Trump Wanted to Order Justice Dept. to Prosecute Comey and Clinton

About time the DOJ went after Hillary and Comey. We have an AG who will do what he's supposed to do.

Your comment strongly suggests you support the United States to devolve and become nothing more than banana republic, where a despot jails opponents, enslaves the people and robs the treasury.

Don't ever claim to be a patriot, you are not even close to being one.

You wouldn't know what a "Patriot" was if one bit you in the ass. You ever fought, killed, or even sweat for you country?

I enlisted in the USNR and served two years (parts of '67, most of '68 and parts of '69) on active duty on a Destroyer doing ASW in the Western Pacific.

My GQ station was in a 5 inch gun, my job was to take a 55 pound projectile from a dumb waiter, and place it in the breach in front of the brass. This task was easier when we were targeting aircraft, other ships or shore targets required a heavy lift, I'm 6'2'' and the breach was just above eye level when a target was at sea level.

Want more detail? I'll be happy to share, now, in the immoral words of Dick Cheney, "go f yourself"
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Clinton's house of cards.
About time the DOJ went after Hillary and Comey. We have an AG who will do what he's supposed to do.

Your comment strongly suggests you support the United States to devolve and become nothing more than banana republic, where a despot jails opponents, enslaves the people and robs the treasury.

Don't ever claim to be a patriot, you are not even close to being one.

You wouldn't know what a "Patriot" was if one bit you in the ass. You ever fought, killed, or even sweat for you country?

I enlisted in the USNR and served two years (parts of '67, most of '68 and parts of '69) on active duty on a Destroyer doing ASW in the Western Pacific.

My GQ station was in a 5 inch gun, my job was to take a 55 pound projectile from a dumb waiter, and place it in the breach in front of the brass. This task was easier when we were targeting aircraft, other ships or shore targets required a heavy lift, I'm 6'2'' and the breach was just above eye level when a target was at sea level.

Want more detail? I'll be happy to share, now, in the immoral words of Dick Cheney, "go f yourself"

You spent a few nights on a ship and cut yourself peeling proud of that purple heart? I'm 5'10" and spent the shit in country. Go for it.
Only a total Trump buttlicker would not find this news disturbing. Trump, taking a page from third world dictators and his friend and mentor V. Putin, wanted, or rather wants, to use the power of the state to prosecute his enemies. Trump is turning this nation into a banana republic. Trumpers like the political and mental eunuchs they have become will follow Trump and gladly trash and burn the Constitution for their Trumpian God.

Relief will come to the nation one January 1, 2019, but the nation will only reclaim sanity when Trump is flushed down the friggin drain, and we elect a real president who respects and loves the USA, the Constitution and the rule of law.

View attachment 229996

I find these greymen interesting. It is all about projecting. Trumpers act like mindless lemmings. They bow to Trump. They condone any action that Trump does even as it humiliates the US and undermines the US constitution.

You people are like those marchers in Kim's North Korea or the old Soviet Union, where they march in lock step and where the cult of personality rules.

They're the Zombie Apocalypse, and their fable can't be killed.
About time the DOJ went after Hillary and Comey. We have an AG who will do what he's supposed to do.
Trump will order the AG to prosecute Clinton and Comey right after he signs that EO to end birthright citizenship. ;)

WASHINGTON — President Trump told the White House counsel in the spring that he wanted to order the Justice Department to prosecute two of his political adversaries: his 2016 challenger, Hillary Clinton, and the former F.B.I. director James B. Comey, according to two people familiar with the conversation.

The lawyer, Donald F. McGahn II, rebuffed the president, saying that he had no authority to order a prosecution. Mr. McGahn said that while he could request an investigation, that too could prompt accusations of abuse of power. To underscore his point, Mr. McGahn had White House lawyers write a memo for Mr. Trump warning that if he asked law enforcement to investigate his rivals, he could face a range of consequences, including possible impeachment.

The encounter was one of the most blatant examples yet of how Mr. Trump views the typically independent Justice Department as a tool to be wielded against his political enemies. It took on additional significance in recent weeks when Mr. McGahn left the White House and Mr. Trump appointed a relatively inexperienced political loyalist, Matthew G. Whitaker, as the acting attorney general.

More: Trump Wanted to Order Justice Dept. to Prosecute Comey and Clinton

This is what third-world dictators do. Is that where we are? What do you think?

You people will try to impeach Trump for farting in bed. Trump told the truth that he would like to grab pussy, you excoriated him over it while Clinton lied under oath - the impeachable offense - about actually grabbing pussy, and you celebrate him.

WASHINGTON — President Trump told the White House counsel in the spring that he wanted to order the Justice Department to prosecute two of his political adversaries: his 2016 challenger, Hillary Clinton, and the former F.B.I. director James B. Comey, according to two people familiar with the conversation.

The lawyer, Donald F. McGahn II, rebuffed the president, saying that he had no authority to order a prosecution. Mr. McGahn said that while he could request an investigation, that too could prompt accusations of abuse of power. To underscore his point, Mr. McGahn had White House lawyers write a memo for Mr. Trump warning that if he asked law enforcement to investigate his rivals, he could face a range of consequences, including possible impeachment.

The encounter was one of the most blatant examples yet of how Mr. Trump views the typically independent Justice Department as a tool to be wielded against his political enemies. It took on additional significance in recent weeks when Mr. McGahn left the White House and Mr. Trump appointed a relatively inexperienced political loyalist, Matthew G. Whitaker, as the acting attorney general.

More: Trump Wanted to Order Justice Dept. to Prosecute Comey and Clinton

This is what third-world dictators do. Is that where we are? What do you think?

An additional little nugget.........Trump discussed his little scheme with none other than the AG chief of know, the guy that Trump stated he hardly knew?
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"Trump will order the prosecution of Clinton and Comey! Trump will order the prosecution of Clinton and Comey! Wooo hooooo!"

You idiots remind me of Charlie Brown always falling for Lucy holding the football.

You never learn that you are being hoaxed.
Good I want them investigated too.....after Trump wins in 2020 maybe he will get it one should be above the law...

WASHINGTON — President Trump told the White House counsel in the spring that he wanted to order the Justice Department to prosecute two of his political adversaries: his 2016 challenger, Hillary Clinton, and the former F.B.I. director James B. Comey, according to two people familiar with the conversation.

The lawyer, Donald F. McGahn II, rebuffed the president, saying that he had no authority to order a prosecution. Mr. McGahn said that while he could request an investigation, that too could prompt accusations of abuse of power. To underscore his point, Mr. McGahn had White House lawyers write a memo for Mr. Trump warning that if he asked law enforcement to investigate his rivals, he could face a range of consequences, including possible impeachment.

The encounter was one of the most blatant examples yet of how Mr. Trump views the typically independent Justice Department as a tool to be wielded against his political enemies. It took on additional significance in recent weeks when Mr. McGahn left the White House and Mr. Trump appointed a relatively inexperienced political loyalist, Matthew G. Whitaker, as the acting attorney general.

More: Trump Wanted to Order Justice Dept. to Prosecute Comey and Clinton

This is what third-world dictators do. Is that where we are? What do you think?

You people will try to impeach Trump for farting in bed. Trump told the truth that he would like to grab pussy, you excoriated him over it while Clinton lied under oath - the impeachable offense - about actually grabbing pussy, and you celebrate him.

When did Hillary lie under oath? Credible proof?
Can America, and the world, survive Trump until 2020? We are living in dangerous and scary times.


Building a wall, to keep invaders out, is not what Hitler is remember for, you, godwinning fool.

Hitler took the guns, got Jesus out of the schools, and took over the healthcare system.

Whose guns

WASHINGTON — President Trump told the White House counsel in the spring that he wanted to order the Justice Department to prosecute two of his political adversaries: his 2016 challenger, Hillary Clinton, and the former F.B.I. director James B. Comey, according to two people familiar with the conversation.

The lawyer, Donald F. McGahn II, rebuffed the president, saying that he had no authority to order a prosecution. Mr. McGahn said that while he could request an investigation, that too could prompt accusations of abuse of power. To underscore his point, Mr. McGahn had White House lawyers write a memo for Mr. Trump warning that if he asked law enforcement to investigate his rivals, he could face a range of consequences, including possible impeachment.

The encounter was one of the most blatant examples yet of how Mr. Trump views the typically independent Justice Department as a tool to be wielded against his political enemies. It took on additional significance in recent weeks when Mr. McGahn left the White House and Mr. Trump appointed a relatively inexperienced political loyalist, Matthew G. Whitaker, as the acting attorney general.

More: Trump Wanted to Order Justice Dept. to Prosecute Comey and Clinton

This is what third-world dictators do. Is that where we are? What do you think?

You people will try to impeach Trump for farting in bed. Trump told the truth that he would like to grab pussy, you excoriated him over it while Clinton lied under oath - the impeachable offense - about actually grabbing pussy, and you celebrate him.

When did Hillary lie under oath? Credible proof?

“At this point, what difference does it make?”

WASHINGTON — President Trump told the White House counsel in the spring that he wanted to order the Justice Department to prosecute two of his political adversaries: his 2016 challenger, Hillary Clinton, and the former F.B.I. director James B. Comey, according to two people familiar with the conversation.

The lawyer, Donald F. McGahn II, rebuffed the president, saying that he had no authority to order a prosecution. Mr. McGahn said that while he could request an investigation, that too could prompt accusations of abuse of power. To underscore his point, Mr. McGahn had White House lawyers write a memo for Mr. Trump warning that if he asked law enforcement to investigate his rivals, he could face a range of consequences, including possible impeachment.

The encounter was one of the most blatant examples yet of how Mr. Trump views the typically independent Justice Department as a tool to be wielded against his political enemies. It took on additional significance in recent weeks when Mr. McGahn left the White House and Mr. Trump appointed a relatively inexperienced political loyalist, Matthew G. Whitaker, as the acting attorney general.

More: Trump Wanted to Order Justice Dept. to Prosecute Comey and Clinton

This is what third-world dictators do. Is that where we are? What do you think?

You people will try to impeach Trump for farting in bed. Trump told the truth that he would like to grab pussy, you excoriated him over it while Clinton lied under oath - the impeachable offense - about actually grabbing pussy, and you celebrate him.

We're way past pussy-grabbing, dude.

WASHINGTON — President Trump told the White House counsel in the spring that he wanted to order the Justice Department to prosecute two of his political adversaries: his 2016 challenger, Hillary Clinton, and the former F.B.I. director James B. Comey, according to two people familiar with the conversation.

The lawyer, Donald F. McGahn II, rebuffed the president, saying that he had no authority to order a prosecution. Mr. McGahn said that while he could request an investigation, that too could prompt accusations of abuse of power. To underscore his point, Mr. McGahn had White House lawyers write a memo for Mr. Trump warning that if he asked law enforcement to investigate his rivals, he could face a range of consequences, including possible impeachment.

The encounter was one of the most blatant examples yet of how Mr. Trump views the typically independent Justice Department as a tool to be wielded against his political enemies. It took on additional significance in recent weeks when Mr. McGahn left the White House and Mr. Trump appointed a relatively inexperienced political loyalist, Matthew G. Whitaker, as the acting attorney general.

More: Trump Wanted to Order Justice Dept. to Prosecute Comey and Clinton

This is what third-world dictators do. Is that where we are? What do you think?

Lakhota wanted Hillary to be president.

Some times we do not get what we want.
So? Hillary broke the law and lied repeatedly.

A president cannot order a prosecution, dope.

Who ordered a prosecution? Seems like it is okay for a pile of stacked up dogshit treasonist can tell the DOJ to investigate his party’s political opponent and that’s alright with lying murdering dimshit, but if a president from the other side says “I want to look into prosecuting “ a person that has clearly violated the law comitted many violations of protocol and admittedly comitted treason by allowing the country you call our main enemy access to mining contracts for fissionable uranium to obtain self enrichment including millions of dollars. It is an offense, you people are truly beyond Insane you are a clear and present danger to this country.
About time the DOJ went after Hillary and Comey. We have an AG who will do what he's supposed to do.

Your comment strongly suggests you support the United States to devolve and become nothing more than banana republic, where a despot jails opponents, enslaves the people and robs the treasury.

Don't ever claim to be a patriot, you are not even close to being one.

You wouldn't know what a "Patriot" was if one bit you in the ass. You ever fought, killed, or even sweat for you country?

I enlisted in the USNR and served two years (parts of '67, most of '68 and parts of '69) on active duty on a Destroyer doing ASW in the Western Pacific.

My GQ station was in a 5 inch gun, my job was to take a 55 pound projectile from a dumb waiter, and place it in the breach in front of the brass. This task was easier when we were targeting aircraft, other ships or shore targets required a heavy lift, I'm 6'2'' and the breach was just above eye level when a target was at sea level.

Want more detail? I'll be happy to share, now, in the immoral words of Dick Cheney, "go f yourself"

You spent a few nights on a ship and cut yourself peeling proud of that purple heart? I'm 5'10" and spent the shit in country. Go for it.

Hey bozo, we didn't have to peal potatoes, we had powdered potatoes cooked in huge stainless steal pots with huge hunks of butter. We also had hot meals each day, a cot with a fart sack and a wool blanket and smokes (I quit long ago) duty free, a carton cost $1.00.

Jar head? When in boot camp we were done for the day in the afternoon. I recall siting on the cement stairs leading to the barracks and hearing the jar heads running and running and running. It made me real hungry when we were called to mess. I still remember the Chocolate Milk and the real butter. Once I had a MRE, not bad if one were starving and sitting in the rain and mud.
Sorry but aside from the ongoing Obstruction of have abuse of power

He ain't gonna make it to 2020...and even if he did...he sure as hell isn't getting elected again

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