on Trumpā€™s presidency, independent voter Sydney Cohan begged America to forgive her for voting for Trump two years ago even as she swore to make amends for her decision.

Cohan went on to detail the actions sheā€™s taking to earn redemption for picking Trump in 2016.

ā€œIā€™m definitely voting Democrat,ā€ she said. ā€œIā€™ve been knocking on doors, Iā€™ve got a clipboardā€¦ I am canvassing for a Democrat in Wyoming.ā€

Elsewhere in the panel, Anthony Miles ā€” who had previously told CNN at the start of Trumpā€™s term that he liked what he saw ā€” that he was now desperate to see the Democrats win back Congress this fall.

Watch the video below.

Listen to what all of them have to say!

ā€œWeā€™ve got a very crazy man driving the train,ā€ Miles said of Trump. ā€œAnd heā€™s going to kill this country.ā€

Regretful Trump voter begs for forgiveness on CNN: ā€˜I am sorry I voted for him ā€” Iā€™ve enabled this monsterā€™


16 OCT 2018 AT 08:20 ET


Regretful Trump voter Sydney Cohan appears on CNN (Screen cap).

A regretful Trump voter told CNNā€™s Alisyn Camerota on Tuesday that she was deeply sorry for backing the president in 2016 ā€” and she vowed to fight him ā€œevery dayā€ to make amends.

During a focus group discussion on Trumpā€™s presidency, independent voter Sydney Cohan begged America to forgive her for voting for Trump two years ago even as she swore to make amends for her decision.

Cohan went on to detail the actions sheā€™s taking to earn redemption for picking Trump in 2016.

ā€œIā€™m definitely voting Democrat,ā€ she said. ā€œIā€™ve been knocking on doors, Iā€™ve got a clipboardā€¦ I am canvassing for a Democrat in Wyoming.ā€

Elsewhere in the panel, Anthony Miles ā€” who had previously told CNN at the start of Trumpā€™s term that he liked what he saw ā€” that he was now desperate to see the Democrats win back Congress this fall.

Watch the video below.

Too little, too late ā€“ the irreparable damage is already done.

At least she has the courage to admit she was wrong, courage most Trump sycophants clearly lack.
Listen to what all of them have to say!

ā€œWeā€™ve got a very crazy man driving the train,ā€ Miles said of Trump. ā€œAnd heā€™s going to kill this country.ā€

Regretful Trump voter begs for forgiveness on CNN: ā€˜I am sorry I voted for him ā€” Iā€™ve enabled this monsterā€™


16 OCT 2018 AT 08:20 ET


Regretful Trump voter Sydney Cohan appears on CNN (Screen cap).

A regretful Trump voter told CNNā€™s Alisyn Camerota on Tuesday that she was deeply sorry for backing the president in 2016 ā€” and she vowed to fight him ā€œevery dayā€ to make amends.

During a focus group discussion on Trumpā€™s presidency, independent voter Sydney Cohan begged America to forgive her for voting for Trump two years ago even as she swore to make amends for her decision.

Cohan went on to detail the actions sheā€™s taking to earn redemption for picking Trump in 2016.

ā€œIā€™m definitely voting Democrat,ā€ she said. ā€œIā€™ve been knocking on doors, Iā€™ve got a clipboardā€¦ I am canvassing for a Democrat in Wyoming.ā€

Elsewhere in the panel, Anthony Miles ā€” who had previously told CNN at the start of Trumpā€™s term that he liked what he saw ā€” that he was now desperate to see the Democrats win back Congress this fall.

Watch the video below.

Too little, too late ā€“ the irreparable damage is already done.

At least she has the courage to admit she was wrong, courage most Trump sycophants clearly lack.

She voted for Hillary.

Just like all of the supposed defectors from Trump that CNN gets.
Listen to what all of them have to say!

ā€œWeā€™ve got a very crazy man driving the train,ā€ Miles said of Trump. ā€œAnd heā€™s going to kill this country.ā€

Regretful Trump voter begs for forgiveness on CNN: ā€˜I am sorry I voted for him ā€” Iā€™ve enabled this monsterā€™


16 OCT 2018 AT 08:20 ET


Regretful Trump voter Sydney Cohan appears on CNN (Screen cap).

A regretful Trump voter told CNNā€™s Alisyn Camerota on Tuesday that she was deeply sorry for backing the president in 2016 ā€” and she vowed to fight him ā€œevery dayā€ to make amends.

During a focus group discussion on Trumpā€™s presidency, independent voter Sydney Cohan begged America to forgive her for voting for Trump two years ago even as she swore to make amends for her decision.

Cohan went on to detail the actions sheā€™s taking to earn redemption for picking Trump in 2016.

ā€œIā€™m definitely voting Democrat,ā€ she said. ā€œIā€™ve been knocking on doors, Iā€™ve got a clipboardā€¦ I am canvassing for a Democrat in Wyoming.ā€

Elsewhere in the panel, Anthony Miles ā€” who had previously told CNN at the start of Trumpā€™s term that he liked what he saw ā€” that he was now desperate to see the Democrats win back Congress this fall.

Watch the video below.

The really sad thing is, these are votes ripe for the picking. And what does the DNC offer them? Democratic socialism and identity politics. Dumbasses. These elections are theirs to win if they can only reach out to independents and moderates. There are enough Trump voters regretting their choice to make the different, if Democrats would only try.

And this is what conservatives have to offer: ignorant nonsense and lies.

The Democrat Party has nothing to do with ā€˜socialismā€™; and the notion of ā€˜identity politicsā€™ is a ridiculous rightwing contrivance.
Are democrat supporters now pretending they voted for Trump? lol

Weā€™ve already seen how low democrats will stoop when Kavanaugh was nominated.

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