Trump vs the media and both parties

How does Trump lose?

In the past, the media lies shot down various candidates like Cain, Gingrich and Perry by running nonstop bullshit to slander them until their donors dried up and they withdrew.

How does that work against a guy who can pay all his own bills and campaigning 24/7 nonstop?

No, Trump is going to hound the GOP establishment till they give in.

And I have some more news. These guys that make their living cutting deals, buying businesses rebuilding them and then reselling them, they don't go into something half cocked. They run all the numbers, the costs, who is involved, who their competition is and who else can make money with them if they make the deal. They know all the data backwards and forwards before they ever even open up negotiations on a deal.

And Trump is the best of them all, according to various business publications and people who make a living watching these hard nosed dudes elbow each other to get position.

Before Trump ever decided to run, he did the same thing he has done in all his other endeavors. He ran the numbers, he personally got to no all the other major players and he knows who is for and against him and he has researched their weaknesses, their strengths and probably knows their goals and how to achieve them better than they do.

That is why I am starting to believe this thing is already in effect won. Saw a survey this morning that showed 66% of GOP rank and file think Trump won the debate. This effectively translates into support at some level, Trump being an option if not their top choice now. SIXTY SIX percent. This thing may already be over and the establishment is just being stubborn. I don't know.

But I do know that they cant do a smear job on Trump and force him out like any politicians that has to go around with their hands out looking for donors.

That also has a benefit if he wins, he owes no favors to anyone and would be free to take the steps needed to fix the mess that has been created by the politically correct assholes from both parties and the compliant media.

There's a big downside if he wins: another ego driven thin skinned victim asshole in the White House. We've had enough of that since Jan 2009.

Thin skinned?

Do you think that you could endure all the lies told about you nonstop like that and still stay in the race like Trump has?

A short quick list here of all the bullshit hurled at Trump from day one:

1. He said all Mexicans are rapists. A total lie and he never said anything of the sort. And yet it was repeated over and over and over until nonpolitical friends were repeating it too. I set them straight by just asking them, 'What did trump specifically say that makes you think that?' they never repeated it again, because it wsnt true.

2. Trump said that no black man should ever serve as President again. No, he said that Obama is such a disaster that we may never see another black man as PResident.

3. Trump said that we should allow military people carry guns anywhere they want. No, he said military people should not be forced to give up their guns on base.

4. Trump said that McCain did not serve honorably and insulted McCain. No, Trump said that McCain was not a 'war hero' thinking in terms of valorous heroes, but then he IMMEDIATELY corrected himself and said FOUR TIMES that McCain was a war hero because he was a POW. But yet the GOP establishment and his haters insist that henot only insulted McCain but all POWs!

5. Trump said that Megyn Kelly was bleeding from her vagina when she was asking him questions. No, Trump was making a metaphor about Kelly's aggressiveness with him, and he said he saw blood in her eyes, coming out of her eyes and her whatever, as he went into thought about another topic and shifted the subject a bit. He never said one thing about Kelly being on the rag, not one word, but the media is spinning it as though it is only 'obvious' that Trump meant Kelly was on the rag.

This bullshit is used to scare away donors and to make someone look stupid and clumsy, but it isn't true if the real problem is that they are being misquoted or their statements taken out of context entirely and twisted around.

Trump is enduring this every day, and you think he is thin skinned?


Yes, Trump is a thin-skinned Raging Ego. Have you actually paid attention to his public comments?

Can you name one politician living or dead that did not have a raging ego? Can you name one that did not react to negative publicity and lies?

PC people don't like Trump because he refuses to play the game and tells the truth, sometimes the truth hurts, sometimes people need to be called out for their lies.

When will the Hildebeast be called to task for her lies and corruption?
No, you're wrong. People don't like Trump because he's an uncouth, undignified, shallow, bombastic, two faced, bullshitter.
Trump is playing a dangerous game. He will either settle down or just will be kicked out of the GOP. Or maybe a miracle will happen and Trump will appear stronger than the establishment. That will be a great day.

How does Trump lose?

In the past, the media lies shot down various candidates like Cain, Gingrich and Perry by running nonstop bullshit to slander them until their donors dried up and they withdrew.

How does that work against a guy who can pay all his own bills and campaigning 24/7 nonstop?

No, Trump is going to hound the GOP establishment till they give in.

And I have some more news. These guys that make their living cutting deals, buying businesses rebuilding them and then reselling them, they don't go into something half cocked. They run all the numbers, the costs, who is involved, who their competition is and who else can make money with them if they make the deal. They know all the data backwards and forwards before they ever even open up negotiations on a deal.

And Trump is the best of them all, according to various business publications and people who make a living watching these hard nosed dudes elbow each other to get position.

Before Trump ever decided to run, he did the same thing he has done in all his other endeavors. He ran the numbers, he personally got to no all the other major players and he knows who is for and against him and he has researched their weaknesses, their strengths and probably knows their goals and how to achieve them better than they do.

That is why I am starting to believe this thing is already in effect won. Saw a survey this morning that showed 66% of GOP rank and file think Trump won the debate. This effectively translates into support at some level, Trump being an option if not their top choice now. SIXTY SIX percent. This thing may already be over and the establishment is just being stubborn. I don't know.

But I do know that they cant do a smear job on Trump and force him out like any politicians that has to go around with their hands out looking for donors.

That also has a benefit if he wins, he owes no favors to anyone and would be free to take the steps needed to fix the mess that has been created by the politically correct assholes from both parties and the compliant media.

There's a big downside if he wins: another ego driven thin skinned victim asshole in the White House. We've had enough of that since Jan 2009.

Thin skinned?

Do you think that you could endure all the lies told about you nonstop like that and still stay in the race like Trump has?

A short quick list here of all the bullshit hurled at Trump from day one:

1. He said all Mexicans are rapists. A total lie and he never said anything of the sort. And yet it was repeated over and over and over until nonpolitical friends were repeating it too. I set them straight by just asking them, 'What did trump specifically say that makes you think that?' they never repeated it again, because it wsnt true.

2. Trump said that no black man should ever serve as President again. No, he said that Obama is such a disaster that we may never see another black man as PResident.

3. Trump said that we should allow military people carry guns anywhere they want. No, he said military people should not be forced to give up their guns on base.

4. Trump said that McCain did not serve honorably and insulted McCain. No, Trump said that McCain was not a 'war hero' thinking in terms of valorous heroes, but then he IMMEDIATELY corrected himself and said FOUR TIMES that McCain was a war hero because he was a POW. But yet the GOP establishment and his haters insist that henot only insulted McCain but all POWs!

5. Trump said that Megyn Kelly was bleeding from her vagina when she was asking him questions. No, Trump was making a metaphor about Kelly's aggressiveness with him, and he said he saw blood in her eyes, coming out of her eyes and her whatever, as he went into thought about another topic and shifted the subject a bit. He never said one thing about Kelly being on the rag, not one word, but the media is spinning it as though it is only 'obvious' that Trump meant Kelly was on the rag.

This bullshit is used to scare away donors and to make someone look stupid and clumsy, but it isn't true if the real problem is that they are being misquoted or their statements taken out of context entirely and twisted around.

Trump is enduring this every day, and you think he is thin skinned?


Every single one of your "corrections" is a lie.
Trump is playing a dangerous game. He will either settle down or just will be kicked out of the GOP. Or maybe a miracle will happen and Trump will appear stronger than the establishment. That will be a great day.

How does Trump lose?

In the past, the media lies shot down various candidates like Cain, Gingrich and Perry by running nonstop bullshit to slander them until their donors dried up and they withdrew.

How does that work against a guy who can pay all his own bills and campaigning 24/7 nonstop?

No, Trump is going to hound the GOP establishment till they give in.

And I have some more news. These guys that make their living cutting deals, buying businesses rebuilding them and then reselling them, they don't go into something half cocked. They run all the numbers, the costs, who is involved, who their competition is and who else can make money with them if they make the deal. They know all the data backwards and forwards before they ever even open up negotiations on a deal.

And Trump is the best of them all, according to various business publications and people who make a living watching these hard nosed dudes elbow each other to get position.

Before Trump ever decided to run, he did the same thing he has done in all his other endeavors. He ran the numbers, he personally got to no all the other major players and he knows who is for and against him and he has researched their weaknesses, their strengths and probably knows their goals and how to achieve them better than they do.

That is why I am starting to believe this thing is already in effect won. Saw a survey this morning that showed 66% of GOP rank and file think Trump won the debate. This effectively translates into support at some level, Trump being an option if not their top choice now. SIXTY SIX percent. This thing may already be over and the establishment is just being stubborn. I don't know.

But I do know that they cant do a smear job on Trump and force him out like any politicians that has to go around with their hands out looking for donors.

That also has a benefit if he wins, he owes no favors to anyone and would be free to take the steps needed to fix the mess that has been created by the politically correct assholes from both parties and the compliant media.

There's a big downside if he wins: another ego driven thin skinned victim asshole in the White House. We've had enough of that since Jan 2009.

Thin skinned?

Do you think that you could endure all the lies told about you nonstop like that and still stay in the race like Trump has?

A short quick list here of all the bullshit hurled at Trump from day one:

1. He said all Mexicans are rapists. A total lie and he never said anything of the sort. And yet it was repeated over and over and over until nonpolitical friends were repeating it too. I set them straight by just asking them, 'What did trump specifically say that makes you think that?' they never repeated it again, because it wsnt true.

2. Trump said that no black man should ever serve as President again. No, he said that Obama is such a disaster that we may never see another black man as PResident.

3. Trump said that we should allow military people carry guns anywhere they want. No, he said military people should not be forced to give up their guns on base.

4. Trump said that McCain did not serve honorably and insulted McCain. No, Trump said that McCain was not a 'war hero' thinking in terms of valorous heroes, but then he IMMEDIATELY corrected himself and said FOUR TIMES that McCain was a war hero because he was a POW. But yet the GOP establishment and his haters insist that henot only insulted McCain but all POWs!

5. Trump said that Megyn Kelly was bleeding from her vagina when she was asking him questions. No, Trump was making a metaphor about Kelly's aggressiveness with him, and he said he saw blood in her eyes, coming out of her eyes and her whatever, as he went into thought about another topic and shifted the subject a bit. He never said one thing about Kelly being on the rag, not one word, but the media is spinning it as though it is only 'obvious' that Trump meant Kelly was on the rag.

This bullshit is used to scare away donors and to make someone look stupid and clumsy, but it isn't true if the real problem is that they are being misquoted or their statements taken out of context entirely and twisted around.

Trump is enduring this every day, and you think he is thin skinned?

Seriously? must get dizzy from all that spinning
If Trump is to win he will have to overcome opposition by the entire media and the power brokers in both parties. They are all out to destroy him because he refuses to play their games and kiss their asses.

Good for him and good for America.

Trump is the candidate the RNC deserves.

Run Trump Run.

The Hildebeast is the candidate the DNC deserves.

Run hilly run

Oops, can she run from a jail cell? just asking dream match up would be Clinton versus the Apprentice.

Having Trump be the face of the Republican Party would be priceless.
Trump is playing a dangerous game. He will either settle down or just will be kicked out of the GOP. Or maybe a miracle will happen and Trump will appear stronger than the establishment. That will be a great day.

How does Trump lose?

In the past, the media lies shot down various candidates like Cain, Gingrich and Perry by running nonstop bullshit to slander them until their donors dried up and they withdrew.

How does that work against a guy who can pay all his own bills and campaigning 24/7 nonstop?

No, Trump is going to hound the GOP establishment till they give in.

And I have some more news. These guys that make their living cutting deals, buying businesses rebuilding them and then reselling them, they don't go into something half cocked. They run all the numbers, the costs, who is involved, who their competition is and who else can make money with them if they make the deal. They know all the data backwards and forwards before they ever even open up negotiations on a deal.

And Trump is the best of them all, according to various business publications and people who make a living watching these hard nosed dudes elbow each other to get position.

Before Trump ever decided to run, he did the same thing he has done in all his other endeavors. He ran the numbers, he personally got to no all the other major players and he knows who is for and against him and he has researched their weaknesses, their strengths and probably knows their goals and how to achieve them better than they do.

That is why I am starting to believe this thing is already in effect won. Saw a survey this morning that showed 66% of GOP rank and file think Trump won the debate. This effectively translates into support at some level, Trump being an option if not their top choice now. SIXTY SIX percent. This thing may already be over and the establishment is just being stubborn. I don't know.

But I do know that they cant do a smear job on Trump and force him out like any politicians that has to go around with their hands out looking for donors.

That also has a benefit if he wins, he owes no favors to anyone and would be free to take the steps needed to fix the mess that has been created by the politically correct assholes from both parties and the compliant media.

There's a big downside if he wins: another ego driven thin skinned victim asshole in the White House. We've had enough of that since Jan 2009.

Thin skinned?

Do you think that you could endure all the lies told about you nonstop like that and still stay in the race like Trump has?

A short quick list here of all the bullshit hurled at Trump from day one:

1. He said all Mexicans are rapists. A total lie and he never said anything of the sort. And yet it was repeated over and over and over until nonpolitical friends were repeating it too. I set them straight by just asking them, 'What did trump specifically say that makes you think that?' they never repeated it again, because it wsnt true.

I am more than happy to repeat what Trump actually said- his words are quite damning enough

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists, and some, I assume, are good people.”

So Trump didn't say that all Mexicans are rapists- he said all Mexican immigrants are rapists- except some- he assumes- are good people.

I shouldn't even remind everyone of this- this is grist for the mill when Trump gets nominated. It will be in political ads in every Spanish speaking TV and radio station
I love TRUMP VS THE WORLD. This is sheer awesomeness that I have been dying to witness in politics for a long long time.

This is like the original ECW and the Donald has brought the furniture baby!


I just hope he demands Joey Styles and Gertner as moderators in the next debate.

Go Donald! Go Donald! Go Donald!

Keep taking the chair shots. Keep hitting them off the top ropes. This is the best political season EVAH!
Whenever someone says anything negative about Trump, that person becomes a lightweight stupid looser in the eyes of The Donald.

Replace the words 'trump' and 'the donald' with 'obama' or 'hillary' they all do it.
Not like that, it is perfectly acceptable to hit back hard on criticism as long as it is on-topic and does not seem personal or mean spirited.

Uhhh, have you listened to obozo talk about the GOP controlled congress? Or anyone who dares disagree with his marxist agenda?
Yes, he is addressing the issue at hand, not suggesting that they are on the rag or some other kind of personal attack. Trump embodies the troll mentality of an internet conservative, no wonder you like him. He answers harsh criticism not with a rational counterargument but with personal attacks, that shit cannot be allowed to become normal in American politics, we have had too much of that already out the teabagger crowd and it has made us the laughing stock of the civilized world.

^^^more PC bullshit^^^^ Obama and clinton have made the US the laughing stock of the world. The world laughs and weakness and incompetence. It respects strength and honesty.

Must be why we never tire of laughing at your pansy ass.
Trump is playing a dangerous game. He will either settle down or just will be kicked out of the GOP. Or maybe a miracle will happen and Trump will appear stronger than the establishment. That will be a great day.

How does Trump lose?

In the past, the media lies shot down various candidates like Cain, Gingrich and Perry by running nonstop bullshit to slander them until their donors dried up and they withdrew.

How does that work against a guy who can pay all his own bills and campaigning 24/7 nonstop?

No, Trump is going to hound the GOP establishment till they give in.

And I have some more news. These guys that make their living cutting deals, buying businesses rebuilding them and then reselling them, they don't go into something half cocked. They run all the numbers, the costs, who is involved, who their competition is and who else can make money with them if they make the deal. They know all the data backwards and forwards before they ever even open up negotiations on a deal.

And Trump is the best of them all, according to various business publications and people who make a living watching these hard nosed dudes elbow each other to get position.

Before Trump ever decided to run, he did the same thing he has done in all his other endeavors. He ran the numbers, he personally got to no all the other major players and he knows who is for and against him and he has researched their weaknesses, their strengths and probably knows their goals and how to achieve them better than they do.

That is why I am starting to believe this thing is already in effect won. Saw a survey this morning that showed 66% of GOP rank and file think Trump won the debate. This effectively translates into support at some level, Trump being an option if not their top choice now. SIXTY SIX percent. This thing may already be over and the establishment is just being stubborn. I don't know.

But I do know that they cant do a smear job on Trump and force him out like any politicians that has to go around with their hands out looking for donors.

That also has a benefit if he wins, he owes no favors to anyone and would be free to take the steps needed to fix the mess that has been created by the politically correct assholes from both parties and the compliant media.

There's a big downside if he wins: another ego driven thin skinned victim asshole in the White House. We've had enough of that since Jan 2009.

Thin skinned?

Do you think that you could endure all the lies told about you nonstop like that and still stay in the race like Trump has?

A short quick list here of all the bullshit hurled at Trump from day one:

1. He said all Mexicans are rapists. A total lie and he never said anything of the sort. And yet it was repeated over and over and over until nonpolitical friends were repeating it too. I set them straight by just asking them, 'What did trump specifically say that makes you think that?' they never repeated it again, because it wsnt true.

2. Trump said that no black man should ever serve as President again. No, he said that Obama is such a disaster that we may never see another black man as PResident.

3. Trump said that we should allow military people carry guns anywhere they want. No, he said military people should not be forced to give up their guns on base.

4. Trump said that McCain did not serve honorably and insulted McCain. No, Trump said that McCain was not a 'war hero' thinking in terms of valorous heroes, but then he IMMEDIATELY corrected himself and said FOUR TIMES that McCain was a war hero because he was a POW. But yet the GOP establishment and his haters insist that henot only insulted McCain but all POWs!

5. Trump said that Megyn Kelly was bleeding from her vagina when she was asking him questions. No, Trump was making a metaphor about Kelly's aggressiveness with him, and he said he saw blood in her eyes, coming out of her eyes and her whatever, as he went into thought about another topic and shifted the subject a bit. He never said one thing about Kelly being on the rag, not one word, but the media is spinning it as though it is only 'obvious' that Trump meant Kelly was on the rag.

This bullshit is used to scare away donors and to make someone look stupid and clumsy, but it isn't true if the real problem is that they are being misquoted or their statements taken out of context entirely and twisted around.

Trump is enduring this every day, and you think he is thin skinned?


Every single one of your "corrections" is a lie.

No, you are repeating the lies. Everything I said was true, to the letter.
Replace the words 'trump' and 'the donald' with 'obama' or 'hillary' they all do it.
Not like that, it is perfectly acceptable to hit back hard on criticism as long as it is on-topic and does not seem personal or mean spirited.

Uhhh, have you listened to obozo talk about the GOP controlled congress? Or anyone who dares disagree with his marxist agenda?
Yes, he is addressing the issue at hand, not suggesting that they are on the rag or some other kind of personal attack. Trump embodies the troll mentality of an internet conservative, no wonder you like him. He answers harsh criticism not with a rational counterargument but with personal attacks, that shit cannot be allowed to become normal in American politics, we have had too much of that already out the teabagger crowd and it has made us the laughing stock of the civilized world.

^^^more PC bullshit^^^^ Obama and clinton have made the US the laughing stock of the world. The world laughs and weakness and incompetence. It respects strength and honesty.

Must be why we never tire of laughing at your pansy ass.

Must be kind of funny hearing your muffled laughter with your head so far up your ass you can see your last meal.
Trump is playing a dangerous game. He will either settle down or just will be kicked out of the GOP. Or maybe a miracle will happen and Trump will appear stronger than the establishment. That will be a great day.

How does Trump lose?

In the past, the media lies shot down various candidates like Cain, Gingrich and Perry by running nonstop bullshit to slander them until their donors dried up and they withdrew.

How does that work against a guy who can pay all his own bills and campaigning 24/7 nonstop?

No, Trump is going to hound the GOP establishment till they give in.

And I have some more news. These guys that make their living cutting deals, buying businesses rebuilding them and then reselling them, they don't go into something half cocked. They run all the numbers, the costs, who is involved, who their competition is and who else can make money with them if they make the deal. They know all the data backwards and forwards before they ever even open up negotiations on a deal.

And Trump is the best of them all, according to various business publications and people who make a living watching these hard nosed dudes elbow each other to get position.

Before Trump ever decided to run, he did the same thing he has done in all his other endeavors. He ran the numbers, he personally got to no all the other major players and he knows who is for and against him and he has researched their weaknesses, their strengths and probably knows their goals and how to achieve them better than they do.

That is why I am starting to believe this thing is already in effect won. Saw a survey this morning that showed 66% of GOP rank and file think Trump won the debate. This effectively translates into support at some level, Trump being an option if not their top choice now. SIXTY SIX percent. This thing may already be over and the establishment is just being stubborn. I don't know.

But I do know that they cant do a smear job on Trump and force him out like any politicians that has to go around with their hands out looking for donors.

That also has a benefit if he wins, he owes no favors to anyone and would be free to take the steps needed to fix the mess that has been created by the politically correct assholes from both parties and the compliant media.

There's a big downside if he wins: another ego driven thin skinned victim asshole in the White House. We've had enough of that since Jan 2009.

Thin skinned?

Do you think that you could endure all the lies told about you nonstop like that and still stay in the race like Trump has?

A short quick list here of all the bullshit hurled at Trump from day one:

1. He said all Mexicans are rapists. A total lie and he never said anything of the sort. And yet it was repeated over and over and over until nonpolitical friends were repeating it too. I set them straight by just asking them, 'What did trump specifically say that makes you think that?' they never repeated it again, because it wsnt true.

I am more than happy to repeat what Trump actually said- his words are quite damning enough

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists, and some, I assume, are good people.”

So Trump didn't say that all Mexicans are rapists- he said all Mexican immigrants are rapists- except some- he assumes- are good people.

I shouldn't even remind everyone of this- this is grist for the mill when Trump gets nominated. It will be in political ads in every Spanish speaking TV and radio station

Again, you lie by omission. The context of Trumps remarks were about illegal criminal aliens from Mexico, not plain old immigrants from Mexico, you lying sack of shit.
That also has a benefit if he wins, he owes no favors to anyone and would be free to take the steps needed to fix the mess that has been created by the politically correct assholes from both parties and the compliant media.

There's a big downside if he wins: another ego driven thin skinned victim asshole in the White House. We've had enough of that since Jan 2009.

maybe a little thin skinned, but certainly not a victim, and 1000% more competent than the muslim that currently occupies the white house.

Trump's strain of competency would not make him an effective POTUS.

I disagree, fiscal competency is exactly what we need in a president

I don't believe that Trump is fiscally competent.

A self made billionaire via the financial world and real estate and you doubt he is fiscally competent?

Do you work for the RNC or FOX?
FTR, the debate was the highest rated show on cable news of all time. It attracted an audience of 24 million.

That's Trump.

We all love a train wreck.
Train wreck? You mean the stupid crook who is the target of a criminal FBI investigation? Who abandoned Americans to die and fucked up our diplomacy for the next three decades? That clown? Yeah, but Hitlary wont get the nomination so don't worry, dear.
FTR, the debate was the highest rated show on cable news of all time. It attracted an audience of 24 million.

That's Trump.

We all love a train wreck.
Train wreck? You mean the stupid crook who is the target of a criminal FBI investigation? Who abandoned Americans to die and fucked up our diplomacy for the next three decades? That clown? Yeah, but Hitlary wont get the nomination so don't worry, dear.
This GOP run off is going to be absolutely fantastic to watch. :clap:
That also has a benefit if he wins, he owes no favors to anyone and would be free to take the steps needed to fix the mess that has been created by the politically correct assholes from both parties and the compliant media.

There's a big downside if he wins: another ego driven thin skinned victim asshole in the White House. We've had enough of that since Jan 2009.

maybe a little thin skinned, but certainly not a victim, and 1000% more competent than the muslim that currently occupies the white house.

Trump's strain of competency would not make him an effective POTUS.

I disagree, fiscal competency is exactly what we need in a president

I don't believe that Trump is fiscally competent.

He is worth several billion dollars, how much more fiscally competent could anyone be?
That also has a benefit if he wins, he owes no favors to anyone and would be free to take the steps needed to fix the mess that has been created by the politically correct assholes from both parties and the compliant media.

There's a big downside if he wins: another ego driven thin skinned victim asshole in the White House. We've had enough of that since Jan 2009.

Thin skinned?

Do you think that you could endure all the lies told about you nonstop like that and still stay in the race like Trump has?

A short quick list here of all the bullshit hurled at Trump from day one:

1. He said all Mexicans are rapists. A total lie and he never said anything of the sort. And yet it was repeated over and over and over until nonpolitical friends were repeating it too. I set them straight by just asking them, 'What did trump specifically say that makes you think that?' they never repeated it again, because it wsnt true.

2. Trump said that no black man should ever serve as President again. No, he said that Obama is such a disaster that we may never see another black man as PResident.

3. Trump said that we should allow military people carry guns anywhere they want. No, he said military people should not be forced to give up their guns on base.

4. Trump said that McCain did not serve honorably and insulted McCain. No, Trump said that McCain was not a 'war hero' thinking in terms of valorous heroes, but then he IMMEDIATELY corrected himself and said FOUR TIMES that McCain was a war hero because he was a POW. But yet the GOP establishment and his haters insist that henot only insulted McCain but all POWs!

5. Trump said that Megyn Kelly was bleeding from her vagina when she was asking him questions. No, Trump was making a metaphor about Kelly's aggressiveness with him, and he said he saw blood in her eyes, coming out of her eyes and her whatever, as he went into thought about another topic and shifted the subject a bit. He never said one thing about Kelly being on the rag, not one word, but the media is spinning it as though it is only 'obvious' that Trump meant Kelly was on the rag.

This bullshit is used to scare away donors and to make someone look stupid and clumsy, but it isn't true if the real problem is that they are being misquoted or their statements taken out of context entirely and twisted around.

Trump is enduring this every day, and you think he is thin skinned?


Yes, Trump is a thin-skinned Raging Ego. Have you actually paid attention to his public comments?

Can you name one politician living or dead that did not have a raging ego? Can you name one that did not react to negative publicity and lies?

PC people don't like Trump because he refuses to play the game and tells the truth, sometimes the truth hurts, sometimes people need to be called out for their lies.

When will the Hildebeast be called to task for her lies and corruption?
No, you're wrong. People don't like Trump because he's an uncouth, undignified, shallow, bombastic, two faced, bullshitter.

LOL, you just described obama and both clintons------------and you worship them. Liberalism is indeed a mental disease
The Donald is outspoken about how he feels.

I don't know how wise that is, but he is good entertainment and is forcing the GOP to confront itself. Good.

Come on snake, can you ever be totally honest? He is forcing both parties to confront themselves, and that is good for the country.
You, who was forced to admit he was wrong after a long strung out cry fest by you today, just don't get it. The GOP is having to figures this out, the Dems are laughing at us, begging us to run Trump.
The Donald is outspoken about how he feels.

I don't know how wise that is, but he is good entertainment and is forcing the GOP to confront itself. Good.

Come on snake, can you ever be totally honest? He is forcing both parties to confront themselves, and that is good for the country.
I am always honest, while you are the shallow, twisted one who must be dragged from the shadows. The Dems are not concerned about Donald at all.

Great, but the dems are very concerned about hillary and her many violations of the law and corrupt bribes via the clinton foundation.

the dem power brokers would be very happy if she came down with a serious medical condition. As I said earlier, if I was HRC I would hire a food taster.
Gotta link of those bribes?

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Trump vs. Trump

Can Trump take a knockout punch????? Can Trump throw a knockout punch?????


Be there.......Be there.......Be there........ Be there.........

(Monkey riding horse and elephant standing on one foot shows every hour)

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I remember repub
Why don't republicans or libertarians want zero regulations on immigration? Let the market decide. The free market will work itself out, right? And no minimum wage either. Let the American workers figure it out.
Actually, I believe that is the libertarian stance on immigration in theory.
I remember Republicans defended illegal employers and sending jobs overseas.

I would say they defended these things until they realized this affects them too but they continued to defend these thing even after that was obvious. What made them change? A democrat is in the white house and they are looking for things to blame him for.

Just like they didn't worry about the debt until Obama Reid and pelosi took over.
I have never seen a conservative defend illegal employers.

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