Trump Wanted So Stay In Office. Long Live Trump.

Former President Donald Trump on Friday released a letter to Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., chairman of the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot, after the panel voted to subpoena Trump over his role in the insurrection.

In the 14-page letter — which includes a 10-page appendix and photos of the crowd at his rally that preceded the attack — Trump rants about the committee’s investigation and repeats false claims about the 2020 election. But the former president did not say whether he would comply with a subpoena.

The letter, which was released a day after the committee’s 10th and potentially final public hearing, did not directly address Thursday’s presentation, including the dramatic video showing congressional leaders — including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., — sheltering in an undisclosed location as a violent mob of Trump’s supporters stormed through the halls of Capitol.

In the footage, Pelosi and then-Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., are seen at the height of the violence, calling various Trump administration officials to ask for help from federal law enforcement and requesting that they deploy the National Guard.

In his letter, Trump claims that he “fully authorized” National Guard troops to be present at the Capitol before Jan. 6, but that Democrats, including Pelosi, refused the authorization.

However, there is no record of Trump authorizing National Guard troops to be at the U.S. Capitol before the attack, and no evidence that Democrats denied such a request.

Christopher Miller, who was serving as acting defense secretary on the day of the insurrection, testified to the committee that Trump never gave an order to have National Guard troops ready.

(full article online)


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