Trump Wanted to Order Justice Dept. to Prosecute Comey and Clinton

Only a total Trump buttlicker would not find this news disturbing. Trump, taking a page from third world dictators and his friend and mentor V. Putin, wanted, or rather wants, to use the power of the state to prosecute his enemies. Trump is turning this nation into a banana republic. Trumpers like the political and mental eunuchs they have become will follow Trump and gladly trash and burn the Constitution for their Trumpian God.

Relief will come to the nation one January 1, 2019, but the nation will only reclaim sanity when Trump is flushed down the friggin drain, and we elect a real president who respects and loves the USA, the Constitution and the rule of law.
Yeah, yeah, we lived from 2009 to 2017 with the most radical 3rd world dictator ever in the United States. Fuck you dumbass crybaby petulant little girl.
Maybe? Are you kidding? The man is waving a flag saying..."I AM OBSTRUCTING JUSTICE! Come and get me!

The Stooge he just put in charge of the DOJ will do everything he can to squash this....

You call it "obstructing justice", I call it "dispensing justice."

Hillary should swing from a yardarm on the White House lawn.
And trump put in an Iron Maiden
Only a total Trump buttlicker would not find this news disturbing. Trump, taking a page from third world dictators and his friend and mentor V. Putin, wanted, or rather wants, to use the power of the state to prosecute his enemies. Trump is turning this nation into a banana republic. Trumpers like the political and mental eunuchs they have become will follow Trump and gladly trash and burn the Constitution for their Trumpian God.

Relief will come to the nation one January 1, 2019, but the nation will only reclaim sanity when Trump is flushed down the friggin drain, and we elect a real president who respects and loves the USA, the Constitution and the rule of law.
Yeah, yeah, we lived from 2009 to 2017 with the most radical 3rd world dictator ever in the United States. Fuck you dumbass crybaby petulant little girl.
Triggered dumb shit. Get out of Trump's ass, but I fear it is why to late for you. You're too deep in.
So? Hillary broke the law and lied repeatedly.

So you have proof of that? So I'll save you the time, yes I have proof fox, info wars, breitbart and gateway pundit said so. Yep that's enough to prosecute.

How about Comey's testimony before congress?

He spelled it out in no uncertain terms laws were broke, but he didn't think he could find a prosecutor to charge her.

He didn't bother looking.
No, Comey didnt have balls enough to go up against the Clinton Machine. He would end up dead like all the others who crossed the Clintons.

Recent deaths involving Hillary's 2016 presidential run:

Shawn Lucas – Aug. 2, 2016. On July 3, attorney Shawn Lucas, 38, helped serve the DNC with a lawsuit claiming then-DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz “rigged the primary for Hillary Clinton.” The complaint was served before Wasserman Schultz resigned amid the Wikileaks email scandal on July 24. Less than one month after he helped serve the lawsuit, Lucas’ girlfriend found him dead in his bathroom.
Seth Rich – July 10, 2016. WND reported DNC staffer Seth Rich was murdered near his affluent neighborhood in Washington, D.C. Rich was shot in the back at 4:15 a.m. while he walked home from his girlfriend’s apartment. In an interview, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange suggested that Rich, 27, was the source of the WikiLeaks-exposed DNC emails.
You know what, I can start seeing a pattern with all the liberal who visit this site. They MUST say good things about Hillary(Even though she stole the election from Bernie) because if they dont,(they are registered and can be found out by the Clintons) they too can end up like Seth and Shawn...

View attachment 229986
Only a total Trump buttlicker would not find this news disturbing. Trump, taking a page from third world dictators and his friend and mentor V. Putin, wanted, or rather wants, to use the power of the state to prosecute his enemies. Trump is turning this nation into a banana republic. Trumpers like the political and mental eunuchs they have become will follow Trump and gladly trash and burn the Constitution for their Trumpian God.

Relief will come to the nation one January 1, 2019, but the nation will only reclaim sanity when Trump is flushed down the friggin drain, and we elect a real president who respects and loves the USA, the Constitution and the rule of law.
Yeah, yeah, we lived from 2009 to 2017 with the most radical 3rd world dictator ever in the United States. Fuck you dumbass crybaby petulant little girl.
Triggered dumb shit. Get out of Trump's ass, but I fear it is why to late for you. You're too deep in.
ah, did I make you fangry?

Only a total Trump buttlicker would not find this news disturbing. Trump, taking a page from third world dictators and his friend and mentor V. Putin, wanted, or rather wants, to use the power of the state to prosecute his enemies. Trump is turning this nation into a banana republic. Trumpers like the political and mental eunuchs they have become will follow Trump and gladly trash and burn the Constitution for their Trumpian God.

Relief will come to the nation one January 1, 2019, but the nation will only reclaim sanity when Trump is flushed down the friggin drain, and we elect a real president who respects and loves the USA, the Constitution and the rule of law.

NPC Crowd Trump.jpeg
Maybe? Are you kidding? The man is waving a flag saying..."I AM OBSTRUCTING JUSTICE! Come and get me!

The Stooge he just put in charge of the DOJ will do everything he can to squash this....

You call it "obstructing justice", I call it "dispensing justice."

Hillary should swing from a yardarm on the White House lawn.
And trump put in an Iron Maiden

Sure, that would work for me. Our soldiers stationed at Gitmo used to strap terrorists down to a chair and play Iron Maiden at full volume, until their ears bled.

I could see Hillary going through that.
Only a total Trump buttlicker would not find this news disturbing. Trump, taking a page from third world dictators and his friend and mentor V. Putin, wanted, or rather wants, to use the power of the state to prosecute his enemies. Trump is turning this nation into a banana republic. Trumpers like the political and mental eunuchs they have become will follow Trump and gladly trash and burn the Constitution for their Trumpian God.

Relief will come to the nation one January 1, 2019, but the nation will only reclaim sanity when Trump is flushed down the friggin drain, and we elect a real president who respects and loves the USA, the Constitution and the rule of law.
Yeah, yeah, we lived from 2009 to 2017 with the most radical 3rd world dictator ever in the United States. Fuck you dumbass crybaby petulant little girl.
Triggered dumb shit. Get out of Trump's ass, but I fear it is why to late for you. You're too deep in.
ah, did I make you fangry?

Not me. You apparently lost self-control. To your defense that is not unusual for cultists when their leader is attacked for being a fraud.
Maybe? Are you kidding? The man is waving a flag saying..."I AM OBSTRUCTING JUSTICE! Come and get me!

The Stooge he just put in charge of the DOJ will do everything he can to squash this....

You call it "obstructing justice", I call it "dispensing justice."

Hillary should swing from a yardarm on the White House lawn.
And trump put in an Iron Maiden

How awful.....loud music.
Maybe? Are you kidding? The man is waving a flag saying..."I AM OBSTRUCTING JUSTICE! Come and get me!

The Stooge he just put in charge of the DOJ will do everything he can to squash this....

You call it "obstructing justice", I call it "dispensing justice."

Hillary should swing from a yardarm on the White House lawn.
And trump put in an Iron Maiden

Sure, that would work for me. Our soldiers stationed at Gitmo used to strap terrorists down to a chair and play Iron Maiden at full volume, until their ears bled.

I could see Hillary going through that.

I suspect that being subjected to Bill playing the Saxophone 24/7 would be enough to break hiLIARy.
Only a total Trump buttlicker would not find this news disturbing. Trump, taking a page from third world dictators and his friend and mentor V. Putin, wanted, or rather wants, to use the power of the state to prosecute his enemies. Trump is turning this nation into a banana republic. Trumpers like the political and mental eunuchs they have become will follow Trump and gladly trash and burn the Constitution for their Trumpian God.

Relief will come to the nation one January 1, 2019, but the nation will only reclaim sanity when Trump is flushed down the friggin drain, and we elect a real president who respects and loves the USA, the Constitution and the rule of law.

View attachment 229996

I find these greymen interesting. It is all about projecting. Trumpers act like mindless lemmings. They bow to Trump. They condone any action that Trump does even as it humiliates the US and undermines the US constitution.

You people are like those marchers in Kim's North Korea or the old Soviet Union, where they march in lock step and where the cult of personality rules.
Trump has committed all manner of impeachable offenses – offenses that warrant his removal from office consistent with Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution.

Impeachment is a political – not legal – process; a president can be removed from office via the impeachment process absent alleged criminal wrongdoing; because he's doing a poor job as president, such as Trump.

But that will never happen.

Democrats don’t want Pence as president.

A conviction in the Republican Senate would be impossible.

And the American people would never support removing a president from office absent alleged criminal wrongdoing, as most Americans incorrectly believe that a president must have committed a crime to be impeached.

Indeed, Trump benefits from Americans’ ignorance.

I have read COTUS many times, and have taken ConLaw. No where doe it state, imply or even suggest that the President cannot be served a subpoena and be forced to testify under oath.

We are a nation of laws, if the President refuses the subpoena, we would face a Constitutional crisis. If in fact the Supreme Court decides the President is above the law, for any reason, and their decision is to not force him to testify under oath we will be known as the last free generation.

WASHINGTON — President Trump told the White House counsel in the spring that he wanted to order the Justice Department to prosecute two of his political adversaries: his 2016 challenger, Hillary Clinton, and the former F.B.I. director James B. Comey, according to two people familiar with the conversation.

The lawyer, Donald F. McGahn II, rebuffed the president, saying that he had no authority to order a prosecution. Mr. McGahn said that while he could request an investigation, that too could prompt accusations of abuse of power. To underscore his point, Mr. McGahn had White House lawyers write a memo for Mr. Trump warning that if he asked law enforcement to investigate his rivals, he could face a range of consequences, including possible impeachment.

The encounter was one of the most blatant examples yet of how Mr. Trump views the typically independent Justice Department as a tool to be wielded against his political enemies. It took on additional significance in recent weeks when Mr. McGahn left the White House and Mr. Trump appointed a relatively inexperienced political loyalist, Matthew G. Whitaker, as the acting attorney general.

More: Trump Wanted to Order Justice Dept. to Prosecute Comey and Clinton

This is what third-world dictators do. Is that where we are? What do you think?
There is still hope this can be done, time will tell. I would how ever like to add to the list Soros, and Steyner, Snippes, and others.
Trump has committed all manner of impeachable offenses – offenses that warrant his removal from office consistent with Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution.

Impeachment is a political – not legal – process; a president can be removed from office via the impeachment process absent alleged criminal wrongdoing; because he's doing a poor job as president, such as Trump.

But that will never happen.

Democrats don’t want Pence as president.

A conviction in the Republican Senate would be impossible.

And the American people would never support removing a president from office absent alleged criminal wrongdoing, as most Americans incorrectly believe that a president must have committed a crime to be impeached.

Indeed, Trump benefits from Americans’ ignorance.

I have read COTUS many times, and have taken ConLaw. No where doe it state, imply or even suggest that the President cannot be served a subpoena and be forced to testify under oath.

We are a nation of laws, if the President refuses the subpoena, we would face a Constitutional crisis. If in fact the Supreme Court decides the President is above the law, for any reason, and their decision is to not force him to testify under oath we will be known as the last free generation.

Says only a Progressive pretend to be. You don't know shit.
Trump has committed all manner of impeachable offenses – offenses that warrant his removal from office consistent with Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution.

Impeachment is a political – not legal – process; a president can be removed from office via the impeachment process absent alleged criminal wrongdoing; because he's doing a poor job as president, such as Trump.

But that will never happen.

Democrats don’t want Pence as president.

A conviction in the Republican Senate would be impossible.

And the American people would never support removing a president from office absent alleged criminal wrongdoing, as most Americans incorrectly believe that a president must have committed a crime to be impeached.

Indeed, Trump benefits from Americans’ ignorance.

I have read COTUS many times, and have taken ConLaw. No where doe it state, imply or even suggest that the President cannot be served a subpoena and be forced to testify under oath.

We are a nation of laws, if the President refuses the subpoena, we would face a Constitutional crisis. If in fact the Supreme Court decides the President is above the law, for any reason, and their decision is to not force him to testify under oath we will be known as the last free generation.

What difference does it make anymore? We already have states violating federal law by legalizing marijuana. We have lower-court judges creating their own legislation from the bench, and we saw Obama's Justice Department interfering with a Presidential election.

I say bring it on. Load up the magazines, build the barricades, and burn this sumbitch to the ground.
Maybe? Are you kidding? The man is waving a flag saying..."I AM OBSTRUCTING JUSTICE! Come and get me!

The Stooge he just put in charge of the DOJ will do everything he can to squash this....

You call it "obstructing justice", I call it "dispensing justice."

Hillary should swing from a yardarm on the White House lawn.
And trump put in an Iron Maiden

Sure, that would work for me. Our soldiers stationed at Gitmo used to strap terrorists down to a chair and play Iron Maiden at full volume, until their ears bled.

I could see Hillary going through that.
A little too sharp for her
Only a total Trump buttlicker would not find this news disturbing. Trump, taking a page from third world dictators and his friend and mentor V. Putin, wanted, or rather wants, to use the power of the state to prosecute his enemies. Trump is turning this nation into a banana republic. Trumpers like the political and mental eunuchs they have become will follow Trump and gladly trash and burn the Constitution for their Trumpian God.

Relief will come to the nation one January 1, 2019, but the nation will only reclaim sanity when Trump is flushed down the friggin drain, and we elect a real president who respects and loves the USA, the Constitution and the rule of law.

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I find these greymen interesting. It is all about projecting. Trumpers act like mindless lemmings. They bow to Trump. They condone any action that Trump does even as it humiliates the US and undermines the US constitution.

You people are like those marchers in Kim's North Korea or the old Soviet Union, where they march in lock step and where the cult of personality rules.
There's no will for impeachment in the senate. The only pathway to impeachment i see is if trump gives the military a freakish order and they refuse him and mass resignations begin. Then the senate will impeach.
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So? Hillary broke the law and lied repeatedly.

So you have proof of that? So I'll save you the time, yes I have proof fox, info wars, breitbart and gateway pundit said so. Yep that's enough to prosecute.
All you have to do is read her emails off of her illegal server it covers just about everything you need to put her in jail. The big question are her friends on the DOJ willing to do so. Evil haves no friends is something to remember.

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